Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary 3 Box

4.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)
Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary 3 Box

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The unstoppable legions of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 come alive on your tabletop with this box-busting collection of more than 300 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a monster from the third volume in the Pathfinder RPG's core monster reference series. Each pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base, making it easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly encountered monsters and over 200 distinct creature images, the Bestiary 3 Box is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect foes to make your Pathfinder campaign deadlier than ever!

Includes: 20 Medium bases, 10 Large bases, 5 Huge bases.

ISBN 978-1-60125-581-5

Bestiary 3 Box Pawn Collection Set List

Hundreds of monsters surge to life on your tabletop! Each has its own identification number for easy sorting. The Bestiary 3 Box includes:

Small (and Smaller)
1   Daemon, Vulnudaemon
2   Flumph (2)
3   Garden Ooze (2)
4   Goblin Snake (2)
5   Jellyfish, Death's Head
6   Kami, Kodama (2)
7   Kappa (3)
8   Leshy, Fungus
9   Leshy, Gourd
10  Leshy, Leaf
11  Leshy, Seaweed
12  Magmin (2)
13  Marsupial, Thylacine
14  Nixie
15  Pukwudgie (2)
16  Rakshasa, Dandasuka (2)
17  Ratfolk
18  Rot Grub, Giant
19  Scorpion, Ghost
20  Spider, Giant Crab
21  Tupilaq
22  Voonith
23  Archon, Harbinger
24  Asura, Tripurasura
25  Brain Ooze
26  Clockwork Spy
27  Demilich
28  Div, Doru
29  Dragon, Faerie
30  Kami, Shikigami
31  Kyton, Augur
32  Oni, Spirit
33  Rakshasa, Raktavarna
34  Snake Swarm (4)
35  Zoog
36  Hellwasp Swarm (4)
37  Rot Grub Swarm (4)
38  Adaro (2)
39  Adherer
40  Adlet (2)
41  Allip (2)
42  Animal Lord (2)
43  Archon, Legion (2)
44  Asura, Adhukait
45  Asura, Upasunda
46  Baku
47  Baykok (2)
48  Berbalang (2)
49  Bhuta
50  Bogeyman
51  Carnivorous Crystal
52  Caryatid Column (4)
53  Catfolk (3)
54  Caulborn (3)
55  Cecaelia (3)
56  Ceratiodi (3)
57  Cerberi (3)
58  Cerebric Fungus
59  Clockwork Servant (4)
60  Clockwork Soldier (4)
61  Daemon, Crucidaemon
62  Demodand, Shaggy
63  Demodand, Slimy (2)
64  Demodand, Tarry (2)
65  Demon, Coloxus
66  Demon, Incubus (2)
67  Demon, Schir
68  Devil, Contract
69  Dire Corby (2)
70  Div, Aghash
71  Div, Pairaka (2)
72  Dragon, Young Underworld
73  Drake, River
74  Dybbuk
75  Faun (2)
76  Festrog (3)
77  Foo Dog (2)
78  Garuda (2)
79  Ghul
80  Graveknight (2)
81  Graven Guardian
82  Grodair
83  Guecubu (2)
84  Huecuva (2)
85  Iku-Turso (2)
86  Jackalwere (2)
87  Jorogumo
88  Kami, Toshigami
89  Kami, Zuishin
90  Kech (2)
91  Kyton, Eremite
92  Lizard, Giant Gecko
93  Maftet
94  Manananggal (2)
95  Myceloid (2)
96  Oni, Kuwa (2)
97  Pale Stranger
98  Penanggalen
99  Peri (2)
100 Phantom Fungus
101 Popobala
102 Rakshasa, Maharaja
103 Rakshasa, Marai
104 Rusalka (2)
105 Sabosan (2)
106 Sasquatch
107 Shadow Mastiff (2)
108 Shae (2)
109 Siyokoy (2)
110 Suli (2)
111 Tanuki (2)
112 Tatzlwyrm (2)
113 Terra-Cotta Soldier (3)
114 Thriae Seer
115 Thriae Soldier (2)
116 Tojanida
117 Trollhound (2)
118 Valkyrie
119 Vampire, Jiang-Shi
120 Vanara (2)
121 Vishkanya (2)
122 Vodyanoi
123 Wolf-in-Sheep's-Clothing
124 Yuki-Onna
125 Zuvembie (3)
126 Ahuizotl (2)
127 Alraune (2)
128 Annis Hag (3)
129 Ant Lion, Giant
130 Ascomid
131 Axe Beak (3)
132 Baregara
133 Deathtrap Ooze
134 Deathweb
135 Derhii (2)
136 Disenchanter
137 Div, Ghawwas
138 Div, Sepid
139 Div, Shira
140 Dragon, Young Forest
141 Dragon, Young Sea
142 Dragon, Young Sky
143 Dragon, Young Sovereign
144 Dragon, Adult Underworld
145 Dragonne
146 Drake, Desert
147 Drake, Rift
148 Ecorche
149 Flail Snail
150 Foo Lion (2)
151 Ghorazagh
152 Giant, Ash (2)
153 Giant, Cave (2)
154 Giant, Desert (2)
155 Girtablilu (2)
156 Globster
157 Golem, Bone (2)
158 Golem, Cannon (2)
159 Hodag
160 Hollow Serpent (2)
161 Kamadan (2)
162 Kyton, Interlocutor
163 Lammasu
164 Lizard, Giant Chameleon
165 Moon-Beast (2)
166 Naga, Lunar (2)
167 Naga, Water (2)
168 Nephilim (2)
169 Norn (3)
170 Nuckelavee
171 Nue
172 Oni, Fire Yai
173 Oni, Ice Yai
174 Rakshasa, Tataka
175 Sargassum Fiend (2)
176 Shedu
177 Shinigami
178 Sleipnir
179 Sphinx, Androsphinx (2)
180 Sphinx, Criosphinx (2)
181 Sphinx, Hieracosphinx (2)
182 Spider Eater (2)
183 Stymphalidies (2)
184 Taotieh (2)
185 Tophet (2)
186 Troll, Moss (2)
187 Yithian (3)
188 Asura, Aghasura
189 Asura, Asurendra
190 Azruverda
191 Clockwork Leviathan
192 Cyclops, Great
193 Dragon, Adult Forest
194 Dragon, Adult Sea
195 Dragon, Adult Sky
196 Dragon, Adult Sovereign
197 Dragon, Ancient Underworld
198 Giant, Jungle
199 Golem, Brass
200 Golem, Fossil
201 Gorynych
202 Hungry Fog
203 Jubjub Bird
204 Kongamato
205 Lukwata
206 Mobogo
207 Naga, Royal
208 Oni, Void Yai
209 Oni, Water Yai
210 Spider, Ogre
211 Thriae Queen
212 Troll, Jotund

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Average product rating:

4.50/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Find Your Dragon Empires Pawns in this Box!


If you're a GM looking to save money while you build your resources, then the pawn box collections are simply indispensable. The Bestiary 3 Box features the same high quality work we've come to expect from Paizo with gorgeous illustrations, sturdy pawns and plenty of bases to keep your armies standing until the break of dawn.

This set is the one to pick up when you're looking to populate that Dragon Empires campaign that you're running. You'll find the bulk of the Oriental style creatures contained within.

I don't run Dragon Empires as yet, so I picked this one up for another rare and elusive creature - the Sasquatch! Strangely, the sasquatch art differs from the Bestiary 3 art but it looks absolutely amazing.

Your PCs will be stunned when they see the beast lumbering out of the bushes to greet them. I know mine were!

Pick it up today! Highly recommended!

These pawns stink!


They literally stink. The pawns are great as usual but the fumes coming off of them was about enough to knock me out. I've bought all the pawn sets thus far and have never noticed this overpowering chemical smell before. I'm hoping once they air out it won't be so bad.

Surprisingly flexible!


Your going to find a lot of very nice pawns in this box, as well as more bases. The hidden value, however, is that there are quite a few monsters in here that can be used for multiple purposes, which increases the value even more. Need a statue? There are pawns in here that can do that. Need a giant mosquito looking monster that may be similar to a particular monster from a module I won't name for spoilers sake? Yea that is in here too! The art work is great, although sizing issues will have the occasional detail missing due to the cut size, leaving some artwork on the leftover cardboard. Since this is expected and a known limitation to pawns, I will not ding the product for that. It isn't a new trait but a known sacrifice. Bottom line, if you use pawns, you want this item.

What you expect, but with some puzzling omissions


It's more pawns, with most of the small, medium, large and huge creatures of the Bestiary 3 represented.

A few omissions are understandable, like the dinosaurs or herd animals or some of the less likely to be fought huge creatures as only so many can be fit in the box. However some are rather puzzling. For some reason the Cold Rider, Kirin and Giant Sea Anemone aren't present despite being perfectly useable creatures of the appropriate size. I haven't found any other omissions yet but I haven't managed to get through the whole box.

Pity about the missing ones, otherwise this would be a solid 5.

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Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Announced! The product image is a mockup (but it'll be very close to that).

Grand Lodge


ThreeEyedSloth wrote:

what he said


waiting for it

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Looking forward to this and #2 myself. I do have a question however, has it ever been mentioned about potential type specific boxes? I mean, The boxes themselves are great for a starter and wide array of monsters to throw at my parties, but it's somewhat difficult to throw 20 or so Orc's at a party when I only have 3.

Methinks Paizo should consider Blisters along the lines of "Goblinoid War Party", "Vermin Swarm Box" that sort of thing... obviously containing a whole bunch of cards for the specific types or groups.

Telefragged wrote:
The boxes themselves are great for a starter and wide array of monsters to throw at my parties, but it's somewhat difficult to throw 20 or so Orc's at a party when I only have 3.

I, and others, have expressed such views in the past in several threads. One such thread included the following comment:

James0235 wrote:
Auggies sells them.

(I, myself, have never ordered anything from Auggies Games, so I can't personally vouch for it.)

I'm not sure anymore wether I want to buy all these or i simply can't not buy them. All I know is i'm going to buy the crap out of this one as i did with the Bestiary Box and the two AP pawn sets and as I will have done with the B2 box.

I love pawns. I hope we get to see a content list soon.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I really want to see Carrion Crown next in line. That would mean hope for backwards-support for Jade Regent (what I'm running) and beyond. Obviously, they gotta support Wrath of the Righteous and beyond first and foremost, but in 'off season' retro-active releases would be immensely appreciated.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Aaron Bitman wrote:
(I, myself, have never ordered anything from Auggies Games, so I can't personally vouch for it.)

I've bought minis from Auggie's Prostore on numerous occasions, and can give a very favorable recommendation of him. He's extremely reliable, and provides exemplary customer service.

Are we ever gonna get Colossal and/or Gargantuan pawns?

Grand Lodge

I love Pathfinder Pawns. Such an amazing product! Glad to see it's going well enough to get both Bestiary 2 and 3 out so soon after the NPC Codex Box!

I'd love to see supplemental sets that cover creatures left out of the Beastiary Box 1, 2 and 3. I'd also love to see a Pawn set of Common Variant Monsters. I'll be picking up 2 of the Bestiary 2 at Gencon and will be getting 2 of Bestiary 3. Now to find a more efficient way to organize them.

If in this, does the Azruverda (the beetle thing) get new artwork?


I agree with Telefragged. I haven't seen the other posts concerning this, but a set of common creature pawns would be great. This could include all of the humanoid types (Goblins, Kobolds, Orcs, etc) along with some leader pawns for them. This would also be cool for Skeleton, Zombies, etc.

Another idead would be to release a set of blank pawns of the various sizes so players can make there own custom pawns. A nice color printer on self adhesive paper would do the trick nicely.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Updated product image.

What is that green beetle thing on the box itself? Is that the new Azruverda? As I can't recall any other beetle monsters in the book.

I spy a pushed back release date. So much for a November release.

I don't know about this one. Sure this will give me lots of monsters for when the party visits the Africa, Asia, Americas, etc analogs. Without also having NPC pawns for those areas however I can't really represent voyages to those lands. So what's the use of having monsters from those regions when I can't properly represent those places? I dunno.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Like you have to use the monsters from real folklore always in the same countries??? YOu can also cut away the real world behind them and just place them in Golarion or on another world....

Gancanagh wrote:
Like you have to use the monsters from real folklore always in the same countries??? YOu can also cut away the real world behind them and just place them in Golarion or on another world....

100% this.

Gancanagh wrote:
Like you have to use the monsters from real folklore always in the same countries??? YOu can also cut away the real world behind them and just place them in Golarion or on another world....

I like different places to have distinct flora and fauna to give them flavors. If everywhere in the world has the same monsters regardless of continent it's a bit bland imo. It's like irl when everywhere you go has the same exact stores no matter where you go. There is of course the option of finding creatures outside their usual habitat. Using nonnative species would only be useful in rather specific scenarios though.

Yes but your world doesn't need to be earth.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please include more plastic base pieces!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Why is there such a long lead (more like lag) time between a Bestiary volume and it's Pawn collection? You'd think a book and it's pawn collection would sell together like peas and carrots, bacon and eggs... and now I'm hungry.

Webstore Gninja Minion

CharlesMarkley wrote:
Please include more plastic base pieces!

Previous Bestiary Boxes have included additional base pieces, and I expect this one will be the same. :D

When can we expect a monster listing for this?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Cintra Bristol wrote:
Aaron Bitman wrote:
(I, myself, have never ordered anything from Auggies Games, so I can't personally vouch for it.)
I've bought minis from Auggie's Prostore on numerous occasions, and can give a very favorable recommendation of him. He's extremely reliable, and provides exemplary customer service.

Auggie's is amazing. My #1 source for singles... Other than Paizo, of course.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Threeshades wrote:
I love pawns. I hope we get to see a content list soon.

Same. Some of these monsters just beg to have a spot on the map. I enjoy many of them greatly and can't wait to see who made the cut.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I too would like to see the monster listing for this, only month and a half away!

Liz Courts wrote:
CharlesMarkley wrote:
Please include more plastic base pieces!
Previous Bestiary Boxes have included additional base pieces, and I expect this one will be the same. :D

Excellent! Release the three-headed hound!

Any chance of getting a content list before it comes out?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Arikiel wrote:
Any chance of getting a content list before it comes out?

Set List added!

After reading the list I'll definitely be adding these to my other sets. I'm very excited about this list.

I hope the following monsters have new art.

Some of these have beautiful art already, but i'm just curious about more art of them.

Leshy, Gourd
Leshy, Leaf
Leshy, Seaweed
Carnivorous Crystal (without that human on it)
Cerebric Fungus
Demon, Coloxus
Demon, Incubus
Jackalwere (really hate this artwork)
Phantom Fungus
Thriae Soldier
Alraune (i'm sure this one has to have new art cuz it wouldn't fit)
Div, Ghawwas (PRETTY PLEAASE!!!!!)
Sargassum Fiend
Sphinx, Hieracosphinx

Too bad the following monsters didn't made the cut, most of them are too big or too small, but some like the Akhlut, Carbuncle, Cold Rider, Pachycephalosaurus, Dimetrodon, Giant Owl, Sagari and Giant Skunk are cut for other reasons??

Akhlut / Bandersnatch / Carbuncle / Cold Rider / Pachycephalosaurus / Dimetrodon / Gremlin Fuath / Grootslang / Sapphire Jellyfish / Giant Owl / Plasma Ooze / Sagari / Sea Bonze / Giant Skunk / Titan, Hekantoncheires / Tzitzimitl

Liz Courts wrote:
Arikiel wrote:
Any chance of getting a content list before it comes out?
Set List added!

Woot! Thanks. :)


You can always just make a few custom pawns concerning the pawns you wanted to make the cut.

I am really excited about this pawn set as well. The Pathfinder pawn series is probably the best thing to happen to RPG in a long time. I bought three boxes of bestiary at Christmas.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

No news on the next set?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Cat-thulhu wrote:
No news on the next set?

You mean this one? Or maybe this one?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hey when did they go up? Sneaky ninjas!

For the ones that have it already, which pawns have new artwork?

Is this product for sale? I see the pdf is available on the 29th, but are the print editions already for sale directly from Paizo?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Sun Kil Moon wrote:
Is this product for sale? I see the pdf is available on the 29th, but are the print editions already for sale directly from Paizo?

"Add Print Edition" adds the physical product to your shopping cart. When the PDF becomes available, it will show "Add PDF" as an option.

Thanks Liz. You've been really helpful answering a number of my questions in these threads, and I appreciate your help. :)

Just received my box of Pathfinder Bestiary 3 Pawns. A few notes - both good and a few moderate critiques.

The good - all of the artwork for this collection if first rate. There are a number of pawns with new artwork. Even the much vilified green beetle creature has new artwork. It seems Paizo heard the cries of its fans regarding some of the artwork from the book and made a few corrections. There is a great variety regarding the pawns. This most recent collection of pawns is probably the most expansive in terms of variety.

The moderate (there's really no "bad" points) - some of the pawns, like the adlet or the legion archon, are a bit small to scale. I know this is nitpicking it, but part of the reason I love Pathfinder Pawns so much is that they take into account the smallest details such as scale, color scheme, etc. I'm a sucker for scale dimensions and I'd say about 5% of these pawns could have been a few scale sizes bigger. Just my personal preference.

Other than that, I can't really complain. There are no glaring omissions from the Bestiary 3 book (cecaelia has new artwork, as does catfolk, and a few others - which are really nice). There was really only one pawn I wish had made the cut that didn't was the lion creature with the sword drawn by Ryan Portillo.

That said, Pathfinder, you absolutely must include these pawns for the next set:

- Cernunnos
- Erlking
- Gathlain
- Kitsune
- Nagaji
- Svartalfar
- Trox
- Wikkiwak
- Wyvaran

The artwork from these creatures is sensational. Please include them in the next bestiary!

Thanks Paizo!

Some very nice new artworks in here! Some I don't understand why they get so much attentions why others still have their old artwork.

Really like the new Bhuta, Bogeyman, Carnivorous Crystal (tho the color is a bit underwhelming compared to the old art), Demodands, Cerberi, Foo Dog, All the New Dragon art, Marai, Penananggal, Iku-Turso, Garden Ooze, Azruverda, Nixie, Giant Rot Grub, Rot Grub Swarm and Gorynych.

And most of all the Hieracosphinx and Ghawwas! Yeah, they really needed new artwork and they are really awesome peaces!

Don't really understand why the Catfolk, Cecealia, Eremite, Interlocutor, Sasquatch, Ant Lion, Deathtrap Ooze, Annis and snake swarm needed new artwork tho, some others could use it more...

Don't like the new Guecubu artwork, too much bones, I really like them to be more rock and earth.

Too bad the Ahuizotl, Coloxus, Incubus, Manananggal, Popobala, Jackalwere, Thriae, Ascomoid, Derhii, Sargassum Fiend, Taotieh, Stymphalidies, Leshies, Magmin, Kongamato, Wolf-in-sheeps-clothing and Hodag didn't changed art, hope to see them in AP's some day with new clothes.

Anyway the whole product gets a 8/10 from me. Very usefull, too bad some are missing and some artwork should have changed, but otherwise very good! Hope to see the Tiny/Gargantuan/Colossal pack one day!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
You mean this one? Or maybe this one?

You may want to check the site. Neither of these show up when you click on the Pawns option under miniatures or accessories.

Liz Courts wrote:
You mean this one? Or maybe this one?

Okay... let me just put more sorting boxes on my shopping list.

Nice pawns, great variety and I like the new art in some of the pawns. I did have one minor problem though

------very minor spoiler----

Why was Akhlut not featured in these pawns? It is even required in one part of reign of winter adventure path + pawn for akhlut was not among pawns for that adventure path either. I understand cutting something out as you clearly need to do that but omitting something that is required in official paizo release is kind of odd to me.

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