Pathfinder Battles: Rise of the Runelords Standard Booster Pack

4.40/5 (based on 17 ratings)

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Standard Booster Unavailable

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The friends, fiends, and foes of Pathfinder's Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path invade your gaming table with Rise of the Runelords, the brand new Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures set from Paizo Publishing and WizKids! This stunning set features 64 all-new sculpts drawn from the gorgeous art in Paizo's Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path Anniversary Edition, a hardcover collection of the very first Pathfinder campaign! Designed to enhance the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, but suitable for any fantasy roleplaying campaign, these figures raise the bar on prepainted miniatures, setting a new standard of excellence and featuring a wide variety of monsters, NPCs, and heroes from the most popular Pathfinder campaign of all time!

Pathfinder Battles Rise of the Runelords miniatures come in two product configurations: Standard Boosters contain 4 Large, Medium, and Small minis, and Huge Boosters contain 1 Huge mini.

  • Rise of the Runelords Standard Boosters contain 1 Large figure and 3 Medium or Small figures
  • Rise of the Runelords Standard Bricks contain 8 Standard Boosters (32 figures total)
  • Rise of the Runelords Standard Cases contain 4 Standard Bricks (32 Standard Boosters, 128 figures total)
  • Rise of the Runelords Huge Boosters contain 1 Huge figure
  • Rise of the Runelords Huge Cases contain 6 Huge Boosters (6 figures total)
  • Rise of the Runelords Case Bundles contain 1 Standard Case and 1 Huge Case (128 small, medium or large figures and 6 Huge figures)

Purchasers should get no to very few duplicate figures in a brick. Buyers who purchase factory-sealed cases should get a nearly complete set of figures. (As with any randomized product, collation is not guaranteed.)

Rise of the Runelords Set List

1  Bugbear Hero
2  Goblin Commando
3  Goblin Dog
4  Goblin Warchanter
5  Kobold Champion
6  Faceless Stalker
7  Ghoul
8  Harpy
9  Ogrekin
10  Yeth Hound
11  Denizen of Leng
12  Redcap
13  Sinspawn
14  Sinspawn Axeman
15  Skinsaw Cultist
16  Alu-Demon
17  Lamia Kuchrima
18  Shining Child
19  Warrior of Wrath
20  Wraith
21  Goblin Commando on Goblin Dog
22  Jakardros Sovark
23  Lyrie Akenja
24  Ameiko Kaijitsu
25  Harsk, Dwarf Ranger
26  Lamia Matriarch
27  Malfeshnekor
28  Orik Vancaskerkin
29  Tsuto Kaijitsu
30  Vale Temros
31  Kaven Windstrike
32  Khalib
33  Ogre
34  Ogre Brute
35  Seoni, Human Sorcerer
36  Shalelu Andosana
37  Viorian Dekanti
38  Dire Bear
39  Stone Giant
40  Stone Giant Champion
41  Vraxeris
42  Lamia
43  Wendigo
44  Yeti
RareHugePromotional (Gargantuan)
45  Aldern Foxglove
46  Jaagrath Kreeg
47  Lucrecia
48  The Scribbler
49  The Skinsaw Man
50  Highlady Athroxis
51  The Mithral Mage
52  Runelord Karzoug
53  Stone Golem
54  Azaven
55  Lamatar Bayden
56  Mokmurian
57  Forgefiend
58  Nualia
59  Warchief Ripnugget
60  Young Red Dragon
61  Karzoug Statue
62  Lamia Harridan
63  Storm Giant
64  Treachery Demon
65  Rune Giant
(go to main product page)

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4.40/5 (based on 17 ratings)

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My 2nd favorite set (from 10) so far!


This second set is the best after set #9 (Dungeons Deep).
-There is not a single 1 star miniature in this set. Even the baddest ones get 2 stars from me.
-Of the 14 LARGE minis none is so unique that you can´t use it in other adventures. Some are quite essential ones. The worst one gets 3 stars!
-The only set to include HUGE miniatures!!! One of those is 5 stars, one is 4 stars, one 3 stars and one 2 stars.
-The diversity. This set has every kind of creature from Abberation to Undead. 64 creatures that make up one of the most most memorable campaigns in the history of Roleplaying!

mostly good


I got my case a couple weeks ago. Of course it doesnt come with a mini for every creature you encounter but most the gaps can he filled with a pawn or a paper mini. I was surprised that judge ironbriar didnt have a mini though. This is as far as i am in the AP so hopefully the rest of the tough guys have minis.

The rune giant would be flawless and one of my favorite pieces if not for his eyes being to close together, leaving him looking... lets say, simple. I also have a issue with the ogrekin. The book has awesome artwork for these monsters but the mini set gives you a generic looking ogerkin. Not a fan. I understand they do this so that you can use the same one for every encounter, but I'd rather have separate ones that look as awesome as the art.

On the upside most the rest of the pieces are pretty nice. The female sorcereSS, dwarf ranger, amieko, and several others are all excellent quality and i will use them for many more games after runelords. The stone giants, forgefiend, and the ogre brute are some of my favorites. And the rune giant is still awesome, even though he looks like he rode the short bus

Duplicate Brick

So I bought a brick of Rise of the Runelords; I quite enjoyed them and was planning on using them when I run my Rise of the Runelord Anniversary Adventure Path. I went out and bought another brick (from a different store) and I got exactly the same models with no exceptions. I am hugely disappointed by this as I expected some randomization. Maybe someone at the factory needs to be talked to. I don't have the money to go buy more at the moment and I don't even want to as I fear the same thing might happen again.

TPK-Online Review - Good or Great


I did a review of the minis on my site, here. They're good, but probably better if you're running Rise of the Runelords.

My Rise of the Runelords booster experience.


I'll also mention that I am running RotR for my Sunday group (really only 2 sessions into it) and while I had to drop out of the case subscription, I found myself with the ability (and money) to buy 3 standard boosters and 3 huge boosters ... and I'm not sorry I did. :)

Let me quickly add in here SPOILER ALERT!!!! (and perhaps this next behind a spoiler tag)

I was really happy to have gotten not only Ameiko Kaijitsu, but Tsuto Kaijitsu as well. It's very likely that my next session will have the Glassworks Encounter ... so it's super awesome to have the Kaijitsu siblings (I have PLENTY of goblins thanks to Heroes & Battles).
Other goodness includes a goblin dog, a yeti, a faceless stalker, a goblin commando and a redcap. For my HUGES I got the storm giant and the lamia harridan, as well as
the Karzoug Statue.
The other two larges I got (for those keeping count) I think I'll "spoiler" tag 'em as well, they are important "big bads" in later parts of the AP.
Jaagrath Kreeg and Mokmurian. Speaking of big bads, I also got the skinsaw man and vraxeris.
So, all in all very, very pleased with what I got. If I can afford more boosters in the near future (or somehow afford the case bundle) I will take the plunge. Maybe even buy a few singles of a few "key" villains of chapter 1 that I didn't get. ;) ***And before someone kindly points it out that I may not have a lot of time before I can still "subscribe" to this set ... due to limited premium Rune Giant "miniatures" ... it's a risk I'll have to take.***


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Cat-thulhu wrote:
Looks like Eric had dropped another name for the set.

Thanks for posting that, I'll update my site with that :)

Nice site

It is a nice site. I keep telling myself that I have to bookmark it, but then I realize its easy enough to remember; except that I sometimes forget.

I'd better bookmark it...


If you are just going by memory, you can also use:

The longer one is probably easier to remember, but I prefer to promote the shorter name.

Kor, I also really like the site. But if I can make one small request, when you eventually do the checklist for the Rise of the Runelords set, can you make the check boxes a little bigger?

I know technically it is only supposed to be a checklist, but at least with myself, I used the Heroes & Monsters checklist to catalog my miniatures, so I wrote my 'inventory' for each of minis in the boxes.

But yes, great job on the site overall!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

To my understanding, the biggest cost that affects mini's pricing is oil. The plastic they are made from is a by-product of the refinement process.

I don't personally know the percentage breakdown of where WizKids' specific costs go, but the cost of painting a given mini is pretty much "as much as you're willing to spend on it," and can certainly exceed materials costs. We've certainly encouraged WizKids to push the paint ops further than they've ever done, and when you get this set in your own hands, I think a lot of you will be stunned at what they've been able to do for us.

Earlier this week, we got to see the first paints on factory plastics—not quite final production paints yet, but the last iteration before that—for nearly the entire set, and I bet the word "wow" was uttered well over a hundred times.

Liberty's Edge

I just need to figure out how I'm going to store these minis to keep them safe. Any suggestions?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

To my understanding, the biggest cost that affects mini's pricing is oil. The plastic they are made from is a by-product of the refinement process.

I don't personally know the percentage breakdown of where WizKids' specific costs go, but the cost of painting a given mini is pretty much "as much as you're willing to spend on it," and can certainly exceed materials costs. We've certainly encouraged WizKids to push the paint ops further than they've ever done, and when you get this set in your own hands, I think a lot of you will be stunned at what they've been able to do for us.

Earlier this week, we got to see the first paints on factory plastics—not quite final production paints yet, but the last iteration before that—for nearly the entire set, and I bet the word "wow" was uttered well over a hundred times.

Sorry, I meant to refer to the base cost of the mini as it relates to the market price of oil.

Most certainly, the paint price adds up quick. Most pre-painted miniature manufacturers can economically make the minis if they require 3 paint steps or less. Every step above 3 has a significant, and almost exponential cost tied to it. This is why the WotC mini quality dropped a lot, as they were trying to really limit their paint steps.

I'm no expert at calculating paint steps based on the appearance of the mini, but I'd almost venture a guess and say that it is close to an average of 6 on the PF Battles line. So given that "guestimate", people need to understand how great of a value they are getting on these minis being produced by Paizo/WizKids. I am still somewhat baffled as to how they can offer minis of this quality at the low price that they do.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
HangarFlying wrote:
I just need to figure out how I'm going to store these minis to keep them safe. Any suggestions?

I used to just use tool storage boxes. The one linked below at Home Depot is nice and deep and can hold most minis, including huge minis.

Storage Box

My collection finally grew so big I had to go to Ikea and buy some Billy shelves with glass doors.

Book Case

Hobbun wrote:

Kor, I also really like the site. But if I can make one small request, when you eventually do the checklist for the Rise of the Runelords set, can you make the check boxes a little bigger?

I know technically it is only supposed to be a checklist, but at least with myself, I used the Heroes & Monsters checklist to catalog my miniatures, so I wrote my 'inventory' for each of minis in the boxes.

But yes, great job on the site overall!

Thanks, and yes I will definately make the boxes bigger as I think several people used the list for recording quantities.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
I'd almost venture a guess and say that it is close to an average of 6 on the PF Battles line.

I'm very confused... most Heroes & Monsters minis have *way* more paint steps than that. Heck, many Rise of the Runelords minis have more than 6 *colors*, and on the order of *dozens* of paint steps.

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
I'd almost venture a guess and say that it is close to an average of 6 on the PF Battles line.

I'm very confused... most Heroes & Monsters minis have *way* more paint steps than that. Heck, many Rise of the Runelords minis have more than 6 *colors*, and on the order of *dozens* of paint steps.

I think the amount of steps for Heroes and Monsters and then for the upcoming Rise of the Runelords sets is what makes them so amazing in comparison to the former WotC miniatures. In the latter sets it just seems to be such a low amount of steps by their manufacturing (WotC)of their minis that make The Pathfinder Minis so awesome!! :)

Grand Lodge

From my observation, H&M far exceeds DDMs in number of paint steps. And from the previews it looks like RotR will surpass H&M. There will always be naysayers. I am very happy overall with the minis in H&M and look forward to RotR.

Concerning whether a 40 piece set or a 60 piece set is better; that is a tough one. With RotR you needed a 60 piece set to cover the key figures in the Adventure Path. However, the price of a case will force many to look to the after market for singles. The 40 piece set is much more affordable for the general masses to buy by the case. So unless the set is needed to be large like in the case with RotR, I would say the smaller sets make sense for reasons of sheer affordability. A factor that truly cannot be ignored.



HangarFlying wrote:
I just need to figure out how I'm going to store these minis to keep them safe. Any suggestions?

Honestly, you can just toss these into a hard-sided tupperware container and be done with it.

If you want to get a bit more organized, to to Wao-Mart and head for the sporting goods asile. Look for the plastic tackle boxes. Some are as simple as a hinged lid with fixed or adjustable compartment sizes. Larger minis need larger compartment sizes, but these tackle boxes are as cheap as $2, so you have options aplenty.


I'm also using the cubes with canvas drawers you can get at craft stores (or department stores) for the various types, and then splitten them up with various clear containers

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the suggestions!

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Hobbun wrote:

Kor, I also really like the site. But if I can make one small request, when you eventually do the checklist for the Rise of the Runelords set, can you make the check boxes a little bigger?

I know technically it is only supposed to be a checklist, but at least with myself, I used the Heroes & Monsters checklist to catalog my miniatures, so I wrote my 'inventory' for each of minis in the boxes.

But yes, great job on the site overall!

Thanks, and yes I will definately make the boxes bigger as I think several people used the list for recording quantities.

Oh, just saw this response (sorry!). And thank you!

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
HangarFlying wrote:
I just need to figure out how I'm going to store these minis to keep them safe. Any suggestions?

I used to just use tool storage boxes. The one linked below at Home Depot is nice and deep and can hold most minis, including huge minis.

Storage Box

My collection finally grew so big I had to go to Ikea and buy some Billy shelves with glass doors.

Book Case

I was actually thinking about that exact Stanley storage box for my minis. I like it as you can easily bring minis with you, which is good for me as we don’t play at my home.

How has that storage box worked for you, Kor? The only thing I worry about with the harder and more brittle PF battle minis (compared to DDM), there is more of a chance arms, weapons, shields, etc. could break off. Do you find this Stanley storage container works well in keeping the minis stable enough? Have you transported the PF Battles minis?

As for the shelves, I would do that as well (as I have a TON of DDM minis), but I just don’t have any room for any shelving.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Let's keep the product threads for discussion of the product. If you'd like to continue the minis storage conversation, please head over to the Miniatures forum!

Liberty's Edge

Sorry Vic! I'm just so excited, I want to do what I can to keep them safe!

Hobbun wrote:

I was actually thinking about that exact Stanley storage box for my minis. I like it as you can easily bring minis with you, which is good for me as we don’t play at my home.

How has that storage box worked for you, Kor? The only thing I worry about with the harder and more brittle PF battle minis (compared to DDM), there is more of a chance arms, weapons, shields, etc. could break off. Do you find this Stanley storage container works well in keeping the minis stable enough? Have you transported the PF Battles minis?

As for the shelves, I would do that as well (as I have a TON of DDM minis), but I just don’t have any room for any shelving.

With regards to Vic's reminder to staying on topic, I can say that I have not transported my Rise of the Runelord minis, so I am uncertain how they would hold up to transport in a segmented storage container but I suspect they should be fine -- but I would recommend ensuring not to drop or bang such a container to prevent damage to the Rise of the Runelord minis.

I let my 4-year old boy play with my extras. The only "breaking" he's managed (and believe me, he could break a crowbar in a desert) was knocking a minotaur off it's base. I already bought a sealed booster with a minotaur off it's base, so I'd say it's a problem with the peg'n'hole nature of that mini (and/or the glue used) than any indication of fragility of these figures.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TwoWolves wrote:
I let my 4-year old boy play with my extras. The only "breaking" he's managed (and believe me, he could break a crowbar in a desert) was knocking a minotaur off it's base. I already bought a sealed booster with a minotaur off it's base, so I'd say it's a problem with the peg'n'hole nature of that mini (and/or the glue used) than any indication of fragility of these figures.

My 5-year-old daughter sheepishly brought my manticore to me during my last gaming session. She had been playing with the ones I wasn't using and had broken its wing off. It's a peg-in-hole (sort of) and it stuck it back on, but I plan to gorilla glue it at some point soon.


Sovereign Court

I'm really looking forward to this set's release!
Glad to see there's so much interest in the Pathfinder minis.
Some days I think about how PAIZO is in it for the long haul, and imagine what our collections will look like by 2015!
Some days I imagine what the monsters from Bestiaries will look like, especially some of the figures that have never been sculpted before!

It's a great time to be a Paizonian!

Skeld wrote:

My 5-year-old daughter sheepishly brought my manticore to me during my last gaming session. She had been playing with the ones I wasn't using and had broken its wing off. It's a peg-in-hole (sort of) and it stuck it back on, but I plan to gorilla glue it at some point soon.


I highly recommend the Loctite Plastics Bonding System, a.k.a. Loctite All-Plastic Super Glue. I've been disappointed in the results of using Gorilla Glue on plastic in the past, so when my Heroes & Monsters storm giant arrived with its fist broken off, I asked for advice. That was what I got, and it worked like a charm.

The Exchange

Can anyone tell me what the maximum number of rune giants might be found in a single encounter? As this would largely dictate how many I'd like to acquire and therefore either how many cases I need to order, or hope that buying them singly at some point is not only possible but also not prohibitively more expensive than buying another case or two.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

At least 6. There is such an encounter in the 6th volume.

I believe that James Jacobs has said that, with the update to PfRPG, the number of rune giants in an encounter has decreased in the anniversary hardcover.

EDIT: Post here.

The Exchange

TOZ wrote:
At least 6. There is such an encounter in the 6th volume.

Yikes, that would be hard on the wallet I think.

Joana wrote:
I believe that James Jacobs has said that, with the update to PfRPG, the number of rune giants in an encounter has decreased in the anniversary hardcover.

Thanks for the link. One per encounter is good then. And perhaps a second to be on the safe side in those cases where pc's might become unlucky or trigger more than one encounter.

Price of the set is heavy. And I mean Heavy.

I am ordering it to Finland, which means heavy posting costs, risks with Euro/Dollar exchange rate and add to top Finnish 23% VAT at customs.

For the first set I had 3 friends sharing the expanses. Each of us paid about 79€. Total 317€.

I did now the same calculation, and with all costs I am now getting share of 152€. Total 609€!!

If I was to buy it all alone, I'd say nay at this same second. Now I am asking if friends will take their shares again before making the final decision.

So by crunching the numbers, I'd definitely suggest smaller (30-40 piece) sets in the future.

Tilquinith wrote:
Thanks for the link. One per encounter is good then. And perhaps a second to be on the safe side in those cases where pc's might become unlucky or trigger more than one encounter.

I just ran my party of six 15th L PCs against a pair of PFRPG rune giants. The cleric was channeling frantically; had both giants used their spark showers on the same round, likely the entire party would have died.

Sovereign Court

Last year, more than 7 million player died by a 6 sided dice or a penny.

Most of these players suffer needlessly from preventable and treatable visual mistakes. "I thought that was just a piece of candy!". This is unacceptable. Basic minis like the Rise of the Runelord set, are essential to player survival.

Help a needy gamer see the difference between popcorn and goblins. Won't you donate today?

Ok, I'm having trouble finding some information on this, though I'm sure I've seen it before. Can't find it anywhere though. How many huge sized miniatures are in this set? Will a huge case get you one of each huge? Or are there more than 6?

There's 4 Huge minis in this set. A huge case is 6 minis, one lamia, one stone golem, two storm giants and two treachery demons IIRC.

Sniggevert wrote:
There's 4 Huge minis in this set. A huge case is 6 minis, one lamia, one stone golem, two storm giants and two treachery demons IIRC.


Actually, the four huges are the Lamia, the Storm Giant, Karzoug Statue and the Treachery Demon. The Stone Golem is a large.

Although I am not sure on what the case distribution will be. But BlueLikeYou, a full case should most definitely get you all the huges and a couple duplicates to spare.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

A huge case is 1 Lamia Harridan, 1 Karzoug Statue, 2 Treachery Demons, and 2 Storm Giants.

Hobbun wrote:
Sniggevert wrote:
There's 4 Huge minis in this set. A huge case is 6 minis, one lamia, one stone golem, two storm giants and two treachery demons IIRC.


Actually, the four huges are the Lamia, the Storm Giant, Karzoug Statue and the Treachery Demon. The Stone Golem is a large.

Although I am not sure on what the case distribution will be. But BlueLikeYou, a full case should most definitely get you all the huges and a couple duplicates to spare.

Sorry, the Karzoug Statue creature IS a stone golem and that's what I was thinking of. I forgot there was a smaller one earlier in the adventure too (and in the set).
Grand Lodge

Well just to throw my two coppers in as a subscriber. I love the minis and am very happy the line is here. It was a very big decision for me to stick this one out. I did namely because My group has been going strong for almost two years now (an epic feat compared to the past)! When I saw I had a gang of people dedicated to sticking it out I knew I wanted to run Rise (three previous attempts never made it past book 1). So the timing on this set works out wonderful, but that price tag on top of a double ap month ouch! I am happy for all those who can not blink an eye and I understand the if you cannot afford it don't buy it arguments. They have been well stated in this thread; Vic also asked for feedback. I would stay subbed if the sets were priced at or near the H&M set. If they are going to stay at the Rise price point model than I am likely to drop the sub. That is not meant as a slight or anything of the such if I could afford the cost I would love to continue to shell out the big bucks and get niffty premiums and ohhhs and ahhhs. It is just too big a hit at one time. I hope either way you guys ultimately decide to go works out. I would hate to see the line go away (and I doubt it would). Glad to hear the outlook is still really good on getting a complete set.

I have yet to decide if I will get this one. Here is my problem with it:

I have plenty of character type miniatures. What I want are the reuseable ones, monsters. There is a high percentage of single/rare use human/oids.

I am thinking about buying a bundle (regular case and huge case). What is the benefit, if any, to buying a case subscription instead of just preordering a case bundle.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
zoroaster100 wrote:
I am thinking about buying a bundle (regular case and huge case). What is the benefit, if any, to buying a case subscription instead of just preordering a case bundle.


  • 75% off the case exclusive (so in this case the Rune Giant is $10 instead of $40)
  • 20% off a encounter pack (so far, only Champions of Evil is in this line, but I woudn't be surprised to hear of others next weekend)
  • 20% off singles from the site

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Pathfinderminis has been updated with the latest Rise of the Runelords rarity changes.

To help recognize recent changes, I will now be highlighting the details and change date in yellow.

Vic Wertz wrote:
A huge case is 1 Lamia Harridan, 1 Karzoug Statue, 2 Treachery Demons, and 2 Storm Giants.

That is flippin' awesome. I was hoping (assuming random distribution) for those exact numbers.

Possible Spoilers Below! (Sorry, don't know how to do a spoilers button.)

Vic Wertz wrote:
A huge case is 1 Lamia Harridan, 1 Karzoug Statue, 2 Treachery Demons, and 2 Storm Giants.

Has there been any word yet on content change in the adventure? I have heard that the Rune Giant encounters have been changed so that you shouldn't need more than one Rune Giant mini...what about these Huge minis?

Going through my original Runelords adventures, I would need 1 Karzoug Statue, 2 Glabrezu (assuming a second was summoned), 6 Lamia Harridans, and 5 Storm Giants.

Those are MINIMUMS, assuming no fights spill over into other areas with the same monster (in which case, I could need as many as 9 Lamia Harridans and 8 Storm Giants).

To get the 6 Lamia Harridans, I'll need six cases. Not only will that cost a fortune, but it which will give me size Karzoug Statues, five of which I don't need, 12 Glabrezu, most of which I won't need, etc.

So, without giving too much away, can you let us know how many of these we need to run the Anniversary Edition?


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Taffer wrote:

To get the 6 Lamia Harridans, I'll need six cases.

You should chase any duplicates you may need as singles in the secondary market. Not only will Paizo be selling singles, but Auggies will most likely have singles too. And there is always Ebay.



It would also be useful to know which monsters/NPCs are represented in the RotR pawns box but not in the minis, and vice versa.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Damon Griffin:

RotRL Pawns with a list of pawns available

Page showing all but one mini (which will be revealed Friday)

Shalafi2412 wrote:
WOW, $500 is a lot of money to pay for a set of minis.

I agree and to have to pay that price to get the special minis (Black Dragon and Rune Giant) is ridiculous.

Liberty's Edge

Pax Ordin wrote:
Shalafi2412 wrote:
WOW, $500 is a lot of money to pay for a set of minis.
I agree and to have to pay that price to get the special minis (Black Dragon and Rune Giant) is ridiculous.

Well, I've heard it said that once the RotRL set goes on sale, any remaining Black Dragons from the previous set will be available for purchase separate from purchasing a case. If this is true, then all you have to do is wait until the next set becomes available in January-ish for the Rune Giant to be available.

Paizo Employee CEO

Taffer wrote:

Has there been any word yet on content change in the adventure? I have heard that the Rune Giant encounters have been changed so that you shouldn't need more than one Rune Giant mini...what about these Huge minis?

Going through my original Runelords adventures, I would need 1 Karzoug Statue, 2 Glabrezu (assuming a second was summoned), 6 Lamia Harridans, and 5 Storm Giants.

So, without giving too much away, can you let us know how many of these we need to run the Anniversary Edition?


James Jacobs made some major modifications to the last series of battles in the Pinnacle of Avarice. We took those modifications into account when we set the rarities for this minis set. I can't remember exactly what those changes are, but I know that there are a heck of a lot less creatures in each encounter and a much smaller chance of those encounters spilling over into each other. Throw away what you now from the original Pathfinder #6 when thinking about how many of each mini you will need. The answers will be in your hands next week when we start shipping our sub shipments.


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