The Lost Lands: Sword of Air (PFRPG) PDF

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Frac Cher the dwarf, Flail the Great, Bannor the Paladin, Speigle the Mage, and Helman the Halfling are well known to the fans of Bill's work. This is the game world, and these are the adventures in which the players of these famous characters lived and died. Hundreds of players over the past 35 years have experienced the thrills and terrors of this world. "The Sword of Air" is the centerpiece of the Lost Lands.

Currently, this epic tome consists of several parts:

  • The Hel’s Temple Dungeon—kind of like Tomb of Horrors on crack. This six-level, trap-and-puzzle infested dungeon formed the basis of Bill's game through his high school and college years. Clark Peterson’s very own Bannor the Paladin spent several real life months in the place, and, sadly, finished the objective. This is where the fragments of the fabled Sword of Air can be found…perhaps.
  • The Wilderness of the Lost Lands extending to the humanoid-infested Deepfells Mountains and providing detail about the nearby Wizard’s Wall. This so-called “wall” was raised by the archmages Margon and Alycthron harnessing the Spirit of the Stoneheart Mountains to raise the land itself, creating a massive escarpment to block invaders from the Haunted Steppes. These archmages are actual player characters from the early 1980s who live on in the legends of the Lost Lands. Over 70 unique encounter areas are detailed, and each one is a mini-adventure in itself. New wilderness areas may be added based on bonus goals described below!
  • The Ruined City of Tsen. Legend has it the city was destroyed by a falling meteor. This place forms an aboveground dungeon area the size of a city, with over 100 detailed encounter areas. It’s a very dark place…even at noon.
  • The Wizard’s Feud—This campaign-style adventure pits the players in a long-running series of intrigues and battles between two archmages. Which side will they take? Their actions all play into the overall quest, and could well determine which side wins. Law and Chaos are not always what they seem, and if the wrong decisions are made, the entire ordeal could fail. Remember, one of the wizards WANTS Tsathogga to win.
  • New monsters, new demons, new spells, and new rules for various aspects of play.
  • The Tower of Bells. This dungeon is the result of the workshop Bill ran at PaizoCon 2013, where the participants assisted him in building an old-school dungeon. Visit the tower and discover the secrets of the “artist” within. Beware: those entering may never come out!

What is the Lost Lands?
The Lost Lands is the home campaign world of Necromancer Game's and Frog God Game's own Bill Webb. This campaign has been continuously running since 1977. Many of the adventures published by Necromancer Games and Frog God Games are directly inspired by this campaign. They have evolved over the decades, and more material continues to flow from it as the dice keep rolling.

Sages and wizards of legend speak of the Lost Lands—many of the players who have lived and died in Bill's campaign over the years now have a place in history (in the books).

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A Classic Adventure In The Best Possible Way


Disclaimer: I purchased a physical copy of this book from Frog God Games' website.

All right, first things first! This book is nice - it's a hardcover, full-color product, with plenty of attractive art sprinkled throughout. It's fun to just open it up and flip through the pages, since there's always something there to catch your eye. In fact, more than once I found myself stopping to go "What is that thing!?" as I moved through the pages - and the answer rarely disappointed. This book is also a complete sandbox adventure in its own right, fully capable of taking brand-new PCs all the way to Level 20. If you're looking for a solidly-written exploration game with more of an intrinsic plot than Slumbering Tsar or Rappan Athuk, this is the book you're looking for.

That said, when I describe this as a sandbox, I'm not kidding. It is not a straight campaign in the sense of an Adventure Path - rather, it's a collection of tools and pieces that all work together, but it's fully expected that the GM will read through things and set up the main campaign themselves. This isn't quite a book to simply open and run from - not unless you're really good at improv, anyway. For me, this is neither a positive nor a negative - Frog God Games has always been very honest and clear about the fact that different books are designed for different kinds of games, and Sword of Air is no exception to this.

The bulk of the content is split into eight chapters, each covering a specific area of the adventure. These aren't (quite) meant to be played in direct chronological order, but they do help to organize the information and show you where to look in the book whenever the players are headed to a new region. Unfortunately, I can't go into many details of the plot without a great many spoilers - suffice to say that there are some very interesting locales detailed within the book.

Overall, this book feels like a classic to me - not in the sense of what it could become in the future, but in the sense of what it is right now. Sword of Air isn't an Adventure Path, it's an Adventure - it has an impressively large scale, but with a tight main plot and a lot of things to enjoy along the way. For me, this is the Lost Lands' version of Rise of the Runelords - a fantastic adventure with many of the most famous and popular highlights of the genre, all created with Frog God Games' usual attention to detail and excellence. It's not a skinny book, either - while it's not on the scale of Rappan Athuk or Slumbering Tsar, this book has over five hundred pages of full-color content, and I absolutely believe it's worth the price if you're looking for a long-term adventure for your group.

My overall rating is 5/5 stars, plus a personal recommendation for any group that wants to play a true classic of this gaming genre.

An Amazing Journey: A Deadly Adventure


Reading Sword of Air is like being transported to a different world. I have never read a roleplaying game supplement that did a better job of both offering room to sandbox and a compelling and overarching adventure.

The quality in this tome is unbelievable. While there are a few things that are imperfect (some typos!) overall the quality of the illustrations, the bindings, the paper, and most of all THE IMAGINATION is top notch.

I'd like to encourage anyone who is hesitant due to the price tag. This is an entire adventure path and a sandbox in one, at lower cost and in a higher quality format. This is a beautiful book and the bindings look tough enough that you'll be able to hand this book down to your children with a little care.

This adventure is not for the faint of heart. It is positively deadly and throughout the author encourages DMs not to pull their punches and not cheapen the accomplishments this adventure offers by giving anything away to players.

Players will have to be incredibly well prepared, incredibly wily, and incredibly brave to finish this adventure.

I don't know when I will have the chance to run this (running a Hell's Rebels game atm) but I can't wait to start filling up the obituary at the back.

An review


The massive mega-adventure clocks in at 522 pages, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 3 pages of obituary-slots (this is FGG we're talking about) and 1 page back cover, leaving us with 514 pages of content, so let's dive in...

...but wait, before we do, let me reiterate something: This is not simply a massive module, this is a linchpin, a relic finally realized. For as long as I've been reading Necromancer Games (and later, Frog God Games-modules), I've seen those tantalizing hints, time and again, supplemented by this nasty, trademark "Coming Soon." Anticipation continued to build up - for years. When FGG was created, published Slumbering Tsar, vastly improved Rappan Athuk and then proceeded to release great book after great book - even saving Razor Coast from oblivion - that's when I hoped. when the KS hit, I scrounged together all bucks I could, bought two weeks worth of ramen and pledged. And when the KS' was finished, I sat there - and started honestly dreading the arrival of this book.

Why? Because I have the most insane of expectations for this mega-adventure - years upon years of expectations and improved qualities of previous books - since the days of NG, the world has turned. It is my belief that the average of FGG's oeuvre, quality-wise, significantly exceeds that of NG - NG was the trailblazer, FGG has, at this point, imho surpassed its predecessor. So has Sword of Air changed with it? Is it up to date, or a relic of NG's days in design-aesthetic? All of this does not bode well - usually, when I have high expectations, I tend to end up disappointed. So far for my own mindset going into this.

Genre-wise, Sword of Air is a huge sandbox-adventure that deviates from the player-driven Slumbering Tsar in the key-aspect that it indeed has a metaplot beyond exploration - in fact, this mega-adventure, while providing enough sandboxing, does have a significantly more pronounced plot, is, dare I say, brainier, than most modules of this size. It should also be noted that the modules vast array of maps, all in gorgeous full-color, come with player-friendly versions and my dead-tree copy featured a high-quality, gorgeous hex-map of the areas covered herein.

Indeed, the Gulf of Akados-region as depicted herein, with hex upon hex of things, settlements, dungeons is ridiculously detailed and provides more storylines than I can hope to cover in a review - there is so much material here, you will NOT be wanting for simple material to put your PCs through. Indeed, much like the most detailed settings of old, you can just put this book down as a kind of massive world-guide, push your PCs in and there you go -even with this type of gameplay, ignoring the plotline, this probably has enough gaming material to last you at least a year. So yes, you can wide-open sandbox this beast...but you don't have to.

All right, enough procrastination - this being an adventure-review, from here on out reign the SPOILERS. Potential players should jump to the conclusion.




If you're a player, jump ahead - or Tsathogga AND Orcus may well descend on you and consume your soul!




All right, only GMs left? Great! First of all: This mega-adventure has one of the most surprising primary antagonists you'll ever see - unless your players are exceedingly paranoid, to the point they even exceed the paranoia of mine, they will NOT see the revelation of the true mastermind coming -and indeed, a lot hangs in the balance here. This book is an epic quest that spans multiple artifacts, with, obviously, the Sword of Air taking a central role. The PCs are drawn into this epic via the feud of two archwizards Kayden and Sorten, who face an issue of mutually-assured destruction - a theme that has an intriguing resonance in the subtext of the module that sets Sword of Air, intentionally or not, apart - and yes, I used the word "epic" in the truly intended context with all the ramifications of this word: Sword of Air puts A LOT at stake, and all in the player's hands - with a distinct chance that the PCs and players may unwittingly unleash doom upon all of the Lost Lands. The stakes, though it may seem otherwise, are apocalyptic indeed.

While the general notion is that the PCs are recruited by the...let's say, less than nice wizard Kayden to get him the Shagaspondium, a legendary item and the first trail towards the Sword of Air, this mega-adventure very much has more for you to do than you can ever want - strange ruins dot the landscape. Dragon-families with funny names engage in an ancient family feud. Vampire princesses lie entombed in small dungeons. A lycanthropic gnoll-lord rules over their people in a massive mountain-fortress - all of these come fully mapped and yes, certain forests contain dark secrets at their center - and the domains of the two arch-wizards, with their excessive details, also should be considered intriguing. The production-values have to be mentioned here - this book has A LOT of artwork and cartography - many of which can be considered stunning. The full-color renditions, especially of mechanisms and areas (less so for characters) are absolutely awesome and help immersion immensely. Speaking of which - the level of detail, should you prefer simulationalist approach, includes handy lists of food-consumption and areas containing a lot of NPCs, you'll enjoy the schedules that depicts when character xyz is here and when not. It should also be noted that the NPC-builds are a tad more creative and versatile than in most FGG-books, with plenty of multiclassing and archetyping.

But, beyond all of this, you should also be aware that, by infiltration or alliance, sooner or later, the PCs will need to actually enter the Plane of Shadow - in this wasteland, titanic shadow giants loom and the exploration of the wasteland is one step above the challenge of the basic range and of what one would expect - within the depths of this desolation, umbral dragons loom, deadly woods are home to life-draining monsters and a mad apprentice has the key to the tomb of Aka Bakar - but curious PCs may just as well try to foil the deadly Night Queen. Or what about traveling the shadow sea? Need something more epic - well, there is a chance that the artifacts of the deadly shadow giant deity Knew Koth is resurrected - his dread stats are provided...

Speaking of Aka Bakar's tomb- the dungeon is deadly, but you knew that much, right? Fact is, it's also, much like the basic plotline, a place where brains are just as required as brawns - the numerous, smart puzzles provided within this massive complex provide a great change of pace from the deadly adversaries, unique foes and lethal traps - and yes, there are some traps herein that will TPK foolish groups - much like Rappan Athuk and similarly challenging modules, this is NOT playing around...though, at least in my opinion, the whole complex adheres to an internal consistency beyond what e.g. RA delivers - the complex not only felt thoroughly unique and alive, it simply is awesome and feels organic, logical.

But what to do with the Sword of Air, should the PCs recover it? One thing is clear - this sword in the stone has brought untold suffering and needs to be taken care of - but how to destroy it? Well, this is where the massive book essentially splits its direction - unless you direct things otherwise, of course. Researching the means of destruction, unlike with most artifacts, can yield two options - but that may not be apparent for the PCs. The most rewarding option may be to send them in the direction of method A) and then have them realize that something is amiss. If only, because missing out on even a bit of the Wasteland of Tsen would be a crime in my book. Do you recall my incessant gushing about Slumbering Tsar's Desolation back in the day? Well, at this point, the Wasteland of Tsen, horribly irradiated and providing tables upon tables of mutations, constitutes perhaps one of my favorite areas ever depicted in a fantasy roleplaying game. Utterly unique and strange, with ample of deadly creatures, this desolate place with its delightfully tentacled squirrel-swarms and unique hazards and creatures hides more than the remnants of a fantastical fallout - essentially, from the temple hidden beneath the dead lake to the massive, ruined city, this gigantic, impressively-detailed exploration takes the former awesome components and one-ups them in imagery and iconic themes - and below do lie the lead mines of Tsen, where maddened clerics of Arden defend the Heart of their dead god - and with it, one of the options to destroy the doom-bringing Sword of Air once and for all.

The other option, of course, involves researching the existence of a legendary beast of Tarrasque-like proportions (and a CR of 27) that happens to be immortal. No, this is not the highest level CR the PCs can stumble into - one endgame-scenario can be summed as literally "The world is doomed." Now matter how you play this gigantic beast - no matter, how things turn out - getting through this in any way is a feat - a true achievement.

I am waging a gamble: This will surpass Rappan Athuk at one point in its legend. Why? Because its storyline is compelling and because it does engage the brains and all problem-solving skills of a group beyond what most modules dare to do - from opposite-battles to research and schemes within schemes to the ridiculously awesome locations, this book is stunning. And since I can't really properly convey that - this book contains almost 100 pages of maps. No, I am NOT kidding. Each and every little halfway feasible locale is mapped. This is beyond concise and extensive. And yes, as always, we get copious monsters and magic items and, and , and - but ultimately, everything pales before this module.

And yes, I will remain this opaque here - you should get this and read it yourself. I can't properly convey this book's impact.


Editing and formatting are top-notch - for a book of this size to have this level of cohesion is more than just remarkable - it's a feat in itself. Layout...oh boy - this book is gorgeous full color, glossy paper and sports absolutely stunning, video-game artbook-level beautiful illustrations...a lot of them. Contrasted with this level of realism and beauty are callbacks to old-school artworks, mainly represented in the character-artworks that depict those guys - personally, I didn't like the comic- style employed in some of them, but that is a matter of taste. I just wished they had adhered to the style depicted in the landscape-shots - why? Because both the book and the artwork conspire to evoke a unique atmosphere. More on that below. The pdf comes fully bookmarked with nested bookmarks and my hardcover is gorgeously stitch-bound with the level of quality I've come to expect from FGG.

All right. When I first began this review, I used an approach similar to that of Quests of Doom - short run-downs of the story-lines, then moving on. This does not work here. There is simply too much potential contained within these pages. In fact, my previous review of this was bloated beyond recognition, at a point where no one would have read it. Why? A line from Antimatter comes to mind "If you look at me from your own century, I must seem like strange archaeology."

This is, in my opinion, all that is great about old-school gaming. Much like games like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, this plunges you into a world, where wonder, death and danger lurk at every corner - where strange things abound. Much like Slumbering Tsar, this evokes a sense of an ancient world that has moved on, a massive, storied place that has always existed - where each hill may hide new questions, new answers. Indeed, for the first time since Tsar, I felt reminded of why I truly adored this gritty style - the comparison that comes to mind, is the honorable Judge's Guild, the Wilderness of High Fantasy.

This is, what frankly only a book of this size could conceivably offer - a simulation. A massive simulation of a huge region that is organic, filled to the brim with awesome adventure, weirdness, Easter-eggs...all without delving into the ridiculous. Yes, you may find a purple demon-cow...but you may also unearth some strange ruins, find truly unique creatures or even test your mettle against a god long-thought dead.

Sword of Air is hard - but not because of it being unfair. Yes, you will need to run and yes, sometimes, the characters will die...but the true accomplishment of this book is that it sports a central narrative for the GM to use to get things on track. Essentially, this could be considered a synthesis of the massive strengths of Slumbering Tsar, coupled with a central plot-line that is more consistent than its brethren. What brethren am I talking about? Well, obviously the classic sagas that revolved around a certain axe that lords of the stout folk used to wield and, more fittingly, perhaps - the Rod of the 7 Parts. Sword of Air mops the floor with them and takes their lunch-money, while beating Rappan Athuk up with its free hand.

This gigantic masterpiece is more evocative than all of those, is challenging and clever - it dares to demand smart and attentive players. It dabbles in the weird and uncommon. It has an utterly unique adversary, sports some of the most iconic locales available in this generation of modules and does all of that while maintaining its focus, its leitmotif and putting literally all choice within the hands of the experienced GM - where, ultimately, that belongs.

Don't get me wrong - I love APs and their tight stories, but this is something different - this is a way of forging your own story, with options galore to insert whatever modules you're itching to run. Unlike a regular AP, this is pretty much a world-immersion-experience in a sense one only rarely sees - because it is extremely hard to pull off. In the hands of even only a good writer, cohesion is lost and the settlement of amazons feels out of place, everything dissolves. Well, Bill Webb is anything but "only good" - this Magnum Opus is perhaps the ultimate proof of his vast imaginative potential.

Sword of Air is an absolute masterpiece and even among Bill Webb's extensive canon of superb modules, it stands out at one step beyond, further enhanced by the FGG crew going the extra mile regarding the sheer number of foes and the increased optimization of builds of foes. Add to that the vast amount of art and cartography and we have, quite frankly, a book for the ages.

There is something very wrong with the world if this does not become a truly legendary book, a milestone - Sword of Air is quite frankly a book that only happens every couple of years, one that is so good, so fun, so unique, I'm running out of superlatives - fast. If a new generation of gamers wants to know why those grognard's eyes glaze over when the classics are mentioned, when you never really got what is supposed to be great about something like Rappan Athuk - then this book is for you. Because more so than RA, it represents what is best about this type of gaming. It challenges the mind, it inspires, it is unbound and wild and free and epic beyond what a lesser tome could hope to achieve.

In case my gushing diatribes were not ample clue - the only book in the current generation of modules that comes close to this in scope and quality of atmosphere would be Slumbering Tsar - and, personally, I actually like Sword of Air a bit more, if only because it is a tad bit more focused and has the benefit of the narrative being there to guide the PCs back on trek if they get lost in the sandboxing. I firmly believe that this book is a must-own book that belongs into the library of any DM looking for a challenge, looking to understand what a truly free, and yet intelligent and focused sandbox can be.

Sword of Air is a masterpiece, gets 5 stars + seal of approval and is, obviously, a candidate for the number 1-slot of my Top Ten of 2015. This mega-adventure does everything right. Get it and never let go - this will be a classic in the generations to come; to me, it already is one.

Endzeitgeist out.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Now available!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I asked this on the store blog announcement, but I'll repeat my question here also ...

Any relation to "Sword of Air" and the sword/artifact (minor/major) from the Age of Worms AP in Dungeon Magazine (which I think was also called Sword of Air (or Sword of Air and Lightning))?



No relation, as far as I know. This is frog Frog God Games' home world.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

No relation at all.

I have read most of the book and the Sword of Air is a very specific item.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks for all the above replies ... and now I have another question ...

I see this is "just" a PDF ... will it (at any time) be available as a "print/PDF" combo ... or even just print?

(I have no problem with a "print/PDF" combo ... I purchased Stoneheart Valley and Lost City or Barakus in the combos) and I was all set to purchase the Sword of Air ... but I was hoping for print (with PDF) not just a PDF at this time.

Thanks in advance.


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I think if you go to the Frogs website you can get the combo now, and it will likely be available here but the book has not been printed yet. It is at the printers now and will be here in I believe April. Maybe sooner, maybe later.

Just to add a bit to what Shem said, it is the usual practice of FGG to include the PDF with a hardcover purchase.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks both of you (Shem and silverhair). It's something to consider, either way. :)

That's if you buy the hardcover through FGG, not on Paizo. You will only get the bundle on Paizo if FGG approves it.

SO is this an actual module? or just like a story?

It is actually a connected group of 8 modules that half of them had been published separately under Necromancer Games in the 3.5 era. They have been modified some to connect into a larger grouping.

Can anyone tell me which beastiaries would be needed to run this? I have the Paizo 1-3 but not 4.

Same for "city of barakus" and "stoneheart valley" ?

Pretty please?

Thanks in advance :-)

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I think you'll be OK: most monsters are from Bestiary 1. There's some from Tome of Horrors Complete, but stat blocks are included for those in the text. This is the case for Sword of Air, Barakus and Stoneheart Valley.

Frog God are really good at including stat blocks in the all the places that you need them. Some standard monsters just have a bestiary reference, but all of these are in the PRD if you don't have the appropriate book on hand.

shadram wrote:

I think you'll be OK: most monsters are from Bestiary 1. There's some from Tome of Horrors Complete, but stat blocks are included for those in the text. This is the case for Sword of Air, Barakus and Stoneheart Valley.

Frog God are really good at including stat blocks in the all the places that you need them. Some standard monsters just have a bestiary reference, but all of these are in the PRD if you don't have the appropriate book on hand.

Awesome, thanks much for the info.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Reviewed first on, then submitted to GMS magazine, Nerdtrek and posted here, on Lou Agresta's RPGaggression, on OBS and's shop.

Mmmm I don't know how to add a review to this. I'll do a more fulsome review if I can figure it out, but this book is great, highly recommended.

@ cycnet,
Go to the top of this thread and click on the tab that says "Product Review", then click on the "Write a review". It's just that easy.

silverhair2008 wrote:

@ cycnet,

Go to the top of this thread and click on the tab that says "Product Review", then click on the "Write a review". It's just that easy.


So, bought this on a lark, and now I'm hooked. Going to run it, but I wondered; is there a sort of "Players Guide" that I can also get, so I can give my players a decent summary of the region for them to make there characters, where the various races come from, etc?

It doesn't seem like there is, from what I've read--with the Campaign Setting still being in development, iirc--but I figured I'd ask.

To the best of my knowledge, no, there is not a Player's Guide for Sword of Air.

GM Rednal wrote:
To the best of my knowledge, no, there is not a Player's Guide for Sword of Air.

Didn't think so. The various races of the Lost Lands aren't detailed in another book, are they? I've still got a little play money left...

Hmm... well, things are mostly split apart by area, and the world seems like it's still being built... but the Borderland Provinces Player's Gazeteer might be a good place to start. I don't have that one myself, but I think it covers relevant stuff in that region of the Lost Lands, presumably including races and an explanation of the countries and such. I don't know exactly where Sword of Air takes place (not off the top of my head, anyway), but it's probably somewhere people from that region could go.

It is above the Borderland Provinces in the region known as the Gulf of Akados. And yes the BP Players' Gazetteer should have most of what you would need about the races of the Lost Lands.

EDIT: If you don't find the Gazetteer here it can be found here . Along with the Gulf of Akados map.

silverhair2008 wrote:

It is above the Borderland Provinces in the region known as the Gulf of Akados. And yes the BP Players' Gazetteer should have most of what you would need about the races of the Lost Lands.

EDIT: If you don't find the Gazetteer here it can be found here . Along with the Gulf of Akados map.

If I'm reading this right (bought it and the Stoneheart Valley adventure, too; I am poor again...)the Borderland Provinces are to the southwest of the area where the Sword of Air takes place, correct?

Pathfinder Creative Director, Frog God Games

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Borderland Provinces are mainly due south of the area covered in Sword of Air, and the Sundered Kingdoms are southeast or it. Southwest of the Sword of Air areas would be the Kingdoms of Foere, which we have not yet published.


Just in passing, how do you pronounce "Foere"?

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:

The Borderland Provinces are mainly due south of the area covered in Sword of Air, and the Sundered Kingdoms are southeast or it. Southwest of the Sword of Air areas would be the Kingdoms of Foere, which we have not yet published.


Ah, mkay. Also, does anyone know of any Play-by-Posts, Actual Plays, or Podcasts of Sword of Air? Doesn't matter the edition, but I'm just curious how other DMs have run it.

Would the upcoming Bard's Gate reproduction be a useful source of background information for Sword of Air?

Is Apothasalos (did I spell that right?) mentioned in Sword of Air detailed in any of the older books from Necromancer Games? If so, which one?

Steve Geddes wrote:
Just in passing, how do you pronounce "Foere"?

Foh air

I would guess.

I'd pronounce it like FÖ-RE. (Link) But I'm both not an English native speaker and a Scandinavian language geek... ;P

Just wondering how similar this is in style to Slumbering Tsar. I'm pretty disappointed in the way that product slathers on room after room of monsters with very little backstory or believability around the location of monsters. For the money, and based on some reviews, I expected to see a living world with believable ecologies and interactions between things in the world.

Any thoughts?

Aaaaand reviewed here on

@Coffee Demon: I'm pretty late with a comment here, but Slumbering Tsar was basically a "ruined city" adventure. Sword of Air here has more of an actual plot for the characters to follow, so it's definitely a different feel.

@Rednal: Totally agree with your review; to me, this book is already a legend.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

i've purchased this and sent it to myself as an attachment for easy reading in my email, but gmail seems to have difficulty opening such a large file. is there a way to download each chapter separately?

Nope, it's one file. However, you could upload it to your own dropbox account, for example.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

what i liked about the sword of air-
intriguing backstory, plot, primary npcs, and antagonist.
many fun easter eggs and inside jokes, including a reference to monty python and the holy grail.
it has a magic toilet!
effectively uses "mofo."

what i disliked about the sword of air-
careless editing throughout.
has a marilith described as "lion-headed" (a potentially awesome variation), but whose picture on the next page depicts the classic human-headed demon.
has a good-aligned dragon who doesn't seem to have a name.

Bill Webb wrote:
The Hel’s Temple Dungeon—kind of like Tomb of Horrors on crack.

this assessment isn't even close to accurate.

still, a magic toilot!

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