Master the dungeons and dangerous locales of the Second Darkness Adventure Path with this handsome collection of maps designed for use with the popular Pathfinder series! Explore the treacherous dark elf city of Zirakaynin in style with a huge poster map. Fifteen additional single-page full-color maps cover key encounter locations or wilderness areas from the campaign, adding visual flair for players and making the Game Master's life a lot easier.
Second Darkness Map Folio contains reprinted maps of all the key locations
explored in Pathfinder’s third Adventure Path. Even if you
aren’t running Second Darkness, the maps inside
can serve as locations for any RPG
This map pack is worth picking up for one reason alone - the large map of Zirnakaynin. You won't find it anywhere else - and if you want to bring it to life, you'll need a proper map of it.
The rest of the maps are mostly encounter maps from the Second Darkness Adventure Path so your mileage may vary.
The map of the Drow city is gorgeous and could also be used for any other subterranean city.
And for $3 - incredible - i paid €10 or so back in the day.
BUY IT! ;-)
PS: you also get some little maps of an elven city...
When I started Second Darkness I began using a VTT (Virtual Table Top) program. To better help me prepare for the game I bought the pdf of the map folio. Most maps (with a little tweaking) work and it is nice to have all maps in one file to pull from when I am setting up the game instead of having to scan the book.
Second Darkness foi a campanha que mais tentou ser épica até o momento de sua publicação, trazendo grandes revelações de mistérios de Golarion, tendo os drows como adversários e uma trama apocalíptica onde o mundo realmente precisava ser salvo da destruição. Porem, essa ambição não teve sucesso, não só os previews do Pathfinder RPG acabaram ofuscando sua publicação, como a escassez de recursos por causa de seu lançamento afetaram muito a qualidade das aventuras que ganhariam muito com um pouco mais de revisões. Mesmo assim possui suas qualidades, é uma campanha com bastante foco em interpretação e intriga politica, e é um enredo intrincado e com várias reviravoltas e cenas fantásticas, realmente valendo a pena experimentar.
Durante a adventure path houve uma grande diversidade de locações. Portos piratas, ilhas onde caíram meteoros, ruínas elfícas, cidades subterrâneas, florestas corrompidas e a mais profunda terra dos pesadelos. Sendo assim, o trabalho de arte e projeto dos mapas é realmente elogiável, pois toda essa atmosfera é bem transposta pela cartografia. A primeira coisa que pude notar ao abrir o plástico, foi a adição de um mapa poster retratando a cidade de Zirnakaynin, o mapa é muito bonito e ajuda bastante a compreender melhor a cidade dentro de uma caverna segmentada em vários níveis. (Spoilers de lugares da campanha a frente)
Shadow in the Sky: Particularmente eu não gostei do mapa de Riddleport, há muito espaçamento entre os prédios (o que é uma característica elfica, talvez a intenção original fosse que a aventura começasse numa cidade de elfos) e na minha opinião um porto pirata deveria ser mais claustrofóbico e sujo. Os mapas do Gold Goblin são uma raridade, pois é muito difícil imaginar um cassino em D&D e neste caso funciona bem.
Children of the Void: O projeto da ilha inteira é muito bom, os mapas dos locais são simplórios e muito geométricos, mas estão na medida certa. Gosto bastante do mapa final, por ser uma caverna marinha com palafitas de madeira ligando ambientes diferentes, perfeito para pequenas masmorras costeiras, dá para reciclar até os jogadores eventualmente perceberem.
Armageddon Echo: Toda arquitetura elfica é um show a parte, com ambientes orgânicos e cheios de curvas, mas mesmo assim sem deixar de serem funcionais num ambiente de guerra. Os mapas da cidade de Cellwynvian ficaram muito bonitos e eu quase desejo que tivessem sito um poster dupla face.
Endless Night: A arquitetura drow conserva características da arquitetura elfica, porem corrompendo-a com ângulos duros e quebrados. Um detalhe que realmente adiciona a imersão da aventura e merece um parabéns ao Rob Lazzaretti. Infelizmente os mapas das set-pieces são estão presentes, porque a caverna da edição era muito legal.
A Memory of Darkness: Novamente de volta a arquitetura elfica, só que aqui uma fortaleza maior. A consistência interna da arquitetura é bem impressionante. Porem os mapas muito grandes são mais difíceis de usar fora da situação para os quais foram desenvolvidos.
Descent into Midnight: Por fim os mapas finais voltam a masmorras mais tradicionais, o que torna a coletânea mais útil a quem só quer mapas genéricos para dungeons. Devido a natureza da aventura, temos uma porção de locais do mundo subterrâneo com mapas simples e diversificados, perfeitos para aventuras nas Darklands. (Fim dos Spoilers)
I agree with Majuba that the maps are (as always) masterfully detailed. The poster map is amazing!
For me, the reason I'm not giving it five stars is simply the 'folio' aspect of the product. I would love to see flaps in the bottom/side of the cover help keep the maps inside the folio. After all the nice work, it's a shame to see them scattered across the floor. :(
Okay... for some reason the Ctrl Click to select the map isn't actually working its just getting the real background...
Has anybody else had better luck with this...
Do you mean in the PDF on your home machine? If so, it will not work in Adobe that is higher than v7 ... apparently they changed something about it. There have been a bunch of other threads on this, and it is possible to get a copy of Adobe 7, I just don't have it handy to link it for you.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gamer Girrl wrote:
Notsonoble wrote:
Okay... for some reason the Ctrl Click to select the map isn't actually working its just getting the real background...
Has anybody else had better luck with this...
Do you mean in the PDF on your home machine? If so, it will not work in Adobe that is higher than v7 ... apparently they changed something about it. There have been a bunch of other threads on this, and it is possible to get a copy of Adobe 7, I just don't have it handy to link it for you.
Actually it works with Adobe 8, It stoped working with Adobe 9.
Okay... for some reason the Ctrl Click to select the map isn't actually working its just getting the real background...
Has anybody else had better luck with this...
Do you mean in the PDF on your home machine? If so, it will not work in Adobe that is higher than v7 ... apparently they changed something about it. There have been a bunch of other threads on this, and it is possible to get a copy of Adobe 7, I just don't have it handy to link it for you.
Actually it works with Adobe 8, It stoped working with Adobe 9.
Particularly useless is the giant poster map of Zirnakaynin. I don't understand what I'm supposed to do with it. It has no numbered locations on it, and it's not made at a scale where you could use it with minis ... I honestly can't figure out what its purpose is.
James Jacobs wrote:
... And finally... these maps are useful to GMs who aren't playing the adventure path. A GM can use any of the maps in a map folio as locations in his own campaign. Zirnakaynin can easily serve as a drow city in any world... or any race's city for that matter.
I was on the fence about subscribing to Chronicles for a long time due to stuff like this, since I have a home campaign that predates Golarion by about 4 years and I won't be shifting it over.
But then I realized how awesome it would be to have all this material that I can just drop in place, solving the problem of generating artwork for my cities.
I just have to ignore the title printed onto the map :)
I plan to run the SD when it wil eventually be translated in french...
I was then wondering if the map folio pdf is worth buying to generate the maps required to play with a VTT like MapTool?
The point is the resolution of the pdf maps gotten with CTRL+click. Is it high enough to zoom at combat distance?
I grabed the pdf version of the first adventure from a friend who subscribed in english and it appears that the maps like "Foamrunner at Dock" and "Water tunnels" are not large enough to look pretty as they should at encounter zoom.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Simonutti Pierre wrote:
I grabed the pdf version of the first adventure from a friend who subscribed in english and it appears that the maps like "Foamrunner at Dock" and "Water tunnels" are not large enough to look pretty as they should at encounter zoom.
Is it better in the map folio?
No, the maps are the same size in the folio, except for the poster map of the drow city.
In addition to the Dark Elf city poster map will there be a poster map of Riddleport as well?
Sorry—no such map exists yet.
Just curious if it's "yet" yet? Or shall ever be? I searched the product line board for "Riddleport poster" and suchlike but didn't see one. My posterboard and yardstick are ready to start the gridding for a handmade Riddleport poster, but thought I'd do a quick check first to save many hours of copying. Any joy? We loved the Cauldron poster and got so much use out of it.
In addition to the Dark Elf city poster map will there be a poster map of Riddleport as well?
Sorry—no such map exists yet.
Just curious if it's "yet" yet? Or shall ever be? I searched the product line board for "Riddleport poster" and suchlike but didn't see one. My posterboard and yardstick are ready to start the gridding for a handmade Riddleport poster, but thought I'd do a quick check first to save many hours of copying. Any joy? We loved the Cauldron poster and got so much use out of it.
The map in the AP is still the largest, most detailed map of Riddleport we've done to date.
It can work as a poster to hang on the wall. I often did this with poster maps that came in boxed sets from TSR back in the day, but what can I say: I'm a nerd!
I wonder if they are starting to get the hint, that the product people want are encounter battle maps for figs for each AP?
I personally thought thats what the map folios were until I started reading the discussions about them. I was dumbfounded that the product was not what it obviously should be.
I can't speak for other people, but I have bought all of the map folios to date (although I prefer the ones starting with Kingmaker). Had they instead been miniature battle maps, I wouldn't have bought any of them.
So while there's certainly some that would have preferred such battle maps, there are also those who wouldn't have been interested if that was the product.
I can't speak for other people, but I have bought all of the map folios to date (although I prefer the ones starting with Kingmaker). Had they instead been miniature battle maps, I wouldn't have bought any of them.
So while there's certainly some that would have preferred such battle maps, there are also those who wouldn't have been interested if that was the product.
I just wish I would have done a bit more research before buying this particular item. I wasn't aware that the maps were not scaled for miniatures. Severely disappointing. I will not be buying another map pack again.
FYI while still not scaled for minis, the map packs changed quite a bit. From Kingmaker on, you will find 3-4 Poster maps of important locations (cities, the countryside etc) instead of a reprint of the maps from the AP.