Pathfinder Adventure Path #71: Rasputin Must Die! (Reign of Winter 5 of 6) (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 17 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #71: Rasputin Must Die! (Reign of Winter 5 of 6) (PFRPG)
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Chapter 5: "Rasputin Must Die!"
by Brandon Hodge

Worlds at War
The search for the Queen of Witches finally ends when the Dancing Hut travels to Baba Yaga’s homeland of Russia on the planet Earth. The year is 1918, and the First World War rages throughout Europe. The heroes find themselves in the wilds of Siberia, where they must face Russian soldiers armed with twentieth-century technology to infiltrate an ancient monastery and rescue Baba Yaga from her estranged son, Grigori Rasputin. Can the heroes kill the “Mad Monk”—who has already cheated death once before—and free Baba Yaga, or will they fall before the horrors of modern war?

This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path continues the Reign of Winter Adventure Path and includes:

  • “Rasputin Must Die!”, a Pathfinder RPG adventure for 13th-level characters, by Brandon Hodge.
  • A look into the cultural climate of Russia in the midst of revolution, along with rules for her weapons of war, by Adam Daigle and Brandon Hodge.
  • Revelations on Szuriel, the Horseman of War, and her brutal quest for souls, by Sean K Reynolds.
  • Spiders versus sentient dolls in the Pathfinder’s Journal, by Kevin Andrew Murphy.
  • Four new monsters, by Adam Daigle, Brandon Hodge, and Sean K Reynolds.

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world’s oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN–13: 978-1-60125-496-2

Rasputin Must Die! is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (639 KB zip/PDF).

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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.80/5 (based on 17 ratings)

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Player review.

I had been looking forward to this one simply on account of the title. I have to say that the story elements and the setting were top notch. Where we all found it lost points was just how overpowered we found most of the fights. Even for experienced players we found them too difficult for the levels.

Absolutely amazing!


Everything about this book - from Brandon Hodge's introduction to the back-matter to the inside-cover items - was a joy and a pleasure to read!

This is, by far, my favorite book/module/scenario/AP to have read and GM'd - slightly edging out "The Flesh Collector" PFS scenario, even!

My players were having so much fun with this book that I purposefully dragged out RP and certain sections of it so the book took us longer than any of the others, and they loved every minute of it.


Two words : Must-Buy


It is simply amazing.
There are several 'look so mad' things, but,
actually all of them are perfectly harmonized without way over the line.
Rasputin must Die! is definetly top of the adventure path line.
Highly recommend!

,One of the best adventures I have ever read


Brandon Hodge was definitely the best choice for this adventure. He expertly handled historical content and mixed the fantasy with real world elements in a way that enhanced the story. I love this adventure and he it gives me hope for seeing more boundary pushing content from Brandon and from Paizo as a whole.

Amazing adventure


I admit when this was first announced I was at best sceptical of the entire idea however having read and Dm'd it I can say I have never been happier to be completly wrong about a product before. Ths is an incredible adventure path instalment and I cant recomend it enough.

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Silver Crusade

11 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Marsh wrote:
It feels like a kind of Mike Mignola moment. It bends the genre, forces everybody to blink once, and that's really really good.

I like the Mignola comparison. It clicks.

Of course this AP could still be pushed even further until it winds up in Grant Morrison territory!

Chapter 6 involves the heroes having to travel to Redmond, Washington in 2012 where they have to find the Paizo offices and convince the writers to prevent the Reign of Winter. But eventually they come to realize that the most the writers can do is write in tools to enable their victory, because it has to be the heroes themselves that save the day. From there they are sent to the PC's players current location where they must help write their own destinies as they roll their dice against Ur-Baba Yaga, the actual concept of Baba Yaga whose multidimensional hut must be raided from within and without by the same instance of the hut that the PCs have been using. Together with their players, they must slay the very idea of Baba Yaga and all instances of her in the dreams of every child on every earth.

But that might still be a bit too down to earth to be really Morrison-esque.

The guy's a little out there.

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Mikaze wrote:

** spoiler omitted **



Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am so playing a Wookie Ranger with a squirrel mount...

Sovereign Court

Adam Daigle wrote:


Mikaze wrote:

** spoiler omitted **



Animal Man is the classic example but I prefer The Filth.

Project Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:

I like the Mignola comparison. It clicks.

Of course this AP could still be pushed even further until it winds up in Grant Morrison territory!

** spoiler omitted **

As far as I can tell, you just turned reality and Reign of Winter into some sort of Moebius strip.

<pulls out the Subtle Knife to saw them back apart>

Brandon Hodge wrote:
Oh, the cat people will get their due in #72's Bestiary, which exclusively features FELINES!!! That Adam's doing one fine job representing enthusiastic pet owners in the AP backmatter articles, isn't he?

So what you're saying... is that first you're taking the PCs to WWI-era Earth, and then the entire sixth module is going to be about catfolk? Man, trying to see how far you can bend the fanbase before it breaks off, aren't ya?

Initially, I was very interested in this adventure path. Extreme settings (e.g., Chult, "The Unapproachable East") have long interested me. The Russian connection and the winter aspect spoke to me. I was even considering restarting my subscription, because of this AP.

However, in my mind, the Russian connection went too far with this adventure: st-Die. I would have found this kind of genre-bending cool when I was much younger. (Who DIDN'T was a raygun from "Expedition to the Barrier Peaks"?) But, this is too much for me today.

There's a chance I'll purchase some of the adventures in this path, but only individual ones that -- on their own -- interest me ... and definitely not "Rasputin Must Die".

Hm. Well, I have to say that I'm definitely a fan. I love dimension hopping. Wish we could keep the hut, but I don't think Baba will let us. And I bet she still out-levels us.

I'm come the last chapter hasn't been named and even a month out we don't have a cover image for any of them?

The entire idea sounds amazing, so I'm super looking forward to things, but I'm curious if there are scheduling issues.

Paizo Employee Developer

The final volume of Reign of Winter hasn't hit the solicitation cycle yet. And, there are cover images of the first two volumes of this Adventure Path. Check them out! Andrew did a great job of designing the look of this AP.

Pathfinder #67

Pathfinder #68

Very, very pleased to see this appearing. Surprised no one has yet mentioned the oldskool Dragon magazine adventure ( that's right folks, before there was a Dungeon) City beyond the Gate (ok, so it was London in the 1980's but I'm pretty sure the PC's had to retrieve St Cuthbert's club or something) or the latter part of the computer game from the late 80's Bard's Tale III that pitted your high level fantasy party against machine gun wielding soldiers from Earth (can't remember but I think they were circa WWII Nazis?!?!)

So, go for it. And I really feel for those folk who find this a huge turn off. I empathise. I just can't wait to see how Paizo handle the material. Very creative and not at all gonzo for my tastes. I just never really got the whole Rasputin thing. Except for a brief disco revival thang in the mid 90's. Even performed Car Wash in a (no) Talent Show. The winners that night included Rasputin in a freakin medley!!! Cheaters!

Baaaack on topic. I think this is a fantastic opportunity for GMs to widen player experience, and engenders many adventures in an exciting time period on a strange and fantastical world with exotic cultures, a myriad of mysterious creatures and eerie technology. And pretzels, kangaroos and telegraphs.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mikaze wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:
The princess is the dragon.
I want to play this.


Mikaze just because I hold you very dear -

Your wish is granted.

Dark Archive

Bellona wrote:
*cue headscratching, as I try to remember what was in vogue around 1918*


Well this old dead horse had been just taking up adherents for a decade in a large part of the world.

thejeff wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Does Baba Yaga age a year every time she directly answers a question put to her?
Yes, but she's immortal.

Funny that you mention that.

Dark Archive

9 people marked this as a favorite.



If Rasputin is related to Baba Yaga then makes him related to Iggwilv and Iuz! And an in law (in chaos?) of Graz'zt.

OMG! Paizo, Brandon, you guys ROCK! Wow!

May your children grow up to be supermodel rocket scientists, your puppies grow up to be wolfhounds and your kittens grow up to become despots of small warm tropical islands!


It's literally 8:50 AM in New York and I am opening a bottle of wine and grilling a steak to celebrate.

На здоровье

Dark Archive

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Very, very pleased to see this appearing. Surprised no one has yet mentioned the oldskool Dragon magazine adventure ( that's right folks, before there was a Dungeon) City beyond the Gate

I mentioned this very adventure in the defense of the idea and pedigree of world hopping in summer (August?) of last year.

I believe James Jacobs said he liked the Robert Schroeck's work.

I would look for my post but I'm busy eating steak right now. (see above post)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Since when is Iggwilv related to Baba Yaga? Don't recall that in Canon anywhere.

As for the City Beyond the gate, you know that Dragon did an article on the insides of Baba Yaga's Hut, right?

Mapping out the internal links in the hut was what introduced me to tessaracts.


He did say "if" Rasputin is related. ;)

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Aelryinth wrote:

Since when is Iggwilv related to Baba Yaga? Don't recall that in Canon anywhere.

As for the City Beyond the gate, you know that Dragon did an article on the insides of Baba Yaga's Hut, right?


I believe that in Greyhawk lore its now considered that Baba Yaga is not Iggwilv, but rather that the Witch Queen of Perrenland is Grandma Gnarlybones daughter, some say 'adoptive daughter' but the more adherent Greyhawk lore keepers are pushing the idea they are of the blood.

And yes I HAVE Roger E Moore's and other articles about the Dancing Hut. They are next to Ed Greenwood's issues on 'The Politics of Hell.'

BONUS XP to players who cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter at Rasputin and make it stick!

Because kids, (Na)Tasha IS Iggwilv.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Aelryinth wrote:

Since when is Iggwilv related to Baba Yaga? Don't recall that in Canon anywhere.

As for the City Beyond the gate, you know that Dragon did an article on the insides of Baba Yaga's Hut, right?

Mapping out the internal links in the hut was what introduced me to tessaracts.


She's supposed to be Baba Yaga's adopted daughter, this was in some Dragon issue (iirc the final Paizo issue).

Dark Archive

In the late 80's there was speculation that Baba Yaga, Finnish Louhi, Iggwilv (and in some very rare cases the Greek Sibyl) were all possibly linked if not one and the same woman in differing guises. (As an aside I was always curious why Morgan le Fay never made this list.)

This later was postulated that Natasha, aka Tasha, aka Iggwilv is actually the daughter of Baba Yaga and not the same being.

I believe Gary Gygax used Louhi as a template for Iggwiv.

Adam Daigle wrote:

The final volume of Reign of Winter hasn't hit the solicitation cycle yet. And, there are cover images of the first two volumes of this Adventure Path. Check them out! Andrew did a great job of designing the look of this AP.

Pathfinder #67

Pathfinder #68

Thanks for the quick reply, Adam! They do look great. Just figured it was a little late in the game to not have the final title released.

IIRC, a Paizonian mentioned all the titles of the Reign of Winter AP sometime last summer/early autumn. According to my notes, the last RoW AP installment will be The Witch Queen Revenge.

I don't know if that refers to Elvanna or to Baba Yaga herself.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MythicFox wrote:
Brandon Hodge wrote:
Oh, the cat people will get their due in #72's Bestiary, which exclusively features FELINES!!! That Adam's doing one fine job representing enthusiastic pet owners in the AP backmatter articles, isn't he?
So what you're saying... is that first you're taking the PCs to WWI-era Earth, and then the entire sixth module is going to be about catfolk? Man, trying to see how far you can bend the fanbase before it breaks off, aren't ya?

I suddenly envision this conversation in an OotS comic strip.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

baron arem heshvaun wrote:

In the late 80's there was speculation that Baba Yaga, Finnish Louhi, Iggwilv (and in some very rare cases the Greek Sibyl) were all possibly linked if not one and the same woman in differing guises. (As an aside I was always curious why Morgan le Fay never made this list.)

This later was postulated that Natasha, aka Tasha, aka Iggwilv is actually the daughter of Baba Yaga and not the same being.

I believe Gary Gygax used Louhi as a template for Iggwiv.

tasha was the mirror of opposition clone of Iggwilv, IIRC?


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Someday I will do a joint cosplay with my mom, so I can be my avatar and she can be my Baba.

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:
Someday I will do a joint cosplay with my mom, so I can be my avatar and she can be my Baba.

Some parent and child needs to do a Baba Yaga and Hut cosplay with an infant as Baba Yaga and the parent as the hut.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

I saw the title to this, and thought "Must be a joke." Then I read it. Then I blacked out for a second from all the awesome in that description.

I'm getting this AP. And I am gonna run the hell out of it. I need to start working on my Russian accent.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Everyone excited about the Baba Yaga/Iggwilv connections might want to take a real close look at Witchwar Legacy. :)

And keep in mind that one of Iggwilv's aliases was "Tasha"!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:
The princess is the dragon.
I want to play this.


Mikaze just because I hold you very dear -

Your wish is granted.

Doesn't count!

Spoilers for that link:
She's the Queen! ;)

That aside, that is a really really great AP.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hate to be a dissenting voice but Earth in 1918? Really?

I'm a subscriber and won't cancel because of this but I'm not a fan of mixing genres to this extent. Appreciate that folklore puts Baba Yaga's home in Russia but I'm sceptical about how much of this AP module I will use. Thankfully the quality of writing and plot with the APs means I can hopefully re-skin whatever is in this but it's a bit too much for my tastes.

Clearly from the posts above others are loving this and I'm not going to argue with them but wanted to add my own thoughts as well.

I just subscribed to the AP line due to this book. Well, and the other books in this AP. :)

(Honestly not trying to start something with the guy above me. It's all a coincidence of timing.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One thing which I find interesting is, that by very nature of the module, we'll probably see high-level Russian soldiers. That subverts that famous article on the Alexandrian website quite a bit, eh?

Proto Spetsnaz are always a possibility. :)

Cheapy wrote:

I just subscribed to the AP line due to this book. Well, and the other books in this AP. :)

(Honestly not trying to start something with the guy above me. It's all a coincidence of timing.)

Absolutely. Each to their own. Just wanted to express my own personal preference.

The quality of writing in the AP line and the detail of the settings has been superb pretty much throughout so I wouldn't throw my toys out of the pram for one book that didn't fit with my own preferences. I know there are a lot of people who love genre mixing (including the late creator of the world's most popular RPG) but I'm not one of them.

If you are new to the line, though, check out the back issues and pick up as many AP issues as you can. I would say anyone running fantasy RPs can use something from them. Doubtless I will also find something I can use in PF71.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wait, what? Russia? REALLY? OMG?! This.. wow... I want this campaign. This is a level of crazy that fits me and my group perfectly. We'll be having a blast with this campaign.. AND THEN WE GET TO GO TO RUSSIA?! Hahahahaha. Wow. Paizo, I friggin' love you guys.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It occurs to me that the characters won't think of this as going to "Earth." If they ask the locals, they'll be told it's the planet Zemlya. :D

I'd suggest that the Golarion astronomers name the odd planet LV-426. ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I had better see an entry for the M1911 for 20th century weapons. ;)

This sounds like a lot of fun and very creative, also involving for players who are willing to give it a try. I think this series is at its best when it takes big risks; the pirate campaign certainly fit that mold. The current path feels, by contrast, a little safe and self-congratulatory (but that is a topic for another thread, obviously). People who prefer less extravagant myth-making certainly have other options. For me, I hope this is a sign of more surefooted creative leaps to come.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My players are currently doing the Pirate campaign (Skull and Shackles), and we're loving it so far. This new adventure path sounds like it has enough crazy in it that it'll fit my group perfectly.

I'm still hoping Paizo does either a Numeria Adventure Path and/or an Alkenstar/Nex/Geb one. I love that area's lore.

This is gonna rule! Can't wait! I'm gonna hafta start perfecting my Russian accent!

I wonder if the language barrier issue is going to be addressed. I assume Taldorian and Russian are not exactly the same language.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Player's Guide for the AP specifically states that the Linguistics skill is almost vital as the PC's will be traveling to several areas where Common/Taldan isn't..

Liberty's Edge

Where are you finding this player's guide?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I think he is referring to text in the Player Companion People of the North. This book has two pages titled "Player's Guide to Reign of Winter", mostly consisting of campaign traits.


Adam Daigle has confirmed in this thread that language was an important consideration in this AP. I can confirm a similar consideration for this volume.

I was kinda uneasy about this. But i think this is going to be my first ever one of these that I run.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Zaister wrote:
I think he is referring to text in the Player Companion People of the North. This book has two pages titled "Player's Guide to Reign of Winter", mostly consisting of campaign traits.

Yes, but it also gives information about skills & other character choices that will be important in the AP, and Linguistics is mentioned quite specifically.

Brandon Hodge wrote:
Adam Daigle has confirmed in this thread that language was an important consideration in this AP. I can confirm a similar consideration for this volume.

Very good, товарищ Ходжа!

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