Pathfinder Module D1.5: Revenge of the Kobold King (OGL)

3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)
GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Print Edition Unavailable


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A dungeon-based adventure for 5th-level characters.

It should have been the end. When the bloodthirsty adventurers burst into his throne room and mercilessly cut him down, the tale of Merlokrep, last king of the ill-fated Truescale Tribe, should have ended. But the fates weren’t yet finished with the Kobold King, and now a dark power has brought him back from the dark beyond to wreak his vengeance upon those foolish adventurers who destroyed his tribe.

Revenge of the Kobold King is compatible with the world’s most popular roleplaying game. This takes your heroes back beneath the haunted trees of Darkmoon Wood and into an ancient Azlanti crypt in search of the all-too-familiar monsters that are brutally murdering the people of Falcon’s Hollow. This adventure returns to Darkmoon Vale, an area of the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting first visited in D1: Crown of the Kobold King and E1: Carnival of Tears, and further detailed in Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Darkmoon Vale.

Written by Nicolas Logue.

This 16-page adventure was initially made available for Free RPG Day on June 21, 2008.

The print edition of this product is limited to one per customer. It is not included in the Pathfinder Modules subscription.

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

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Average product rating:

3.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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Revenge of the Kobold King was okay but not as good as it's predecessor. I agree with the below comments regarding disappointing magic items and I felt the camp and the barrows were too crowded with bad guys. Boss Teedum and his men seemed like an afterthought and I thought the adventure was a little rushed.
I did like some of the traps and ideas used in both parts, I almost wish Depnaakra had been used as the main villain instead of the undead Merlokrep. The Sting Warden had potential!
I also liked the Azlanti Chariot Beetle, I'm always excited to see new creatures.

An RPG Resource Review


This is a neat scenario with plenty of backstory to set the scene and perhaps spawn further adventures. A logging crew is slaughtered messily while at work deep in the forest, and the characters are hired to find out by whom and deal out some retribution. Part of the background involves a previous adventure, Crown of the Kobold King, but it doesn't matter if you haven't played it - the kobolds might be seeking revenge, but they are none too good at distinguishing between parties of adventurers! Of course, if the characters have played that adventure, it is a delightful way of reminding them that their actions have consequences...

The adventure itself involves a hike through trackless wild forest, with a fascinating array of encounters each with its own story - all adding to the alternate reality of your game world being somewhere that gets along just fine whether or not the characters are there. Once they reach the logging camp - well, 5th-level adventurers ought to have strong stomachs, they will need them as the sights to be seen are quite gruesome... and deadly! But that's not all, clues lead the party onwards (assuming they survive) to a final showdown which, apart from a bit of dungeon-crawling and a good brawl, has a lot for those who have an interest in the history of the land to discover.

With a strong backstory, lots going on and the potential for further adventure, it's surprising that it was all packed into 16 pages! As a stand-alone or as part of an ongoing sage this has plenty of potential.

Great Module... with a few issues


Overall this is a great module, very challenging for a 5th level party with lots of undead and a few creepy critters. There are a few issues I have with the module though. First, the number of 'regulators' sent with the party is never mentioned and this can be critical in the end of the module. Second, and perhaps the most concerning is that the treasure in this module is all focused on a few high powered magic items near the end. Also, almost all of the good "martial" themed items are size small while which leave fighters a bit short changed by the end of the campaign. Finally, the barrows are cramped. The rooms are small for the number of enemies in them and the rooms are so close together it doesn't make sense that the king doesn't pool his resources a bit and just overwhelm the party.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed DMing the module and found it very easy to DM and loved the feel of it. The vermin and undead worked well together. I'm just going to have to spend a little time customizing the treasure a bit more sort of post fact.

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Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Looking forward to this!

Yay! The Bard in my group stole the kings crown, and has been bragging about it everywhere. It's time for revenge...

My players are going to love this, particularly the character that still wears Merlokrep's Crown. >;-)


Varl wrote:
My players are going to love this, particularly the character that still wears Merlokrep's Crown. >;-)

Oh! Merlokrep's not gonna like that one bit!!!!!! :-)

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Damn you Logue. Now I have to wake up at 4am to go stand outside the shop just so I can pick up a copy of this. You twisted evil B@$&(%d. Your the best.

Dark Archive

Reserve one for me!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Between this and the GenCon Alt cover for PF13, Paizo is going to make me twitchy. :)

Sovereign Court

Bah, there's no stores participating on Free RPG Day in my state!

Sovereign Court

Woo! My local store is participating this year! I'll have to ride downtown to pick it up, but really, that's no big deal for a FREE awesome adventure!

The Exchange

Yeah! It's great that the event is worldwide. I wait to pick my copy of the Pathfinder Module and all these free product about RPG.

Vigilant Seal

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Originally posted in THIS thread, a couple of us are wondering...

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
Is there a recommended number of Regulators to a squad? Or ratio to PC's?

My question, too, and the reason I came to this thread. How many are in "a squad"?

Don (Greyson)

Scarab Sages

Oh yeah! Spend my monthly amount at my FLGS, and get a free Paizo module!? Plus other stuff? Tomorrow will rock!

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber


I was recruited to run Revenge of the Kobold King by my FLGS (Dragon's Lair, San Antonio, TX). Will run 3.5 or PFRPG depending on interest.

I also hit them up about Pathfinder Society...

So, we're 10 hours into the appointed day, and I'm not seeing any free download...

Scarab Sages

Ki_Ryn wrote:
So, we're 10 hours into the appointed day, and I'm not seeing any free download...

That is because the appointed day for the download and the print order is the 23. Today you could get a free copy at your FLGS if you are lucky enough that yours is participating (I sadly - am not, I'm not even sure there is one in I'm waiting impatiently for 40 hours to pass...)

feytharn wrote:
Ki_Ryn wrote:
So, we're 10 hours into the appointed day, and I'm not seeing any free download...
That is because the appointed day for the download and the print order is the 23. Today you could get a free copy at your FLGS if you are lucky enough that yours is participating (I sadly - am not, I'm not even sure there is one in I'm waiting impatiently for 40 hours to pass...)

Here's the list of stores from germany participating:

Burst Sindelfingerstr. 2 Böblingen 71032 Germany
Limbus Spiele Osterstr. 15 Bremen 28199 Germany
Brave New World Herzogstr. 25-27 Cologne 50667 Germany
Highlander Kampstr. 35-37 Dortmund 44137 Germany
Magestore Graf-Adolf-Str. 41 Duesseldorf 40210 Germany
Sturmdrache Gartenstr. 16 Freiburg 79098 Germany
Atlantis Litzowstr. 17 Hamburg 22041 Germany
Fantasy In Hildesheimer Str. 11 Hannover 30169 Germany
Fantasy Stronghold Seestr. 11-13 Ludwigsburg 71638 Germany
Headquarter Comics & Spiele Josefstr. 27-29 Moers 47441 Germany 02841-395523
Games In Dachauerstr. 20 München 80335 Germany
Ultracomix Vordere Sterngasse 2 Nürnberg 90402 Germany
Fantasy Empire Ammergasse 14 Tübingen 72070 Germany
Paladin's Place Kirchstrasse 21 Darmstadt 64283 Germany 06151-293911
Orcish Outpost Zanggasse 7 Mainz 55116 Germany 06131-233299
Wizard's Well S4,23 Mannheim 68161 Germany 0621-1785373
Ulisses' Universe Oranienstrasse 12 Wiesbaden 65185 Germany 0611-3601993
Gamers HQ Lepsiusstr. 33 Berlin 12163 Germany
Imps Shop Herrenkellergasse 20 Ulm 89073 Germany

- Ashavan

Scarab Sages

Wow - thank you - sadly to late for me to make it to one of these shops today (playing session starting in two hours)- but thanks nonetheless. Perhaps I should look EARLYER next year who is participating...

My FLGS was cool enough to FORGET about Free RPG day until after they missed the deadline to sign up.

They participated last year so I saw no reason to expect them to drop the ball and screw the pooch so badly.

I'll be back Monday to order.

And if anyone gets one of those free Wraith miniature repaints and doesnt want it I'd be most greatful :)

Dark Archive

Jason Grubiak wrote:
And if anyone gets one of those free Wraith miniature repaints and doesnt want it I'd be most greatful :)

Is that the WotC mini?

I just picked up my copy a little while ago. I'm pretty excited about it. The shop owner looked at me like I was crazy when I passed up the WotC offerings and went for this and some 3rd party stuff, but I was happy to get this and thanked him for participating in Free RPG day.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Got my copy from Brave New World here in Cologne, even though I had to play 4e to get it, but then the DM was much more into roleplay than mechanics, and he tossed the official Wizard's scenario that he didn't like as according to him it had a stupid adventure hook, and played something which he had designed himself.

So, it was fun, and I got a cool product to take home! :)

Liberty's Edge

Just got this today. (Last copy at the FLGS!) Cool little adventure, and it has me wondering, what did an Azlant Chariot beetle look like "back in the day" as it were?

Sovereign Court

Got my copy today. Nicest product in the box of freebies at my store.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

feytharn wrote:
Ki_Ryn wrote:
So, we're 10 hours into the appointed day, and I'm not seeing any free download...
That is because the appointed day for the download and the print order is the 23. Today you could get a free copy at your FLGS if you are lucky enough that yours is participating (I sadly - am not, I'm not even sure there is one in I'm waiting impatiently for 40 hours to pass...)

...also, it'll be mid-day (Pacific time) on Monday before we put it up for order. (So don't bother looking for it at midnight—it won't be available yet!)

The Exchange

I'm pick up my copy of the Revenge of the Kobold King at the «Le Valet d'Coeur» at Montréal. I'm happy that the event wasn't exclusive to the USA.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

A fine piece of work Mr. Logue. I've already read it twice and can't wait to run it.

Though it really makes me want to know more about how and why Merlokrep was raised.

EDIT: Well seems I have two copies. The wife grabbed one on her way home from visiting family. Trying to be sneaky. She should have known I would be going but oh well. She also grabbed Fire and Ice, the WotC stuff and River into Darkness for me. I have to say she is good to me I knew I made a good choice in saying I do.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I want it! I want it! I'm at home with the girls, today, so no paper freebies for me. I'll wait patiently until Monday, I guess. [mopes]

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Paris Crenshaw wrote:
I want it! I want it! I'm at home with the girls, today, so no paper freebies for me. I'll wait patiently until Monday, I guess. [mopes]

What do you do in the Navy?

I just picked up my free copy today. I'll be curling up and having a good read after dinner.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Revenge of the Kobold king is awesome!

I have to report that Paizo outdid itself again with the Free RPG product. It was by far and away the highest production value of any of the other freebies, and the only one that I saw in color. Artwise, the Harn product came a close second, and then the Song of Ice and Fire preview was also well done. I haven't looked through the 4e item since another DM runs in my regular group and I'll give it to him (it did come with a dungeon tile thingy though)

Also, I ran the adventure as a demo for the store that participated for some players who had heard about Paizo and wanted to play a Pathfinder game. The branding is very, very catchy. They really enjoyed it, though we only got through the second encounter. I allowed the participants to pick through the 8 stated iconics (I bumped Selah, Ezra, Lem, and Harsk to 5th from their 4th level incarnation in River of Darkness). The players chose Valero, Kyra, Merisel, and Ezra.

I have to say, it has the potential to be a TPK on the ambush since all the baddies can converge on the PCs once they trip the traps out in the open. The PCs were delayed enough to let the druid fully buff and then he started blasting away with call lightning taking out Ezra with one big Ka-Boom! All hell broke loose and Merisel ended up almost dying from being buried by the Azlanti beetle. Valeros drove away the druid and her and Kyra were the last ones standing. The druid and one kobold ranger got away. The PCs also went off the rails, leaving town before Kreed could send his goons. Then they ambushed the goons on the road just inside the forest..hehe...killing them all. Great work Paizo guys. Great work Mr. Logue!

Liberty's Edge Contributor

damnitall22 wrote:
What do you do in the Navy?

Thanks for asking. I'm an officer currently serving onboard USS NIMITZ. (...and in case you're wondering: No, I wasn't in that recent PBS mini-series. I reported there right after that deployment.)

Paris Crenshaw wrote:
damnitall22 wrote:
What do you do in the Navy?
Thanks for asking. I'm an officer currently serving onboard USS NIMITZ. (...and in case you're wondering: No, I wasn't in that recent PBS mini-series. I reported there right after that deployment.)

Awesome! Thanks for your service! My dad was an original plank holder on the Nimitz...

Liberty's Edge Contributor

rclifton wrote:
Awesome! Thanks for your service! My dad was an original plank holder on the Nimitz...

I'm proud to do it. And thank your dad for his service, too.

Liberty's Edge

Paris Crenshaw wrote:
damnitall22 wrote:
What do you do in the Navy?
Thanks for asking. I'm an officer currently serving onboard USS NIMITZ. (...and in case you're wondering: No, I wasn't in that recent PBS mini-series. I reported there right after that deployment.)

I lived in Alameda, CA as a kid and I am very familiar with the Nimitz as it was stationed there back in the 70's. Also, my grandfather actually served on his staff in WWII. We have a letter signed by him as a comendation for my grandfather's service.

Thanks for serving!

Dark Archive

I work an overnight shift, but I knew that I had to get my grubby mitts on a print copy of Revenge of the Kobold King -even though it meant having to wait for my FLGS to open two hours after I normally go to sleep. It was well worth the wait -I got some cool swag at the Free RPG Day, met some cool people, and now I can continue the saga of the Kobold King!

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Got mine from Eclectic Games in Reading in the UK (Good store and deserve a plug because they stock Pathfinder!) made sure I told them how much postage they'd saved me! ;-) Great freebies this year too. Mind you, it works, cost me two boxes of Star Wars figures for my son!

Anyway, great adventure, thanks to all.

rclifton wrote:
Awesome! Thanks for your service! My dad was an original plank holder on the Nimitz...

My younger brother is a plank owner on the USS George Washington, and takes great pride in that.

I met a retiree wearing a Nimitz Plank Owner hat, and I stopped to shake his hand. That's really something else.

Scarab Sages

Wow! Just skimmed the introduction after Free RPG Day, and I have to say, I was walking down the street laughing! Great job, and so far great short module.

Great day- picked up everything from free RPG day and had my Pathfinder subscription arrive in my mailbox when I returned! Read Revenge of the Kobold king yesterday and I have to say it's a hoot- well done guys, can't wait to inflict this on my party.

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber do you guys (Paizo) do it?

The D1.5 was 1)very high production value (color artwork!) 2)was an actual adventure, not just an encounter. And it was free!

I got mine yesterday at The Comics Club in Brandon, Florida! D0 turned me on to Pathfinder and now D1 and D1.5 has made it my favorite game setting! Thank you Paizo!!!

Liberty's Edge

I picked this up. Love it, great sequel.

I love the map so much I'm seriously thinking about building it as a giant model.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Thanks for asking. I'm an officer currently serving onboard USS NIMITZ. (...and in case you're wondering: No, I wasn't in that recent PBS mini-series. I reported there right after that deployment.)

That's cool I was out in 29 Palms when I was in the Marines. We were over in that area at least once a month.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Gailbraithe wrote:

I picked this up. Love it, great sequel.

I love the map so much I'm seriously thinking about building it as a giant model.

Cool! I'm such a sucker for good maps.[gasp]

damnitall22, thanks for your service, as well. I have nothing but respect for you guys who hit the ground running. I'm a surface warfare officer (i.e., ship driver), so when I hit the ground, I get fired, which would suck, but still be better than getting fired on.

Koldoon, where was this list coming from? I will try and catch the next free RPG day, especially as on shop in Hannover participated - only some 20 miles away - not that I had the time yesterday, but next year might be different.


Koldoon wrote:

Here's the list of stores from germany participating:

Burst Sindelfingerstr. 2 Böblingen 71032 Germany
Limbus Spiele Osterstr. 15 Bremen 28199 Germany
Brave New World Herzogstr. 25-27 Cologne 50667 Germany
Highlander Kampstr. 35-37 Dortmund 44137 Germany
Magestore Graf-Adolf-Str. 41 Duesseldorf 40210 Germany
Sturmdrache Gartenstr. 16 Freiburg 79098 Germany
Atlantis Litzowstr. 17 Hamburg 22041 Germany
Fantasy In Hildesheimer Str. 11 Hannover 30169 Germany
Fantasy Stronghold Seestr. 11-13 Ludwigsburg 71638 Germany
Headquarter Comics & Spiele Josefstr. 27-29 Moers 47441 Germany 02841-395523
Games In Dachauerstr. 20 München 80335 Germany
Ultracomix Vordere Sterngasse 2 Nürnberg 90402 Germany
Fantasy Empire Ammergasse 14 Tübingen 72070 Germany
Paladin's Place Kirchstrasse 21 Darmstadt 64283 Germany 06151-293911
Orcish Outpost Zanggasse 7 Mainz 55116 Germany 06131-233299
Wizard's Well S4,23 Mannheim 68161 Germany 0621-1785373
Ulisses' Universe Oranienstrasse 12 Wiesbaden 65185 Germany 0611-3601993
Gamers HQ Lepsiusstr. 33 Berlin 12163 Germany
Imps Shop Herrenkellergasse 20 Ulm 89073 Germany

- Ashavan

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The list of participating stores (and participating publishers) is kept on

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Ok..... It is 23 June here in Germany.... And still can not order.....*Taps foot impatiently* :-p

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I think Lisa mentioned on another thread that order and download will get posted at around noon Paizo Time, i.e. about 21:00 Uhr in Germany.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It's the 23rd here in new york too dang it! Hey.. it's even the 23rd in Seattle.. I guess they were serious about that afternoon PST comment. :)

Vic Wertz wrote:
The list of participating stores (and participating publishers) is kept on

Thanks, got it in my link collection now.


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