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So I have read this feat a long time ago, but stumbled into it again today while looking for something else and I noticed important things that seem to make it a lot more stronger then I initially thought.

reading thig feat effect (and the fact that one can use it even outside taverns if he supply booze worth at least 5 gp) it seem that the attitude shift is:

1.An auto success not requiring a skill check (which if using diplomacy would have been at dc 20+targets cha for unfriendly).
2. As a follow up since it is not the result of the diplomacy skill check it can stack with it. (the diplomacy check to change an attitude cannot shift the target more then 2 stages using it alone).

this mean that targeting an unfriendly group, even outside a tavern buy spending 5 gp, will move them into indifferent which can then be further improved up to helpful with a high enough followed diplomacy check.

so as long as the targets are not straight up hostile and you have 11 minutes to sing, one can move them into indifferent or even better with ease.

any thoughts?

also how many is 'a large crowd of people' in your mind? (or more importantly how few are still a large group so this can work on them?)


Suddenly anyone can pull a Cuben Pete


Drunekn Sing-along:
Drunken Sing-Along
Source Inner Sea Taverns pg. 59
With a raised tankard and catchy tune, you can get large groups of people on your side.

Prerequisites: Diplomacy 1 rank, Performance (sing) 1 rank.

Benefit: While in a tavern or other drinking establishment, you can change the attitude of the patrons from unfriendly to indifferent or from indifferent to friendly by spending 10 minutes engaging in a group sing-along. For the following 24 hours, your attempts to gather information in that tavern take only 2d6 minutes if the patrons are indifferent or 1d4 minutes if the patrons are friendly. You must be able to speak the same language as the majority of the patrons to use this feat.

Special: You can use this feat with a large crowd of people outside of a tavern if you supply at least 5 gp worth of alcohol to the group.

Just looked closer at the Khangarad Scabbard and noticed the wording is different when talking about it reshaping to fit weapons you have and when you hold no weapon that can use a scabbard:

[i]"The scabbard automatically reshapes itself to fit the weapon that the wielder is currently using. If the wielder is not using a weapon that would fit into a scabbard, as a free action the wielder can command the khangarad scabbard to take the shape of any weapon with which she has proficiency."

it doesn't say to take a shape that fits any weapon he has proficiency.
does that mean that as long as you carry no weapon (that fits a scabbard) it can become any weapon one know how to use? it would mean a very versatile item (and also explain the cost of 6,000 gp).

would you let one be enchanted like other items that can turn into weapons? (like this belt for example). unlike the belt this scabbard seem to also be able to change into ranged weapons as well and reshaping takes a free action and not a command.

in a game that consider RAW at face value if it's not out right stupid. (as in if the rules doesn't say stuff, use logic, but when it say stuff you follow it as much as possible)

- monk\brawler get to use any part of body for unarmed strike and it 'treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that modify either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.' (from brawler)

- this faq state that:
"Therefore, a creature's unarmed strike is its entire body, and a magic fang (or similar spell) cast on a creature's unarmed strike affects all unarmed strikes the creature makes."

and Rune of durability that follow pretty much to same target as spells like magic weapon has:
"Target weapon touched
Duration permanent
..A weapon that bears this rune multiplies its hit points by 2.."

so what do you think?

GM said 'anything in the AON'.
so if that work i'm also thinking about Hardening. the spell can be used on items with no hardness, and hardness 0 +10 = 10 after all...

and paying for spell casting is only 10*spell level * caster level, so 20*10*6 = 1,200 gp for permanent hardness 10.

So say a wacky wizard uses polymorph any object to turn something into an edible substance and then someone eat said polymorphed object.

how would this effect the consumer in the following cases:

1: object changed has a limited duration but last for days -or long enough to be digested into the body. say turned one mineral (arsenic salt maybe?) into salt or poisonous fruit into edible one.
but the original object has harmful effect on the body (or should not be a part of the body at all).

2: object changed was close-case enough that the duration is Permanent. is it part of the eater's body now? is part of him polymorphed? how does this take effect in case of dispelling or other polymorph effects -will he gain immunity for most polymorph effects (beside baleful polymorph which has it's own rules) as no more then one polymorph effect can effect a target?

3: in old school D&D polymorph effect end if the target die, but i can't seem to see it in the rules here. (if it's the case then destroying the object, say via stomach acids. might turn it back). can anyone ping this?

I always knew that the command undead feat, control undead spell, animate dead spell and a lot of other ways to control\create and enslave undead were limited to the number of HD the master can control (commonly it's 2x level).

Just recently i took a better look at the command undead spell and not only doesn't it allow a save for unintelligent undead it has no mention on any limit of HD that can be under control. and it lasts for days per caster level.

that makes monsters that can cast it at will, able to have vast armies of unintelligent undead at their call as long as they have dead bodies to use it on.

Take the Orphne for example, beside at will command undead it has animate dead 1/day and an aura that work as the desecrate spell which mean it can control legions of undead and animate undead of up to 24 HD each!!

do you guys think this was intended or an oversight?

on a relevant note. what is the strongest medium sized zombie one can animate? (up to 18\36 HD, as the zombie abilities are all depended on it's hd this will mostly depend on the race).
while searching i came up with this item which without desecrate can bring up to 18 hd of zombie once a day and command undead 3 times per day (cl 9). that mean the owner can rotate up to 27 zombies under his control. (with a cost at ~27k gp. this is about 1k gp per zombie, seem like a burgin)

so simple question really.

the spell Teleportation Circle offer no save (it does allow sr check) and state it teleport "any creature who stands on it to a designated spot". also it can be made permanent with a permanency spell.

My question is, what happen if some1 make 2 permanent TC each with the destination marked as the ground inside the other. will this trap someone indefinitely or will he be able to get out?

I was searching the Archive of nethys for a specific witch archtype i remember reading once when i noticed these lines in the Hagbound witch archtype:

"At 20th level, the hagbound transforms into a true hag...and she gains darkvision 60 feet; immunity to charm, fear, and spell effects; and the ability to join a coven. She gains spell resistance 31, and she grants this benefit to her other coven members."

My English is not that good but doesn't that bold line basically make the hagbound at level 20 immune to any spell?!
(i searched the d20pfsrd. it has the same words).

was it a mistake and it was meant to say "immunity to charm and fear abilities and spell effects" maybe?

1: on a tombstone:
"Here lies Timothy J Folkin.
he fought so well and died as well"

2: etched on a wooden plank set at make shift grave :
"Simon's last words : ' Ok, so maybe this wasn't such a great plan after all' "

(warning a wall of text before my question to explain the starting points)

so looking at the hunter class it seem that their level 10 (and later on level 16) class ability of ' Raise of Animal Companion'(\resurrection at 16th) has no limited uses per day -as in he can spam it as long as he and the companion can take the backlash.

said backlash is

for the hunter:
Using this spell-like ability gives the hunter a permanent negative level. This negative level cannot be overcome in any way (including by restoration), but automatically ends after 24 hours.

and for the companion it depend if it's as
rise dead:
The subject of the spell gains two permanent negative levels when it is raised, just as if it had been hit by an energy-draining creature. If the subject is 1st level, it takes 2 points of Constitution drain instead (if this would reduce its Con to 0 or less, it can't be raised)
The subject of the spell gains one permanent negative level when it is raised, just as if it had been hit by an energy-draining creature. If the subject is 1st level, it takes 2 points of Constitution drain instead (if this would reduce its Con to 0 or less, it can't be resurrected).

looking for ways to minimize this backlash and maximize the uses per day i set eyes on the dhampir race which has : "Resist Level Drain: A dhampir takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though he can still be killed if he accrues more negative levels then he has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw."
which while limiting the use of up to once per level (or less if he gain negative levels from something else) at least it mean he doesn't suffer any penalties for all the negative levels he stack up for reusing this ability.

as for the companion the dhampir race can pick up the feat vampiric companion (limited to level 10 the same level he gain the rise dead ability) which make the companion into an undead type. and here lays the pickle.

while undead have "Not subject to nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength), as well as to exhaustion and fatigue effects." (remember the spells say "just as if it had been hit by an energy-draining creature")
it also say that:
"Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead."

so up to level 16 the dhampir would be best suited without the feat and just rise his companion with stacking 2 negative levels to it for each time that happen.

the interesting thing is when level 16 hits and he can use resurrection. as the feat say "If your animal companion or familiar is destroyed, dismissed, or lost, you can apply the effects of this feat to the replacement creature"


so my question goes, is it right to assume that at level 16 with said feat the dhampir can resurrect his companion (takes 1 minutes) which is then comes back as it's living type, with 1 negative level, then the feat takes place turning it into an undead and negating the negative level? (it should end with his almost full hp for the resurrection, recalculated via con to cha change and -5 for starting with a negative level that removed 5 hp from his current hp and max hp )

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So, i'm going through a bit of mind storming as how the following would work and i would like any objective opinion from the rest of the community. these are all cases that follow the same base :

A character (let's say alchemist, for the bomb's case) with throw anything and catch off guard (just to get over the improvised weapon part) who uses a +1, sharding, Gloves of Improvised Might (+3 total) to throw one of the following object's duplicate shards. in each case the questions are - can he full attack while throwing the shards? and what will the effect be?


1: using any magical weapon that has an effect when thrown, for example a javelin of lightning.

- the way i see it, as he uses it as an improvised weapon he can full attack but the shards would be thrown without activating the javelin's special ability and would resemble thrown clubs or anything of the javelin's size\weight for the damage they would deal.

2: sharding off one of his bombs (he also has fast bombs discovery to make it easier).

- seem to me that since bombs became inert if the alchemist leave them, and he need to invest some of his magic to make them blow up - each shard will ether blow up or do nothing beside splash a bit of alchemical ingredients on the target, depend if the alchemist invest it with his daily uses of bombs. as it doesn't matter where the bomb's material came from, it's the alchemist's magical power invested in it that make it blow up( which must be done before throwing the bomb).
i am not 100% sure about this one as there is also sense in saying the shard also duplicate said invested magic.

3: other fragile items that get destroyed when thrown with an effect. such as an alchemical weapon (acid\fire\frost etc flasks), bead of force, dimensional acid, cockatrice grit etc.

- i think these would allow full attack and shard with full effect of what happen when they get destroyed\hit the target ,but any lingering effect (that is not damage and stuff derived from it) would disappear almost immediately after that. probably even before the next attack is rolled. and in some cases, say a necklace of fireballs, he won't be able to put back the original object and will have to use it as well.

what are your thoughts?

(i am aware there are ways to get sharding to weapons, such as a fighter with warrior spirit using the javelin. but im looking at cases of throwing other things beside weapons)

So i came upon the possession feats: possess creatue, item and location.

They all require a minimum cha score. And being an evil outsider with x hd.

Now i am not sure character level = hd.
If it is. Does that mean even native outsiders can take this feat. Like tieflings ana aasimars who are evil.

Also what about companions and eidolins that can, with the right build, be outsiders?

Or the rare classes that allow to pick feats for familiars and gain an outsider improved familiar?

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So..a bit background - you can skip if you like to.

my Sylvan trickster is just about hitting level 10 and getting ready for his advanced talents\major hexs

so far he was a blast, flying around with flight hex while wearing his Saltspray ring and using his 'Murksight' hex to see. He was a flying cloud raining arrows on his foes, sneak attacks and following effects included.

now that level 10 is almost here i was thinking of getting the major hex 'animal skin':

'Animal skin':
The witch can become any animal of a size from Tiny to Large whose skin she wears. This ability is similar to beast shape II, except she takes on the appearance of the specific individual from which the skin came.

and nabbing a giant octopus's skin to form the 'Dreaded flying Tentacle Cloud'. having the fog 10 ft just outside me would let me reach out with the tentacles (20 ft reach) for 8 attacks/round (not haste included) and the bite also has 10 ft reach which is still good for total concealment attacks. sneak attack galore!
(also combat reflexes with 20 ft reach and sneak, +2 to hit for being unseen at flat footed foes? geme geme geme)

as for the questions:

i can somewhat obtain a live giant octopus (1,800 gp) thanks to my GM allowing anything not illegal in the equipment lists to be available with enough time & RP.

1: it seem to me that skinning the whole thing would yield a skin just about as big as a tent (10x10 tent to be exact). not something i can easily wear, is it all necessary?

2: if the entire skin is not needed, can i just skin a live one and let it go? octopus regenerate from stuff like this amazingly well in real life.

3: how much would you price it if i only need the skin of the octopus (it can even be old\about to be cooked\etc) rather then a live specimen?
p.s. - what do'ya think about the thread's name? ;)

So i actually took a closer look at this spell after one of my players finaly got access to it.( vivi alchemist). And im wondering, it say it cures
"4d8 points of damage + 1 point per caster level (maximum +35)" that last bit seem kinda wierd to me. How many casters have a caster level of 35?

Anyone has any idea why it is capped so? (My 1st thought is its a leftover from 3.5 or something. But even then cl 35 was rare to non exist.)

Edit: might be that its a power multiplyer - 1st level cure cap is 5. 2nd is 10 etc. This is generly 7th) . the vivi got it as 5th level extract so i missed that

this is kinda new to me, something i completely glossed over, but in the 'Concentration Checks' section of the magic rules it state that beside rolling Concentration Checks when taking damage from spells (which i knew of, i like to ready magic missile to prevent enemy caster's spell casting), if you are being affected by a spell you still need to roll the check even if it's not a damaging spell:

If you are affected by a spell while attempting to cast a spell of your own, you must make a concentration check or lose the spell you are casting. If the spell affecting you deals damage, the DC is 10 + the damage taken + the level of the spell you’re casting.

If the spell interferes with you or distracts you in some other way, the DC is the spell’s saving throw DC + the level of the spell you’re casting. For a spell with no saving throw, it’s the DC that the spell’s saving throw would have if a save were allowed (10 + spell level + caster’s ability score)."

this open up a whole new playstyle and options for interfering with enemy casters (and things to be careful of when you cast your spells).

so a few questions that i'd like to ask:

1: can you double-dip? say casting entangle on a caster, as there is a separate roll for casting while being entangled (dc 15+level of spell being cast) will a caster need to roll twice when trying to cast spells while being hit with an entangle spell? once for the condition and once for being effected by a hindering spell? (after all the dc are different, unless the entangle dc happen to be exactly 15).

2: what would be a good spell to use for this? i'm looking for a wide area\hard to ignore\easy to effect (maybe auto effect) the target?

my go to would be some fear spell that make the target frightened if failed and shaken if saved, but is the -2 even effecting the concentration roll? it's not a skill check or ability check or a save.

3: how much of an effect must a spell have to be considered 'interferes\distracts' ? i guess even casting light on casters with light blindness should work, but where do we draw the line? will a stinky spell work? difficult terrain? gust of wind? (it last a whole round so the caster is having a very strong wind blowing straight at him...unless he moves)

so iv been looking around but didn't find an answer for this one.
the Hornbow say:
"...All hornbows are composite bows and can be modified to benefit from high Strength scores in the same way as other composite bows.. "

my question is this, how do you calculate it's cost if you want one with high strength scores?
a composite longbow cost an extra 100 gp per point while the composite shortbow is 75 per point.

so, I'm running a game where the players play themselves playing pathfinder as an mmorpg full immersion game (think SAO but following pathfinder;s rules, and they CAN log out).
it called for some house rules (if they die they are just forced out and restricted from entering back for a day, the npc assum they got resurrected etc). and one of the things i do is that to simulate an online gaming experience. if the players (or gaming npc, as not all npc are mobs form the game. some are so called 'actual earth player) find a loophole they can exploit. i allow it as long as it's not something known to the public (in which case the dev's tend to patch\nerf it on the next update patch).

so far we have a few exploits found and some nerefed. and im looking at one more to see if it would work.
to be clear, the game work as raw as possible but any faq or revision the real paizo published is considered already patched. as well as well known raw problems even those not answered officially (like the so called peasant rail gun etc)

after all this wall of text let's get to the exploit at hand:
a weapon with the sharding ability say the following:
"...The weapon splits off a duplicate of itself that flies ...The duplicate vanishes after hitting or missing its target."

which bring into mind that if a weapon duplicate never hit OR miss the target it stay and doesn't vanish (weapon is considered to still be on route to the target i guess).

now first i thought about deflect arrows feat and chain. but that doesn't cut it as it call out to only work on an attack that hits. meaning it won't proc without a hit and that is also what make the weapon vanish.
but the 'cut from the air' feat works a bit differently.
as it is usable the moment an attack is declared, but doesn't need to wait for it to hit, not does it state that the attack is considered a miss if the deflection work.

weapons duped like this will most likely still disappear after any attack is made with them that hit or miss. but the vendor npc won't know any better...

what do you guys think?
also if you have any good ideas for exploits that are not well known, feel free to add them.

if the above works as planed then getting a glove of improvised might (+1 & sharding, total +3) would allow to dupe anything that can be wielded as an improvised weapon.

-and since you want cut from the air to work, if you don't have throw anything then you take -4 to hit for using an improvised weapon and can even take -4 more to try and deal nonlethal. then stand next to an ally and attack it so this make it also shooting into melee -4 more, -12 to the roll that cut from the air need to defeat...(before lower bab extra attacks are even talked about)

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As a gm i like to play with words and use them as clues for puzzles or just make my players think a bit harder on the meaning of what they learn.

so while talking about 'humanity' and acting on it, i was then of course going on and thinking 'well what will you call other race-ralted aspects?'

i thought up a few and would like to see what others can come up with. It need to be one word that ether contain the race's name or sound close enough to be immediately related to it while also hint on the aspect it lean to.
here are my ideas so far:

'Elvanity' - the Elven race self built superiority complex.

'Drowinizem' - Drow's aspect on survival of the fittest.

'Gnomeledge' - the gnome's race take on gathering facts (and fiction).

'Orkin' - the Orcs hoard mentality (orc-kin).

still working on the rest, do share if you have good ideas!

-oh and please no 'Trolling' ;)

My English isn't the best out there. And im having a problem picturing how this blade look like.
the split-blade sword

Are the blades parallel or one above the other?

hi all. i am looking for a feat\class ability\spell\whatever that might help treating a target as an undead (for a specific spell).
was looking at Shoki's Argument and thinking how nice it would be to be able to effect other targets beside undead.
i know of many ways to count urself as undead, but is there something to treat others the same way?

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didn't see this asked before:

Unstable Spellcasting:

"Unstable Spellcasting: A primal warden’s spirit is ever shifting, and the spells it grants the primal warden change from moment to moment.

When the primal warden would spontaneously cast a 1st-through- 8th-level spell using the spirit magic class feature, she produces a random spell from the list of shaman spells on page 48 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide of 1 spell level higher than the spell slot expended; use an appropriate die or another randomization method to determine the spell. When she would spontaneously cast a 9th-level spell using spirit magic, she instead casts a random 9th-level spell from the shaman spell list in the Advanced Class Guide, treating her caster level as 2 higher. There is no way to predict the spell before the shaman begins casting it using spirit magic, and she cannot enhance the spell using metamagic feats. The spell uses the shaman’s caster level, even if that caster level would normally be too low to cast the spell. There are 47 potential 2nd-level spells, 46 potential 3rd-level spells, 41 potential 4th-level spells, 30 potential 5th-level spells, 22 potential 6th-level spells, 22 potential 7th-level spells, 18 potential 8th-level spells, and 14 potential 9th-level spells.

At 8th level, after determining the spell that she would cast using spirit magic, once per day as a free action, the primal warden shaman can choose to randomly select another spell instead, using the same method of randomization as she used before (if she obtains the same result a second time, she must keep that result). At 12th level and every 4 shaman levels thereafter, she can choose to randomly select a different spirit magic spell one additional time per day, up to a maximum of four times per day at 20th level. She cannot use this ability more than once in the same round.

This alters spirit magic and replaces the hex gained at 8th level."

(bold part to indicate that the spell is actuly cast at spell level X+1 and not just cast at X and have effect as X+1)

so at level 1 the shaman can cast 2nd level divine spells, right?
does this allow a shaman 1\ wizard(or witch) 3 to start early on Mystic Theurge PrC and end at level 20 as 19th level arcane caster and 11th divine?

same for gaining entry for Evangelist earlier (need "Special: Any one of the following: base attack bonus +5, 5 ranks in any skill other than Knowledge (religion), or ability to cast 3rd-level spells.").

any other PrC that i checked usually asked for enough skill ranks to not make it an early entry unless you think of multi-classing and want to keep divine casting levels to minimum.


on the same note. what about mirror trick > Trickster’s Mirror? (for the arcane spells)

Trickster’s Mirror:

"Trickster’s Mirror (Spell Focus [illusion]): You can use a mirror worth at least 10 gp as an additional material component for an illusion (figment) spell. The spell is treated as 1 spell level higher (to a maximum of 9th level) for all purposes, including the calculation of saving throw DCs."

if this work you can start Mystic Theurge at 4th level (need 3 levels for the 3 skill ranks in each knowledge).

now that i look also sunrod tricks > Like the Sun

Like the Sun:

"Like the Sun (ability to cast any spell with the light descriptor): You can use a sunrod as an additional material component for any spell that bears the light descriptor. The spell is treated as one spell level higher (to a maximum of 9th level) for all purposes, including the calculation of saving throw DCs and its ability to overcome sources of magical darkness. "

(this one is even better then mirror as no extra spell focus feat is needed)

the ability doesn't say what kind of effect it is, but it seem to me that it should be a su effect.
it is added to spells so ex is not really in order, and it's a free action so sp or spells are also not fitting,also as it happen while a spell is cast i doubt it is a second spell casting being done at the same time.

should the Cloistered Upbringing traint work on it?

so these boots make the wearer consider any plane he is at his native plane.
does it mean that an Eidolon who wear them can't be banished or dismissed with dismissal spells\effects?

so, at level 6 a spirit summoner gain a hex from the spirit he has or general shaman's hex. the dark tapestry spirit has the Alien Summons hex. would it work on the Summoner's eidolon?

giving it the advanced template and making it immune to crit and sneak attacks (and precision such as the swashbuckler's deed) seem like a great thing to have.

so a construct limb mod need to be a mod of a tiny or small construct.
Trompe l'oeil can be made of any 'corporeal creature that has an Intelligence score' which a Guardian Scroll is (int of 4 or 6 if upgraded to the magic Guardian Scroll, that is at the very bottom of the page).

so far seem to work, now what im trying to figure out is:

1: Requirements to do this seem to be :
-Requirements to make construct limb : Craft Construct, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate objects, Small or Tiny construct
-Requirements to make tTrompe l’Oeil : Craft Construct, animate objects, enter image; Skill Craft (painting) (no ranks mentioned ? is one enough?)
but i do not need anything from the crafting of the guardian scroll requirements.
is that correct?

2: the cost. seem like the actual cost of the Guardian Scroll isn't a factor as im painting it's image and only take into account it's hd (which mean the improved magic Guardian Scroll that cost 10,000 to add to normal Guardian Scroll doesn't even come into effect)
is the price 500Xhd + tiny picture worth of 500 correct?.
5 hd X 500 = 2,500 +500 = 3,000 gp crafting cost total + the limb mod cost of 27,000 gp

so a 30,000 cost?

3: the construct limb state that "the creator can use special attacks as if she were the construct" since the scroll have grab and constrict as it's special attacks. does that mean as the creator gain that as if he himself was the scroll that he has them as racial attack forms? asking to allow taking the Final Embrace feat tree. ('naga, serpentfolk, or creature that has the constrict special attack as a racial ability'

so a friend of mine asked my help to make a 12 level character for a game she would be in. asked for someone who can hit hard, take out enemies and survive tough encounters.
i got the general build done with her consent so far.
i would like to have other's opinion on it and advice on the things not looked at yet (will be mentioned) as well as gear she should get.

she's allowed any 1st party material, start at level 12, with 108,000 gp and starting states array of : 18,16,14,14,12,10.
so far we have the following build :

name : Ya-Bai

race: Half Elf (didn't pick any alt race abilities yet, will be using the racial skill focus so can't trade that).

class : rogue 2(unchained. didn't look into archetypes yet)\ slayer 10 (Ankou's Shadow archetype).

atributes : str 18 (+2 race +2 level 4,8). dex 16, rest as well as level 12 point not set up yet.

traits not picked yet will probably take one as the Elven racial trait for +2 initiative.

feats and talents:

level 1 rogue 1: half elf given skill focus - skill focus(slight of hands). racial heritage(ogre) feat.
level 2 rogue 2 : rogue talent - fast getaway.
level 3 slayer 1 : Deft Catcher feat. (for fast getaway. can pull out arrow as free action drop it as free action and activate deft catcher as immediate. allow move action withdrawal for lightning stance at level 8).
level 4 slayer 2 : slayer talent >rogue talent>combat trick> exotic weapon proficiency (butchering axe)
level 5 slayer 3 : Savage Critical feat.
level 6 slayer 4 : slayer talent>rogue talent>weapon training> weapon focus(butchering axe).
level 7 slayer 5 : Vital Strike feat.
level 8 slayer 6 : slayer talent>Ranger Combat Style(elemental)>lightning stance.
level 9 slayer 7: Vestigial Head feat (1st time).
level 10 slayer 8: not picked yet maybe Stony Step from the ranger elemental combat style feat group ? . he would be true neutral so she can pick 'Faithful (Sarenrae)' as combat style instead of 'elemental' which would switch the Lightning stance and whirlwind attack gained level and allow for improved initiative feat at this level.
level 11 slayer 9 : Vestigial Head feat (2nd time).
level 12 slayer 10 :slayer talent>Ranger Combat Style(elemental)>Whirlwind Attack.

so far this give evasion, 50% miss chance from lightning stance. 50% no effect (beside sickness) from any hostile will save and 3 lasting and reappearing mirror image. that can be used to flank,aid another and attack with (planing on hiding and sending them to attack. maybe even whirlwind). but in a normal round would activate lightning stance via getaway as move+immediate action then can use standard to vital strike+Savage Critical to hit with sneak attack added. or start with vital strike and then getaway as move because of sneak attack.
the fact even when withdrawing he can use his movement as he see fit so he can move only his shadows is a bonus for tactical positioning.

his gear would include a magical belt to increase str (maybe dex too, need tofigure how much to spend) & magical butchering axe with impact on it. not sure what enhancement (+3 or more) anything else is still open yet.

a savage critical hit from him would do 4d6+4d6(vital strike)+4d6(sneak) + str etc.

what do you think on this so far? any advice on magical equipment would be welcomed as well.

as the line above say. looking for making a character built on teamworks feats that get an increase to the feat's bonus from other stuff. so far i found these:

1: Ring of Tactical Precision.
2: Auspicious Birth feat (Conjunction), notice in the benefit part it say " benefits based on the astrological event that occurred during your birth." which would lead into #3.
3: Saoc Brethren Initiate feat.

can you guys please help with this task?

so i found many difrent ways where native outsiders (like syphs or ifrits etc) or classes related to them, can gain a daily spell like ability to cast planeshift to the elemental plane which allighn with their race (usaly somewhere around level 15~ like this one). but there is nothing that allow them to get back to the prime material plane!
so is this a one way trip then? why would some1 waste a feat \ try to get a class abiity to be able to leave the plane he knows and travled for so long without an ability to get back?
(especialy in case of an ap where most of the stuff he need to deal with is in this plane of existance).

edit. the only one seemingly able to get back with such abilities are the fetchlings

so, just wondering. if i have a way to increase the level of a spell beyond the tier the class can cast, but still under 9th level spells, without using a higher level spell slot. is there any rule against it?

say a bard casting a permanent image spell (level 6 spell). using the 'Trickster’s Mirror' -mirror trick and having that spell as chosen spell for spell perfection (which double the numeric bonus of the mirror trick from +1 to spell level to +2 max 9th level. note, not talking about metamagic limits etc here) will he be able to cast it as an 8th level spell (using a 6th level slot and 10 gp worth of mirror) ?
this effect not only the spell dc but also using it later for shadow gambit for 8d6 damage instead of 6d6. (is nice synergy - since both the gambit and trick use 'spell focus (illusion)' as Prerequisites, which 'bonus to dc' spell perfection also double)

so the rogue talent 'Snap Shot' say : "A rogue with this talent may treat her initiative roll as a 20 for a surprise round, regardless of her initiative, but she may only take an attack action with a ranged weapon"
does this mean the only action available at all is one ranged attack action, or does this mean that attacking can only be ranged, but other allowed actions are ok.
to be clear in a surprise round beside ether taking a move action or standard one can also make a 5 ft step (not an action, and can't be used if physically moved with a move action) and free actions.(swift action included as one can take swift action any time he can take a free action in his turn).

in case you wonder what im after it's combining:
- bard archaeologist 'Archaeologist’s Luck' ability (swift action to start, is treated as performance for feats and such). gain talent at level 4 so snap shot goes there.
- Battle cry.
- Lingering Performance - these two help with the fact that by raw this archtype doesn't get any more performance rounds/day at higher levels (he start with 4+cha and stay there,unless feats etc)
- fate's favored.
- Introspecitve Performance
and if i can understand how this 'Faction' thing work also Master Performer and Grand Master Preformer to kick it up a few notches.

edit. do notice. the snap shot probably doesn't mean he always get to act in surprise rounds (for that we need other classes abilities). only that if he does he can start early fully buffed.

hi all.
so i had this idea inspired by the many animation\manga about a guy getting 'trapped' in a mmorpg and exhibit game like abilities.
(whether he is from a world like ours or simply have his abilities manifest in a way resembling a mmorpg character is yet to be decided.)

the base class im working with is the mindblade magus archtype. the ability to cast as psychic spells with no v\s materials AND the fact he draws his entire melee arsenal from thin air kinda work just great for me.
im also thinking on taking two world magic and the class's 4th level ability to add message, sift and mending to his 0 level spells (all from the psychic list, all thematically nice).

-my GM is nice enough to let me have corresponding effect tag along as long as it only seem to be in his mind, such as a little ding sound when he receive a message or the fact he believe he sees an 'ar' information when he score high enough on knowledge checks. he's going to say stuff like:
"it says here this thing is a 'goblin worker'??" etc.

beside this im looking for more ideas about how to make this guy powers seem 'gamed'

(yep im looking into inventory-like spells as 'hidden chest' etc already)

so i have looked up and found only this thread where some one ask about lances,vital strike and charging with them. most of the answers to his question about using vital strike with the lance charge where "charge is full round action so no"
..yet when i read the mounte combat section of the comabt rules i find this(talking about war trained mounts or other such mounts that dont need extra action to guide in a fight):

mounted combat:

"If your mount moves more than 5 feet, you can only make a single melee attack. Essentially, you have to wait until the mount gets to your enemy before attacking, so you can’t make a full attack. Even at your mount’s full speed, you don’t take any penalty on melee attacks while mounted.

If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge)."

not only that but you need a special feat to get a full round action while your mount move more then 5 feet(Mounted Skirmisher).

so correct me if im wrong but using a lance with vital striek while your mount charge is legal.

hi all.
im looking for difrent ways to add specific druidic spells to non druidic spell lists (arcane and divine). and allowing it to be cast as a spell of the 2nd class (so magus would cast it as if it was a magus spell and a sorcerer would count it as a spell from the sorcerer list).

i know a mystic theorage can mesh up seplls from ehter list to the other. and that a samaran can get an ability to add spells. but im not allowed ether one of these.

so im looking for abilities\arctpes or feats that allow this. the spells are higher level then a cantrip so 'two world magic' trait can't help ether.
im looking for an open ability to add what spell i like. not a specific spell list that can be added (like a domain spell list etc). and it must be to the spell list not spell like ability as i want to metamagic it later on.

Deadhand Style while it inform how long the fear effect last, it say it 'empower your unarmed strikes".

so how many attacks are enpowered so? if it wasn't plural i would have said only one but as it say 'attacks' is that all your attacks this turn, or more?

(point is. this shaken effect unlike a normal demoralize doesn't say it doesnt stack so hitting the same target while shaken would make it frightened and a 3rd hit will panic it)

also while were at it
deadhand initiate = how long does the temp hp last? 1 min .1 hour? (i know of 2 difrent kind some last a min some an hour. or do these last untill used?)

ok so lets take this in stages

the feat Sympathetic Rage say that : "There is no limit to how long you can rage, as long as you remain adjacent to a raging ally"
the source of that rage is unmentioned, and this feat itself clearly states that the weak rage it gives is a RAGE so what is there to prevent two orcs (or others who somehow got the feat later on about that) to have the first rage for 1 round. in the 2nd guy turn he enter a rage since the 1st one is raging, then on the 1st one next turn he can enter a weak rage since he is next to a raging ally .and so on and so for. true, this is a weaker rage and they must stay near one an other but as long as they do the rage last and it only cost 1 round of rage from one of them. (great for raging archers).
(ok there might be a small glitch if the 2nd rage ends in the same time of the 1st if he stops raging. so he wastes 2 rage rounds and on his 2nd round enter the weakened rage as well. there is nothing stopping him from being raged from 2 different things as long as he doesn't try to stack them,but once he gets into the weaker rage them two can keep it for ever,until they get fatigued that is)

and if that work they can go on using stuff like amplified rage to boost it and Warleader's Rage to continue it active at 30 ft apart (after the first one activated the feat on his 2nd turn )

hack if this work some1 like an Inquisitor with anger Inquisition from ether the Sacred Huntsmaster or the Monster Tactician arch-types can run this with his animal companion\summons (and with animal companion or a summon you can mount staying close is even a benefit)

the scrying section say "Unless noted otherwise, the sensor has the same powers of sensory acuity that you possess."
does that mean that you can set them off remotely? (explosive runes)? all you need to set it off is read them after all.

a 7th level character. 5 oracle of juju mystery 2 soul-drinker. caster level 6

if he knows trouble is on the way(or plan on being the trouble.). can use familiar as spy (invisible and high sneak + 100 ft telepathy and 50 fly speed. can inform if something comes close if need be).

get speak with animals added as a 1st level spell at 2nd level of oracle (will be needed to order animal about).

ok here goes:

1st round cast summon monster I - come forth pony.(take full round to cast but got 6~ rounds once it pops )
2nd round - cast speak with animals . order pony to stay put not to move. (can now talk to ponies for 60 rounds).
3rd round. coup De grace the pony with the energy attack (helpless auto crit -2 neg levels -> 10 temp hp for 1 hour and 2 soul points gained). pony dies.
4th round restock 1st level spell with 2 soul points.
5th round cast summon I - pony
7th round -don't move + coup De grace.
8+ cycle round 4-7 until speak with animals ends. should be exactly 20 cycles. -> 20 X 10 = 200 temp hp and the first got close to 54 min to last. can also gain back one of his 1st level spells.

total for 6 min and one rounds(or two) gain 200 temp hp and used 1 1st level spell slot.

(or if you think he can't coup De grace the pony it takes 2 round to kill and and gain the 2 points so cycle is 4 rounds instead of 3. 15 cycles not 20 and 150 temp hp)

is there anything (other then evil guy doing evil things) that doesn't go by the game rules here?

edit. he can also pick the revolution that allow him to talk to one kind of animal and pick horses. that way he doesn't even spend a spell slot but a revolution. and can do this all day. say take 10 min to prepare. get a lot more temp hp. as he isn't bound by the 6 min of speak with animals .

is there a way to grant my oracle acces to spells on the bard or witch spell list.
im starting a 1st level character so looking for build\feat\trait not items.

also talking about 1st level spells not 0.

he's mystery is allready picekd .

(this is a light\comedy thread. not to be taken to heart and or put to flame).

i ask for any who wish to share their own finishing touches to the phrase: "you know the GM is out to get your (insert class name here) when (insert reason here).

try to keep it light. try to avoid lengthy reasons such as:
"you know the GM is out to get your CASTER when 'while the party is facing the goblin lord you meat his invisible stalker paladin\rogue mounted on his prized (winner of the staring contest) beholder'

ill give a few examples:

- You know the GM is out to get your DRUID when the land is a desert and all the non metalic armors are made from cactus.

- You know the GM is out to get your CASTER when he keeps tabs on the content of your spell components Pouch.

- You know the GM is out to get your BARBARIAN when every divine caster you meet only prepere Calm Emotion.

- You know when the GM is out to get your FIGHTER when the country your in just declaered the Rust Monster as their natinal (& protected) animal...also most lovable pet.

plaese share your own ideas.