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301 posts (20,679 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 37 aliases.
Academy of Secrets Agents of the Darklands, Part 2: In Company of Forgotten Evils Agents of the Darklands: A Campaign for Monsters and Madmen Ambitious Hearts: Tales from the Forgotten Realms Dain's King Maker Chronicles Dain's King Maker Chronicles - Combat Thread Dain's Kingmaker Campaign - Treasury and Maps Dain's Kingmaker Campaign: Provinces - Shaezon The Drow The Elder Games The Fourth Crusade GM Levi's {Advanced} Sands of Osirion Campaign Arc! Monsters and Madmen: Necromantics and Monstrous MadMen Myths and Legends(Heroes of Golarion) Placeholder Rise of the New Runelords Rise of the New Runelords 4713 AR Rise of the New Runelords 4714 AR Rise of the New Runelords' Minions War of Ages (Monkeygod's Golarion Game) We Aim to Misbehave The "World of Peace" - The Holy Vessels (inactive) The "World of Peace" - The Malicious Misfits (inactive) ...and for your sins... (inactive) Brains of the Dark World (inactive) DM Caleth's Bronze Age: An Inheritance of Dragons (inactive) DM Voice's Envoy of Geb - An Undead Campaign (inactive) Eye of the Storm (inactive) Games of Chance (inactive) GM DSP presents Crown's Reach! (inactive) GM Idyll's Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (inactive) Here be dragons! Adventurers keep out! (inactive) Leviathan Rises (inactive) Life on the spike, A Planescape PbP game (inactive) Masters of the Universe, "Born from Ashes" (inactive) Nightmarish Campaign Redux (inactive) Sky Piracy by the Stormborn (inactive) Unbinding the Fetters - Disciples of Master Gond (inactive) WaterSprite's Seafarers of Galorian (inactive)