Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 38 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)
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Never miss a modifier again!

With Condition Cards, it's easy for players and GMs to keep track of the Pathfinder RPG's most common conditions. Did the bard fascinate your party? Is your wizard invisible? Is the fighter bleeding out? Simply hand out the appropriate condition cards to have all the rules for each condition at your fingertips. This set of 52 hilariously illustrated, full-color cards allows you to play faster and more easily than ever before.

There are 4 copies each of 13 different cards, with different (but related) conditions on each side:

  • blinded/deafened
  • dazed/stunned
  • exhausted/fatigued
  • grappled/pinned
  • shaken/frightened
  • sickened/nauseated
  • staggered/paralyzed
  • helpless/flat-footed
  • dazzled/fascinated
  • confused/entangled
  • bleed/dying
  • prone/unconscious
  • incorporeal/invisible

Also included is a new spell, soothing word.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-285-2

Condition Card Errata: The "Confused" card's second sentence "You treat all creatures as neither allies nor enemies." should be read as "You treat all creatures as enemies." and the "Fatigued" card's reference to "you move at half speed" should be ignored. The cards with textual changes are pictured below.

Errata-ed cards are not included in the current reprints of the Condition Cards.

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG) Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.80/5 (based on 38 ratings)

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I've been using the Pathfinder Condition Cards for a few years now, so obviously I think they're a helpful addition to the game. The idea with the cards is that they provide a quick rules "shortcut" about the different status conditions that characters in the game can suffer from, like being knocked prone from getting tripped, paralyzed by a ghoul's touch, or fatigued from force marching. Conditions like this are extremely important, but it can be easy to forget a character is suffering from one and it can be even harder to remember exactly what the mechanical implications are.

Each card is double-sided, and the designers were clever: where possible, one side is a less serious condition than the more serious related condition on the other side (for example, "fatigued" and "exhausted" will be on opposite sides of the same card, and the same for "sickened" and "nauseated"). Not all conditions come in escalating pairs, of course, but the combinations chosen are still logical, like putting "blinded" and "deafened" on opposite sides of a card or "invisible" and "incorporeal" on opposite sides. There are four individual cards for each pair of conditions, which should be plenty for most tables; you can simply hand a player a card if their PC is suffering from the condition, or prop it up in front of them so everyone can see. Each of the type of cards has a different colour background and a different humorous picture of a goblin suffering from that condition (so the "helpless" goblin is tied to a stake, the "fascinated" goblin is entranced by a jewel, etc.). The cards are standard playing cards size, and have held up just fine to a lot of use.

Each deck also comes with an extra card that has an explanation of the deck on one side (common sense really) and a new spell, Soothing Word, on the other side. It's frankly odd to introduce a new spell to the game through a deck of cards like this, but the spell is actually extremely useful, as it reduces a serious condition (like "stunned") to its less serious counterpart ("dazed").

I have only one minor complaint about the deck: there are some conditions listed in the Core Rulebook that are not present in the cards: Cowering, Disabled, Energy Drained, Panicked, Petrified, and Stable. I would rather have paid a dime more for a 55 card pack and had these covered.

Still, all in all, these cards save a *lot* of flipping through the book trying to remember the effects of different conditions, and they've become something I make sure I have on the table every time I play Pathfinder.

They are a must use!


They make old and new games so easy to play its incredible. With new groups its easy to show them and effect and make them understand and with experienced high level groups its perfect to keep track of stacking effects. The most helpful product I've bought. I hope they make a comprehensive buff card pack as well.

Good product. It could be improved


First my experience: I purchased this product May 3, 2015 and I received an old edition deck (no "roleplaying game" writing on the box, just "pathfinder cards") with errors on the two incriminated cards. Not sure why Paizo still prints and ships old products. I was disappointed but luckily you can easily cancel the wrong statements with a marker.

EDIT: Paizo staff noticed the error in my comments in the forum and they immediately shipped a new deck. Sadly, this deck was an old edition too. It happened that Paizo actually made an error in the printing process.

The arts are very good, goblins are a pleasure to see. Many of the cards have the same drawing on both sides, so for example the pinned/grappled card presents the same goblin for the two conditions. Few cards present a different art on the two sides (e.g. invisible/incorporeal). I think it would have been much better if every condition had its own art (4 stars mainly due to this).

I'm sure these cards will be useful in my game sessions.

Mandatory Luxury Item


This is a great product, making the Pathfinder RPG even easier to play or GM. While not essential to game play, I really consider it a "Mandatory Luxury Item" at the game table.



I use my deck literally every session. Not only does it have the rules for these conditions at the ready, but it is a great reminder to make the adjustments. Useful both as a player and as a GM.

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Liberty's Edge

Sweeeeet! Exactly what I wanted. November??? So looong....

Now we just need a spell deck ;)

Silver Crusade

I just thought of a cool idea for cards like this. The top up the card should have four symbols, with a number in them. One for attack one for AC, one for skills, and one for saves. That way if you have more than one condition, you can stack them, just leaving the top bar visible. If all symbols are in the same place, you can easily get your total bonus or penatly, by adding up or down. Heck, spell card could have the same bar, so that way if you are under a spell, you could add it to the stack and see your bonuses easiy.

Paizo Employee CEO

noretoc wrote:
I just thought of a cool idea for cards like this. The top up the card should have four symbols, with a number in them. One for attack one for AC, one for skills, and one for saves. That way if you have more than one condition, you can stack them, just leaving the top bar visible. If all symbols are in the same place, you can easily get your total bonus or penatly, by adding up or down. Heck, spell card could have the same bar, so that way if you are under a spell, you could add it to the stack and see your bonuses easiy.

That is a cool idea! I'll run it by the team on Tuesday. But I like!


noretoc wrote:
I just thought of a cool idea for cards like this. The top up the card should have four symbols, with a number in them. One for attack one for AC, one for skills, and one for saves. That way if you have more than one condition, you can stack them, just leaving the top bar visible. If all symbols are in the same place, you can easily get your total bonus or penatly, by adding up or down. Heck, spell card could have the same bar, so that way if you are under a spell, you could add it to the stack and see your bonuses easiy.

Awesome! Add "Buff Cards" "buff Spells" in the same format FTW. Strong contender for multiple-pack purchase.

noretoc wrote:
I just thought of a cool idea for cards like this. The top up the card should have four symbols, with a number in them. One for attack one for AC, one for skills, and one for saves. That way if you have more than one condition, you can stack them, just leaving the top bar visible. If all symbols are in the same place, you can easily get your total bonus or penatly, by adding up or down. Heck, spell card could have the same bar, so that way if you are under a spell, you could add it to the stack and see your bonuses easiy.

And use one color for one type of bonus so it's easy to see if bonuses stack.

Silver Crusade

Cormac wrote:
noretoc wrote:
I just thought of a cool idea for cards like this. The top up the card should have four symbols, with a number in them. One for attack one for AC, one for skills, and one for saves. That way if you have more than one condition, you can stack them, just leaving the top bar visible. If all symbols are in the same place, you can easily get your total bonus or penatly, by adding up or down. Heck, spell card could have the same bar, so that way if you are under a spell, you could add it to the stack and see your bonuses easiy.
And use one color for one type of bonus so it's easy to see if bonuses stack.

OOh that is good too. Thanks Lisa.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

These are awesome ideas! Absolutely recommended. :)

Cormac wrote:
And use one color for one type of bonus so it's easy to see if bonuses stack.

Exactly! Barely need to know what the colors mean in the end, just add the biggest one.

Of course, most conditions are penalties, and those generally stack, but same difference.

Attacks, Damage, Saves, Checks (are there any conditions that affect skill checks but not ability checks or vice-versa?)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I am really looking forward to these and the ideas sound awesome. And I would also love the Buff Cards.

Grand Lodge

noretoc wrote:
Cormac wrote:
noretoc wrote:
I just thought of a cool idea for cards like this. The top up the card should have four symbols, with a number in them. One for attack one for AC, one for skills, and one for saves. That way if you have more than one condition, you can stack them, just leaving the top bar visible. If all symbols are in the same place, you can easily get your total bonus or penatly, by adding up or down. Heck, spell card could have the same bar, so that way if you are under a spell, you could add it to the stack and see your bonuses easiy.
And use one color for one type of bonus so it's easy to see if bonuses stack.
OOh that is good too. Thanks Lisa.

It would be an amazing asset if Pazio could pull off cards to help manage bonuses but unfortunately the logistics within the 3.5/Pathfinder ruleset make it almost impossible.

I have already created my own condition cards for my games and find them very useful for quick reference but what your suggesting would not fit onto a single playing card size. Just going through the first few conditions (down to the letter D) I counted the following different rules references...

AC penalty
No Dex to AC
Str Based skill penalty
Dex Based skill penalty
Perception penalty
Attack penalty (weapon)
Damage penalty (weapon)
critical modifier (weapon)
AC bonus penalty (armor)
ACP increase (armor)
Related skill check penalty (Tool)
Initiative penalty
Perception Auto-fail (sound)
Perception penalty opposed
spell failure penalty (verbal)
Action restriction...

That's a lot of information and not all exclusive

For my players I have produced an A4 condition tracker that works in tandem with the cards. It also records buffs, hit points, spells per day and handy calculators (although the power attack one is now obsolete) to help players figure out information without reference to a book. Its kind of a chopped down version of the character sheet which can be easily reproduced and modified without messing up important charcter information on a full character sheet.

If pathfinder could produce something similar to this with this product I'm sure it would greatly increase its value at the game table.

This would be some cards I would be interested in

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Awesome, these look like they will make things much easier to keep track of.

The-Last-Rogue wrote:
Now we just need a spell deck ;)

It's not official or anything but you might check out these.

Tikael wrote:

Awesome, these look like they will make things much easier to keep track of.

The-Last-Rogue wrote:
Now we just need a spell deck ;)
It's not official or anything but you might check out these.

I have actually . . . a bit too much going on for my liking, and rough on the printer too. Thanks for the link, though!

Much like the Critical Hit and Critical Miss decks, these will be an absolute must for my game. Having a quick reference will speed up game play immensely. Noretoc's suggestion for making them stackable is fantastic too if the logistics can be worked out. Looking forward to this product. :)

The-Last-Rogue wrote:
Tikael wrote:

Awesome, these look like they will make things much easier to keep track of.

The-Last-Rogue wrote:
Now we just need a spell deck ;)
It's not official or anything but you might check out these.

I have actually . . . a bit too much going on for my liking, and rough on the printer too. Thanks for the link, though!

My feeling too. Too busy, hard to read, expensive to print.

I like what LJP did for spell cards, but the Wizard Sorceror Deck still isn't out yet.

But the condition cards look great.

Dilov Youn, Fri, Nov 20, 2009, 09:55 AM FLAG | LIST | REPLY
GameMastery Cards: Conditions & Afflictions
It would be a great idea to have a deck card as a GM to give to our players indicating the normal conditions, diseases and it's effects (3.5/PFRPG) and curses.

Some conditions to be consider are "New size: Large" and indicating the new considerations in modificators, weight x 8, Size x 2... like that

Thanks Paizo guys

Scarab Sages

Wow oresome.

I will have to dig deep but I sure I can reactive my subscription for these cards.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
noretoc wrote:
I just thought of a cool idea for cards like this. The top up the card should have four symbols, with a number in them. One for attack one for AC, one for skills, and one for saves. That way if you have more than one condition, you can stack them, just leaving the top bar visible. If all symbols are in the same place, you can easily get your total bonus or penatly, by adding up or down. Heck, spell card could have the same bar, so that way if you are under a spell, you could add it to the stack and see your bonuses easiy.

That is a cool idea! I'll run it by the team on Tuesday. But I like!


Thanks Lisa for your continual commitment to hear our ideas. I express this idea in a previous messageboard in November 20th of 2009. I'm really excited and convinced that the Pathfinder's formula to develop products based on ideas is the key to success.

Nicolas Gonzalez Simon a.k.a _"Dilov Youn"

Cool, something to whip at players. :)

While these sound great (especially if some of the above suggestions are applied), they're sadly not for the game I run/play.

Is there a way to just skip this one set in my subscription?

Again, these sound awesome. But they're not as "edition neutral" as I like my gaming products. :-P

The card game Gloom (found here) has a mechanic where bonuses, penalties and symbols show through. It's also a fun game.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I order one set, but I not really sure if I need more...does anybody knows how many cards of each condition are contained on the set?? (I have between 6 to 8 PCs in each game)


Grand Lodge

What would make this an even better product. If they put the buff spells in it like Aid, Prayer and Shield of Faith, Haste and the like. But if we had spell cards this would be covered in that... but I still think a buff spell/s should be included in the conditions deck :)

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I've updated the image and description; we'll add some sample cards next week.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Poor goblin.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

A few sample cards have been added.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

How many cards per condition?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Dragnmoon wrote:
How many cards per condition?

There are four copies of 13 different cards. Each card has two related conditions, one on each side—for example, dazed and stunned are opposite sides of the same card—so there are 26 different conditions.

There's also a new spell, soothing word, on the back of the rules card.

Liberty's Edge

Vic Wertz wrote:

There's also a new spell, soothing word, on the back of the rules card.

A possible tease for an upcoming spell deck? Hmmmmmmmm


Liberty's Edge

Yes, a Spell Deck and Buff Cards would be great!

Liberty's Edge

thenorthman wrote:
A possible tease for an upcoming spell deck? Hmmmmmmmm

The whole spell deck idea is nice, but there are SOOO many spells. Printing any subset of them as a deck would feel like we were limited to just the printed spells for characters. How would get all of them on cards?

Grand Lodge

Not talking about the entire spell list... Just asking for the buff spells and the ones that change the stats during combat, such as AC, Spell saves and DC's, To hit and To Damage, and the like.

These are all important and take time to look up. Having them handy would be nice.

(though I have to admit having Hero Labs is nice too because it is handy there along with all the conditions but not everyone has Hero Labs) :) I'm wondering if the "flat-footed" card will really describe the flat-footed condition or if it will be more similar to the awkwardly-named "denied Dex to AC".

It's one of my pet peeves that the two conditions tend to get smushed together...

Grand Lodge

Lisa Stevens wrote:
noretoc wrote:
I just thought of a cool idea for cards like this. The top up the card should have four symbols, with a number in them. One for attack one for AC, one for skills, and one for saves. That way if you have more than one condition, you can stack them, just leaving the top bar visible. If all symbols are in the same place, you can easily get your total bonus or penatly, by adding up or down. Heck, spell card could have the same bar, so that way if you are under a spell, you could add it to the stack and see your bonuses easiy.

That is a cool idea! I'll run it by the team on Tuesday. But I like!


Since we're talking cards, I'd like to throw into the mix the idea of (limited)(singed) proof sheets for sale!

Liberty's Edge

I will definitely be adding this to my wish list for Jan!

Hey, wait! It was supposed to come out in January! I wanted to use my Holiday code for orderig this!

Gray Eminence wrote:
Hey, wait! It was supposed to come out in January! I wanted to use my Holiday code for orderig this!

Would these cards come any quicker if I got out and pushed?

It's the last thing holding up a big order of mine.


Cainus wrote:
Gray Eminence wrote:
Hey, wait! It was supposed to come out in January! I wanted to use my Holiday code for orderig this!

Would these cards come any quicker if I got out and pushed?

It's the last thing holding up a big order of mine.

If you want, we can move the cards to a new order so the rest of your big order can ship.

Liz Courts wrote:
Cainus wrote:
Gray Eminence wrote:
Hey, wait! It was supposed to come out in January! I wanted to use my Holiday code for orderig this!

Would these cards come any quicker if I got out and pushed?

It's the last thing holding up a big order of mine.

If you want, we can move the cards to a new order so the rest of your big order can ship.

But wouldn't that affect the shipping cost? I got a pretty good deal on shipping because I ordered the amount that I did. To split it up would reduce the discount and create another separate shipping charge. If it's between patience and expence, I'll take patience (just not very patiently, heh).

If it can be split for no change in shipping costs, then yes please.

Otherwise I'll wait.

Thanks for the offer though.


Yeah, moving it to a new order will create separate shipping charges. Moving it to your sidecart to ship with a subscription order is also an option.

Liz Courts wrote:
Yeah, moving it to a new order will create separate shipping charges. Moving it to your sidecart to ship with a subscription order is also an option.

Thanks again.

I've waited this long, February isn't that far away (though i might reconsider this if it gets pushed back any more).

Really I posted so I could use the get out and push joke.

But thanks for the potential solutions.

New Idea

Rewards Cards
Based on the Hero Point System of PFRPG I was thinking on a deck of cards on which every GM could reward randomly to players (instead of giving points)... Also the Plot Twist Cards gave me this idea.

Based on characters actions, on the game, rewards could be earned for later play by the characters.

I was thinking on 5 types of rewards: Fame, Luck, Heroic, Faith & Knowledge (since a deck has 52 cards, they could be around 10 per type)

- Fame cards could alter NPC reactions for the benefit of the PC, another could reward the character with a special or magical item (from a prominent character)
- Luck cards could go from a typical re-roll, find a treasure on his way, or automatically cause a fumble on a NPC)
- Heroic cards could a stunt benefit, bonus on the next physically skill or attack roll or give the PC an extra action
- Faith cards, can be an omen, a divine spell or a save from death when a character goes down below 0 hp
- Knowledge could be cards that solve a mystery, grant a bonus on a knowledge skill..

I guess this idea could help any GM to reward a player based on his actions and where the player may choose (from a different color a random card)

You could release a first deck and if this product goes well, you could later release a second part (different awards)

I hope you like this useful idea


I dig this idea :)

Dilov Youn wrote:

New Idea

Rewards Cards
Based on the Hero Point System of PFRPG I was thinking on a deck of cards on which every GM could reward randomly to players (instead of giving points)... Also the Plot Twist Cards gave me this idea.

Based on characters actions, on the game, rewards could be earned for later play by the characters.

I was thinking on 5 types of rewards: Fame, Luck, Heroic, Faith & Knowledge (since a deck has 52 cards, they could be around 10 per type)

- Fame cards could alter NPC reactions for the benefit of the PC, another could reward the character with a special or magical item (from a prominent character)
- Luck cards could go from a typical re-roll, find a treasure on his way, or automatically cause a fumble on a NPC)
- Heroic cards could a stunt benefit, bonus on the next physically skill or attack roll or give the PC an extra action
- Faith cards, can be an omen, a divine spell or a save from death when a character goes down below 0 hp
- Knowledge could be cards that solve a mystery, grant a bonus on a knowledge skill..

I guess this idea could help any GM to reward a player based on his actions and where the player may choose (from a different color a random card)

You could release a first deck and if this product goes well, you could later release a second part (different awards)

I hope you like this useful idea


Sketchpad wrote:

I dig this idea :)

Dilov Youn wrote:

New Idea

Rewards Cards
Based on the Hero Point System of PFRPG I was thinking on a deck of cards on which every GM could reward randomly to players (instead of giving points)... Also the Plot Twist Cards gave me this idea.

This is very like the cards used in Torg. They were used like hero points and plot twists and more, lots of fun. I would love to see a variation of that.

Liberty's Edge


I hope the next card deck is a summon monster deck! :)

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Patrick Kropp wrote:
I hope the next card deck is a summon monster deck! :)

I don't think Paizo owns the rights to Yu gi oh. :P

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Patrick Kropp wrote:
I hope the next card deck is a summon monster deck! :)

That would be awesome...

The Exchange

Cool deck. The Goblins are funny and I really like how a lot of the 'stepped' conditions are on the flip side of each-other.

I do have one complaint (with the Cards line in general), the packaging. The dang cardboard tab that sticks up at the back of the box makes it hard to open a deck without tearing the box. I assume it's a cost savings over the old box wrapped in plastic, but the 'traditional' card box is so much more easy to not damage.

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