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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 25 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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What you expect, but with some puzzling omissions


It's more pawns, with most of the small, medium, large and huge creatures of the Bestiary 3 represented.

A few omissions are understandable, like the dinosaurs or herd animals or some of the less likely to be fought huge creatures as only so many can be fit in the box. However some are rather puzzling. For some reason the Cold Rider, Kirin and Giant Sea Anemone aren't present despite being perfectly useable creatures of the appropriate size. I haven't found any other omissions yet but I haven't managed to get through the whole box.

Pity about the missing ones, otherwise this would be a solid 5.

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So much more cost-effective than minis that it ain’t even funny


You’ll never need any minis for the guards, townsfolk, soldiers or about any humanoid that features in your campaign’s combat if you got this box. There’s more than enough variety to have all enemies well represented with similar-looking folks and half of them have repeats helpfully coded by tag color.

I’d give it a 4.5 rating as my only complaints are minor: it should include a couple of large bases to go with the large pawns, and I think it would be more useful if it had included a handful more horses and other animals that are likely to be involved in combat.

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So so, but not a total loss.


There's two major problems I find with this map pack:

1) The horses/dogs/oxen etc. are better dealt with as miniatures (paper minis do fine if you don't feel like getting a dozen and a half horses). Their presence as map tiles feels like filler.

2) Splittable tiles. In general I'd rather not have to deal with those.

3) Since we end up with splittable tiles anyway, it would be nice if the pdf version had them pre-split so they can be printed separately or used individually if doing it all inside the computer.

I don't foresee myself using this one much, but the vehicles themselves are nice enough. Pity about the above points though.

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