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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 33 posts (4,027 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters. 14 aliases.

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I ran this for a group of six and found it to be a mostly well written and interesting adventure.

The central mechanic was fresh and unusual (though it took me a few readings to understand the mechanics), the NPCs interesting and well written, and the alternative resolutions available to some of the encounters were very welcome.

The only parts I wasn't as keen on was that one encounter felt disconnected from the others, very easy and not even marked as optional.

Spoilery thoughts:
The hyenas didn't seem connected to the story at all and just bulked out the running time.

I loved both the Mzali and the Nuno encounters because they could be resolved non-violently but it wasn't trivial to do so. I also very much enjoyed the Mngwa's unusual abilities and motivations , and I think the players enjoyed puzzling out the nature of it based on the clues.

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Top Notch low-level fun


Gallows of madness is a beautifully presented, well thought out adventure for first and second level characters. It evokes a spooky atmosphere very well, particularly with the gorgeous art and detailed backstories.

The first part is a well written investigation into some missing local apprentices. It has plenty of material for some great role playing, and fleshes it out with some satisfying encounters that manage to get the story across very well.

The second part is the weakest of the three, mainly because the illusion of choice disappears and it becomes a very linear hike through the woods. Although the encounters en-route were varied and interesting, the big battles at the start and the end were quite samey.

The third part again comes back to the gothic horror, old family estates and creeping mystery that I think Paizo does so well, and mixed in with some Nox Arcana music it was a blast to run.