wujenta's page
 Pathfinder Society GM. 63 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.
I am now DM´íng the first book, only a few sessions so far and read only book 1 and 2 of this AP, but I dont see any character stats for the fellow students in book one... I dont mind that there are no stats per se in the first book, only good skills, hobbies, a general description and little perks, that helps a lot to put a personality in every one, my players love it so far, but at least I would like to know the classes every one is, so perhaps one will go with the party in the future as a npc or be upgraded to full PC if one of the characters meet a tragic end and cannot be brought back...
One of my players characters have started a relationship with Mariama even that I think they are nothing alike, he is a champion of Irez (LG) and she seems to be a witch (CN) as his special spell is a Hex ...
Are any stats or anything similar in future books, or should I make them and roll with it?
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Rysky wrote: You're looking at this the wrong way, everyone will be playing one.
You're letting mechanics override the lore when there's no need to. It's a school for the blending of Arcane and Primal magic for the betterment of all, they don't have a sign that says "Druids and Wizards only", it's just for the longest time those were the mechanics that backed up the lore.
I know that every 1 will be playing one, but it does not feel that way... Every 1 will be playing his primary class and his second class is a bonus, it's good the blending and cooperation between all ways of life, but no one will be able to cast 9 lvl arcane or primal spells... Or get the high lvl feats available to druids or wizards... Wildshaping druids are not viable if they cannot get elemental form or dragon form for example... Just my opinion, I understand what you say, that all will be wizards or druids, but no one will a masterfull one
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I´m going to GM this AP, and from what I am hearing from my players, there will be not be any Druid or Wizard, because of the free archtype rule... Im hearing a fighter/druid, a Bard/wizard a rogue/wizard a ranger/druid and perhaps a sorcerer/druid... but it seems off for me... would you allow a wizard or druid character to get the free archtype for things like loremaster, elementalist and so on... because I find it curious that in a Magical academy for wizards and druids, no one will be playing one
I'm going to try this optional rule and I'm wondering what is the difficulty for medicine to treat wounds at higher levels, because with these rules it would be nearly impossible to get a 30 if you are master in medicine... Should I use the standard difficulty for expert/master/legendary as shown or do you use something different?
We just finished part 1 of the book 6 of age of ashes, and my cloistered cleric of Apsu reached lvl 19 and got his 10th lvl spell, but i cannot find what special attacks and specifics wuold i gain if Ii choose to cast the Avatar spell… any1 has any idea if there are rules for that or i will have to houserule about it
Thanks for the answers, sadly all the posible targets made their saves and they moved using the difficult terrain rule.
Can someone affected by Freedom of movement (casted at lvl 4)ignore the field generated by a Repulsion spell (casted at lvl 6)?
Thanks Arachnofiend and Aw3som3, I was not the GM, but a player and theses 4 plus a leader are in an adventure path and it was a tough encounter
There are very few magic items for animal companios, and we just recieved this magic item, but our druid animal companion is a wolf... would you let the wolf use the magic item or would you restrict it to only horses?
If you encounter multiple Calikang, can they heal each other with his chain lighting spell... In the description it says that they cannot heal with his own spells, but it's OK to heal from other Calikang casting it and healing the other?
And can they then, recharge his Breath weapon each time... Seems a bit strange and overpowered
First round, all 4 uses breath weapon, second round, one cast chain lighting to his colleagues and if they pass their saving throw, they heal 24 hit points and gain another use of the breath weapon, so they use it in this round, rinse and repeat for
4 more rounds for 13d8x4 hit points in the first round (basic reflex save) and 13d8x3 and 8d12 in rounds 2-5
Arachnofiend wrote: Ki Strike allows you to make an unarmed strike or a flurry of blows; as you are incapable of making a flurry, your only option is to strike. So... better pick some thing else at lvl 4,6,and 8 and retrain at lvl 10 when it will be more useful as i would take flurry then
Hi, we are going to start a campaign and we are going to use the free archtype variant. Í´ m going to play a fighter with the monk dedication (going to use bo staff as my primary weapon) My first lvl fighter feat will be power attack, my second will be lunge, to be able to strike 15 feet away and for my dedication feats I will take monastic weaponry at lvl 4, and ki strke at 6... so, can I use ki strike to make flurry of blows even when I dont have this ability yet? I will take it at lvl 10, but im wondering if i could use ki strike to make a flurry of blows once per battle... or perhaps twice if at lvl 8 take ki rush and got my second ki focus point...
graystone wrote: wujenta wrote: If I cast ki strike, and the use flurry of blows (I have the flurry of maneuvers too) to first grab a baddie and then strike him with an unarmed strike, I get +1 status bonus to the Athletic roll to grab (as it is an attack) Sorry. As of the last errata, skill rolls with the attack trait are not attack rolls.
The actions though are fine.
wujenta wrote: If thats right the enemy in his next turn, will have to stand up (1 action) move to get to me(1 action) and attack me with his last action and all this monsters with 2 action activities will not be able to use them freely. They only have to stand up if you crit succeeded; "Critical Success: You throw the creature the desired distance and it lands prone." They only have to move if they don't have a ranged option. Thanks, I didnt know of the errata, i dont understand why, but perhaps thre is some combo i dont know about they want to avoid...
I wanna check if this actions are ruleswise ok...
Lets suppose that I´m adjacent to the enemy at the start of my turn
If I cast ki strike, and the use flurry of blows (I have the flurry of maneuvers too) to first grab a baddie and then strike him with an unarmed strike, I get +1 status bonus to the Athletic roll to grab (as it is an attack) and to the strike after grabbing, right? so my second attack will be at -4 (im using wolf style) but the target will be flatfooted and I will get the +1 status bonus to the attack as well.
Then with my second action will attack again with -8 and with my third action I will try to throw the enemy away with whirling throw with no penalty, as its not an attack
If thats right the enemy in his next turn, will have to stand up (1 action) move to get to me(1 action) and attack me with his last action and all this monsters with 2 action activities will not be able to use them freely.

Gortle wrote: Asethe wrote: As Haste grants Quickened, and Quickened grants actions at the start of the creature's round, but the Animal Companion doesn't have a round and won't have actions until commanded by the PC, I would have to say that RAW Haste doesn't seem to do anything for Animal Companions. I think too many things break if you view that Animal Companions don't have a turn. Without a begining or end of turn lots of stuff just doesn't work. Do you really want to make them immune to persistent damage? Or unable for any condition like Frightened to end naturally on them? It is just too gross to contemplate.
The way I think about it is not explicitly supported by the rules.
However it is totally in line with them.
Basically minions are viewed to have 3 actions. But they must spend one of their actions listening to their master before they can do anything else. So they normally have 2 actions to use. They can be affected by haste, slow, and stun just like anyone else. They still in fact have a start and end of their turn even though it wholly occurs inside their masters turn.
It is really very simple as an explanation and it handles all these cases quite nicely.
I like this explanation a lot, as it solves that problems, i dont think an extra action to the animal companions will make them broken
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siegfriedliner wrote: They are also immune the slow because of the same ruling. I think that this will not fly well in our table... with this logic, animal companions are inmmune to stun 1 too as they dont regain actions at the start of their turn... and confused, because they always act as controlled by another creture... i find that this path of reasoning is not right
Hi every1
we are playing AoA, we are at the end of book 4 and we have a druid with animal companion and a Monk with beastmaster dedication so he has another animal companion... our wizard have haste memorized at lvl 7 and we are wondering what happens to animal companios if they are one of the targets of the haste... if their master orders them and gives them 2 actions, can they gain the extra action of the Haste effect, so they will have 3 actions or are not affected at all
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After reading your responses (TY, BTW) i think i would agree that our GM was right the first time and the creature should have been able to attack me... I didnt think in the consequences of disallowing the attack as my reasoning would aply to attacks from adjacent enemies too, as they are clearly getting close to me hitting me...thanks SuperBidi and Castilliano for pointing that out
I will refer my group to this post (we usually rotate dm´s in my group between him and me), so they can see what other people think and decide what to do in the future
Hi all
last sesion my cleric (who is playing Age of Ashes) cast repulsion with maximum range (40 feet) to prevent some nasty creature (the creatures in the lake in the dwarven city... i dont want to spoil more) to come closer to me and kill me... the creature in question was 30 feet away, but it had a reach attack that could hit me... I argued with my DM that the creature could not hit me with that attack as it was clearly aprroaching me to hit me , not moving toward me, but obviosly getting closer with part of his body but as it failed the saving throw it cannot do it, the rest of the table and my DM agreed and intead used a ranged attack... but i´m wondering what other people should have ruled, because i will use this spell in the future again and i would love to know what the people think about it
If I cast ray of frost to a stone golem, if i hit it will make 5d10 regardless of the damage the cantrip actually does, but, if i crit with it, the damage is still 5d10 or gets doubled to 10d10?
coriolis wrote: I notice you still have Stabilize in your prepared cantrips. Between your regular spell slots, healing font and Battle Medicine, you'll probably never use it. Can I recommend you change it to something else? I've found Message to be quite useful. You can use it to communicate with your fellow party members on the battlefield without alerting the enemy.
Also, I prefer heightened Spirit Link to Shield Other. They end up having nearly identical effects in practice, but Spirit Link doesn't require you to stay within 30 feet of your ally at all times.
Yoú re right, i should change it... i will look into it, thank you

Ravingdork wrote: I played a 10 constitution monk that relied on high AC and hit and run tactics to stay out of trouble. She would dash out from cover, move up to 50 feet towards the target, flurry for two strikes. Then dash back behind cover or some similarly safe position. That's about as safe as you can get as an active participant.
She didn't make it. This (admittedly anecdotal) evidence leads me to believe that you're character won't last long either.
With three actions and small combat environments, keeping your distance doesn't much matter. Even several weak enemies can spend their whole turn surrounding you, blocking your movement on your turn, so they (or their boss friend) can turn you to putty on their next turn.
Lucky crits can also take you down real quick.
In the end, it's not about avoiding getting hit, but about enduring getting hit. You need three things to be able to do that effectively: Lots of hit points, a high AC to reduce critical hits into normal hits, and a reliable source of healing.
You've got one of three (healing). But you gotta work on those other two (AC and HP) or you'll be a detriment to the party the moment a crit takes you out of the fight and everyonehas to waste actions saving the valuable healer. The early adventures were still being fine-tuned, and are really tough as a result. You need to be ready for that.
I know I´m playing with fire, but for now im doing fine... when confronted with a lot of low level minions, I usually cast sanctuary and that will prevent most attacks...and heal/buff my companions; if against a big bad, im usually far away from him or behind some cover, and ready to heal, buff or cast my favorite combo... true strike and ray of enfeeblement... as i did with the Greater barghest at the end of book 1... i rolled a 20 in one of the rolls so he got enfeebled 2 for the rest of the combat and helped greatly... it was a tough fight even he was enfebled 2, he managed to strike down both monks, but the druid and the animal companion stood their ground and i was able to bring back to fighting status the 2 monks and they ended him...
Now we are at lvl 5, and we started the second book, here is my character right now:
Nilia Algarath
Female elf cleric of Apsu 5 Lost Omens Gods & Magic
LG, Medium, Elf, Humanoid
Perception +13; low-light vision
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Mwangi
Skills Acrobatics +10, Arcana +10, Crafting +10, Deception +10, Diplomacy +10, Dragon Lore +8, Elven Lore +8, Intimidation +10, Medicine +12, Nature +11, Religion +11, Society +8
Str 10 (+0), Dex 16 (+3), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 19 (+4), Cha 16 (+3)
Other Items explorer’s clothing, +1 dagger, backpack, bandolier, basic crafter's book, belt pouch, fine clothing, healer’s gloves, healer's tools, scroll case, silver religious symbol, simple manacles, writing set, purse (13 sp; 6 cp)
AC 20; Fort +10; Ref +10; Will +13
HP 51 Focus Points 2 Hero Points 3
Speed 30 feet
Melee [1] +1 dagger +11 (magical, versatile Slsh, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 Pier
Ranged [1] +1 dagger +11 (magical, versatile Slsh, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 Pier
Divine Cleric Spells DC 21, attack +11; 3rd fear, heroism 2nd dispel magic, heal, shield other 1st bless, fear, ray of enfeeblement Cantrips (3rd) divine lance, guidance, light, shield, stabilize
Arcane Sorcerer Spellcasting DC 20, attack +10; 1st (1 slots) true strike Cantrips (3rd) mage hand, ray of frost
Focus Spells 2 Focus Points, DC 21; 3rd Agile Feet, Draconic Barrage
Feats Ageless Patience, Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting, Battle Medicine, Domain Initiate, Domain Initiate, Elven Lore, Intimidating Glare, Magical Crafting, Multilingual, Sorcerer Dedication (draconic silver)
Other Abilities alertness, anathema, cloistered cleric, component substitution, deity, divine font, divine spellcasting, doctrine, draconic, first doctrine, second doctrine, signature spells, travel, wyrmkin
Taja the Barbarian wrote: wujenta wrote: .... our party wizard took the rogue dedication feat and now we have a trap spotter/disarmer... Man, you really are playing 'hard mode': I think wizard is probably the worst chassis available for a trap handler (Poor perception, saves, and HP: Remember crit-failing a disable check sets the trap off).
Still, glad to hear everyone survived the first book. Lol, in his first try, he didnt find the trap in Voz bookstore and suffered a critical hit that left him nearly death... he is being more cautious now and he wants that I check for traps tooAs my perception is way better thanks to high wisdom... we make rolls in the open, but if the gm told us we dont find traps we go ahead and open/force the thing... we dont metagame if we see that the rolls were crap
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote: Sounds fun. Thematically why not take the dragon blood sorcerer? I took it, im a cleric of Apsu with dedication to sorcerer draconic (silver)
Well, we just finished book 1 yesterday and I survived without much problem... only twice my character ended up near death, and all other players surviced too... we are 5 characters in the campaign, so in some encounters the GM add a minion or two to make things a bit harder. Both monks are great, solid AC , and great mobility... our party wizard took the rogue dedication feat and now we have a trap spotter/disarmer, the druid is a secondary healer and his companion is useful.... so I think all will be fine from now on
Kendaan wrote: Nope, there is no feat that allows you to take on other gods spells.
You can get Haste with dedication bit that's gonna cost you a few feats.
If you want a great Warpriest God with Haste, Ragathiel is there (disgustingly too good of a Warpriest God, mechanically unless going evil you are probably nerfing yourself for not taking it).
Syncretism is really cool, both for fluff & RP, and mechanically. For CC, it's basically "get that shiny domain that the deity you want doesn't have. For WP it's "you love that deity but it has a bad weapon? No problem we get you covered"
I have a question about Syncretism... you gain the focus spell of the domain of your "secondary" deity, but does it give an extra focus point?

Timeshadow wrote: So after seeing your character I was inspired to Make my own. I think insted of going ancient elf "Sorcerer" to get some bit of offence you can just go human and take Adapted Cantrip insted. Here is what I cam up with.
Female Human (Skilled Athletics) cleric of Ranginori(Elemental Lord of Air) 1
CG, Medium, Human, Humanoid
Perception +7;
Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +4, Athletics +3, Intimidation +6, Sailing Lore +3, Intimidation +6, Medicine +7, Nature +7, Religion +7
Str 10 (+0), Dex 12 (+1), Con 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 16 (+3)
Other Items dagger, Whip, backpack, bandolier, basic crafter's book, belt pouch, fine clothing, healer's tools, scroll case, silver religious symbol, writing set, purse (42 sp; 6 cp)
AC 14; Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +9
HP 17 Focus Points 1 Hero Points 1
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +4 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 piercing/slashing
Ranged [1] dagger +4 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 piercing/slashing
Melee [1] Whip +4 (Disarm, Fenesse, Nonlethal, Reach, Trip)
Divine Cleric Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st fear, magic weapon Cantrips (1st) detect magic, Electric Arc(Adapted Cantrip), light, shield, stabilize
Feats Domain Initiate, Adapted Cantrip, Intimidating Glare
Other Abilities anathema, cloistered cleric, deity, divine font, divine spellcasting, doctrine, first doctrine
Now the big thing here is where to in the next few lvls. I see a similar Sorc Dedication but more to get needed skills(Stealth/diplomacy) and a few spair utility cantrips than anything else (I'd go elemental to fit diety) and Assurance Athletics so I can "Whip it real good" to trip and disarm with a 10' reach vs minions. From here there are lots of ways to go but I see Intimidation at Expert and adopted ancentery Halfling at 3rd, Assurance Medicine or Battle medicine as well as Healing hands at 4th, with Halfling luck religon Expert with con/wis/dex/cha boosts...
A good one, but I wanted to be elf, I usually play humans and your build is solid imho, but my last 3 chars were human and were "fighter type" (a human monk, a champion paladin wielding 2 handed sword and a giant barbarian) so i wanted something veeery diferent rpg wise
Thanks anyway, ill remember this if my original one does not survive and have to create a new one... cleric with sorcerer elemental would get divine and primal spells... i could get animal form so i could contribute in melee sometimes in the early levels

Hi, yesterday we played the first session of AoA and my character survived !!
Well, as promised, here it is the final version that i´m playing, hope to survive the first dificult lvls, because I think she has great potential:
Nilia Algarath
Female ancient elf cleric of Apsu 1
LG, Medium, Elf, Humanoid
Perception +7; low-light vision
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +4, Crafting +4, Deception +5, Diplomacy +5, Dragon Lore +4, Elven Lore +4, Intimidation +5, Medicine +7, Nature +7, Religion +7, Society +4
Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0), Int 12 (+1), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 14 (+2)
Other Items dagger, backpack, bandolier, basic crafter's book, belt pouch, fine clothing, healer's tools, scroll case, silver religious symbol, writing set, purse (43 sp; 6 cp)
AC 15; Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +9
HP 14 Focus Points 1 Hero Points 1
Speed 30 feet
Melee [1] dagger +5 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 piercing/slashing
Ranged [1] dagger +5 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 piercing/slashing
Divine Cleric Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st fear, magic fang Cantrips (1st) detect magic, guidance, light, shield, stabilize
Arcane Sorcerer Spellcasting DC 15, attack +5; Cantrips (1st) mage hand, ray of frost
Feats Domain Initiate, Elven Lore, Intimidating Glare, Sorcerer Dedication
Other Abilities anathema, cloistered cleric, component substitution, deity, divine font, divine spellcasting, doctrine, draconic, first doctrine, wyrmkin

Taja the Barbarian wrote: Deadmanwalking wrote: Kendaan wrote: For a Cloistered Cleric, I am more in favor of 18 wisdom, that is also +1 DC at level 1-4. The 1 more Heal matters at low level, but less at higher level, and you can always memorize more in your spell slots. If using Cleric spells offensively this is absolutely true, but wujenta's plan seems to be mostly using their Sorcerer spells for offense and using Cleric spells more for healing and buffs. In that situation, the higher Charisma is better, IMO. Archetypes grant so few spells that building around this is probably unwise: At 11th level, you'll only have a 3rd, a 2nd, and maybe 2 1sts. Combine that with your generally lower proficiency and it seems like a bad idea to use these slots offensively.
I think ill go with 18 wis and 14 cha, at lvl 20 they will be 22 wis and 20 cha.
I also took the advice and change god to Apsu, as my character has a draconic theme, and the focus spell and the adition of magic fang and dragon form much later will be useful and fun
I will choose a second deity (probably Irori or Yuelral) with syncretism at lvl 2 to get the knowledge domain And a bunch of other spells added to my cleric spells
Ill post the character tomorrow and update if she meets a tragic finale during the campaign
Kendaan wrote: Have you considered Apsu as a god instead of Eritrice?
Seeing that you are Dragon Themed, that would be a good fit, the Wyrmkin domain is really good, and Apsu gives Magic Fang, which would be useful at low level.
For a Cloistered Cleric, I am more in favor of 18 wisdom, that is also +1 DC at level 1-4. The 1 more Heal matters at low level, but less at higher level, and you can always memorize more in your spell slots.
Good idea, I´ll look into it

Taja the Barbarian wrote: Queaux wrote: Taja the Barbarian wrote: Worshiping Eritrice (Heart-Speaker) seems like it might be the greatest threat to your survival: Losing the ability to lie can be painful.
At a glance, I'd guess your entire party is in trouble: Four 'unarmored' characters can take a lot of damage really quickly (please note that Mountain Stance is an action to activate, so this character will probably be badly pummeled when he loses initiative). Furthermore, no one has more base hp than 8hp/level, so you don't have much of a buffer there. I don't see a trap-springer in your lineup, or even anyone with Perception above 'trained' (two Wisdom-based casters isn't a horrible start, though).
Mountain Stance monk could just make their exploration activity staying in Mountain Stance. Monks also have 10 HP per level. With that set up, the mountain monk is a fine tank.
A more proficient trap finder would be useful, but it's by no means required with 2 healers in the party. Nope, stances only work in encounter mode.
Stance (Core Rulebook pg. 637) wrote: A stance is a general combat strategy that you enter by using an action with the stance trait, and that you remain in for some time. A stance lasts until you get knocked out, until its requirements (if any) are violated, until the encounter ends, or until you enter a new stance, whichever comes first. After you use an action with the stance trait, you can’t use another one for 1 round. You can enter or be in a stance only in encounter mode. I don't see any Exploration Activities that allow you to stay in a stance.
Your are correct about Monk HPs, so that helps. I also forgot that Monks get expert Unarmored Proficiency at 1st level (as you might be able to tell, haven't really played with them much), so AC isn't as horrible as I thought (AC15... Actually, the mountain monk has 12 dex, so when not in stance he will be AC 16 and AC 19 in stance... the wolf monk will be 19 all day long.

Taja the Barbarian wrote: Worshiping Eritrice (Heart-Speaker) seems like it might be the greatest threat to your survival: Losing the ability to lie can be painful.
At a glance, I'd guess your entire party is in trouble: Four 'unarmored' characters can take a lot of damage really quickly (please note that Mountain Stance is an action to activate, so this character will probably be badly pummeled when he loses initiative). Furthermore, no one has more base hp than 8hp/level, so you don't have much of a buffer there. I don't see a trap-springer in your lineup, or even anyone with Perception above 'trained' (two Wisdom-based casters isn't a horrible start, though).
I think that my character can lie sometimes in specific things and not break anathema, as it say sow or perpetuate a lie... like You learn that a ghost story in a town is in reality a trick to atract adventurers or something like that and you go along with it... . I will ask my GM about this obviously to be sure.
The monks are d10 hit points characters, i hope with their high AC (both have 19 at lvl 1) could tank a bit
The trap spotter and trap removal is a concern, But i think one of the monks is going to multiclass into rogue

Castilliano wrote: My no-spoilers advice:
Keep the 18 Wis, 14 Cha, mainly because you're playing to 20th, but also, when it comes to the tougher battles, you'll want your main spells to have their max DC. With 16s, you'll reach an awkward hiccup in stat increases where you'll have to put the bonuses in stats you don't use much.
The 10 Con is worrisome, so keep that Shield up!
You may want to carry a shield too, just in case.
And be prepared to Heal yourself as much as anybody, assuming the Druid covers his animal.
And Salamileg's right about Elemental Wrath; still two actions.
Being called Age of Ashes, presume to face fire, so you may want Ray of Frost instead. And maybe innate fire resistance (or another race that lets you get to 14 Con, like Gnome which can get Cantrips too.)
I say 14 Con, again because you're going to 20th.
The thing about the wis 16 vs 18 Is that i think that you are only at -1 comparing to other casters with 18 starting stat in levels 1-4 and 10-14 and in lvl 20... in the others levels you are his equal, and i dont know if you play a lot in lvl 20 or you only get to 20 after finishing the adventure...
I will go with ray of frost, and change my dragon bloodline to silver for thematic purposes...

Salamileg wrote: wujenta wrote: Deadmanwalking wrote: Acid Splash is a pretty terrible cantrip, so I wouldn't grab Elemental Wrath. You'd be much better off grabbing Otherworldly Magic for Electric Arc (probably the best attack cantrip in the game).
And I think those stats look fine in terms of survivability for someone who will never ever get into melee combat. In close, you'll get really hurt really quick, but you can probably mostly avoid that with multiple frontliners, which it sounds like you have.
Given that your primary offense is gonna be an Innate Spell and thus Charisma based, and you're going to be focusing on utility and support stuff with your Cleric spells, I would drop Wis to 16 and raise Cha to 16 to make you better offensively, which also gives you another use of Divine Font, making it an even better life choice.
I know Electric Arc is better, but I like elemental wrath because it´s only 1 action, so I can move, cast and mantain a spell (or get bless bigger) or cast a buff spell and attack in the same round.
I will think about raising cha and lowering wis, as i will not use most of my spells to offense, thanks Elemental Wrath is still two actions, removing components doesn't lower action cost. Frack, i will drop elemental wrath and take elven lore for more skills and took some damage cantrips with the sorcerer dedication as my “typical” attacks
Kendaan wrote: I could find, what Domain did you take?
Also about your memorized spells, I wouldn't take Bless, unless it is to buff you and the Wizard, you don't want to be too close to the Fight to buff the Monks and the Animal Companion.
As for Magic Weapon, are the Monks fighting with Monk weapons? If they are fighting unarmed, take something else, fear can be good.
I took knowledge domain.
You re right about bless and magic weapon, ill change them

Deadmanwalking wrote: Acid Splash is a pretty terrible cantrip, so I wouldn't grab Elemental Wrath. You'd be much better off grabbing Otherworldly Magic for Electric Arc (probably the best attack cantrip in the game).
And I think those stats look fine in terms of survivability for someone who will never ever get into melee combat. In close, you'll get really hurt really quick, but you can probably mostly avoid that with multiple frontliners, which it sounds like you have.
Given that your primary offense is gonna be an Innate Spell and thus Charisma based, and you're going to be focusing on utility and support stuff with your Cleric spells, I would drop Wis to 16 and raise Cha to 16 to make you better offensively, which also gives you another use of Divine Font, making it an even better life choice.
I know Electric Arc is better, but I like elemental wrath because it´s only 1 action, so I can move, cast and mantain a spell (or get bless bigger) or cast a buff spell and attack in the same round.
I will think about raising cha and lowering wis, as i will not use most of my spells to offense, thanks
Lanathar wrote: What are you trying to achieve here? Trying to be a cleric , wizard and party face seems like a lot to take on. What are you hoping for from the wizard side with only a +1 in the casting stat?
And 10 con and no armour seems like a risky proposition
What is the concept and why the class and multiclass? Is there a reason you aren’t committing to cleric?
Only trying to be cleric and party face, the sorcerer dedication is to get acces to more versatility in terms of buffs/debuffs and my casting stat for that is now +2 and i intend to raise cha every time I get to. I intend to get only the spellcasting multiclass feats so i I will have plenty of feats to be a full cleric
I get the no armor and CON 10 will be really dangerous in the earlier levels, but I hope i can survive with a little luck and being very careful

Hi, we are starting this adventure path and this is one of the characters I´ve created for the adventure, I have done other types of clerics more "traditional" or combat capable, but I would love to try this, but if every1 thinks this character is doomed, I´ll rethink about it.
The other party members are: 2 Human monks, one with the mountain style and the other with the wolf style, they are from the same temple and know each other, a Druid with animal companion (i dont know the which one) and a Wizard.
And here is my character, an elf cleric of Eritrice with the background Dragon Scholar from the AoA player guide
Nilia Algarath
Female elf (ancient elf) cleric 1
CG, Medium, Elf, Humanoid
Perception +7; low-light vision
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +4, Crafting +4, Diplomacy +5, Dragon Lore +4, Intimidation +5, Medicine +7, Nature +7, Religion +7
Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0), Int 12 (+1), Wis 18 (+4), Cha 14 (+2)
Other Items dagger, backpack, bandolier, basic crafter's book, belt pouch, fine clothing, healer's tools, scroll case, silver religious symbol, writing set, purse (43 sp; 6 cp)
AC 15; Fort +3; Ref +5; Will +9
HP 14 Focus Points 1 Hero Points 1
Speed 30 feet
Melee [1] dagger +5 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 piercing/slashing
Ranged [1] dagger +5 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 piercing/slashing
Divine Cleric Spells DC 17, attack +7; 1st bless, magic weapon Cantrips (1st) daze, detect magic, divine lance, shield, stabilize
Arcane Sorcerer Spellcasting DC 15, attack +5; Cantrips (1st) light, mage hand
Feats Domain Initiate, Elemental Wrath[LOCG], Intimidating Glare, Sorcerer Dedication
Other Abilities anathema, cloistered cleric, component substitution, deity, divine font, divine spellcasting, doctrine, draconic, first doctrine, knowledge
Out of combat I plan to be the face of the party, as the other characters are more combat focused and charisma dont enter his plans and in combat to stay behind (obviously) and heal and cast as aproppiate, got elemental wrath as my main typical attack, as I will tend to use a lot of utility and support spells with my cleric and sorcerer slots
Any suggestion and/or advice?
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I think the same, the Rolling Will be slowing the game a LOT, a 12 lvl bard Will have to roll twice every round to extend the inspire courage and to give better bonuses, and he Will be succesful perhaps 50 % of the time, as the dificulty is greater every level. Not fun at all
Markov Spiked Chain wrote: I'm concerned about some of the Compositions as well. Specifically, the skill checks for Inspire Heroics and Lingering Performance. Rolling skill checks every round to figure out basic things like what your attack bonus looks like it will slow things down dramatically. Having wildly varying bonuses to allies looks frustrating to track for everyone. I'm honestly not sure how someone who's played with PF1 bards could think having their bonuses change round to round would be anything other than annoying. Finally, spending Spell Point on buff abilities only to have them fizzle ~50% or more of the time looks completely un-fun.

RafaelBraga wrote: My take on the problem (to me it is by far the biggest problem of the edition, worse than all other added together)
Rearrange weapon proficiencies around to "balance"(my take should be 6, 11, 16 lv to make on par with PF1 extra attacks)
Untrained: reduce weapon die by 1 step(d8 to d6)
Trained: 1 x WD
Expert: 2 x WD
Master: 3 x WD
Legendary: 4 x WD
WD = Weapon Damage = The base die of the weapon PLUS the bonus from the character Strength modifier plus item modifier.
Item modifier = The "plus" of the weapon.
In this version weapons go from +1 to +3 only (+5 is a HUGE modifier... they reduced all spell bonus to +1 cause "the edition changed, every +1 matter" then left the weapon with +5, wich make absolute no sense)
Generic weapons can only be +1
Named rare weapons can be +1 or +2: Flame tongue, Icebrand, Sword of Sharpness, Trident of the Tides, Dagger of Venom, Dueling Rapier, Shield of the Lion, Any named weapon used in all this 40 years of DnD.
Named Legendary top tier weapons are +3: Holy Avenger, Vorpal Sword, Dwarven Thrower, Oathbow, Bow of Thunderbolts, Lifestealer, All other top tier weapons.
The plus of the weapon add on the hit roll and on each dice of the damage roll (like the strength bonus)
Now you have a system were magic weapon matter, but the adventurer wielding than is the most important thing.
Really like this idea, a lvl 9 fighter with a normal longsword should be doing more damage than a 1st level fighter… I know that the 9th level fighter Will hit more often, but the damage right now Will be equal counting both have +4 to strenght
Pity, i was thinking making a sorcerer for society and wanted to check it beforehand
As the title says, I´m not sure if I could use the rod, as it is a level 3 spell, but cast in a level 5 slot (I´m a sorcerer)
GM_Beernorg wrote: BTW the word is chitinous.. ;) Uuups, sorry my first language is spanish
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We called it The Sea Cockroach in honor of our first deceased PC, a tiefling magus who died while rescuing Sandara. He had quitinous skin (for the +1 nat armor alternate race feature) and was not very sociable (cha 5) so the crew called him Cockroach.
Hi all, Im game mastering Rise of the runelords, and my group is about to begin book 5, so SPOILERS ahead.
several of the evil casters in the Runeforge have magic items with a great value as arcane bonds, Staff of hungry shadows for example (102500 gp).
I´m wondering if the PC´s defeat the baddies can they keep them and use it or sell it or as it is the arcane bond item of the wizard in question will stop working as he is killed. I know that the bonded item could be a "normal" magic item that has been taken by the wizard, but it can also has been made using the rules for bonded item, and then it will be useless to everyone but the wizard.
Which one of the options seems more "right" for you?
I was wondering if witches can select racial spells like Touch of combustion without being of the actual race... i found a lot of these spells "witchery" and i would love to add some to my 1t level witch that is starting kingmaker in a few weeks

Hi every1,
last saturady in a PFS game I casted Atavism (druid 4 spell) on my animal companion (A lion by the way, I´m playing a lion shaman) and aplied the advanced creature template, but reading the spell I noticed that the animal loses all tricks except attack because it turns into a savage verion of itself...
Usually there is no problem, but my animal companion charged, full attacked and grappled the villain in the story, and surprise... the BBEG surrendered. But as I like to play with some logic, i didnt know if I can order my companion to release the evil guy, as now is a wild animal knowing only to kill and told so to the DM
I tried a handle animal check to make my animal companion to release him as he surrendered, but rolled poorly (getting a 18 in total) and my dm ruled that the animal in the next round will do his routine attack (bite plus 4 claws). The bad guy was killed of course, but I would like to know if there is any rule or directive to control my animal companion under the effect of Atavism and what the DC for the animal handle skill will be if this happens again.
I think personally I would have ruled the same, but as its a character in PFS play and I will like to know if there is a rule somewhere that covers this.
Atavism: By bringing forth the primeval ancestry of the target animal, you awaken a savage engine of destruction. The animal immediately gains the advanced creature simple template. It gains a +2 bonus on all rolls, including damage rolls and special ability DCs, a +4 bonus to AC and CMD, and +2 hit points per HD. The animal's primal instincts take hold for the duration of this spell—if the animal knows tricks granted by the Handle Animal skill, it loses access to all of those tricks save for “attack.” This spell has no effect on animals that already have the advanced creature template.
Thanks everyone... I was unsure, as personal spells cant be made into potions for balance issues (no 2handed weapons fighters or barbarians with potions of shield, or potions of Righteous might)
I thought that maybe was the same in this case, as I find that with this buffs his animal companion will be better than a animal companion druid with Giant growth and Atavism
One of my players is playing a cleric with animal domain, so he has a companion (with boon companion, his buddy is the same lvl as a druid companion), and he hasnt done it yet... but Im sure he will, so I´m asking in advance... can he cast Divine Favor, Rightious Might and other personal spells to his companion ?
Corvino wrote: The "Link (Ex)" ability which allows handling as a free action is in the Animal Companion rules entry, not the Druid entry. It is a characteristic of the AC, not the Player Character. Any reference to the "Druid" in the AC entry refers to the PC who has one, as they are "effectively" a Druid. So any character who gets an AC gets to handle as a free action unless specifically stated otherwise. Good point, didn´t see it...have to think about it, but i think that you are right