Can you take Extra Channel feat multiple times? Official clarification needed

Rules Questions

The feat doesn't say so under the Special section. I guess the note there about the paladin had the rule on taking the feat multiple time forgotten. All the other Extra X feats have that note in their Special section.

Please, we need an official clarification regarding this. Thanks!

encorus wrote:

The feat doesn't say so under the Special section. I guess the note there about the paladin had the rule on taking the feat multiple time forgotten. All the other Extra X feats have that note in their Special section.

Please, we need an official clarification regarding this. Thanks!

Core rulebook, page 113. "If a character has the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description."

So, if a given feat doesn't specifically say there's a benefit in taking it twice, there probably isn't. So no human clerics with 12 channel uses per day at 3rd level.

Yeah you are limited to 10 at first level...

Cha 20 = 5
Base = 3
Extra Channeling feat = 2
Total = 10

Besides you'll want selective channeling too at that point anyways...

Anguish wrote:

Core rulebook, page 113. "If a character has the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description."

So, if a given feat doesn't specifically say there's a benefit in taking it twice, there probably isn't.

I realize that, I just thought this might be a typo, because of all the other "Extra <class ability>" feats that can be taken multiple times.

Well it hasn't been entered in the Errata yet so it currently is not a typo.

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