Pathfinder Cards: Deluxe Harrow Deck

4.20/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Divine your destiny with the Deluxe Harrow Deck, the legendary fortune-telling deck of the Pathfinder RPG world! With this 54-card, full-color set of fortune-telling cards, you’ll learn how to include the Harrow in any Pathfinder RPG game, and enhance play with rule cards detailing spells, fortune-telling methods, and other insights. With vivid art, patterned backing, and a size common to many real-world tarot decks, the Deluxe Harrow Deck straddles the lines between game supplement and storytelling set piece. Master the Harrow and make the future anything you desire!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-652-2

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop

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Pathfinder Cards: Deluxe Harrow Deck Pathfinder Cards: Deluxe Harrow Deck Pathfinder Cards: Deluxe Harrow Deck

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.20/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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If you are a Golarion-fiend like me, you need this product


This deck isn't just useful for all of the colorful divination. This deck is also useful for Golarion's card games such as "Illusionist" and "Last Azlant", found in the Harrow Handbook, which is an "unnecessary must" for this product. Furthermore, you can use them as ideas for voices, settings, plots, and more on the fly.

I don't have any valid criticisms for this product. The shipping time was extremely reasonable.

Be prepared to take another step into the pool of Golarion Lore.

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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It was on backorder when Justin the Big posted. The reprint arrived just this morning!

Any chance for a PDF purchase? Asking for a friend :)

Marketing & Media Manager

redeux wrote:
Any chance for a PDF purchase? Asking for a friend :)

We are focusing Starfinder and Pathfinder Second Edition first, but never say never.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
We are focusing Starfinder and Pathfinder Second Edition first, but never say never.

(emphasis added)

Adventure Path "Agents of Edgewatch", #160 Assault On Hunting Lodge Seven
pg 66

Groups wanting to elevate their experiences with the harrow can also purchase the Deluxe Harrow Deck from or their local game shop and use the physical cards as part of their campaigns! The Deluxe Harrow Deck includes information on performing harrow readings along with rules for playing towers--a game of bluffing, luck, and strategy that uses the harrow deck.

It's already being sold as a PF2 Accessory. Looking forward to the .jpg files being added to my downloads ;-)

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CrystalSeas wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
We are focusing Starfinder and Pathfinder Second Edition first, but never say never.

(emphasis added)

Adventure Path "Agents of Edgewatch", #160 Assault On Hunting Lodge Seven
pg 66

Groups wanting to elevate their experiences with the harrow can also purchase the Deluxe Harrow Deck from or their local game shop and use the physical cards as part of their campaigns! The Deluxe Harrow Deck includes information on performing harrow readings along with rules for playing towers--a game of bluffing, luck, and strategy that uses the harrow deck.
It's already being sold as a PF2 Accessory. Looking forward to the .jpg files being added to my downloads ;-)

Haha, tricky, but converting the Deluxe Harrow Deck to PDF is not on anyone's immediate task list. We are uploading PDF + JPG versions of accessories going forward. And we trying to work on the backlog of maps to convert. Doing what we can with limited resources. :) Read more: s

Understandable, thanks for the response Aaron!

FWIW I also bought this to use for PF2 (abomination vaults, though not specifically called out for there). With the lack of a PDF/JPG's I instead went and bought the physical cards and digitized them to use in my VTT. It worked and I think the quality is decent enough but I absolutely love the digital downloads for the PF2 accessories and would re-buy these harrow cards in digital format if given the chance.

Since this exists IRL, no more replacement of harrow cards in-game?

No "The Homebrew"?

Paizo Employee Starfinder Senior Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Laclale♪ wrote:

Since this exists IRL, no more replacement of harrow cards in-game?

No "The Homebrew"?

You could definitely homebrew cards, using several of the existing Harrow cards in this product as proxies. In fact, The Harrow Handbook discusses several in-world Harrow cards that are uncommon in or retired from most decks—or even legendarily rare, only appearing under supernatural circumstances. In addition, the book contains fun lore about the Harrow Deck, so you might find yourself enjoying the existing cards even more. But again, adapt the product as you need for your home game.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Compton wrote:
The Harrow Handbook[/url] discusses several in-world Harrow cards that are uncommon in or retired from most decks—or even legendarily rare, only appearing under supernatural circumstances.

One of my characters is on a quest to find out more about a non-standard Harrow card that is included in a deck she inherited. In her grandmother's deck, The Owl is missing and there's a different image on the true neutral/stars card.

The product is now marked as unavailable. Will we be seeing more made available and/or a PDF now? :)

I already own it but I've been recommending it to fellow GM's to use

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
redeux wrote:

The product is now marked as unavailable. Will we be seeing more made available and/or a PDF now? :)

I already own it but I've been recommending it to fellow GM's to use

Noted. No plans to announce.

The Harrow Deck is mentioned in Dark Archive playtest, and I'm assuming it will be mentioned in the full release more than once.

Currently, are there any plans to make the Harrow deck more accessible so we can use it in our games that use Dark Archive material? Digital download, or perhaps made available on Foundry as per your recent partnership?

Still no plan, as Aaron said?

Marketing & Media Manager

We have no Harrow Deck announcements to make today.

No chance of releasing the Lost Cards as an Expansion?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Harrow Deck is having a new version release May 2023, with digital options. At long last!

Pathfinder Harrow Deck

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