
Simonutti Pierre's page

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And the last one :

A remake of the observatory

With a bonus 3D view of the Golaion planetarium :
Gold version

Silver version


5 people marked this as a favorite.

I made a few additionals maps and remakes :

Velashu uplands (this is the worse map of the serie, but I do not know how to make it look better...)

hunters in the forest

Entrance To Cryingleaf

PC's place at CryinLeaf

The Elf army moves to Celwynvian

Elf army encampement


Shadow Of Celwynvian - arrival

Shadow Of Celwynvian - Librairy

Shadow Of Celwynvian - Vertihes' park

Shadow Of Celwynvian - Reason's pavillon

Shadow Of Celwynvian - Academy of arts

Academy of arts

All the maps + bonuses here


And an illustration of the rolling tower

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here are some maps to complete the ones of the adventure :
West beacon
East beacon
Cliff side path
Just to share...

Here is one of my first tries with maps.

It is a rather simplistic one, a very early work, I was using CC3.

But it is the area you want.

Here are also the next encounter with the fire elementals if i remenber correctly.

Fire version

After the battle

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Here is a map fo the escape of Depora.

WIP close to final if not final

Just to share and have comments to improve/adjust the map!

@Azogg : all the maps I made for SCAP

I did not make any map for Zenith Trajectory, sorry.

here is a remake of the boneyard ambush.

Just a quick one, but is it OK with the community use policy?

File deleted.

There are indeed some maps from paizo :

Attack on the foam runner and a mod of the boneyard ambush.

I must apologize, since I truly believed that kind of MpaTool package would rather be a motivation to use the most excellent Paizo Products than a violation of copyright.

Should I delete the file where I hosted it?

I want to share what I have done, hoping it might help someone :

This is the complete adventure "A shadow int he sky", all the maps, tokens, handouts, VBL, moving doors, location and detail of treasures......

Unfortunately for most, it is written in french.

But it may help anyway...

There is a custom set of light macro attack, not very user friendly, but it suited our use.

MapTool 1.3b84 file

Now,there is a close to final version.
Maybe the tunnels should be a bit darker.
The "walls" of the cavern are still not satisfying, but I lack time for now.

Here is a WIP of the water tunnels map.
Grid size is 50pixels.
Does anyone have a clue about the way out?

I also used Cisticola maps, plus a few I made and some of his I modified: Take a look at this gallery

@Dance of Ruin : Yes I plan to make more maps. Since I began an online campaign using MapTool, I will have to make maps to every location where the given maps are not precise enough. But we have a rather slow frequency of games, thus it will take time before the next maps are done...

@fray : I used photoshop CS3 with tons of objects from the dundjinni forums. Some brushes found at deviantart, and textures also.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here are the maps done in photoshop with 75pixels grid size to use in MapTool or any virtual table top :

Level 1 without grid
Level 1 with grid

Level 2 without grid
Level 2 with grid

Level -1 without grid
Level -1 with grid

Level -2 without grid
Level -2 with grid

Oups !

My bad... 14th Arodug 4708 AR.

Thank you!

I am about to run the first session of the new campaign, and I was wondering if the current year/season/day has some importance.

Is the year 4709AR ?
In wich season does the "cheat the devil and take his gold" takes place?

I took a look in this forum and did not fing the answer, sa I guess it does not really matter.

What were your choices?

Here is my recent for for the upcomming session :

Tube entrance, encounter with saureya

Overview of skull dungeon

Peristaltic tube and throne room

Nexus room

Eye Socket with plasms

Without plasms

Plasms cover(png)

Constriction of peristaltic tube cover

Just to share.

I plan to run the SD when it wil eventually be translated in french...

I was then wondering if the map folio pdf is worth buying to generate the maps required to play with a VTT like MapTool?

The point is the resolution of the pdf maps gotten with CTRL+click. Is it high enough to zoom at combat distance?

I grabed the pdf version of the first adventure from a friend who subscribed in english and it appears that the maps like "Foamrunner at Dock" and "Water tunnels" are not large enough to look pretty as they should at encounter zoom.

Is it better in the map folio?

I plan to run the SD when it wil eventually be translated in french...

I was then wondering if the map folio pdf is worth buying to generate the maps required to play with a VTT like MapTool?

The point is the resolution of the pdf maps gotten with CTRL+click. Is it high enough to zoom at combat distance?

I grabed the pdf version of the first adventure from a friend who subscribed in english and it appears that the maps like "Foamrunner at Dock" and "Water tunnels" are not large enough to look pretty as they should at encounter zoom.

Is it better in the map folio?

We are about to begin CotCT and our master hesitates between 3.5 and Pathfinder.

On one hand Pathfinder seems appealing but on the other hand CotCT does not take in account the new rules so should be adapted by our DM.

The point is that we do not have a lot of time to play so all the less to prepare the sessions.

The question is : is it worth the effort or should we wait to play a fully compatible campaign?

REM : we are waiting for the french translations because the DM does not speak english at all.

MapTool (here) is a Virtual Table Top (VTT).
Basicaly it shows a digital map where you can move digital tokens.
I use it in face to face games with a laptop on the DM side and one on the players side linked to a large screen (see here).
It is possible to have only one laptop with two instance of MapTool.
It is very confortable in game because the DM view shows all the dungeon to the DM (monsters already in place and so on) while the players only see what their PCs have discovered.
It saves printing and tedious token movents.
It has a very cool light/vision system continually improved.

I made a larger battle map for use with MapTool :
BlackWall Keep low res.

You will find a larger amount of battlemaps here

Hope this helps.

You may also take a look at the screen shots of the gaming sessions in MapTool : here

This is one of my favorites

Take a look at this gallery...

Headless demon encounter

Old Ogre Home encounter

Vapraks Voice

Starry mirror

Ancien Vault

Hope this helps...


I forgot : The plain of cyst and The invisible path DM overlay

Blakey wrote:

Wow - awesome maps Pierre. Were they made in Dundjinni?

Have you futher maps of the other chapters available?


These maps are made with photoshop using a lot of obects/textures found in the Dundjinni forums.

I am a rather new user of MapTool and developped slowly my skill/taste for map drawing so I only made some maps for the previous chapter.

Go to these places to find stuff :

My MapTool gallery

Being also a MapTool user I made a large number of maps for this adventure :

Ossaic Forest

Flats Ulcers

Fibrous forest

Cathedral of feathers

Cathedral of feathers - celestial flashback

Cathedral of feathers - underground level

Bran wrote:
MrVergee wrote:
I used a Forgotten Realms converted translation of this speech as well. My players really liked it.

I did the same and translated it in French. It was a nice roleplaying moment followed by good action scene. Definitely a plus.


Je vais faire jouer cette rencontre très bientôt te serais-t-il possible de m'envoyer cette traduction?

J'avais commencé à le traduire mais l'exercice ne m'est pas aisé et je travaille ne parallèle sur les pions/plans et Fichier MapTool.
D'ailleurs si cela t'intéresse...