Empowered Finger of Death?

Rules Questions

Shadow Lodge

Does the feat apply whether the enemy saves or not (300 dmg if not)? In the first case, no dice are rolled, but in the second, there are (in which case, this ruling would apply.)

I guess the gist of my question is whether it's reasonable for the application of a feat to change depending on whether the enemy saves or not.

Or, maybe more importantly, whether the higher slots are used either way (so, you choose to empower, you cast it empowered, but you only get the empowered benefit if the creature saves).

It only applies if they pass the save since no dice are rolled on a failed save. Basically its not worth empowering Finger of Death. You would be better of using the higher spell slot for something else.

10 x level would not be Empowered. You might be better off Heightening the spell instead. I say might, since the vast majority of monsters have ridiculous fort save bonuses.

Shadow Lodge

Well, part of my motivation was wondering about Empowered FoD as a Readied Action to (edit: force a concentration check): even if the caster saves, empowered would guarantee an increase in the concentration DC of at least 11 (making it nearly impossible to cast).

If you use FoD As a counterspell then you are not using it to attack, unless you meant ready it to disrupt a spell by forcing a concentration check.

Shadow Lodge

wraithstrike wrote:

If you use FoD As a counterspell then you are not using it to attack, unless you meant ready it to disrupt a spell by forcing a concentration check.

Yes, that's what I meant, was typing fast.

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