Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins! (PFRPG)

4.80/5 (based on 52 ratings)
GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)
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A most unusual adventure for 1st-level goblin characters.

The Licktoad goblins of Brinestump Marsh have stumbled upon a great treasure—fireworks! Yet unfortunately for them, the tribe member responsible for the discovery has already been exiled for the abhorrent crime of writing (which every goblin knows steals words from your head). To remedy this situation, the Licktoads’ leader, His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad, has declared that the greatest heroes of the tribe must venture forth to retrieve the rest of the fireworks from a derelict ship stranded in the marsh. In order to prove themselves as the Licktoads’ bravest goblins, the PCs must complete a series of dangerous dares, from swallowing bull slugs and braving the dreaded Earbiter to dancing with Squealy Nord himself. Yet even once they’ve proven their mettle, the adventure is just beginning. For the ship in question is far from uninhabited, and Vorka the cannibal goblin would like nothing better than a few tasty visitors....

We Be Goblins! is an adventure for 1st-level characters in which the PCs play a horde of malicious and murderous goblins, written for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and compatible with the 3.5 edition of the world's oldest RPG. The adventure takes place outside the town of Sandpoint in the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be adapted for any campaign world. It also serves as a preview of Pathfinder Player Companion: Goblins of Golarion, and as an optional prequel to Pathfinder Adventure Path's upcoming Jade Regent Adventure Path.

Written by Richard Pett.

This special 16-page Pathfinder Module was initially made available for Free RPG Day on June 18, 2011.

Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of the Pathfinder Modules Subscription.

We Be Goblins! is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Its Chronicle Sheet and additional rules for running this module are a free download (232 KB zip/PDF). Pregenerated characters are available here (803 KB zip/PDF).

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Archives of Nethys

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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4.80/5 (based on 52 ratings)

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Just plain fun


Everything about this module is designed around the idea of crazy fun and encourages players to act like GOBLINS! It's filled with zany acts characters launching fireworks at each other and just making general mayhem.

Really fun to play and GM, I wish there were more modules like this.

Adventuring from a goblin POV!


Goblins. In all my roleplaying experience, they’ve been a type of vermin for the most part. Small, powerful enough to be annoying, and underfoot in the dark, dank, unexplored places heroes sometimes go…

So when I saw a 16-page module about goblins on the Free RPG Day table at Petrie’s Family Games, I was shocked and not sure quite what to expect. On the cover, you see a band of goblins with their beady red eyes fighting what appears to be a giant spider. Unfortunately for the goblins, it appears they’re not the first to try and kill this vicious spider – as the skeletal remains of previous heroes attempting the feat are on the ground beneath it all. At the top, you see “Pathfinder Module” and in big scratched out letters, you see the words “We Be Goblins!”

Could it be…? Really? A whole adventure where you play goblins? How unique!

Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins! turns out to be exactly that – a first level adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game with a twist. Instead of playing the regular type of adventurers – humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves… – a small squad of four goblins is on a mission. Can they follow the map of a goblin already exiled from the Licktoad tribe and locate a cache of fireworks deep in the Brinestump Marsh?

First and foremost, this is a complete end to end adventure with a beginning, middle, and end. It’s refreshing to see Paizo‘s talented folks apply their skills to a much smaller product. This isn’t one of their huge, beautiful books like the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary or their Pathfinder Adventure Path books like Second Darkness. This adventure is tiny, as would befit a small troupe of brave (or crazy) goblins.

Read the rest of this review here: e-goblins-pfrpg-by-richard-pett-and-paizo-publishing/

Crowning Moment of Awesome


This short, free module for PFRPG is based around an unique premise: the players characters are a bunch of goblins. Not just ordinary goblins, but maniacal Golarion goblins best described as "stupid, little freaks".

This sounds like a risky idea of an adventure, at least. But Richard Pett once again proves that he is one of the best adventure writers out there, and delivers a hilarious story of fireworks, cannibal druids, halfling bridal veils and demon horses. You have to play to believe this one.

This is an outstanding product in every respect, and it's *free*. Grab it now, there's no reason not to!

best adventure module ever!


the local game store in my area was not participating in free rpg day so i had to wait for the pdf (i love the store so i can't complain).
i ran it for my daughter and nephews this weekend and they loved it so much the immediately wanted to play it again!. thank you richard pett and thank you paizo for this adventure.
the goblin pregen characters are all super awesome and the adventure has a perfect amount of role playing and combat.
i would give this adventure 6 stars if i could.
everyone involved should be very proud of the job they did, it will be remembered fondly for years to come on par with the original game.

A Triumph of Literary and Gaming Chaos!


I was totally blown away by the awesomeness of this product. I'd love to see more modules like this!

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Cyrus007 wrote:


I have 6 players I would like to run in this module. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other classes would fit well in the module? Also, can anyone suggest two other challenges for my group?

Thank you.

I'm running a play-by-post here in the PbP section, and I added two challenges (one through player foolishness, the other as a random encounter).

They were a pair of wolves (CR 2, and overcome with minimal injuries) and a giant amoeba (CR 1, and they weren't hurt at all, though it could be bad if they don't manage to hurt it right away). The wolves were part of the "hide or get clubbed" dare, and one player ran out to hide, even though the game was over (that character is crazy).

The giant amoeba popped up out of some shallow water, but they killed it like it ain't no thing.

For classes that work OK for goblins, I'd suggest ranger, rogue, barbarian, druid, sorceror, witch, oracle, or inquisitor. Fire-loving spellcasters would work well for this adventure.

For a group of 6, you could add another encounter or 2 beyond what I did, and they'd do fine. Any CR 1 or 2 (or even 3)that fits the environment (temperate forest or swamp) would be good. 2-6 stirges, or 2-3 hungry boggards attacking from water would get their attention.

If you have a rogue, make them search for the fireworks and have to untrap/unlock them after they defeat Vorka. A party of 6 is much more powerful than my party of 4. Make them earn it.

I added a concept for a bit of extra fun. Since these guys are the toad lickers and each has a toad companion, I thought it might be fun to expand why. Enjoy the extra craziness it can cause!

Toad Licking
The swamps near the little burg of Sandpoint have little to offer the casual visitor save bug bites and possible disease vectors. The flora and fauna there are on the whole unremarkable with one exception. These swamps are the singular home of a species of toad called the “Skull-back toad”. The black and red patterns on its back do resemble a humanoid skull. These toads continue growing until predation or disease or mishap ends their lives, thus some locals have reported seeing one large enough to swallow a sheep whole, and rumors abound of man eating ones deeper inside the bogs.
Their secret to survival is a substance they secrete from wart-like glands on their back. The effects of this toxin vary by the individual toad and how frightened or excited it is, and the biochemistry of the consumer. Vomiting, disorientation, penalization, and temporary blindness have been reported. The toxin seems to lose potency once removed from the toad’s back, but alchemist have tried raining them to harvest the toxin with little effect.
One of the local goblin-tribes discovered the odd properties of the toad. What first started with “I dare you to lick that” and laughing at the results soon elevated to keeping them around for entertainment. From there the goblins began to build up a tolerance for the toxin. Now they often lick them to attempt a religious trance (Where things glow or you can see snippets of the future, though usually just a few seconds into the future). Young goblins are forced to lick the toads at an early age, while the older ones squeal in delight as they puke, stagger, drool, and go stiff as a board.
The toads can be licked in combat (A standard action) and sometimes will give the imbiber a sudden boost of strength or even heal wounds and fatigue.
The effects of the poison worsen the more that is consumed. Thus the first “lick” of a day (Sleeping 8 hours purges the toxin from the body) is a DC 13 fortitude save. The DC increases by 2 with each successive lick.
For someone who has never been exposed to the Toads toxin, the DC begins at 17.
DC 13 fortitude save.
If successful roll a d6
1- Strength increase +4 for 5 rounds
2- Dexterity increase +4 for 5 rounds
3- Constitution increase +4 for 5 rounds
4- Heals d6 hit points
5- Can see all magic auras for 5 rounds
6- Cures d8+1 Hit Points and removes any conditions (Including blindness and deafness)

If failed roll a d6
1 Spend 1 round projectile vomiting then shaken for 3 rounds
2 Dazed for 3 rounds
3 Sickened for 3 rounds
4 Confused for 3 rounds
5 Blinded for 3 rounds
6 Paralyzed for d4 rounds (But you see the most amazing things. Roll a d20 and add your wisdom bonus If it is equal to or above 13 you gain a +3 insight bonus to any d20 rolls you make for the next d4 rounds.)
Toad Lickers capture fingerling toads fresh out of their tadpole stage and tame them. Hours a day are spent finding particularly juicy bugs, and later mice or birds for the larger ones. A particularly good toad may be fought over as spoils after a goblins death. Some aficionados amongst the tribe feel that a diet of certain types of insects brings on certain effects most often. Each diet is a closely guarded secret.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ran this with my crew and it was a hoot. A word of advice for making the scenerio even more involved.

For the GM:
Represent the fireworks with candy, pop, or whatever other consumable goodies your crew loves. The desire to eat candy works well with the goblins' desires to burn the fireworks. See if your players can hold out!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have run it once now as a home game and thought it was a lot of fun. I plan on running it as my first time running a psociety game as well. Anyone run this in psociety yet who can give me some tips?

8 people marked this as a favorite.

OK, I have a few things for DMs who might need the pops and handouts.

Handouts and Tokens:

Scribbleface's Map
Two more Goblin Pregens
Thought I had a large side view of the boat but I can't find it. Must not have scanned it in.

Scarab Sages

Russell Akred wrote:

OK, I have a few things for DMs who might need the pops and handouts.

These are awesome, thanks so much for sharing!

Dream Daemon wrote:
Russell Akred wrote:

OK, I have a few things for DMs who might need the pops and handouts.

These are awesome, thanks so much for sharing!


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Russell Akred wrote:

OK, I have a few things for DMs who might need the pops and handouts.

** spoiler omitted **

These will be very useful (especially the map!) thank you!

Shadow Lodge

thelesuit wrote:

I will be running this module at Emerald City Game Fest this weekend (stop by if you are in Kenmore, WA on Saturday).

I'm looking for something to follow it in the second slot? Preferably with the same goblin characters. Any suggestions?


DUDE! I was there with my kids! How did I possibly miss that?

- Rebis

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Al Rigg wrote:

In anticipation that our tables will run to six players each, and because we'd prefer to avoid double-ups of the official pre-gens so that every goblin played will be the unique and beautiful bloodflake intended, _metz_ has built a couple more.

If you're going to play this, then rather than access the spoiler yourself, it may be better to point this resource out to your GM. There are no scenario spoilers here but the flavour and style might reduce the initial experience on the day when pre-gens are handed out.

Please note that these characters won't be able to receive a Chronicle if you're playing PFS as they're unofficial but they may come in useful if you have players that don't care about that.

** spoiler omitted **

Just wanted to thank Al Rigg and _metz_ for Mrs. Gogangles. Ran this as a prequel for RotRL, and had 5 players. The play report is here.

OK, so here's a wacky idea. In playing "Burnt Offerings," the party's paladin promised Gogmurt the goblin druid to kill as few goblins as possible in exchange for information from him. The paladin basically killed everything that moved anyway, and Gogmurt survived. Now I have "We Be Goblins!" in my hands.

WHAT IF Gogmurt had joined up with the Licktoad tribe? What if a goblin sorcerer somehow had access to a Lesser Geas spell? What if Gogmurt arranged to have the spell cast on the paladin so that he could repay his debt to goblinkind by becoming a hero to the Licktoads -- an honorary goblin who carries out the quest for the fireworks as outlined in the adventure?

Imagine a party of humans/elves/gnome having to leave all their fancy equipment behind and being encouraged to act like goblins. Obviously the encounters will have to be beefed up, but I'm pretty psyched for the idea. Any suggestions/ideas/constructive criticisms of this crazy plan?

And what about the mysterious fan aboard Kaijitsu's Star? I would love to have its secret relate to Rise of the Runelords rather than Jade Regent, but I'm having trouble making a connection. Anyone got an idea?

Scarab Sages

Are any of the Flip-Mats or Map Packs intended/useful for this module? I'm planning to run this at a small local con next month, and would like things to look as nice as possible. 8^)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I ran this module last night and we had a great time. Everyone got into character.

I changed the dares up so it involved the whole group. Everyone who wanted to do a dare could do it, and then Gutwad would decide the winner. The winner got the prize and the runner up got fireworks. This worked out great and it got the firework into the hands of the goblins adventures without it becoming a gift.

This is a great Adventure.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Arazyr wrote:
Are any of the Flip-Mats or Map Packs intended/useful for this module? I'm planning to run this at a small local con next month, and would like things to look as nice as possible. 8^)

Spoilered, just in case there are naughty goblinses peeking...


There isn't any specific Flip-Mats or Map Packs intended for this module, though the Flip-Mat Forest will be useful. It's not out yet, but the upcoming Map Pack: Ship's Cabins will also be handy.

Scarab Sages

If you have facebook you can see the maps we use at SCARAB events for this module. You can see them HERE.

If the link doesn't work you can look up SCARAB Gaming Convention on Facebook and see the Barnes and Noble event. If you are interested, I can post these into the SCARAB forums for you to download and print for yourselves. They are beautiful.

DCII wrote:

If you have facebook you can see the maps we use at SCARAB events for this module. You can see them HERE.

If the link doesn't work you can look up SCARAB Gaming Convention on Facebook and see the Barnes and Noble event. If you are interested, I can post these into the SCARAB forums for you to download and print for yourselves. They are beautiful.

Yes, please. I have a feeling I'll be running this module a LOT. I already have at least 2 requests to run it in the future, and will probably run it when I go back down to Texas to visit. Maps would indeed be useful.

Scarab Sages

Yes, please. I have a feeling I'll be running this module a LOT. I already have at least 2 requests to run it in the future, and will probably run it when I go back down to Texas to visit. Maps would indeed be useful.

Please help get the word out about the SCARAB Gaming Convention, the most affordable 4-day gaming convention in the U.S., if you find one more affordable, please let me know.

These are in 1" Scale, adobe, and print beautifully.



Scarab Sages

In conjunction with these the Flip-Mat: Swamp is used for the first encounter.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am trying to give some feedback on the scenarios and modules that I run a lot for conventions and events. Here is my feedback on this one. Lots of people have told me this is a four hour scenario. There is no way, unless you are adding extra dares or other role-playing opportunities.

I usually run this in roughly over two hours. Which is one reason why it is such a great scenario. It is tons of fun and plays quick!

SPOILER ALERT: It's all about Perception:

What you have to bear in mind and should be prepared for is the boat. Keep in mind Stomp has +6 Perception, the dogs have +8 Perception and Cuddles has a Perception of +14 (+12, +2 to the die roll factoring in his advanced status), Vorka has +2 Perception and Longtung has +3 Perception and the goblin characters are armed with fireworks.

Get ready with the perception check: If your experience is like mine then nine out of ten times players cannot wait to use that skyrocket on something or if they trip the trap going up the gang plank and get attacked by wasps or if they spot Stomp and recall Gutwad's instructions of "You meet horse, you make them dead" and attack. Perception checks all around.

IMHO: As soon as the skyrocket goes off all the bad guys are alerted. Remember that a 1 on a die 20 is not a failure on a skill check and if that goes off I would say DC -10 to hear it.

Vorka knows exactly what that sound is (she has probably used the fireworks in her possession - she has clearly staged some in the crows nest) she immediately prepares for combat and if given time I usually have her move to let the dogs loose.

If she has enough warning I usually have her run up into the crows nest and pelt the party with fire and drop or shoot fire works at them.

Remember that she captured and is deboning Scribbleface, so it is possible he told her everything and she would be wary that more Licktoads would be coming for the remainder of her stash. She strikes me as the kind of cannibal that would play with her food before eating it.

Remember the dogs are both on the upper deck. However, one of them is chained to the aft mast with only 20' of chain to play with it really doesn't give it much area to move. It also means his chain is hanging in the air between the aft mast and the upper deck. Sneaky goblins might hear it rattling on the railing if he moves. Also, you should take into account how he got up there. Is the chain running though the railing or around the railing by the ladder. Which would limit its movement further.

Remember cuddles is an ADVANCED dog which means +2 to all rolls including damage and +4 to all stats, +4 AC (and +2 to natural armor) and +2 hp/HD. He is a tough customer.

Hope my experience helps! Cheers :-)

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the stuff above, I'm running my first game ever Thursday, possibly with 6 players, so needed some pregens and the handout.

*praises Russell*

You never know, next time I go to Gen-con I might run a few games. :)

We'll see how Thursday goes first.

Oh, and I'm totally going to use the Toad licking thing Praetorian, hope you don't mind.

Anyone make a follow-up adventure or know of a module that could be reworked for Goblin PC's?

Silver Crusade

Hi all,

Had an awesome time running 'we be goblins', I made cupcakes and told the players not to eat them unless their goblin character was lighting their firework.

Worked like a charm, at least 2 of the goblins kept lighting the fuse, then putting it out (licking the icing) without lighting the firework.

Reeta lit her firework right after Slorb gave it to her. It was hilarious.

(The player had heard me say not to eat it yet, but after we started, she figured it was ok).

Bless. :)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Mrs Camelot wrote:

Hi all,

Had an awesome time running 'we be goblins', I made cupcakes and told the players not to eat them unless their goblin character was lighting their firework.

Worked like a charm, at least 2 of the goblins kept lighting the fuse, then putting it out (licking the icing) without lighting the firework.

Reeta lit her firework right after Slorb gave it to her. It was hilarious.

(The player had heard me say not to eat it yet, but after we started, she figured it was ok).

Bless. :)

I am so gonna steal that idea! I will probably do it with something simple like jellybeans (something that the player will forget about and just stick in their mouth like a goblin absentmindedly lighting a firework). THanks!

I was thinking of running this with my group, but I'd like to turn it into a campaign. Anyone have any good post module ideas?

noheat wrote:
I was thinking of running this with my group, but I'd like to turn it into a campaign. Anyone have any good post module ideas?

I did that with a PbP here. < --(that's a link!)

I'm not saying it's awesome, but it's an example. There are plenty of things to do after the module. You have a village you can flesh out, plenty of potential monsters there in the marsh, and Varisia is full of adventure locations (even cities) that goblins can go to without being killed on sight.

I'd suggest letting them hit 2nd level after the module and letting them have some goblin dogs or wolves, and going out and about. My players seem to be having a ball with it.

My gobbies just hit 5th level, and they're surprisingly good at what they do.

Is there any need to beef up the encounters for a party of six or is it enough to add an encounter or two?

Does anyone have an idea where I can get life-like winegum slugs? I wanted to add a RL challenge to the game. But the life-like gummy banana slug seems to be no longer available.

Dark Archive

Brian Darnell wrote:
Mrs Camelot wrote:

Hi all,

Had an awesome time running 'we be goblins', I made cupcakes and told the players not to eat them unless their goblin character was lighting their firework.

Worked like a charm, at least 2 of the goblins kept lighting the fuse, then putting it out (licking the icing) without lighting the firework.

Reeta lit her firework right after Slorb gave it to her. It was hilarious.

(The player had heard me say not to eat it yet, but after we started, she figured it was ok).

Bless. :)

I am so gonna steal that idea! I will probably do it with something simple like jellybeans (something that the player will forget about and just stick in their mouth like a goblin absentmindedly lighting a firework). THanks!

Brilliant! Both of you!

This may have been asked before:
I want to run this with 6 goblins, how do I have to spice up the encounters?


I thought about making the spider large and using a heavy warhorse instead of a simple horse.

Then I noticed that the stats for Cuddles are off.
Statblock has him as advanced riding dog CR1, but only gives XP for a CR1/3.
Wouldn't an advanced riding dog be CR2? And be a killer with Str, Dex and Con 19?
Am I reading it wrong?

Thankyou for your opinion.

Grand Lodge

I just realized that I had never posted how much I loved this module.

I was extremely skeptical, as I'm leery of monster PCs. Having Mr Pett's name on it gave me hope, and the actual adventure sent my expectations soaring like a skyrocket.

I've run the module 4 or 5 times, and every time has been fun for all.

I particularly enjoyed running a session at Origins for a family of 4 (mom, dad, 2 sons) and a couple of other experienced gamers. Everyone got into the spirit of things, regardless of age, and 5 months later I am still hearing about how much fun the players had.

My favourite individual moment came on Free RPG day at my FLGS.

In the climactic fight with Vorka, Reta Bigbad got knocked unconscious while holding the skyrocket in front of the door to Vorka's cabin. Poog saw the skyrocket laying on the deck, and used his firebolt to light it. Of course, I knew that meant that the skyrocket had to start spinning....
Unfortunately, someone ran over and grabbed it before it "randomly" launched into the chest of fireworks :(

Thanks to Mr Pett and all involved.

Oh, someone asked about flipmats. I use the swamp for the goblin camp, and use the river crossing (side with the log) for the travelling portion. I have drawn the final encounter area on chart paper, and use Russ Akred's excellent handouts.

Silver Crusade

Every time I have run We Be Goblins!, I have allowed my players a single reroll if they get up and attempt to sing and dance their goblin's song. The reasons they choose to do this, ranged from not wanting to fall in a creek, to not wanting to break the Chief's sword. Whatever the case, much hilarity ensues shortly after they make that fateful decision. Oh, and they were warned this would go on Youtube, and be distributed to all media channels I could get this to.


bwaaaaahahahahahah that is awesome Dan. The first two were definitely the best though :D

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

Presumably since the pregens are available as a PDF it's legal to print out copies of the pregen sheets to give to your players.

But is it legal to extract the images of the characters, print them on customised table tents, and also give those to the players?

The Paizo artwork is explicitly not covered by the OGL. In the full module the artwork is named as Product Identity, which may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.

Even though this restriction was not included in the zip file of the pregens available as a download, I believe the restriction is still in place - I certainly intend to treat it as such.

Would somebody from Paizo care to clarify as to whether it would be acceptable to print a small (1.5" x 2" or so) reproduction of the character image (unmodified other than changing the background colour) on a table tent to be given to any player using that particular pregen?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

JohnF wrote:

The Paizo artwork is explicitly not covered by the OGL.

You'll want to look at the Community Use Policy to see what you're allowed to use, and how.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Vic Wertz wrote:
JohnF wrote:

The Paizo artwork is explicitly not covered by the OGL.

You'll want to look at the Community Use Policy to see what you're allowed to use, and how.

I've done that. I don't see anything there that would allow me to extract an image from a PDF (or from just about anywhere except the Paizo blog) for any reason. (For that matter, I'm not sure under what rules I'd be allowed to give players printed pregen sheets; letting them use them while I'm running the module maybe, but letting them keep the sheets seems questionable). There is a lot of nice artwork in the blog, and even a goblin or two, but not the characters from the module.

As I read it, this means I'm not allowed to use the PDF images for the purpose I stated without permission from Paizo. Is that correct? And if it is, who would be able to give me permission?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

JohnF wrote:

As I read it, this means I'm not allowed to use the PDF images for the purpose I stated without permission from Paizo. Is that correct? And if it is, who would be able to give me permission?

We don't grant exceptions to the Community Use Policy, as doing so would be opening a floodgate of requests, so if the art you're looking for isn't in the blogs or the other sources listed in the CUP, you can't use it.

JohnF wrote:
(For that matter, I'm not sure under what rules I'd be allowed to give players printed pregen sheets; letting them use them while I'm running the module maybe, but letting them keep the sheets seems questionable).

If you're talking about the pregens available from the PFS page, we don't mind you passing out printouts of those.

We just played this. I made a bright yellow goblin who somehow still managed to dissapear with stealth rolls in broad daylight.named Darts. Who decided to be a 'good' goblin but is N for now. We killed the horse-- sneak attack popped off its tail and another gob sliced its face off,woke up Vorka with the commotion and hide under the horse corpse,attacked her during a distraction,set her on fire,chopped her to bits before she could flee,her frog got singed and fled after biting Darts.

Then we go onto the ship....well,somehow we ended up facing a dire gorrilla and setting it on fire too.And some of the other players due to splash damage.

Liberty's Edge

I am reading this module now and this module is awesome. I think we will fun very much! :)

Otherwise, any advice for GM to use for this module?

Don't take it too seriously, and have fun. :D

Are there any Hero Lab data files (official or otherwise) available for the four pre-gens included with this module?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Nothing official.

By the way, if you want this in print and haven't bought it yet, I'd strongly suggest you do so soon; quantities are low, and the economics of reprinting a Free RPG Day product make that option extremely unlikely.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to be running this module with a few extra players. I was wondering if anyone had some ideas for extra Dares to give them? There are a couple of possible classes to tailor them towards. Barbarian, Ranger, Sorcerer, and Witch.

Any ideas?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Does anyone have an image of the side view of the boat? While I think I understand it well enough a very nice side view or 3D isometric view would really help players to understand the boat as they approach. I did a some searching and didn't find any pictures.



Edit: Sorry I should have been more specific. Art that is better than the small picture included in the mod.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Since I couldn't find any better pictures of the boat I decided the best way to view the boat was to build a 3D model. I'm not really a "master" with foam core, but I did my best.

Kaijitsu Star in 3D



Grand Lodge

Kizan wrote:

Since I couldn't find any better pictures of the boat I decided the best way to view the boat was to build a 3D model. I'm not really a "master" with foam core, but I did my best.

Kaijitsu Star in 3D



That is awesome! Very well done!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I put together some Beginner Box-style sheets for the pregens for a game this weekend, and polished them up a bit with free fonts and Community Use License-friendly assets to post.

I used EdOWar's class conversions document to help re-stat the alchemist. With the Beginner Box combat rules, I found the party worked well despite the slight nerfing that came with the rebuild.

This is a great intro to the PFS. Really loved playing it with people i never met before. And it was so much fun we are now starting our own PFS group.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kizan wrote:

Edit: Sorry I should have been more specific. Art that is better than the small picture included in the mod.

I found the art to be good enough when I blew it up a bit to take up a whole page.

Grand Lodge

DCII wrote:
Yes, please. I have a feeling I'll be running this module a LOT. I already have at least 2 requests to run it in the future, and will probably run it when I go back down to Texas to visit. Maps would indeed be useful.

Please help get the word out about the SCARAB Gaming Convention, the most affordable 4-day gaming convention in the U.S., if you find one more affordable, please let me know.

These are in 1" Scale, adobe, and print beautifully.



No longer seems to work.

Marketing & Media Manager

This product is now available in Print on Demand.

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