GameMastery Item Cards: Curse of the Crimson Throne Deck

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Our Price: $9.99


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Pathfinder Item Cards: Curse of the Crimson Throne is an all-new 54-card deck featuring items tied to the second Pathfinder Adventure Path, Curse of the Crimson Throne. Each card features a beautiful full-color illustration of an item on one side, with a text description and room for notes on the opposite side. A Game Master can hand these out when their PCs get treasure and watch as players learn to love managing their booty. A code on each card helps Game Masters track which card corresponds to which treasure.

Useable by experienced GMs and novices alike, this product fits perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal.

01 Chain Mail
02 Full Plate
03 Full Plate
04 Leather Armor
05 Shield
06 Bastard Sword
07 Bola
08 Bolt
09 Falchion
10 Heavy Crossbow
11 Kukri
12 Lance
13 Light Crossbow
14 Rapier
15 Sabre
16 Scythe
17 Spiked Chain
18 Totem Spear
19 Potion
20 Potion
21 Potion
22 Ring
23 Ring
24 Scroll
25 Scroll
26 Scroll
27 Rod
28 Rod 
29 Staff
30 Staff
31 Wand
32 Wand
33 Wand
34 Belt
35 Box
36 Circlet
37 Crown
38 Dress
39 Fang
40 Figurine
41 Figurine
42 Gloves
43 Hood
44 Incense
45 Mask
46 Mushroom
47 War Paint
48 Badge
49 Coin
50 Doctor's Mask
51 Harrow Deck
52 Holy Symbol of Abadar
53 Unholy Symbol of Zon-Kuthon
54 Vial of Poison

Sample cards. Click to enlarge.

Illustrations by Vincent Dutrait.

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This deck contains 54 item cards designed for Curse of the Crimson Throne. I should say at the outset that I’ve never really seen the point of item cards--in any Pathfinder campaign, the PCs will accumulate treasure at such a rate that it would be pretty much impossible to have every item in their possession symbolised by a card. And if every item in their possession isn’t symbolised by a card, the remainder has to be kept on a list, and why not just dispense with the cards and keep the list? But I’ll set all that aside and assume I must just be missing something, as a lot of gamers must enjoy item cards like these since they’re still being made.

I’ve used these cards throughout my running of the AP to add some visual flavour to some of the memorable or important items the PCs might encounter. On the front of each card is the name of the item, a symbol denoting the type of item it is (potion, scroll, etc.), artwork of the item, a symbol at the lower left denoting what deck it’s from (a little red tower for this deck), and a cool border. The back of each card has a little written description of the item and a large space where handwritten notes about it could be added. So for example, the “Heavy Crossbow” card features a drawing of a heavy crossbow (naturally), a little sword symbol indicating it’s a weapon, and a description on the back: “Sturdy steel mechanisms abound on the hardened oak stock of this heavy crossbow.” The vast majority of cards are like this, and suitable for use in any campaign. With some exceptions discussed below, I didn’t find they added particular flavour to Curse of the Crimson Throne. A GM shouldn’t feel that they’re depriving the players of anything if they run the adventure path without them.


The tricky part about using these cards is that for some of the cards, the artwork clearly does represent something specific from Curse of the Crimson Throne but without the card title indicating it as such. For example, one of the “Full Plate” cards is clearly of Gray Maiden armor, the “Dress” is Ileosa’s beautiful green dress, the “Figurine” is the magic jade elephant in Arkona Palace, and (perhaps most importantly) the “Crown” is the Crown of Fangs. Neither the title nor the description on the back explain any of this, which I guess aids in the cards being reusable in different campaigns but limits how much value they have within the AP. As I said, I have tried to use them to depict unique items in the game and I think the players like it when I can, but they’re certainly not essential.



All 54 items can be found and used in the Adventure Path by the players.
The art is very evocative.
5 armor pieces, 13 weapons, 27 magic items, 7 equipment pieces and holy/unholy symbols of Abadar and Zon-Kuthon are included.
52 cards for $3!

There is no matching Face Cards set.


If you payed 60 bucks for the hardcover collection, do your players a favor and shell out 3 more for this great collection of item representations.

Dark Archive

Wow, I'm really excited about the recent blog post that gives a first impression on this itemcard-set.
Is the box the same thing that is mentioned in the RotRl-Pathfinder Journal? The box that Eando Kline was after? Seems like...
Will the characteristics of these boxes be revealed in the current AP? Seems like as well...
And can we expect to see a list of the deck before the release? I hope so...
Last questions: Are all of the illustrations done by Vincent again? I really, really like his style! I'm asking this, because Jason did mention the possibility of having different illustrators for future decks in one of the tuesday-chats...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Absinth wrote:

Wow, I'm really excited about the recent blog post that gives a first impression on this itemcard-set.

Is the box the same thing that is mentioned in the RotRl-Pathfinder Journal? The box that Eando Kline was after? Seems like...
Will the characteristics of these boxes be revealed in the current AP? Seems like as well...
And can we expect to see a list of the deck before the release? I hope so...
Last questions: Are all of the illustrations done by Vincent again? I really, really like his style! I'm asking this, because Jason did mention the possibility of having different illustrators for future decks in one of the tuesday-chats...

I can't speak for the box, but I can answer the other two questions:

We generally like to leak out the card list a little bit at a time shortly before the release date; I'd expect that to continue.

All of the art continues to be by Vincent Dutrait.

Not always, it's April now and I'm expecting a the one deck that does not have a card list listed(adventure gear 2) and this is supposed to come out next month.


FenrysStar wrote:
Not always, it's April now and I'm expecting a the one deck that does not have a card list listed(adventure gear 2) and this is supposed to come out next month.

The Item card list normally come out about 3 weeks before they are available if I remember the runelord one right

Liberty's Edge

The description for the card deck says it is part of the Pathfinder's Chronicles subscription. However, I don't see it listed anywhere in my list of items to be shipped. Will this deck ship with May's Pathfinder's Chronicles Gazeteer?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

If we do not play with item cards, but are Chronicles subscribers, is there a way to request to not receive this item as part of the subscription?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Jim Gonidakis wrote:
The description for the card deck says it is part of the Pathfinder's Chronicles subscription. However, I don't see it listed anywhere in my list of items to be shipped. Will this deck ship with May's Pathfinder's Chronicles Gazeteer?

D'oh! We removed the Item Card decks from the subscription a while back, but I neglected to remove that bit of text from the description. The deck isn't part of any subscription—you'll need to order it separately.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:

D'oh! We removed the Item Card decks from the subscription a while back, but I neglected to remove that bit of text from the description. The deck isn't part of any subscription—you'll need to order it separately.

Oh Noes..... that means I'll land up buying more than just cards if I start shopping ala cart! Curse you Paizo. Maybe I should have my paycheck direct deposited into Paizo's bank account?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Do we have a list of cards yet?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

yoda8myhead wrote:
Do we have a list of cards yet?

You do now!

Sovereign Court

You're right Jim Gonidakis.

I have the cards in my shopping cart and it seems impractical not to order some other items just to save on shipping. Same when the Pathfinder Goblin T-Shirts are ready for order I'll be forced, FORCED to purchase multiple items!

Dark Archive

Especially with the potions and wands, I'd like to be able to match the items exactly with those that appear in the adventures. Weapons, armor, and the like are easily matched by the illustrations in Pathfinder--at least in the first three in the "CotCT" series that I've received and read--but others are trickier.

Obviously, that'd be spoiler-heavy.

Have others already done some of this sort of work with this set of cards?

They look beautiful.

Liberty's Edge

Can anyone tell me if ANY of the item cards in ANY deck is a spear? I think I have 50 wands, 40 staves and 79 potions...but no spears. :-)

-DM Jeff

Shadow Lodge

DM Jeff wrote:

Can anyone tell me if ANY of the item cards in ANY deck is a spear? I think I have 50 wands, 40 staves and 79 potions...but no spears. :-)

-DM Jeff're not going to like this, Item Pack 1 had one; but it's no longer available. And I have another one from the Elements Of Power deck, which is still available. What I'm waiting for is a Halberd, a couple close ones that substitute fine, but no proper Halberd yet.


Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

SPOILERS for the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path ahead... you've been warned!


Referencing the six adventures, my only-somewhat-reliable memories of reading them through a busy spring and summer, and Gamer Girrl's fantastic consolidated treasure lists for CotCT, I've matched the items depicted in the cards to the following in-game goodies. Note that 14 of the 54 item cards--noted in (parentheses) following the items--aren't yet matched. Input from fellow gamers and especially the designers in correcting mistakes and filling in the gaps is most welcome.

I've coded the items to the adventures in which they appear.

EoA=Edge of Anarchy
SDttG=Seven Days to the Grave
EfOK=Escape from Old Korvosa
HoA=History of Ashes
SoS=Skeletons of Scarwall
CoF=Crown of Fangs

Curse of the Crimson Throne deck

01 Chain Mail EfoK; Laori’s armor
02 Full Plate SdttG; Gray Maiden armor
03 Full Plate EoA; Hellknight armor
04 Leather Armor EfOK; Red Mantis armor
05 Shield EoA; Hellknight shield
06 Bastard Sword SoS; Serithtial
07 Bola (Shoanti?)
08 Bolt HoA; Cinderlander’s screaming bolts
09 Falchion CoF; Sabina’s +2 wounding falchion
10 Heavy Crossbow (Harsk’s crossbow?)
11 Kukri EfoK; Vimanda’s +1 ki focus shock kukri
12 Lance SoS; Sergeant Lashton’s +2 lance
13 Light Crossbow EfOK; +1 holy light crossbow
14 Rapier EfOK; Vencarlo Orisini’s +2 keen rapier
15 Sabre EfOK/HoA/CoF; Red Mantis sawtooth sabre
16 Scythe SDttG; Lady Andaisin’s +1 vicious scythe
17 Spiked Chain EfOK; Laori’s +2 spell storing spiked chain
18 Totem Spear HoA; Sklar-Quah Thundercallers’ +1 totem spears
19 Potion (?)
20 Potion HoA; Cinnabar’s elixir of shadewalking
21 Potion (?)
22 Ring CoF; Ileosa’s ring of splendid security
23 Ring SoS; Captain Castrophane’s ring of immolation
24 Scroll (?)
25 Scroll (?)
26 Scroll SDttG; Ileosa’s proclamation
27 Rod (Necromancy?)
28 Rod (Swastel’s rod of wonders? Rod of splendor in the Lord’s Tower?)
29 Staff (?)
30 Staff (?)
31 Wand HoA; Cinnabar’s wand of hold person
32 Wand HoA; Akram’s wand of lesser restoration
33 Wand (?)
34 Belt HoA; Krojun’s belt of giant strength +4
35 Box SDttG; death’s head coffer
36 Circlet SoS; Castrophane’s skeleton warrior circlet in Lord’s Tower
37 Crown CoF; Crown of Fangs
38 Dress EoA’ Ileosa’s dress
39 Fang CoF; Fang of Kazavon
40 Figurine HoA; Sial’s bone house
41 Figurine EfOK; elephant figurine of wondrous power
42 Gloves EoA; Ileosa’s gloves
43 Hood (Jabbyr’s executioner’s hood?)
44 Incense (Drugs from Arkona mansion?)
45 Mask EfOK/HoA/CoF; Red Mantis mask
46 Mushroom (?)
47 War Paint HoA; Shoanti war paint
48 Badge EoA; Korvosan Guard badge
49 Coin EoA; Korvosan gold sail
50 Doctor's Mask SDttG; plaguebringer’s mask
51 Harrow Deck EoA; Zellara’s Harrow deck
52 Holy Symbol of Abadar SDttG; Ishani’s holy symbol
53 Unholy Symbol of Zon-Kuthon EfOK; Laori’s holy symbol
54 Vial of Poison (?)

I noticed that the card boxes from other vendors have different photos then the ones sold on this website. Are they the same cards?

Paizo Employee CEO

Oggh wrote:
I noticed that the card boxes from other vendors have different photos then the ones sold on this website. Are they the same cards?

They are probably still using the mock-up image that we sent out with the solicitation. We change our own image to the final one about one to two months before the product is released, but many sites don't have the wherewithal to change an image once it is up on their site. I expect that they are referencing the same product.


Thank you, I wanted to make sure I wasn't double ordering the same cards and wanted to make sure I did order the cards if they were different. I bought my cards here with Paizo but I saw the other site had different photos with the same name. Thank you for the quick response, I'm getting my Father's Day order together.

Sovereign Court

My group is midway through the second adventure Seven days to the Grave. I bought the item card deck and I'd like some advice on where and when to distribute them. Some are obvious, some not so much.

Oh wow. Both the Full Plates look absolutely awesome. I'm gonna grab this, I need to build up my basic items cards...

Dark Archive

I think this will sell out soon with septembers hardcover release of CotCT.

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