They literally stink. The pawns are great as usual but the fumes coming off of them was about enough to knock me out. I've bought all the pawn sets thus far and have never noticed this overpowering chemical smell before. I'm hoping once they air out it won't be so bad.
I love pawns so I had to get this but there were a few things I found rather disappointing.
First of all some of the sheets weren't punched through all the way. So before I got the hang of removing them just so several of the pawns didn't come free cleanly. Bits of the outer coating would remain attached to the frame and peal away from the backs of the pawns. Just be very careful when removing them. I'd recommend tracing over the cut lines with an exacto knife before you damage your new pawns.
The other part that I thought was a let down is the art distribution. Individually most of the art is just fine. When I separated them out by race and gender I was in for a real let down. The half-orc and dwarf gender ratio is extremely off balance. Females are out numbered by males about four to one. Of course there's lots of elven and and half-elven women depicted. To me this is about the same as when women's magazines are full of anorexic white girls. With just the occasional chubby girl or racial minority thrown in because they feel they're forced to put some in. Ya we've managed to take a step away from the chain mail bikini but we've still got a long way to go it seems. :/
Well I finally got my Bestiary Box and I am pleased. Not only does this save a lot of time and money but also space/weight. Transporting a full miniature collecting to and from the game store every week is a hassle. This is just so handy and the new art is great. My only complaint would be a hand full of the art selections. Like the Centaur. It's too specific in it's depiction of a fully armored centaur knight. I would have preferred something more generic and thus generally useable.
I look forward to Bestiary Box 2 coming out soon. :D