Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

4.30/5 (based on 18 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)
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Go beyond goblins with an army of fantasy's most fearsome foes! Bestiary 2 presents hundreds of different creatures for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this collection of creatures you'll find undead dragons and mischievous gremlins, shrieking banshees and unstoppable titans, the infamous jabberwock, and so much more! Yet not all these monsters need to be foes, as new breeds of otherworldly guardians, living shadows, and vampires all might take up adventure's call. In addition, new rules for customizing and advancing monsters and an expanded glossary of creature abilities ensure that you'll be prepared to challenge your heroes wherever adventure takes them!

The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 is the second indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

The 320-page Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters
  • Creatures both new and familiar, drawing upon the best-known beasts of legend, literature, and Pathfinder RPG adventures
  • Challenges for any adventure and every level of play
  • Hosts of new templates and variants, including simple templates for on-the-fly creature customization
  • Numerous lists of monsters to aid in navigation, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
  • New rules for creating and running high-level menaces
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify special attacks, defenses, and qualities
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-268-5

Last Updated - 7/16/2012

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
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Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Average product rating:

4.30/5 (based on 18 ratings)

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Truly Amazing


This is by far one of the best collections of creatures I've seen. I would recommend this book to anyone running a pathfinder game.

Just don't let your players have more than a cursory glance at the book, that way you can REALLY suprise them with some of the amazing variety that's in the book.

The ammount of detail they were able to put in to each of these creatures with just a page or two per creature is incredible.

I do have one very minor gripe. With the ammount of creatures in the book that could be used as PCs, and as improved familiars, it would have been nice to have a table showing which ones they were rather than having to sift through. But that's just a minor gripe.

On a final note: Kudos for including the leprecaun and brownie. Two creatures that I haven't seen since second edition.

A worthy addition to the Pathfinder RPG line!


I just got thru browsing most of this book, and here is my review:

The Good:
The art is top notch as usual! It seems like Paizo continues to make great "coffee table" books that tempt unsuspecting readers into the world of traditional RPGs.

Ton of monsters! While the pickings for previous D20 material are obviously slimmer this time around, this didn't stop Paizo from coming up with plenty of their own inventions that are worthy to stand with the great legacy creatures we know and love.

Hardcover! Please don't let this die off, even if it is easier to just release PDFs or softcovers. Hardcover books are always worth the effort.

Excellent Value! Adjusted for inflation, $39.99 is still a fair price for an excellent book. For those who are in a tight spot, $9.99 for the PDF is completely worth it (though I suspect this is just a Trojan Horse to reel in unsuspecting customers.)

The Bad:
There isn't anything truly bad about the book. All I could come up with were a few nit pickings.

One concern I had was that the book was a little to tilted toward extraplaner creatures, though I do understand that one of the goals was to provide better coverage of outer-planner cosmology.

The book also seemed a little too crammed. While lots of creatures is always popular, I personally think that two-sided creature sheets would have allowed us to spend more time with the creatures we do get, plus double-sided printouts always look better if you are a fan of the Bestiary Binder of Doom!

Despite any of the minor issues this book proves that Paizo continues to carry the D20 torch, with both excellent quality and value.

Killer book. Just what a bestiary should be


Well the long wait is over. Has it been worth it? As Stone cold says – hell yeah! This is a fantastic addition to the Pathfinder stables. On the plus side: Monsters galore! This book offers a huge variety of monsters over a huge range of challenge ratings. Hundreds of monsters, ranging across every type and subtype on offer.

Abberations - 18, from the revamped and eager to use decapus to the brilliant ner-thalggu who answers all your brain gobbling dreams.

Constructs - 9, from the magnificent alchemical golem (bombs away!) to the reintroduced necrophidius.

Outsiders? More than I care to count, as the previous reviewer says there seems to be a focus on outsiders, but these are really well done. Personally I like the Aeon (N keepers of balance with a twist), the Qlippoth and the, now awesome Daemons – which I really need to find space for in my Kingmaker campaign, they are really well done.

5 new true dragons (6 with Jabberwock) and 4 drakes (degernerate dragons).

4 new elementals, and And the list goes on - If there is a type of subtype it is here. Quite a few creatures are redone classics from older sources (gray render, acheraiai, hellcat, crypt thing and 3 really awesomely drawn and conceptualised nightshades - nightwalker, crawler and wing), others are updated from adventure path and module bestiaries (aurumvorax, gug, rune giantm taiga) but there are so many adventure inspiring new ones in this collection as well (try the new nightshade, for example - the nightwave. And you think the movie Jaws put people off going in the water!).

As for CR, the monsters here range from the lowly ½ up to the lofty heights of 23 (although only 11 reach CR 20+, and these are mainly outsiders – except a few which are a plant (the great and terrifying Mu spore) an undead (a templated dragon similar to the dracolich)and a dragon (yeah but its the Jabberwock so it's not just a dragon!). And sure most are CR 10 or less but there are still however a huge number in the Cr 13+ area.

You also get a few race options that seem to be fine for those who like to play their monster characters - dhampir (not the bakes treat from my home land but the vampire half breed), fetchlings, gripli (very cool frog man), ifrit (not efreet but an efreet half breed), oread (half breed earth elemental), sylph (play a fey, yay, undine (rounding out the elemental half breeds with water)to name but a few (although that may be all of them). Now I personally don't encourage this but the option is there (and so many of them).

Oh, and there's also a few familiars and companions - the brownie (yay!), allosaurus, tylosaurus (go the dinosaur companions), the gar (yep a fish), the ram, hippo, 4 megafauna (giant rhino, turtle, elk and sloth), rays, the arbiter inevitable (very modron like familiar!) and more.

In terms of presentation Paizo maintain the A+ standard. Monsters are 1 page for the most part which makes referencing and using easier, as well as printing from your PDF if you just want that one monster for your session. The art is absolutely fantastic in 90% of cases – and since art tends to be a deal breaker for monster books this is a good thing. Many creatures are recycled art (somewhere around 30), but at least these were, for me, good/great art pieces. Only a handful fall short of the mark in my mind –some like blink dog and bodak not by much; others like the mithral golem, zelekhut, kelpie, imentesh krenshar and primates by a fair bit, especially the last two. But then art is very individual so I’m sure others will like these more than me. And given there are over 300 this is damned good. Some pieces such as the demons/devils/daemons, gremlins to name a few are really evocative and well done. My favourite would have to be the Brownie - although I now see them in arather more sinister light because of this.

Errors – none that really stand out (I haven’t crunched the numbers though since this doesn’t really concern me) except the two odd references already mentioned by the previous reviewer.
All in all this is a book guaranteed to please. Well thought out creatures with huge variety – what more could you need, well apart from Bestiary 3 of course.

Man, That's a Lot of Monsters


After much eager waiting, the Bestiary 2 is finally upon us. How does it stack up?

The Good: Like the title says, there's a lot of monsters on display here. The focus of the book definitely seems to be on the planes, giving us more favorites like demons, devils and angels, bringing back the inevitables and daemons, and giving us a glimpse at the mysterious aeons. In addition, there's quite a few ungrouped planar monsters, some of which are from the Tome of Horrors (gloomwings and tenebrous worms return), some have been statted or mentioned in other Paizo products (the kyoti and sceaduinar) and some of which are brand new (the four elemental PC-race-ish humanoids, the ifrit, oread, sylph and undine). Many of the monsters, planar and not, are above CR 10.

Beyond the planar focus, a lot of the monsters are bringing old favorites into the Pathfinder rules set from 3.5. A host of critters from the Monster Manual, Tome of Horrors and a variety of Adventure Path bestiaries get stats, as do a few creatures that have only been name dropped before, like Richard Pett's twisted Tane. Yes, the Tane appear here, as high level abominations eager to wreak havoc on countries and PCs alike.

The monsters that have been updated have all been done so with finesse, stripping them down in some cases to fit on a single page, but with a keen eye for consistency and care taken to flavor. Even when a monster's stat block leaves only a small paragraph, it's invested with at least what the monster's role in the world is and how it might be encountered. More fortunate monsters get several rich paragraphs on anatomy, history and juicy plot hooks.

Almost all of the art is fantastic. There's a wide variety of styles at play, to be expected of a workload of this size, and there's a very nice array of new pieces to go with the re-used art from previous products. I'm especially fond of the daemon portraits.

The Bad: Like just about all stat-block heavy books, a few errors have crept in. Mostly it's inconsistencies and relics of past drafts, and they're decidedly few and far between. The crystal dragon, for example, is LN in its overview stat-block, but each individual stat-block is CG. The totenmaske refers to abilities that it lost in between its original appearance in Pathfinder 3 and the Bestiary 2, and the imentesh's flavor text still refers to a telepathic aura that corrupts the weak-willed that its stat-block has never actually had.

The Nit-Picky: There's two pieces of art that I just can't stand. The weretiger and the neried art were recycled from a previous product, I didn't like the art then and I still don't like it. But art is, of course, subjective to a degree.

I also don't get why the xarcaba isn't found among the demons. It was a demon in its original appearance. It still has demonic resistances and can summon demons. But it got bumped back to the Xs. Not a big deal, but a bit puzzling.

The Last Word: I really liked the Bestiary 1, being a Pathfinder fan and a sucker for monster books. I think I like Bestiary 2 more. The art's better, the monsters are more exotic, and it's just a darn good time.

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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

Yes. (although we're deliberately avoiding incorporating the Seelie and Unseelie into Pathfinder)

Out of curiosity, why so ?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gorbacz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Yes. (although we're deliberately avoiding incorporating the Seelie and Unseelie into Pathfinder)
Out of curiosity, why so ?

Because it's overdone and kind of cliched, and what we've done with the First World is gaining a lot of traction.

Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Yes. (although we're deliberately avoiding incorporating the Seelie and Unseelie into Pathfinder)
Out of curiosity, why so ?
Because it's overdone and kind of cliched, and what we've done with the First World is gaining a lot of traction.

Personally, that's good to here. I like what I've seen of the First World so far. It seems very Arthurian to me somehow. I can't wait to see what else you guys come up with.

Sovereign Court

James Jacobs wrote:
Yes. (although we're deliberately avoiding incorporating the Seelie and Unseelie into Pathfinder)

Sometime the things you.. you say are..are..just so..perfect..((sob)don't look at me(sob))<:{

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
David Fryer wrote:
I was actually thinking more along the lines of redcaps and the Unseelie Court rather than Angsty the Emo Fey.

Redcaps were in Pathfinder #4, and updated to PF in Pathfinder #29, so I don't know if that would make them more likely or less to show up in Bestiary 2.

Sovereign Court

Over in the classic fairies revisited request thread , I

Andrew Phillips wrote:

Would a Pathfinder Chronicles about the First World be a better way to get info about fairies? I'm just shooting for two books in one I do love the Revisited's'es...


Take control of the Frist World Keep the seelie/unseelie sillyness completely out, watch those free lances early on until you get there head on right.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kvantum wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I was actually thinking more along the lines of redcaps and the Unseelie Court rather than Angsty the Emo Fey.
Redcaps were in Pathfinder #4, and updated to PF in Pathfinder #29, so I don't know if that would make them more likely or less to show up in Bestiary 2.

Whenever you see us do an illustration of a monster we're updating from old 3.5 products, chances are VERY VERY good that we've an ulterior motive in updating that creature by getting its update and (more importantly) it's artwork done for an upcoming Bestiary.

Which monsters in PF BESTIARY 2 have the play as a PC details? Also, will the gillmen be in PF BESTIARY 2?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Kvantum wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I was actually thinking more along the lines of redcaps and the Unseelie Court rather than Angsty the Emo Fey.
Redcaps were in Pathfinder #4, and updated to PF in Pathfinder #29, so I don't know if that would make them more likely or less to show up in Bestiary 2.
Whenever you see us do an illustration of a monster we're updating from old 3.5 products, chances are VERY VERY good that we've an ulterior motive in updating that creature by getting its update and (more importantly) it's artwork done for an upcoming Bestiary.

I figured the update and the new art made it more likely, but its being included in just last month's Pathfinder kinda threw me off.

Then again, the achaierai were just updated in Infernal Syndrome (Pathfinder #28) and they're going to be in Bestiary 2, so... *shrugs*

Madness Follows wrote:
Which monsters in PF BESTIARY 2 have the play as a PC details? Also, will the gillmen be in PF BESTIARY 2?

Gillmen are supposed to be in the updated World Guide: Inner Sea, the Pathfinder revision and expansion of the Campaign Setting. The reasoning behind it is that they're more iconic to Golarion than just general RPG monsters.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Madness Follows wrote:
Which monsters in PF BESTIARY 2 have the play as a PC details? Also, will the gillmen be in PF BESTIARY 2?

Very few. There's only 6 0-HD monsters in Bestiary 2, I believe.

Gillmen are not one of them; they'll be showing up in the revised Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting.

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Yes. (although we're deliberately avoiding incorporating the Seelie and Unseelie into Pathfinder)
Out of curiosity, why so ?
Because it's overdone and kind of cliched, and what we've done with the First World is gaining a lot of traction.
Personally, that's good to here. I like what I've seen of the First World so far. It seems very Arthurian to me somehow. I can't wait to see what else you guys come up with.

Makes me think of some of the stories in the Mabinogion.

Which is a good thing.

I prefer my Fey CN: whimsy, aloofness, reckless independence - these are all PC traits that they're not used to encountering in others and can make for great encounters,

Evil Fey are so common now in PF (I can think of a dozen off the top of my head, and only one or two neutral/friendly) that they have become the dominant trope.

If I'm playing a Paizo adventure and some fey turn up my instinct will be to cut them up: they're turning into an evil species with magic and odd personalities and I don't need Fey for that, i've got Derro and Drow and Rakshasa, and...

Dark Archive

Will the Jabberwock maintain connections to the Tane, the Twisted, and the First World (as mentioned on page 48 of Skinsaw Murders)? Will there be some sort of sidebar detailing other Tane like the short ones with the Empyreal Lords and Archfiends?

Also- I support Mr. Stewart getting to write about more Axiomite types. I certainly like the Inevitables and am quite glad they will be appearing in this, but I also think that more Axiomites would be an interesting addition to Axis.

Scarab Sages

Something I just thought of: How about the Wolfwere and Jackalwere? Any chance of seeing those, or are they not open content?

James Jacobs wrote:

As of right now... I'm thinking there'll be 4 more "dinosaurs": compsognathus, tylosaurus, allosaurus, and some sort of hadrosaur.

Anyone have any other nominations?

There're just so many, & quite a few are just 'bigger' or 'smaller' versions of a specific one. I'd start with "dinosaurs" that fill out a particular niche or morph, and fairly standard, if not iconic, versions at that (that's why there are advanced and simple templates, after all). Then move on to other versions that do something a little different to the already-statted-up dino (a pachyrhinosaurus is unlikely to do piercing damage like a triceratops, eventhough they're both large ceratopsians...).

So I'd second the therizinosaur request, and add one for a pachycephalosaur. For something with a twist, how about a psittacosaurus (I'm referring to the more recent views that at least some species of this dinosaur sported "plumes" or "quills" along the top of their tails...)? Or how about a heterodontosaurus (small, speedy herbivore with viscious tusks & ability to burrow - like an aardvark and not like a mole or earthworm, that is)? And for the more aquatic adventure (and to represent the "other dinosaurs"), how about some sort of ichthyosaur or a nothosaur?

Then there's:

More ceratopsids (pachyrhinosaurus, styracosaurus, torosaurus, etc.), an iguanodont (iguanodon, ouranosaurus, tenontosaurus, etc.), a spinosaur (baryonyx, spinosaurus, irritator, etc.), a titanosaur (antarctosaurus, saltasaurus, augustinia, etc.) or diplodocid (diplodocus, apatosaurus, amargasaurus, etc.), a polacanthid (gastonia, polacanthus, etc.) or nodosaur (sauropelta, edmontonia, etc.), a hypsilophodont-type, a prosauropod (plateosaurus, massospondylus, etc.), a dicynodont (placerias, kannemeyeria, lystrosaurus, etc.), a pelycosaur (dimetrodon, ophiacodon, etc.), a gorgonopsian (lycaenops, gorgonops, etc.), a cynognathid (euchambersia, cynognathus, diademodon, etc.), a dinocephalian (estemmosuchus [sp?], anteosaurus, moschops, etc.), a - ok, I'll stop now ;-p

Sorry, just my palaeo-geekness coming out... :-D

It's interesting to see that there'll be a hadrosaur in the upcoming Bestiary II ... You do know that the lambeosaurines aren't particularly THAT obviously duck-billed, right? And that there's a family of sauropods that would give the rest of the hadrosaurs some stiff competition for the description of being "duck-billed"...? (Granted, they don't actually have beaks, but their jaws...) ;-D

Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:
Something I just thought of: How about the Wolfwere and Jackalwere? Any chance of seeing those, or are they not open content?

The Bardi, a sort of Turkish banshee, is a jackal bi-tch that can turn into a human woman. So "jackalweres" are Folkloric, and thus Open. They'll just be a little different than D&D's Jackalweres.

Japanese folklore has Foxes and Badgers that turn into humans. Native American folklore has Coyote and Raven as simultaneously a coyote and a raven, but also as anthropomorphic spirits. The concept of animals that turn into men is broadly folkloric, so I'm sure we'll see something along those lines eventually.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Not to mention the whole truckload of real world myth which was cleverly used by White Wolf to describe werebears, wereravens, werehyenas, weredingos, werebats, werecats, weresnakes, werecoytoes, weredinosaurs, werefoxes, werespiders, weresharks and wereducks.

OK, maybe not the last ones.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Lord Gadigan wrote:
Will the Jabberwock maintain connections to the Tane, the Twisted, and the First World (as mentioned on page 48 of Skinsaw Murders)? Will there be some sort of sidebar detailing other Tane like the short ones with the Empyreal Lords and Archfiends?

Absolutely; that was sort of the goal all along, in fact. The Tane are less powerful than archfiends; they're a category of monsters that live around CR 18–22 I suspect. And they're not unique monsters; they're a collection of monsters. There's probably more than one jabberwock, for example, in the world.

Lord Gadigan wrote:
Also- I support Mr. Stewart getting to write about more Axiomite types. I certainly like the Inevitables and am quite glad they will be appearing in this, but I also think that more Axiomites would be an interesting addition to Axis.

At this point, we have no plans to turn the axiomites into a whole category of planar race; I actually like the fact that they're a single stat block race, since that allows us to continue developing the inevitables as the multiple stat block lawful neutral outsider race.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aberzombie wrote:
Something I just thought of: How about the Wolfwere and Jackalwere? Any chance of seeing those, or are they not open content?

They're open content. They're in the Tome of Horrors. We used a jackalwere in an AP already, in fact. They're most likely not gonna be in Bestiary 2, in any event. Maybe later.

Did you run out of room in this one already? :)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

blope wrote:
Did you run out of room in this one already? :)

We've had all the monsters picked out for Bestiary 2 since late last year, actually. So yeah; we've technically been "out of room" for more monsters in Bestiary 2 for close to half a year.

James Jacobs wrote:
blope wrote:
Did you run out of room in this one already? :)
We've had all the monsters picked out for Bestiary 2 since late last year, actually. So yeah; we've technically been "out of room" for more monsters in Bestiary 2 for close to half a year.

Have you started making a list for number 3?

James Jacobs wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Yes. (although we're deliberately avoiding incorporating the Seelie and Unseelie into Pathfinder)
Out of curiosity, why so ?
Because it's overdone and kind of cliched

End yet we got "Dwarves of Golarion" :P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
blope wrote:
Did you run out of room in this one already? :)
We've had all the monsters picked out for Bestiary 2 since late last year, actually. So yeah; we've technically been "out of room" for more monsters in Bestiary 2 for close to half a year.
Have you started making a list for number 3?


Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
blope wrote:
Did you run out of room in this one already? :)
We've had all the monsters picked out for Bestiary 2 since late last year, actually. So yeah; we've technically been "out of room" for more monsters in Bestiary 2 for close to half a year.
Have you started making a list for number 3?

Sweet! So, when can we get more hints as to what's in #2? Eh? Hmmm? What's it got in its pocketses?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Aberzombie wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
blope wrote:
Did you run out of room in this one already? :)
We've had all the monsters picked out for Bestiary 2 since late last year, actually. So yeah; we've technically been "out of room" for more monsters in Bestiary 2 for close to half a year.
Have you started making a list for number 3?
Sweet! So, when can we get more hints as to what's in #2? Eh? Hmmm? What's it got in its pocketses?

We'll be dropping more hints here and there in the months to come, so keep an eye out on these boards, at the Tuesday night chat, and at

But I guess I can say that this one will have a lot of planar stuff in it... since one of its goals is to fill out the other outer planar races with entries for inevitables, agathions, proteans, qlippoth, daemons, and so on...

Ah yes, hints indeed...
Any likelihood we'll get to see a sample creature from Bestiary II prior to publication? Also, any plans for more free pdfs of non-OGL creatures? I really liked seeing the caryatid columns statted out for PF, but I am SO jonesing for updates on the genasi! Or at least a viable PF substitute for them.

Also, you mentioned an updated campaign setting book coming out. Any idea when? I wouldn't mind scoping out the Golarion world setting, but I just can't afford to buy up all those chronicles and adventures and whatnot to do so, and the only copies of the world setting around here are from before the core book came out. I'm currently still running Forgotten Realms games, but sometimes those books give me a headache (a serious lack of decent random encounter tables, for one thing, and maps that lack detail for another). Besides, one of my players has really been pushing for me to run a Golarion campaign (and knowing him, that kind of worries me a bit LOL).

Oh, and one last request (for now): MORE TROLLS!!!
So tired of players always knowing that fire hurts trolls. There's only so much control over metagaming; it would be SO nice to throw those rules marshalls for a loop once in a while ;-)

James Jacobs wrote:
But I guess I can say that this one will have a lot of planar stuff in it... since one of its goals is to fill out the other outer planar races with entries for inevitables, agathions, proteans, qlippoth, daemons, and so on...


I, for one, LOVED the Planescape setting, and was more than a little disappointed that it never made it into 3.5. I also loved Ravenloft, but good luck getting my current group to play THAT; something about too many undead (as if there is such a thing ;-P). Granted, I still won't see Planescape (not OGL :-(), but at least I can do SOMETHING with the outer planes soon!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

drakkonflye wrote:
Any likelihood we'll get to see a sample creature from Bestiary II prior to publication? Also, any plans for more free pdfs of non-OGL creatures? I really liked seeing the caryatid columns statted out for PF, but I am SO jonesing for updates on the genasi! Or at least a viable PF substitute for them.

Unlikely; we aren't going to do a bonus bestiary for this one. We MIGHT do a preview on the blog here and there though as we get closer to the end of the year.

drakkonflye wrote:
Also, you mentioned an updated campaign setting book coming out. Any idea when?

The updated PCCS will be out, hopefully, in September. It's got its own page here.

drakkonflye wrote:

Oh, and one last request (for now): MORE TROLLS!!!

So tired of players always knowing that fire hurts trolls. There's only so much control over metagaming; it would be SO nice to throw those rules marshalls for a loop once in a while ;-)

We'll have a couple more trolls... but part of what being a troll IS is that they're hurt bad by fire. Changing that changes what being a troll is.

Fortunately, changing the word "fire" in its regeneration line to, say, "cold" or "sonic" is a SUPER easy house rule change.

James Jacobs wrote:

We'll have a couple more trolls... but part of what being a troll IS is that they're hurt bad by fire. Changing that changes what being a troll is.

Fortunately, changing the word "fire" in its regeneration line to, say, "cold" or "sonic" is a SUPER easy house rule change.

I would love to see a stone troll.

Not a troll turned to stone, as per Tolkien, but a big stone guy, like the trolls of Midgard, in Dark Age of Camelot.
Not vulnerable to fire, and not necessary evil or stupid.

I converted them a long time ago for my campaign setting (as well as other DAoC creatures), but it would be nice to see how Pathfinder would stat something similar.

James Jacobs wrote:
Fortunately, changing the word "fire" in its regeneration line to, say, "cold" or "sonic" is a SUPER easy house rule change.

Oh, yes, I've done that :-D

I am, after all, an evil DM. Nothing shakes things up more than taking what they expect and making it something different. I've also played around with templates (yes, I hear the groans), but due to the overabundance of templates in previous MMs and such, Pathfinder seems to be steering well away from them. I've actually been hoping to see some decent elemental templates, though, as opposed to the seriously lame ones I've seen before, preferably something that gives decent DR, SR, SA, or SQ instead of gaining SLAs dependant upon HD.

Yeah, I know..."house rule it".

Scarab Sages

drakkonflye wrote:

......something about too many undead (as if there is such a thing ;-P).

You, sir, are a wonderful person! I wish there were more living folks who appreciated we, the heart beat challenged.

James Jacobs wrote:
At this point, we have no plans to turn the axiomites into a whole category of planar race; I actually like the fact that they're a single stat block race, since that allows us to continue developing the inevitables as the multiple stat block lawful neutral outsider race.

Could we get a low-CR inevitable? Perhaps something suitable as a Bestiary-style pseudo player race? It would be nice to offer the a level of support for players who want something similar* to warforged, only not a player race, and all Pathfinder-y and awesome.

*not too similar, BTW. (as if I had to remind you)

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
seekerofshadowlight wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
blope wrote:
Did you run out of room in this one already? :)
We've had all the monsters picked out for Bestiary 2 since late last year, actually. So yeah; we've technically been "out of room" for more monsters in Bestiary 2 for close to half a year.
Have you started making a list for number 3?

good I suggest catfolk (or somethink similair since there not open content I dont think.)

drakkonflye wrote:

Oh, and one last request (for now): MORE TROLLS!!!
So tired of players always knowing that fire hurts trolls. There's only so much control over metagaming; it would be SO nice to throw those rules marshalls for a loop once in a while ;-)

I don't call that meta-gaming. The information that you need fire to kill trolls is probably universal folk wisdom in a Pathfinder world. There are cautionary tales about it and everything.

Just like in today's world (at least in many parts of it), children are taught that you don't cross the street unless the lights are green, that you don't follow a stranger into his van just because he tells you about candy and cute little bunny rabbits (and countless other bits of potential life-savers, often dependant on where you live), children on Golarion are told about trolls.

There's the tale about Johnny Adventurer who "killed" 3 trolls and then went to sleep beside their "corpses", only to wake up tied up beside their camp fire where the trolls - miraculously returned to life! - are preparing a spit for him. Luckily for him, the trolls can't tie a decent knot, so he can free himself and, having no other weapon available, takes a swing at the trolls with a burning log - and they die, this time for real.

Dark Archive

No self respecting adventurer would ever sleep by a troll's corpse. They smell too bad.

More linnorms?

Anything in here that we've never seen anywhere else?

Gurubabaramalamaswami wrote:

Anything in here that we've never seen anywhere else?

Drop elephants (The drop bears' larger cousins)

KaeYoss wrote:

Drop elephants (The drop bears' larger cousins)

Those pale in comparison to the power of the Drop Whale.

Scarab Sages

Just noticed this today... Hmmm... While I *am* looking forward to the book, I find the cover I see today to be too violent. I don't know what kind of dragon that is, but it is chains, screaming and being torn in shreds with bone and blood everywhere. Not my choice of art. Even a good artist can produce something "over the top". If I had a say: no explicit gore please, I prefer some things left to the imagination.

[edit] Funny thing, if it was green blood it wouldn't bother me. I guess red blood and bone is too realistic/human-like. Now I recall seeing this art before, didn't like then either. Seeing something chained up and in its death-throes actually is a turn-off.


Don't worry, Winterthorn: that's a mock-up.

Scarab Sages

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Don't worry, Winterthorn: that's a mock-up.

That's what I'm hoping for. Thanks for the reminder. :-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Correct; the current cover's a mock-up cover.

And just for full disclosure, the dragon illustrated is far from being in its death throes. It's gory and violent, yes, but that's because it's from an illustration of a very powerful undead dragon minion of Zon-Kuthon being returned to animation.

In any case, the final cover will depict something else entirely.

Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:
... In any case, the final cover will depict something else entirely.


KaeYoss wrote:
drakkonflye wrote:

Oh, and one last request (for now): MORE TROLLS!!!
So tired of players always knowing that fire hurts trolls. There's only so much control over metagaming; it would be SO nice to throw those rules marshalls for a loop once in a while ;-)

I don't call that meta-gaming. The information that you need fire to kill trolls is probably universal folk wisdom in a Pathfinder world. There are cautionary tales about it and everything.

Just like in today's world (at least in many parts of it), children are taught that you don't cross the street unless the lights are green, that you don't follow a stranger into his van just because he tells you about candy and cute little bunny rabbits (and countless other bits of potential life-savers, often dependant on where you live), children on Golarion are told about trolls.

There's the tale about Johnny Adventurer who "killed" 3 trolls and then went to sleep beside their "corpses", only to wake up tied up beside their camp fire where the trolls - miraculously returned to life! - are preparing a spit for him. Luckily for him, the trolls can't tie a decent knot, so he can free himself and, having no other weapon available, takes a swing at the trolls with a burning log - and they die, this time for real.

Well and good, and quite eloquently written, but two things:

1) I don't run my games in Golarion, as I don't have all the support material yet (waiting for the World Guides, and then we'll see).

2) This was just an example: this particular player is a long-term gamer, so knows about just about every creature in every MM and support material out there, including Golarion (HE has the chronicles sub), so trying to surpise him is difficult.

It wouldn't be so bad if he'd keep his mouth shut, but while I got him to stop naming the creatures as soon as he hears the description (even when I change it up a bit, he knows), he still has his "ah", "oh no", "damn", "I knew it", and so on comments, which can be pretty distracting to the other players. I've had to resort to making them make those Knowledge checks to see if they actuallt DO know what they think they do, but sometimes that leads to arguments with the other players. happens. It just encourages me to drop in more of my own creations, that's all :-D

Winterthorn wrote:

Just noticed this today... Hmmm... While I *am* looking forward to the book, I find the cover I see today to be too violent. I don't know what kind of dragon that is, but it is chains, screaming and being torn in shreds with bone and blood everywhere. Not my choice of art. Even a good artist can produce something "over the top". If I had a say: no explicit gore please, I prefer some things left to the imagination.

[edit] Funny thing, if it was green blood it wouldn't bother me. I guess red blood and bone is too realistic/human-like. Now I recall seeing this art before, didn't like then either. Seeing something chained up and in its death-throes actually is a turn-off.


THAT'S gory?

Someone hasn't played the God of War series it seems. I have to say most D&D battles go that route, especially with barbarians involved.

Any chance we might see some creatures that are similar to some specific WOTC licensed setting monsters/races (i.e. shifters, warforged, etc)?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

barnabyjones wrote:
Any chance we might see some creatures that are similar to some specific WOTC licensed setting monsters/races (i.e. shifters, warforged, etc)?

Not really. Even discounting the fact that the two races mentioned above are perhaps two of my least favorite races to come out of late 3rd edition... we're not interested in providing generic versions of monsters that are obviously key to WotC products. We'd rather support Golarion, draw from mythology/cryptozoology/public domain/folklore monsters (aka "the real world's monster pool"), or make entirely new monsters.

James Jacobs wrote:
or make entirely new monsters.

I'd suggest the Bearbear. It's the ultimate deadline monster.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Shinmizu wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
or make entirely new monsters.
I'd suggest the Bearbear. It's the ultimate deadline monster.

Or the vorpal bunny.

James Jacobs wrote:
Not really. Even discounting the fact that the two races mentioned above are perhaps two of my least favorite races to come out of late 3rd edition... we're not interested in providing generic versions of monsters that are obviously key to WotC products. We'd rather support Golarion, draw from mythology/cryptozoology/public domain/folklore monsters (aka "the real world's monster pool"), or make entirely new monsters.

And thank you for that. Not a fan of those either and I'd rather see what you come up with.

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