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chris settlemoir wrote:
i thought id ask everyone this i just preorded this deckm the base game is rise of the rune lords right? same thing with shackles of the mummy etc the adventure packs 1 of 6 stuff like t hat i sthat included in the base game or are those add ons to the base game?
I'm not entirely sure I understand your question, but I hope this will answer it:
The Magus deck can be used with any of the base sets (Rise of the Runelords, Skull and Shackles, Wrath of the Righteous, or Mummy's Mask). It will include three new characters for the game and a bunch of boons that will generally highlight the strengths of the three characters that come in the box.You can also use this deck for organized play scenarios in Season of the Shackles, Season of the Righteous, Season of the Runelords, Season of the Goblin, or Season of Plundered Tombs. In the case of organized play, you can build your deck ONLY with cards that come in the Magus class deck, and upgrading works differently, as explained in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild rulebook.

Zaister |
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
The base sets are self contained. Each base set has 7 characters and can be extended by 4 more by using the appropriate Character Add-On Deck.
Class Decks are different. They contain three thematically connected characters each and can be used to add more characters to a base set, or to play Card Guild Organized Play scenarios.
You do not need class decks to play the game with a base set.

Zaister |
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
On a recent blog about PACG at PaizoCon, Mike wrote this;
Mike Selinker wrote:
In addition to a new take on Seltyiel, we're introducing PACG's first angelkin (you might call her an aasimar), alongside a character that has appeared twice in the RPG line.