Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide (PFRPG)

4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Expand Your Psionic Options!

Take psionics to the next level with all new character options and rules. With new classes, new options for existing classes, new psionic powers, feats, items, and prestige classes, this book has something for new psionic characters and old!

Contained within the pages of Psionics Expanded you will find:

  • Alternate racial options for all of the psionic and core races
  • Six new 20-level psionic base classes: the aegis, cryptic, dread, marksman, tactician, and vitalist (a psionic healer)
  • Advanced class options including class archetypes, advanced disciplines, and new psychic warrior paths, wilder surges, and soulknife blade skills
  • Dozens of new psionic and metapsionic feats
  • New psionic powers for all manifesters
  • Nine new psionic prestige classes, including the body snatcher, metaforge, and soul archer
  • New psionic armor, weapons, and items, as well as a new type of psionic item to empower mind blades, armor, and shields

Building off the core psionic rules of Psionics Unleashed, Psionics Expanded gives over two hundred pages of new character options to allow you to have exactly the psionic character you want.

Psionics Expanded requires Psionics Unleashed.

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4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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A great product gets even better


This review is also a bit of a review of the core psionics rulebook, "Psionics Unleashed," as the use of this volume depends on having and using the core volume. The work that Dreamscarred did with Psionics Unleashed was a godsend for my games, which have included Psionics for many decades. While the 3.5 rules that are their foundation were good, Dreamscarred managed to improve in them significantly, making them even more balanced and interesting. With that in mind, I was expecting that Psionics Expanded would just be a series of tweaks and some new powers. This is far from the case.

One of the concerns that I have had about running an all-psionics game has been the lack of coverage of core roles, notably healing and heavier tanking, and to a lesser degree party coordination. This book manages to expand the set of core psionic classes to cover these roles, and does so without simply making them a rehash of non-psionic classes. They have a distinctly different feel, and reflect the mind-based character of psionics, which is completely different from traditional systems of fantasy magic.

One of the few downsides that I can offer in relation to this product, is that between it and its predecessor, it feels like there just aren't all that many psionic monsters. Sure, the core bestiaries are to be used in conjunction with the psionics system, but I had really hoped for more monsters in general. Even with that said, I haven't used all of those monsters that are provided between these two works, so there's plenty of material to work with here.

The APG of psionics, a stellar book of crunch if there ever was one


This massive book is 220 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, leaving us with 216 (!!!!) pages of content, so let's check this out!

Well, how to review this? This book is essentially the "Advanced Player's Guide" for psionics, kicking off with an introduction that covers all the psionic aces and core races and their respective takes on the new classes introduced in this book.

I already did in-depth analysis of the respective component pdfs that worked as a kind of playtest for the compilation of this book, so in order to avoid redundancy, I will NOT go through each and every piece of crunch again and instead point you towards my reviews of the component pdfs. I will thus focus on glitches I noticed when first reviewing these and whether/how they've been addressed.

Let's start with "Find the Mark". The marksman's styles are still iconic and cool and...YEAH! We now also get the Kaigun, a marksman/gunslinger-hybrid! Even though "Find the Mark" was released before UC, Dreamscarred press did not rest on their laurels and now provide full Gunslinger-support for their ranged class in the form of an archetype that also includes new deeds. Mechanically sound and cool, this eliminates my one major gripe with the original pdf. Two thumbs up! Better yet, feats like greater intuitive shot and deadly throw (adding wis- and dex-modifier, respectively) to the damage cannot be combined. Wicked abuse successfully thwarted!

"Mind over Body" was my least favorite of the component pdfs, featuring a base-class called Vitalist that is essentially a psionic healer. In its original inception, its orisons had a confusing name that has been cleared up. Better yet, the broken psychic warrior path has been redesigned to avoid using the thrice-damned 3.5 ability "mettle" (evasion for 2 saves, btw.!), now working much more smoothly within the PFRPG-framework. The bad artwork for the metamorph PrC I originally criticized has been addressed, eliminating just about ALL gripes I had with the original pdf - with one exception: The collective ability of the vitalist and the tactician still does not specify whether e.g. a summoner and his eidolon count as one being towards the limit of participants or two. The same holds true for animal companions, familiars etc.

"Pawns & Power" - much like the vitalists's collective, the Tacticians has been revised as well and now works more organic than in the original pdf's first incarnation. "Unlimited Possibilities" was a glorious offering even before the refinement-process of the final book, so no surprises there regarding the quality. The same holds true for "Master the Battle" and "Hidden Intentions", which adds 3 archetypes for the cryptic and 3 archetypes for the Dead. Have I mentioned the Sadist-archetype for the Vitalist before (thankfully, for once not restricted to evil characters) and the 4 different archetypes for the Tactician, one of which provides for a cool fusion of the Vitalist and Tactician classes? Well, I have now.

It should also be noted that e.g. displays of psionic powers and their combinations are detailed in stellar fluff - combinations etc. make for a distinct feeling that goes beyond "I concentrate". The base psionic classes also get a vast array of additional options, as do some of the core-classes. The array of new powers and items that complements the pdf is also nothing to scowl at - there's a LOT of content herein.

Editing and formatting are very good - I noticed not a single distracting glitch that would have hampered my understanding of this massive book. Layout adheres to a beautiful, rather printer-friendly two-column b/w-standard, with artworks being beautiful and in full color. The pdf comes with truly extended, nested bookmarks, which make navigation easy indeed.
Let me first state something and end a myth: Psionics are not unbalanced. Period. They haven't been since Dreamscarred Press took the reins and applied a rigor and attention to detail and willingness to listen to feedback that is commendable indeed. I often find myself revisiting component pdfs when taking a look at any compilation and find that glitches have not been taken care of. With only one minor exception, the guys at DSP have managed to actually address ALL of my concerns with the component pdfs. Another trap for compilations of any kind is that they just reproduce content. Not so here: We not only have the blank spaces filled, we have the content lavishly and lovingly reorganized, expanded and polished to the point of gleaming like a diamond.

In the beginning of this review, I compared this book to the Advanced Player's Guide. Well, to me, Pathfinder's identity as something different from 3.5 first started to truly crystallize upon the release of said guide. Before, it was 3.6. Afterwards, it was its own, awesome system. Much the same can be said about Psionics Unleashed. While the CORE-book was the 3.6, streamlined version of 3.5 psionics, THIS is NEW. This is exciting. This is original. This is what identity should feel like in a product. Reviewing as many pdfs as I do, I often feel myself get bored by releases, yet more feats, spells, archetypes etc. Crunch can quickly become redundant and bland, forever rehashing tried and true design decisions, upping slowly, but firmly the power creep.

Psionics Expanded opts for something different. The book opts for classes with DISTINCT mechanics. These classes are hence harder to balance, harder to judge and this is also why it took me forever and a day to write this review. I wanted it backed by solid playing experience with each and every class herein. What can I say? They ALL WORK. In fact, they work so well it's almost frightening, since doing the math and design must have been more than a massive challenge. The extended, lengthy playtest and actually using the playtest for something different than proofreading and incorporating the feedback gathered shows in every crunchy nook and cranny of this pdf. Now the pdf is not perfect: I still would have preferred e.g. a more talent-based approach for the marksman. But in the end...these are nitpicks. Very, very minor nitpicks.

I often complain about the lack of ambition among 3pps and 2012 has seen a major rise in such projects - FGG's conclusion of "Slumbering Tsar" and the "Rappan Athuk" kickstarter, Open Design/Kobold Press' "Midgard Campaign Setting" or Rite Publishing's "Heroes of the Jade Oath", to just name 2. But, at least for me, Psionics Expanded is the most ambitious project I've seen in ages, delivering classes with complex, new and exciting mechanics, massive enhancements to existing ones and balancing all of this as a Triple-A-release of the highest caliber. Designers of ANY class should take note, for here are examples on how it's truly done. This is the APG of psionics. Let me spell it out, if it's not abundantly clear by now:
I hate reviewing massive crunch-books like this due to the amount of work they require me to do, but oh boy.
This is one of the best crunch-books out there by ANY publisher for any version of d20. I unanimously allow this book in my home-game and I have limited access to the majority of content from "Ultimate Magic" and "Ultimate Combat". This is grand in every sense of the word and I only seldom pronounce such on a book of crunch. If I could, I'd give this 6 stars. I can't, though, and thus, in spite of (very) minor blemishes will rate this 5 stars + seal of approval. A required purchase for ANY adherent of psionics AND for aspiring designers of crunch. This, ladies and gentleman, is how it's done.

Endzeitgeist out.

Excellent Follow-up


Psionics Unleashed was an amazing book, and has gained at least 1 psionic follower at my table. Psionics Expanded continues in the excellent thread that Dreamscarred Unleashed, and makes for a very good rulebook.

Pro's: Its long. There is only 1 short chapter, and its about alternative rules and post Unleashed tweaks (like adding actual 0-level talents instead of nerfed 1st levels). My biggest take away is that these half a dozen new classes are actually something different. Think how utterly creative and frankly dissimilar to the core classes the Inquisitor was for the APG, and apply that to these. The Aegis is basically a guy wearing an astral construct. The Cryptic is a stealthy class full of awesome. The Vitalist is just about a psionic cleric. Oh and there's even a Psionic Fighter archetype.

The racial alternatives are just as fun in Expanded as they were in the APG. The tons of new powers add not only to the new manifester classes, but give the old guard a few nice additions to boot (psionic True Strike in the form of Inevitable Strike, yes please). Oh there's even a comprehensive list of magic weapon special abilities so that your Soulknife can make a quicker choice of what to juice his or her weapon with. Finally, on the credits page, below where they credited their play testers and before the OGL declarations, the 'based on 3rd edition' spiel is just golden.

Con's: Some of the classes are complicated. Like Eidolon complicated. Aegis, I'm looking at your half a dozen pages of armor abilities as an example. The Dread class just feels kinda 'meh' to me, not as inspired as some of the others. The Prestige classes all seem odd in the fact that some have weird entry levels and cap at odd clvls (one is a 11th clvl entry with 7 PrC levels).

Nitpicks / Other: The bookmarks don't split the powers up alphabetically. Some early errata that wasn't caught before it went gold. One of my players commented the art style was entry level Deviant Art (I disagree).

Overall: 4.5/5

Dreamscarred again delivered a AAA level title from a 2-person publisher. I highly recommend this book!

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Dark Archive

I am seeing that it's in my side cart is there anyway to verify that I am actually getting one? If not I would like to pursue other options as there are some still available at other locations and I do not want to miss this book.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Currently, you do have one in your sidecart, which means, when we get stock in, they will be fulfilled in the order of oldest to newest order. If you do get it elsewhere, please contact Customer Service and they can cancel it for you.

Looks like they are arriving steadily, mine just left Paizo's warehouse. Estimated 7+ days to deliver which sounds about right.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Good news everyone! We've worked out some of our supply issues, and we should have stock to fill existing backorders in (hopefully) two weeks or thereabouts.

My book was estimated by USPS to arrive yesterday and arrived today, which is fine by me. As mentioned just above, I'm sure all of the later orders should be taken care of soon after the older ones. Thank you Liz and Jeremy (and every hard-working commoner in-between)!

Awesome news Liz!

Honestly, I was ready to give up on this one. But, the DSP team and PAizo have pulled through and made this book happen. Two weeks is pretty good too! I'm just glad I preordered mine early and have one of the first copies heading my way.

You see, my ninja is about to die in a campaign and I really wanted to play from the new book, we've bee delayed due to work so we're on a two week break, I should get the book just in time!

Dark Archive

Liz Courts wrote:
Good news everyone! We've worked out some of our supply issues, and we should have stock to fill existing backorders in (hopefully) two weeks or thereabouts.

Excellent news, then!

I was beginning to get a little twitchy since I attached it to subscription order and it's been holding the whole thing up.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

We are back in stock!

Dark Archive

I just wanted to say that although I didn't wind up getting mine through Paizo, (Thanks for the quick help Liz) that I love this book and look forward to whatever is next.

Saw a copy at my FLGS but didn't snag it as mine's in transit. Very happy and can't wait to have Ultimate Psionics next year.

The Exchange

Do bad the core Psionic books is out of stock. *cries*

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

TheLoneCleric wrote:
Do bad the core Psionic books is out of stock. *cries*

It should be in stock today or tomorrow based upon the shipping information. :)

The Exchange

Jeremy Smith wrote:
TheLoneCleric wrote:
Do bad the core Psionic books is out of stock. *cries*
It should be in stock today or tomorrow based upon the shipping information. :)

Well YAY then.

Finally reviewed here, on DTRPG and sent to GMS magazine as well as posted on Louis Agresta's RPGaggression and submitted to NERDTREK.

Also: Review #999. Does Asmodeus now come to get me?

Great review as always Endzeitgeist!

Thank you so much, Ravien! It's comments like yours that make this worthwhile. :)

Fantastic review (but then I am receiving it, so I might be biased here) - still a deep and focused review that brings everything to light for people who have come to trust you.

Quick question Thilo - do you submit Amazon reviews too?

Yes, I do. I submitted e.g. reviews for Creighton's Compilations there, so if you want me to, I'll post my review on amazon as well.:)

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Please do!

Another excellent review that is very much appreciated, Thilo.

Also, I hope to have the third From the Deep adventure over to you this month. :)

I have one stat block and a two-page write-up to finish, then layout.

First, I want to say that I am loving the content in this book!

I did notice a few things that weren't completely clear about how they worked, though, and I could use some clarification.

For the Metaforge prestige class's Crystallized Mind Blade, there is no information about:
- What kind of action it is to spend points on the blade
- What causes the enhancement to disappear (I'm assuming the bonus remains until the blade has been dismissed or has fizzled due to being dropped, but it could just as easily be a per-round cost)

In the Soulbolt archetype's Thousand Blades ability, it says:
- When making a full attack, the soulbolt may expend her psychic focus.
At first, I thought this was supposed to be psionic focus, since that is something that gets expended fairly often, but the next sentence reads:
- She deals no psychic focus damage, but all of her attacks...
So, now it looks like it was supposed to be psychic strike. Or is it supposed to be that you expend your psionic focus, and you can't use your psychic strike during the attack? It sounds similar to Double Shot, though, which involves expending your psychic strike, so at the moment I'm leaning towards it expending your psychic strike and you don't get psychic strike damage, but I'm hoping for an official statement/errata.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Here's the link to the errata thread - some of these questions are answered there.

Action for crystallized mind blade - swift.
Duration - 1 round.

That Psychic Focus should be Psychic Strike. I'll issue an errata on that.

Thanks for bringing those up - if you notice anymore, feel free to post them, as well!

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Oh, and I see we've gone back to backorder status - more are already on the way. :)

Excellent. Thank you for the link to the errata thread. I'll let you know if I see anything else. =)

Ah, missed my chance to edit. This is more of a question than a need for clarification, but in 3.5 it was possible for a Soulbow (prestige class for Soulknife, very similar to the PF Soulbolt archetype) to dual-wield their mind bow (like crossbows that don't need reloading). Is there any intent to allow this for the PF Soulbolt, or are they always going to be limited to having one mind bolt at any given time?

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Not currently, but I won't rule it out for a future option. The soulknife is probably the class we get the most requests for to make more options.

Dark Archive

Maybe a stupid question, but does an aegis suffer the normal nonproficiency penalties for wearing astral armor (chainmail) or astral juggernaut (half-plate) if it lacks the respective Armor Proficiency feats?

Dark Archive

Another question: Ranged Attack - Is it like a crossbow, or does it gain something like Strength bonus to damage?

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Justin Sluder wrote:

Maybe a stupid question, but does an aegis suffer the normal nonproficiency penalties for wearing astral armor (chainmail) or astral juggernaut (half-plate) if it lacks the respective Armor Proficiency feats?

Another question: Ranged Attack - Is it like a crossbow, or does it gain something like Strength bonus to damage?

Howdy Justin!

"An aegis is always considered to be proficient with his astral suit, even if he does not have the appropriate armor proficiency."

The ranged attack is like a crossbow - no Strength to damage. We will likely shortly issue an errata that it can be used with iterative attacks.

Question on Disrupting Strikes. Is it meant to be any attack in your full-attack that you can swap out, or just your attacks from your BAB? The former seems like it could get a bit crazy if you have natural weapons or use TWF. Crazy enough that I think asking wouldn't hurt :)

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Any attack in the full-attack.

The mitigating factor is that you're at least level 10, it's only for one round, and the power point pool of cryptics is very limited for a single-use effect.

Thanks for the response.

The Cryptic's archetype, brutal disruptor, mixed with elan race and the headband that augment 2d6 the disrupt pattern damage, mixed with to weapon fighting and speed weapons, is really, really ridicolous, specially with high intelligence, charisma and dexterity. Sorry but i can't respect this.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

I had a long post with math, character build, and everything, but the internet ate it.

I'll do my best to rebuild it the next chance I get, but to sum it up:

You're not looking at the whole picture. His average BAB plays a MAJOR role in how effective those attacks are, and compared to full-BAB classes, his damage output is still behind, despite what seem like big numbers.

Big numbers that miss don't really do any good.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

From what I've seen, the Cryptic has a bit of the same thing as the Mystic Theurge 3.5 scenario. Looks powerful, but in actual games rather than just theorycraft, the supposed brokenness kind of disappears.

Really, toss that much specialization and gear pointed toward achieving a similar effect on almost any other class and it'll be equally ridiculous. You get what you pay for.

If I bought all that stuff, spent all those feats, and bent every resource my character had toward achieving that end, it'd better be awesome.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

The internet tried to eat it again, but I copied / pasted this time. I think I was putting too much in the "Quick Reply" box instead of doing a standard reply.

Alrighty, I had a chance to rebuild the character for this. NOTE: Formulas used were from the DPR olympics.

10th level elan cryptic (brutal disruptor) - all favored class bonuses go toward improving Disrupt Pattern damage.

Using the Elite Array (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) - anything above Elite Array is by definition high-powered and DPR numbers I'll be using for comparison from the DPR olympics used the Elite Array

1st: Two-Weapon Fighting
3rd: Weapon Finesse
5th: Weapon Focus (Dagger)
7th: Improved Disruption
9th: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting

BAB: +7
Dex: 22 (15 base + 2 from Elan + 1 from level up + 4 from Belt)
Int: 18 (14 base + 4 from headband)
Str: 14 (13 base + 1 from level up)
Cha doesn't matter as far as I can tell...

+1 Agile, Speed Rapier
+1 Agile, Speed Dagger
NOTE: By using two +5 weapons, this character already goes over WBL limits for a 10th level character, but I did that anyway for the purpose of this DPR calculation. A 10th level character should have roughly 62k in wealth. Each weapon alone is worth 50k.

Disrupt Pattern Damage:
Base: 1d6+Int = 1d6+4 = 7.5 average damage
Elan Racial Bonus: +5
Enhanced Disruption: +4d6 = 14 average damage
Improved Disruption: +5 (+1 for each die, 5d6 total dice)
Bracers of Disruption: +2d6+2 (including the +2 from Improved Disruption) = +9 average
Total: 41.5 average damage
NOTE: 12 of that gets added on critical, but the extra dice do not, as they are added to the base attack, and extra dice are not multiplied on a critical. Meaning 29.5 is non-multiplied, 12 is multiplied

Attack Roll Modifiers:
BAB: +7
DEX: +6
TWF: -2
Enhancement Bonus: +1
Weapon Focus: +1
Total: +13

Damage Roll Modifiers:
Base Damage: 2.5 / 2.5
Agile Weapon: +6 / +3
Enhancement Bonus: +1 / +1
Disrupt Pattern: +40.5 / +40.5
Disrupt Pattern Added on Crit: +12 / +12

DPR by attack when enemy is active enemy type (only has one):
Total DPR with 6 attacks: 126.25

First Main Hand: 26.075
Speed Main Hand: 26.075
Second Main Hand (-5): 13.0375
First Off Hand: 24.525
Speed Off Hand: 24.525
Second Off Hand (-5): 12.2125

DPR by attack when enemy is not of active enemy type:
Total DPR with 6 attacks: 74.125

First Main Hand: 15.625
Speed Main Hand: 15.625
Second Main Hand (-5): 7.825
First Off Hand: 14
Speed Off Hand: 14
Second Off Hand (-5): 7

Total Gear On Build: 152,000 gp

In summation: by going over WBL by 90,000 gp, his DPR is high, although it is still not in the same level as the DPR builds of some of the most optimized builds from the DPR olympics which did not violate WBL and also had defensive requirements that this character cannot afford to meet. His chance to hit with his main attacks is only 50% due to his low BAB, TWF penalties, and being relatively feat-starved. His DPR takes a significant hit if his opponent is not of his active enemy type.

NOTE: I tried builds with and without Piranha Strike (the TWF version of Power Attack), but it was a significant DPR hit with Piranha Strike every time. Weapon Focus was a better option.

If you take away the Speed properties, his DPR goes back to a far more reasonable 76 when his enemy is of the right creature type, 44.5 when his enemy is the wrong creature type, and his WBL is 68,000 (still too high for 10th level). So, he still has no money to spend on any defensive options or consumables and his DPR is within the same range as paladins, rangers, barbarians, and druids, and well below the summoner.

Feel free to check my math, I tried to include everything :)

I realize that it looks like a lot of damage at a first glance, but the base of the class being average BAB without any bonus feats to spend, without proficiency in the "strong" weapons, and the penalties you get from going TWF... the end result is that his damage output is on-par with other characters, not head-and-shoulders above.

I may finally be having a chance to play a dread or a cryptic soon (yay!), but can't seem to figure out if I can/need to re-download my pdf's of Psionics Unleashed and Psionics Expanded to get the up to date errata. Is there a way to tell when the last time the downloads here were updated with errata?

Thank you!

If you go to the My Downloads page that should tell you when each PDF was last updated.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
If you go to the My Downloads page that should tell you when each PDF was last updated.

So looking at that, it appears the downloads were last updated in July 2012 for Psionics Expanded, and in 2010 for Psionics Unleashed. Then I would just need to check any errata in the errata thread for dates after those to be sure I got it all. Is that right?

I have a rules question that I am hoping to get one of the developers to answer...

The extra blade skill feat from Psionics Expanded:
"Prerequisite: Blade skill class feature, base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: You gain an additional blade skill.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, you gain a new blade skill."

and the Deadly Fist Soulknife archetype, also from Psionics Expanded:
"Unarmed Assault
At 1st level, the deadly fist gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat as a bonus feat. In addition, the deadly fist gains the Flurry of Fists blade skill.
This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level."

The Soulknife (Psionics Unleashed) character class gains "blade skill" as a class feature at 2nd level.

Would it be a case of too narrowly construing the (intent of) wording so as to state that a deadly fist soulknife may gain a blade skill at 1st level but still does not gain the blade skill class feature until 2nd level? Or, would that be accurate and the intent? Some other combination of accuracy and intent?

The reasoning here is to determine whether or not a 1st level soulknife (1st class level but not necessarily 1st character level) would be eligible to take the extra blade skill feat.

Thanks in advance.

I have a question regarding a possible Errata issue.

On Pg. 62 of the Full PDF, under the Vitalist Soultheif Method, the Ability "Soulthief's Touch" Seems to have an issue. In the second paragraph, second sentence it reads:

"Collective members may use this ability on creatures with a total number of hit dice less than half the vitalist’s level, but they gain no healing from it."

Is this a typo/errata need? Or can a Soulthief Vitalist's Collective members really use this ability?
In the single PDF "Mind Over Body" It reads:

"A soulthief may use this ability on creatures with a total number of hit dice less than half his vitalist level, but he gains no healing from it."

This is what makes me think it is a typo.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

I have a rules question that I am hoping to get one of the developers to answer...

The extra blade skill feat from Psionics Expanded:
"Prerequisite: Blade skill class feature, base attack bonus +2.
Benefit: You gain an additional blade skill.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time, you gain a new blade skill."

and the Deadly Fist Soulknife archetype, also from Psionics Expanded:
"Unarmed Assault
At 1st level, the deadly fist gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat as a bonus feat. In addition, the deadly fist gains the Flurry of Fists blade skill.
This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level."

The Soulknife (Psionics Unleashed) character class gains "blade skill" as a class feature at 2nd level.

Would it be a case of too narrowly construing the (intent of) wording so as to state that a deadly fist soulknife may gain a blade skill at 1st level but still does not gain the blade skill class feature until 2nd level? Or, would that be accurate and the intent? Some other combination of accuracy and intent?

The reasoning here is to determine whether or not a 1st level soulknife (1st class level but not necessarily 1st character level) would be eligible to take the extra blade skill feat.

Thanks in advance.

It is actually exactly because of that possibility that the prerequisite is blade skill class feature and not just blade skill. No, that would not work.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Quantum-Wolf wrote:

I have a question regarding a possible Errata issue.

On Pg. 62 of the Full PDF, under the Vitalist Soultheif Method, the Ability "Soulthief's Touch" Seems to have an issue. In the second paragraph, second sentence it reads:

"Collective members may use this ability on creatures with a total number of hit dice less than half the vitalist’s level, but they gain no healing from it."

Is this a typo/errata need? Or can a Soulthief Vitalist's Collective members really use this ability?
In the single PDF "Mind Over Body" It reads:

"A soulthief may use this ability on creatures with a total number of hit dice less than half his vitalist level, but he gains no healing from it."

This is what makes me think it is a typo.

That is a typo.

Thanks for your response above, Jeremy and now I have another question. :D

I was putting together a multi-class concept and came up with a question.

The soulknife archetype "deadly fist" has the ability empowered strikes (su). The following is in the descriptive text:

When empowered strikes is active, the deadly fists's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 points of damage if Medium-sized (or your normal unarmed strike damage, if higher) and are considered to be magic weapons for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Would a multi-class monk 4-soulknife (deadly fist) 3 have his monk 1d8 damage for unarmed strikes be replaced by the 1d6 of the deadly fist if he activates "empowered strikes"?

I'm thinking so but am looking for a definite answer.

Thanks again in advance

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No, because "or your normal unarmed strike damage, if higher)"

Your "normal" unarmed strike damage is the 1d8 from monk. Since that's higher, you use that.

Jeremy Smith wrote:

No, because "or your normal unarmed strike damage, if higher)"

Your "normal" unarmed strike damage is the 1d8 from monk. Since that's higher, you use that.

Ha, thankyou Jeremy.

Apparently I need to spend more time reading what I am going to copy and paste before I copy and paste it.

Perhaps this is just wishful thinking on my part (or I'm just missing something) but I am hoping for some clarification on "Skills as one"

This phrase
"If your rank in that skill is higher, the target uses your ranks in place of his own ranks (maximum 5 ranks), and vice versa."

What specifically does the "maximum 5 ranks" refer to? Does it mean nothing works if either or both has the skill at 5 or more ranks (character 1 has 5 ranks and character 2 has 6 ranks so nothing happens...)? Does it mean that it works but the newly gained total ranks in a skill cannot be greater than 5 (character 1 has 4 ranks in a skill and character 2 has 6 ranks results in character 1 with 5 ranks)? Perhaps it means that the total gained ranks cannot exceed 5 (5 ranks for first character and 11 ranks for second would result in 10 ranks for first character)? Something else?
Thanks in advance.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

I can see how that wording is confusing.

the intention was to limit the maximum "Extra" ranks you added to yours to +5, so you couldn't have a 20th level granting a 1st level 20 ranks in something.

So, the last example you gave is the proper interpretation.

Poop. Jeremy, I think I missed one.

circumstance shield appears to give a +2 bonus when you read any of the summary descriptions in the applicable class lists, but the power itself says a +1 bonus.

Sorry. I tried to proof everything but... so... many... words. <Grin>

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