Pathfinder Adventure Path #78: City of Locusts (Wrath of the Righteous 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

3.10/5 (based on 8 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #78: City of Locusts (Wrath of the Righteous 6 of 6) (PFRPG)
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Chapter 6: "City of Locusts"
by Richard Pett

The Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path concludes with “City of Locusts,” a thrilling climax by fan-favorite author Richard Pett! The heroes of the Fifth Crusade have risen to heights of power undreamed of and have dealt blow after blow to the demonic armies of the Worldwound. As they return to Golarion from the Abyss, though, they find that their enemies are no longer sending minions after them—they've drawn the attention of not only the leaders of the Worldwound, but that of their demonic patron, Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host. The method for closing the Worldwound permanently lies within the heroes’ grasp, but in order to do so they must venture where no crusader has ever returned from intact. They must enter the crumbling City of Locusts to defeat its demonic ruler, but even this is but a stepping stone to the final battle against Deskari himself!

“City of Locusts” is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 18th-level characters who have gained nine mythic tiers. The adventure utilizes rules from Mythic Adventures in order to portray a campaign of truly epic potential. An exploration of the apocalyptic cult of Deskari, along with an article filled with suggestions for how to both continue this campaign and to launch a new one in the transformed Worldwound after the heroes succeed (or perhaps fail) round out this volume, along with a bestiary of several monsters (including the final demon lord to be presented during the campaign!) and part six of Robin D. Laws's Pathfinder Journal novella!

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world’s oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-587-7

"City of Locusts" is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.6 MB PDF).

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Out of left field


So, the PCs spend five modules building up their armies, preparing to take on the hordes of the Abyss aaaaand...

A bunch of NPCs from some novels solve a major plot point for them. They leave their armies behind to go to the center of the Worldwound and find what STRANGE MYSTERIES await them there. What crazy amazing secret lies at the center of the Worldwound, you might ask?

A demonic brothel. After five epic modules, the PCs go hang out in a demonic brothel for some weird reason.

I have no idea who decided this was a good idea, but this module was really Paizo showing its embarrassing side in every possible way. I have run this AP twice, and I always have to throw out this module entirely. I wish I hadn't even bought it, because it just takes up space on my shelf. God forbid you have female players in your game, because in addition to being a totally out of left field module, it is EXTREMELY LIKELY to make them EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE as your male players giggle about which demon they want to bang.

Look up the Storm King's stats online and write your own ending. You cannot possibly do a worse job on your own, even if you tried.

A somewhat anti-climactic end to an epic AP


Just to get this out of the way, let me start with the following obligatory advice:

Advice on adjusting the difficulty level of this AP:
Before running this AP, I was warned that the power of mythic PCs quickly outpaced the difficulty of the encounters the AP provides. Despite taking a number of precautions to mitigate this (having players use a 10 point-buy, applying advanced templates to every mythic creature, etc), I found this to be true.

In light of our experiences, and those reported on the boards, the consensus seems to be that there are two generally viable ways to deal with these problems:

Option 1: Power-down the PCs.

(a) Don't give the PCs mythic ranks.

(b) [Optional:] Use the Hero Point system introduced in the APG, and give the PCs a number of Hero Points per day equal to the number of mythic ranks they're supposed to have. (This makes players a bit more robust.)

(c) More or less play the AP as is. (Though there are a couple of encounters in book 6 that will probably need to be made a bit easier).

Option 2: Power-up the encounters.

(a) Give the PCs mythic ranks as the AP suggests (possibly with the nerfs suggested in Mythic Solutions).

(b) Use the (vastly) upgraded stat blocks presented in Sc8rpi8n_mjd's modified stat blocks document to upgrade encounters, and then further multiply the HPs given in the stat blocks by something like (creature's mythic rank+3)/3. (For more optimized players you may need to multiply HPs even more.)

Our experience, FWIW: We played books 1-4 more or less as is, and (despite my efforts to boost and combine encounters) found books 3 and 4 to be far too easy to be fun. We then adopted something like option 2 for books 5 and 6, and found that to be much more challenging and enjoyable. But we also found that combat can take forever -- don't be surprised if you find yourself needing to spend more than one session to get through a fight.

For the conclusion to an epic AP, the story of this leg of the AP feels oddly uneven. Parts feel appropriately epic -- the PCs fighting the Storm King, and working to permanently close the Worldwound. But other parts feel oddly out of place -- the players are supposed to spend a while working through a demonic brothel whose entire staff and clientele combined couldn't come close to threatening a single mythic PC at this level, and the lead-up to the finale is... a dungeon crawl filled with a number of high level mythic opponents on a par with the Storm King, who I guess were just sitting around for some reason?... An unfortunately anti-climactic way to wrap up the story in this AP.

As with the previous legs of this AP, most of the encounters in this AP are far too easy for mythic PCs. Happily, the gap here is a bit less than it was in books 4 and 5 -- for the first time in this AP we get a couple encounters that are probably too difficult for non-mythic PCs. Unfortunately, these encounters are still trivially easy for mythic PCs.

--Fun of playing this leg of the AP, as written: 1/5
--Fun of the story of this leg of the AP: 4/5
--Total score: 2.5/5 (rounded down)

An Impressive Ending For A Great Adventure Path


City of Locusts was a satisfying and exciting end for a fantastic adventure path. Its pace is quite fast, so PCs had better be ready to fight, and fight hard.

Drezen will be pretty much under constant attack, so the more troops and allies PCs have managed to make, the better off everyone will be. Even NPC companions from the first adventure can be of help in this final installment.

Encounters with the final villains of Wrath of the Righteous may prove to be emotional for players. The battle with the Storm King was deadly and horrifying. He may be one of the most powerful opponents ever encountered in an adventure path. Areelu was also a dangerous foe, and her destruction will be satisfying for any PCs who have been personally hurt by her actions. The saddest and most unexpected battle was against the fallen spirit of Terendelev. Our players were heartbroken to know their rescuer had been suffering this whole time.

By the end of the adventure, players will be very pleased with all they’ve managed to accomplish. At 20 levels and 10 mythic tiers, characters will be as strong as they could ever hope to be. The module even offers advice for what such mighty characters may want to do next, such as start their own kingdoms, organizations or religions.

I love adventures written by Richard Pett. His vivid descriptions of locations, characters and bizarre treasures are always a delight.

Highly recommended!

Great Climax


This was a solid finish for one of the best APs they've put out yet. Challenging PC's of this level isn't easy, but the Storm King made us sweat. This final adventure has so many nasty ideas stirred into the mix, yet it still moved the story forward to the satisfying conclusion.

I was sorry to read that there won't be anymore Mythic APs. My disappointment is only deepened by how well Wrath of the Righteous came to its end. This is one of our top campaigns. Only Shattered Star and Crimson Throne come anywhere close.

Don't waste your time (or that of your players)


I loved this Adventure Path. From the first book, I was hooked. That's why I find it so disappointing that it sputters out with the most boring, impossibly un-epic finale like this. Let me save you curious folk some time:

The players faff about in a brothel that's too low-level for them. Then they go to a tower and solve a mystery literally every single one of them should have already figured out, find a magical macguffin, fight ANOTHER succubus queen (as if the last four weren't enough) and then... don't even fight Deskari. Worldwound closes, peace and eternity I guess, Queen Galfrey, like, retires?? Just steps aside so a real man can do the job a lady couldn't handle or something. Meanwhile, Deskari derps around in a pocket dimension. Too bad fighting him was "beyond the scope of the path"!

You know what I - and especially my players - would have rather done than go to a wildly out of place succubus brothel? Fight Deskari. That would have saved you some precious page room, Paizo. And gah, that brothel! WHY? A brothel out in the ruined wastelands that supposedly caters to "only the most elite of the elite" and "has something for everyone, even the rarest taste" - except it has 5 chicks, with 1 disguised as a dude I guess. Really? I mean, Paizo is really progressive in a lot of ways, but there's starting to be a clear, sorta creepy hang-up about having anything sexual being exclusively portrayed by women (roughly a ratio of 99% at this rate). I dunno, I just find it really, really, really hard to believe that anyone at level 15+ could give a single fig about this brothel, much less two.

And it's out of place, so much so that the whole pace ground to a halt and people in my play group had to constantly ask me what they were supposed to do, why were they there, why weren't they out doing more productive things? They were too powerful for any of the brothel encounters so they weren't afraid of fighting, and too good to be inclined to consort - at all - with some clearly, CLEARLY evil demons. I'm so mad, because if this had been in Midnight Isles, it would have still been a remarkably lame, tame, and boring brothel, one you could take your grandmother to it's so conventional (hardly fitting for "the exclusive delight" of the entire Deskari host), but it would have made sense. Well, at least, more sense than popping up and grinding the entire campaign to a halt.

Then some other encounters happen, nothing noteworthy or meaningful, then you fight Arelash or whatever and she's basically the exact clone of any succubus boss ever (one you may have fought twice already, if your players - like mine did - angered Nocticula). Then that's it. The macguffin saves the day, your players don't even need to solve a single puzzle, the end. It's remarkable how unsatisfying an ending this book is to a campaign.

tl:dr - Even if you bought every other book in the campaign, don't buy this. You can use random monster generators to make better encounters and there is nothing at all that matters in this book.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
6 OF 66 OF HEXAMATRIX 666 wrote:
Mazym wrote:
I wasn't even aware of Savage Tide. I was thinking of Lolth in the G1-Q1 / Queen of Spiders sequence.

That's right! Even Shackled City ended up with a trip to the glorious Abyss!

Not quite. Shackled City's Abyss adventure was part 6 or 12 ("Test of the Smoking Eye". The final stages of the path take place on Carceri.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mazym wrote:

"the Demon Lord Deskari, is ready to finish what was started, and now moves to swallow all of northern Avistan into his home realm—unless he can be stopped"

Demon Lord who takes over a small area of the game world, while preparing to swallow up a larger area into his (her) home realm, unless stopped by the heroes...

I know I've seen that before, a long time ago. Good ideas never really go away, I guess.

Diablo says hi. :P

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Zaister wrote:
6 OF 66 OF HEXAMATRIX 666 wrote:
Mazym wrote:
I wasn't even aware of Savage Tide. I was thinking of Lolth in the G1-Q1 / Queen of Spiders sequence.

That's right! Even Shackled City ended up with a trip to the glorious Abyss!

Not quite. Shackled City's Abyss adventure was part 6 or 12 ("Test of the Smoking Eye". The final stages of the path take place on Carceri.

Close enough! Carceri has since been assimilated into the Abyss. That's why the demodands are there now!

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
6 OF 66 OF HEXAMATRIX 666 wrote:
Close enough! Carceri has since been assimilated into the Abyss. That's why the demodands are there now!

Hmmm... this is now making me think of how Shacked City might look as a Golarion-based campaign.


James Jacobs wrote:
martinaj wrote:
Will the Storm King be encountered in this book?
** spoiler omitted **


Richard Pett wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
martinaj wrote:
Will the Storm King be encountered in this book?
** spoiler omitted **


Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 OF 66 OF HEXAMATRIX 666 wrote:

Sooner or later I do hope to see a scenario where the Abyss do succeed in sucking a world into the Abyss or taken over a Prime world.

That sounds much less like a scenario and more like an entire campaign setting. And in fact, there are parts of the Abyss that were created by pulling portions of Material Plane worlds into the Abyss. Cyth-V'sug's realm comes to mind.

martinaj wrote:
Will the Storm King be encountered in this book?
James Jacobs wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
Richard Pett wrote:
MissingNo wrote:

Was that a "huzzah!" which was truncated into an "argh!" as the Storm King came up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder, prior to laying down some serious mayhem? :)

Zaister wrote:
6 OF 66 OF HEXAMATRIX 666 wrote:
Close enough! Carceri has since been assimilated into the Abyss. That's why the demodands are there now!
Hmmm... this is now making me think of how Shacked City might look as a Golarion-based campaign.

I've pondered this thing myself a time or two.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

>Continues to F5< Come on!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Just got mine, time to download!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Damn you, Groves! :D >Continues the F5ing<

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Deskari scares me. :(

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

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Holy Catfish! He is frightening!

Minor spoiler

I had a hunch about Deskari's mother that just got blown out of the water, but in a cool way. I won't look at Riftcarver the same.

The Devasator is pretty wicked too!

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Is that an easter egg of Tharizdun on page 49?

So what exactly happened to Terendelev, anyway?

Jim Groves wrote:
Holy Catfish! He is frightening!

Any nasty tricks that could give a party of fully maxed out mythic characters a run for their money?

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Mechalibur wrote:
Any nasty tricks that could give a party of fully maxed out mythic characters a run for their money?

I'm NOT trying to be evasive, but I am going to let someone else field that question. I am actually playing in the campaign. We're close to finishing Chapter Three. (I pretend I don't know the plot)

But I haven't been studying the other chapters closely and I didn't want to spoil the adventures any more than I have to..

Small insight: AP authors generally know the plot outline of the other chapters, but we won't any specifics until they're printed up and shipping.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Though I too am playing, as the source for my GM's books, I couldn't help myself from at least looking at Deskari's special abilities. I didn't look at AC or HP or anything else, just his special things. Did the same for Baphomet. Here's one of the terrifying things:

Infestation (Su) Whenever a creature becomes poisoned
by Deskari, it also becomes infested with thousands of
microscopic demonic eggs that quickly multiply and spread
throughout the victim’s bloodstream and flesh alike. Once
infested, a creature remains infested even after the poison’s
effects end or are cured. A creature that has been infested
by Deskari is recognized by all mindless swarms as a host,
and such swarms never deal damage to the creature unless
influenced and compelled to do so by an outside influence.
An infested creature takes a –4 penalty on all saving throws
made against Deskari’s attacks or spells cast by his clerics. As
a swift action, Deskari may command a creature’s infestation
to accelerate; this deals 20d6 points of damage and stuns the
target for 1 round (a successful DC 42 Fortitude save halves the
damage and negates the stun effect) as the eggs hatch and a
fiendish locust swarm (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 183) bursts
out of the creature’s body (ending the infestation). Infestation
is a disease effect, and the save DC is Constitution-based

Cori Marie wrote:

Though I too am playing, as the source for my GM's books, I couldn't help myself from at least looking at Deskari's special abilities. I didn't look at AC or HP or anything else, just his special things. Did the same for Baphomet. Here's one of the terrifying things:

** spoiler omitted **

Urgh I need a vomiting icon, that is really creepy.

Shadow Lodge

What other creatures come in the bestiary?

So in the "Beyond the Campaign" article or whatever it's called, is there anything about repercussions for Nocticula's aid like what was mentioned there would be back in Part 4, if the PCs accepted her Profane Ascension? Or elsewhere in the adventure, if not there?

Can anyone spoil Deskari's AC, HP and saves?

How's Khorramzadeh built? Is he a mythic balor? A champion?

How many mythic enemies are in the adventure?


doc the grey wrote:
What other creatures come in the bestiary?

Corpse lotus (CR 13), plant with the ability to digest corpses super fast to gain fast healing. It can swallow whole and it's a pretty decent grappler.

Demon, katpaskir (CR 18), demons created from the souls of doomsayers and ultraviolent nihilists.

Devastator (CR 22/MR 8), a four-armed mechanized war machine fueled by the essences of good outsiders killed in the Abyss.

Corpse lotus (CR 13), plant with the ability to digest corpses super fast to gain fast healing. It can swallow whole and it's a pretty decent grappler.

Yes another plant! I really like that! Can't wait to see it in action and its stats!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm quite interested what the book does with Nocticula.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
I'm quite interested what the book does with Nocticula.

Hey, Manguskn...maybe Deskari can actually kill your players. Who knows? :)

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

There are a remarkable number of CR12-14 creatures In encounters early in the adventure, with occasional rise to 16. The 18+ are fairly sparsely dispersed within the first part. The 2nd and 3rd hit pretty hard with CR20+ but still have a fair number of encounters 2+ below the APL, not sure why but assume its In deference to the ticking clock that's ever present.

As for other creatures

the storm lord s mythic rank 5, ac 48, attacks in the mid 40's and while damage looks low he has mythic per attack so it's considerably higher. I think there will still be the inevitable complaints hes too easy to defeat, but they upgraded his death throes for a nasty surprise on this front.

There are a lot of mythic opponents but I really don't want to spoil them for people. They are very varied and creepy as you expect from Pett and the less known the better in this case :)

As for deskari I find this ability far scarier: when you hit him with a bludgeonng, piercing, slashing or force attack everyone within 10' must make a DC42 fort save or be sickened, then progressing staggered, nauseated and finally stunned with successive fails. He also has insect plague at will and his swarms do additional 3d6 damage! I think he'll be quite tough

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cat-thulhu wrote:
As for other creatures ** spoiler omitted **

I'll say it before and I'll say it again, KILL THAT BUGFACED DEMON WITH FIRE!

~My Purifier Oracle of the Outer Rifts Character in the battle against Deskari

P.s. Wait, what type of defense does he have against flame?

Verdant Wheel

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Axial wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
I'm quite interested what the book does with Nocticula.
Hey, Manguskn...maybe Deskari can actually kill your players. Who knows? :)

I wanted magnuskn players character sheets to make them the last bosses of my campaing. They come from a parallel Golarion to destroy our Golarion because we are too weak.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Still haven't gotten my subscriber PDF yet, I'm so eager to dig into this issue!

Plus I'm curious what the hidden message in this one is.

Jim Groves wrote:
Just got mine, time to download!

D'oh... Waiting for mine to show up....

I nearly gagged when I checked my download and its not up yet!

Cori Marie wrote:

Though I too am playing, as the source for my GM's books, I couldn't help myself from at least looking at Deskari's special abilities. I didn't look at AC or HP or anything else, just his special things. Did the same for Baphomet. Here's one of the terrifying things:

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds like the end of Creepshow....

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
logic_poet wrote:
Is that an easter egg of Tharizdun on page 49?

Heh... no.

That's just the symbol that summoner associates with his eidolon—since his eidolon has been destroyed, his symbol manifests as a wound on his forehead.

Shadow Lodge

WOOO! Got my copy, now off to read it!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, did anyone else notice the shout out to succubus-on-succubus art in the boilerplate?

Very bottom of Page 2 "... Printed in China. Ayavah was right all along!"

*sigh* Now I need to compulsively review the boilerplate and credits of every Adventure Path pdf to see what else crops up......

Yeah, every final chapter of every AP has a line like that in that section.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Oh, not a movie quote this time?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Gah, I hate waiting! >F5, F5, F5, F5, F5<

Lazaro wrote:
Gah, I hate waiting! >F5, F5, F5, F5, F5<

I find myself reminded of a Staind song.

"Paizo, you always know what to do - to keep me Right Here Waiting."
I'm pretty sure that was verbatim, yeah.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

got my email, but have to wait until get home from work to download.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Axial wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
I'm quite interested what the book does with Nocticula.
Hey, Manguskn...maybe Deskari can actually kill your players. Who knows? :)

Eh, we'll see. It's still pretty far out and I'll have to see how the PC's look with all their mythic power at the end of the campaign.

Draco Bahamut wrote:
Axial wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
I'm quite interested what the book does with Nocticula.
Hey, Manguskn...maybe Deskari can actually kill your players. Who knows? :)
I wanted magnuskn players character sheets to make them the last bosses of my campaing. They come from a parallel Golarion to destroy our Golarion because we are too weak.

That could be arranged. Let's talk again at the end of the year. :p

Lazaro wrote:
Gah, I hate waiting! >F5, F5, F5, F5, F5<

Quick question

Some of you seem able to download the PDF before the 29 of february
May i know how?

Silver Crusade

Pnakotus Detsujin wrote:
Lazaro wrote:
Gah, I hate waiting! >F5, F5, F5, F5, F5<

Quick question

Some of you seem able to download the PDF before the 29 of february
May i know how?

Subscribers get the PDF early. :3

Yes but only 1 week earlier, this isn't 1 week earlier...

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Subscribers get their pdfs early

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Gancanagh wrote:
Yes but only 1 week earlier, this isn't 1 week earlier...

Once your order is finalized (it is in the box just waiting to be picked up by UPS), your CC is debited. Once that happens you have bought the item and you can download the PDF. Since not everyone gets their items shipped at the same time, it can vary from person to person. In Oct, my order didn't ship until very late in the process (there were some computer glitches that slowed everything down) and I didn't get my PDF until after the street date.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Axial wrote:
Hey, Manguskn...maybe Deskari can actually kill your players. Who knows? :)
Draco Bahamut wrote:
I wanted magnuskn players character sheets to make them the last bosses of my campaing. They come from a parallel Golarion to destroy our Golarion because we are too weak.

BTW, if you want to check out how my players are doing from week to week, I am doing a bit of a "campaign coverage" in this thread, although more focused on the technical aspects of gameplay and balance, rather than trying to make a proper campaign journal.

I think you will find that they are struggling quite a bit at the moment, although I think that this will become much less of a problem for them soon, after they get past the level 10 area of the game.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There can be no peace while Deskari lives.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Deskari must be destroyed, no matter the cost!

We need a Numerian Android paladin!
Or a Celestial Iron Colossus!

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