Foundry 20% off for 1 year anniversary

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think it's worth $50 but why not get it on sale if you can? It's their one year anniversary and on sale on their website. I know this isn't specific to pathfinder but thought the most people who could benefit would see here. Probably the most robust VTT platform for the game at this time.

Just got it. Kind of sad that the automated animation module doesn't work with Pathfinder 2e for now x)

I cannot recommend Foundry enough. Such a fantastic VTT. if you are currently paying Roll20, get this. Blows it completely outta the water.

Sovereign Court

Was just thinking of taking the plunge, done!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

WTH? You're telling me that I bought it ONE day too early!?


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Does anyone know if I could reasonably use Foundry as a replacement for Hero Lab Online for PF2 and Starfinder, given the available character sheet/builder capabilities?

Grand Lodge

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I don't have a problem with Foundry and its a good product, but its not patently/universally better than Roll20 (which I use) or the other options available. My advice is not to just buy into the hype because its on sale. Take a look at the options available for all the VTTs and select the one you feel does the best for you. A little research will save your from buyer's remorse later. Good luck!

Sovereign Court

As someone who is fine with roll20, Foundry is soooo much better. Believe the hype! Also, you get 30 days to decide if you like it.

WatersLethe wrote:
Does anyone know if I could reasonably use Foundry as a replacement for Hero Lab Online for PF2 and Starfinder, given the available character sheet/builder capabilities?

You could get away with using it like that, but there's no Charactermancer planned for the sheet (PF2E at least, not sure about the Starfinder sheet). The proficiency numbers and class features are auto-added/adjusted on level-up, but you still need to drag-and-drop your feat choices, and manually add your ability scores in.

There are modules that let you import Pathbuilder sheets and HLO sheets into Foundry to generate your character, but there's no step-by-step process for building characters in Foundry itself, no.

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WatersLethe wrote:
Does anyone know if I could reasonably use Foundry as a replacement for Hero Lab Online for PF2 and Starfinder, given the available character sheet/builder capabilities?

For P2e I think you could--no idea on Starfinder as I don't play that. The P2e character sheet will auto-fill based on your character's level and class and give you slots for feats. I don't think it'll filter for you based on prerequisites, though, so YMMV and you have to know what you're looking for a bit.

You can also currently import from the Pathbuilder app. I don't think you can import from the web version quite yet.


And as a years-long Roll20 subscriber who just got Foundry within the last month, the change for me is night and day. You have to do some fiddling and find some modules to really customize it, but it's well worth it.

The performance is better, the automation is much easier and smoother, practically every rule I need to run the game is already loaded in and ready to go at a click. It's great. My players noticed a distinct improvement and it's much smoother on their end too. Click and drag party loot, every ability at their fingertips... I don't even need my second monitor with pdfs up anymore, it's all right there.

I'm not usually one to gush, but it's been like Christmas playing with my new toy. Lots of fun.

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Foundry is absolutely better than Roll20 on both sides of the GM screen. Roll20 is decent with a subscription, but there are still many things it lacks. I don’t regret switching one bit.

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Yeah Roll20 has just about (not quite) the same features IF you subscribe. Otherwise, so long as your hardware is decent, Foundry is just plain better. It has better PF2 support to boot. About my only con is that people can't just logon to fiddle with characters, but the ease of levelling in Pathfinder and Foundry itself makes that close to moot.

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Malk_Content wrote:
About my only con is that people can't just logon to fiddle with characters, but the ease of levelling in Pathfinder and Foundry itself makes that close to moot.

Actually if you follow the tutorial they have available for setting up an Oracle free cloud server, they can do just that. I went through the setup and its been fantastic and is free for as long as Oracle offers free server systems (which shows no signs of changing).

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm finding that I can't align maps to the grid on Foundry nearly as easily as I can Roll20.

I picked up the PF2e PDF Converter module though and it imported everything for my Extinction Curse game beautifully, including perfectly aligned maps. They're low resolution though, which sucks. The module said that I could upload the official map packs and flip maps and such, and it would automatically replace the low rez maps in my games, but sadly, they only support that for certain adventure paths right now, of which Extinction Curse is not one. Boo.

So far I'm liking Roll20 better because it's simpler. I'm enamored with all of Foundry's tools and features, but I'm going to have to invest a lot of time into learning and setup first. That's a problem for me, as it means I'm never going to be able to talk my players over to it, since they have even less time to learn a new system than I do.

Liberty's Edge

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I've found that Foundry is a pretty significant learning curve for the GM, as it has got a lot of differences on the back end (especially if you're unfamiliar with dealing with self-hosting servers, etc). For players, it wasn't very different - they have a character sheet, same as Roll20, click on it to roll things, and can use the tools from a bar in the same place as Roll20. There was very little learning required for them to get to the same point as Roll20 :)

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