Male Mime 2 geek/ 10 smartass
![]() Wolfman DM wrote: go ahead. i was also wondering Why Wesf hasn't placed his character inside an alias yet. This is the character info I posted earlier. The actual sheet is at home. I'll happily transcribe to Alias if someone can tell me what that is. Evelyn Salt: Neutral leaning toward NG, but she's very internally conflicted. Her actions usually balance out Str 12, Dex20, Con16, Int 20,Wis12, Cha12
Feats (I may change some of these, but I specifically want feedback on my feat choices)
Special abilities
Rogue Sniper-Evasion, Sneak + 3d6, Accuracy (1/2 range penalty with ranged weapons), Deadly Aim (allows me to use sneak attack at 50 feet at current level) Conjurer of the Teleport School (replaces Acid Dart)- Shift (can teleport to a nearby space as Dimension Door. Does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Self only +familiar. can move 5 feet per two wizard levels or 30 feet at current level. Can do this 3+int per day Summoners Charm - Adds 1rd/level to any summon spell. At present level summoned creatures last an extra 6 rounds. Traits- I like the last two. THe first two i'm on the fence about. Resilient (+1 fort)
Poverty stricken (+1 to survival and it's a class skill)
![]() CaptainSockPuppet wrote:
This is my favorite so far. If you added the rage spell it'd be even more fun. ![]()
![]() Paul Miller 769 wrote:
She's my favorite. My second favorite is Ursula, The Sea Witch. ![]()
![]() Whatever you choose just don't forget to have the highest "form of the Dragon" spell you can. ;-) You just gave me an idea. The APG has a Serpentine bloodline that fits pretty well with the queens enchantment/transformation theme. You'd have to play the "snake and fangs" part of the class down, but I can see it being just underneath her public persona. ![]()
![]() MaxBarton wrote: Might open up a hobby shop though... I must spread Pathfinder to the rest of the world! I thought about that as something for me to do daily. Though I wouldn't need to make much I would want the business to at least support itself. With what I presume rent/purchasing a space in Midtown Atlanta (where I live) I doubt It would be anything more than a very entertaining money pit. ![]()
![]() A million isn't what it used to be is true. However, If invested properly It's enough to have an Upper-middle class lifestyle without havign to work. It's not enough for anything extravagant for very long, but I certainly wouldnt complain if it fell in my lap. Now, a billion dollars is where the "i'd buy France" dreams come into play. ![]()
![]() Shar Tahl wrote:
I generally avoid playing human also. Mostly because I find them dull. I tend towards elves, because I wish I was one. ;-) It's kind of the same reason I don't like dressing up as "military" for Halloween. Though I'm no longer in the military it's not pretend for me. Playing human isn't pretend for me and thus is less fun, but that's just my psychosis. ![]()
![]() Tarantula wrote:
It appears as far as the technical aspects of the rules you can do this first level spell as a zero level spell. However, I suspect most DM's wouldn't allow this due to the ultra cheeze factor. So as with most legal rules "breaking" (for lack of a better word) it's going to be up to the DM if he wants it in his game. ![]()
![]() Lvl 12 Procrastinator wrote:
That's awesome. ![]()
Male Mime 2 geek/ 10 smartass
![]() Evelyn Salt's Bonded Object (final draft pending DM approval) Psi Eye This item was originally created by the "archmage" Garrion the Blue. Who eventually got tired of having his items lost/stolen during his adventuring career. This item enhances the brain power of the user as well as giving him/her a number of telekenetic abilites. This blueish grey stone is shaped like a robins egg with one side perfectly flat. When the flat side is placed on the forehead of an arcane caster and the proper command word is spoken the stone fuses with the casters skull in a quick but painful manner (no actual damage). The stone can only be removed by a command word spoken by the wearer or a remove curse. When Evelyn took posession of this item she had a silver circlet made so it would appear the stone was part of the circlet and not fused to her head. I did the calculations using the ring of the ram function first as it was the most expensive. That's why the powers are listed the way they are. However I would consider it "primarily" a headband of Int +2. I calculated the cost of secondary additions using the (Retail cost*.5*.8 or Retail *.4 for simplicity)Formula. The eye functions as:
15,860GP total player cost ![]()
Male Mime 2 geek/ 10 smartass
![]() Wolfman DM wrote:
Got it. I'll edit my Mage Eye Idea to fit this. ![]()
Male Mime 2 geek/ 10 smartass
![]() Galita Ido wrote:
I can work with that. Yay for math formula! The univeral language. ![]()
![]() I just looked up the ability. It doesn't specifically say it works like the spell. So he can call it vigorous activity if he wants. As a sorcerer your primary ability is to spellcast. This flight comes from the magic of your bloodline. I would rule that it works like magical flight. He's in his rights to call it vigorous activity, but my personal opinion is that if it were "vigorous activity" it would be called such in the description of the ability. ![]()
![]() Ha8eraid wrote:
I assume your ability works like the fly spell with the wings just being for show. The fly spell specifically states that it "requires no more concentration than walking so the subject can cast spells normally." Show him in the ability where it works like the fly spell then show him that line in the spell description. If he further object than he's just being difficult. ![]()
![]() 89 Entombed Standard 30 foor deep pit covered in an illusion of the floor. The top inside rim of the pit is covered in soverign glue. The floor of the pit acts as a pressure trigger. When the trigger is sprung (by someone falling in the pit) a large stone falls into the pit. The stone is shaped to perfectly fit the pit but leave a 5 foot gap between the bottom of the stone and bottom of the pit. The top of the stone is created to match the floor above. The soverign glue makes this seal essentially permanent. ![]()
Male Mime 2 geek/ 10 smartass
![]() My original gear was calculated without having a bonded item. I dont have the prices off hand, but it consisted of the following items. Headband of Int +2
Purse of holding (as bag of holding I but more fashion forward) Picture hermione's bag from the latest harry potter. Crap tons of mundane gear in the bag. Mostly for entertainment value. Wizards and rogues are both classes where being prepared is mandatory for long term survival. This bag serves that purpose. I'm considering just making my bonded item a single useful item that I would not otherwise be able to afford. ![]()
Male Mime 2 geek/ 10 smartass
![]() LazarX wrote:
It saves me the trouble of casting mage armor as well as being slightly better. It may be worth my while to concentrate on some armor items since my main defense is essentially nil. ![]()
![]() Goth Guru wrote:
That would work lol. You should also glue the brick to the floor. Alternately you could just give it a strength check. ![]()
![]() Madclaw wrote:
I'm totally using that one. ![]()
![]() 87. Mail Call/ A Very Special Delivery You find a small envelope made of expensive paper sealed with a wax seal. Why is this envelope in the middle of a dungeon? The wax seal breaks easily as it is mundane wax. Inside the envelope is a single piece of paper folded in half. Curiosity gets the better of you and you unfold the paper. A single sentence written in common with good penmanship says "I prepared explosive runes today." ***BOOM*** Edit: Added a name. ![]()
![]() Goth Guru wrote:
May want to include how tight they are attached. Otherwise I'd just use mage hand. ![]()
![]() Evil Lincoln wrote:
+1 ![]()
Male Mime 2 geek/ 10 smartass
![]() Once the game gets going I promise not to be a crazy poster, as I apparently am now. Here is the final draft of my Bonded object including the math for pricing as I currently understand it. Archmages Third Eye This item was originally created by the "archmage" Garrion the Blue. Who eventually got tired of having his items lost/stolen during his adventuring career. This blueish grey stone is shaped like a robins egg with one side perfectly flat. When the flat side is placed on the forehead of an arcane caster and the proper command word is spoken the stone fuses with the casters skull in a quick but painful manner (no actual damage). The stone can only be removed by a command word spoken by the wearer or a remove curse. When Evelyn took posession of this item she had a silver circlet made so it would appear the stone was part of the circlet and not fused to her head. The "eye" functions primarily as a ring of Wizadry I. (20K retail *50%=10K)
Helm of comp languages and read magic (5200 retail *50%=2600 then 2600*50%=1300) Detect magic at will (250g) Total cost to player 15,550g For this game is this correct or no? ![]()
Male Mime 2 geek/ 10 smartass
![]() ithuriel wrote:
I've already discarded this item, but I do want to make sure I understand how to do the math. So here is my thinking. I'm sure I have some of the pricing wrong.However this is not calculated using purely core rules. I was calculating as though I am making the item which I thought was instructions(-50%). Also Wolfman instructed that for the bonded item additional abilites have a 50% discount instead of 20% markup. So for example: Reduce Person (At Will), Command Word, 1 x 1 x 2000 squared(It should be continuous and I did forget to square in the original calculation) = 4000 Retail price. The cost is -50% to create so that brings us to 2K. Since this is an additional ability and not the primary it would have another -50% discount bringing the cost to add this ability to 1K. If Wolfman, or a Dm he is teaming with for this game, could correct me (or tell me I'm correct) that would be appreciated.
About Zordt GnulmRequested Format:
Zordt Gnulm
Male Half-Orc Bard (Arrowsong Minstrel) 5 CG Medium Humanoid (Half-Orc) Init +8; Senses Perception +11; darkvision 60 ft. ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +5 dex) hp 41 (5 HD; 1d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +6 Shawl of Life Keeping Activates when HP reduced below 0 ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft. Melee Falchion +7 (2d4+4/18-20 x2)
Ranged All ranged attacks within 30 feet +1 to hit/damage
Bard Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +7)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statistics:
Male Half-Orc Bard (Arrowsong Minstrel) 5
CG Medium Humanoid (Half-Orc) Init +8; Senses Perception +11; darkvision 60 ft. ------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------ AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +5 dex) hp 41 (5 HD; 1d8+2) Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +6 Shawl of Life Keeping Activates when HP reduced below 0 ------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------ Speed 30 ft. Melee Falchion +7 (2d4+4)
Ranged All ranged attacks within 30 feet +1 to hit/damage
Special Abilities:
------------------------------ SPECIAL ABILITIES ------------------------------ Burning Assurance Desert half-orcs lack the chip on their shoulder that many half-orcs acquire as a result of prejudice, and their self-confidence puts others at ease. Desert half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks. Bestial The orc blood of some half-orcs manifests in the form of particularly prominent orc features, exacerbating their bestial appearances but improving their already keen senses. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks. Weapon Familiarity Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon. Darkvision Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Reactionary You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks. Heirloom Weapon You carry a non-masterwork simple or martial weapon that has been passed down from generation to generation in your family (pay the standard gp cost for the weapon). You gain proficiency with that weapon. Bardic Performance (12/12) A bard can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier + 2 for each additional level after first. Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained as a free action. Changing a bardic performance from one effect to another requires a standard action. Countersong: A bard can counter magic effects that depend on sound. Each round of the countersong he makes a Perform check. Any allies within 30 feet that are affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard’s Perform check result in place of their saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result is higher. Inspire Courage: A bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies. Affected allies receive a +2 morale bonus on saves vs charm/fear effects and a +2 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. Diminished Spellcasting An Arrowsong minstrel casts one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, she can cast spells of that level only if her Charisma score allows bonus spells of that level. Arcane Archery An Arrowsong minstrel selects a number of spells equal to her Charisma modifier and adds them to her bard spell list as bard spells of the same level. At 4th level she adds an additional spell. An Arrowsong minstrel can select spells from the following list: acid arrow, arrow eruption, flame arrow, gravity bow, greater magic weapon, longshot, magic weapon, protection from arrows, spectral hand, true strike, and all sorcerer/wizard evocation spells. An Arrowsong minstrel must still select these spells as spells known before she can cast them. For the purpose of meeting the requirements of combat feats and prestige classes, an Arrowsong minstrel treats her bard level as her base attack bonus. Her skilled blending of archery and arcane magic also allows an Arrowsong minstrel to fulfill a spell’s somatic components even when using a bow in both hands. Precise Minstrel An Arrowsong minstrel gains Precise Shot as a bonus feat. Any creature that is affected by any of the Arrowsong minstrel’s bardic performance does not provide soft cover to enemies against her ranged attacks with a bow. Spells:
------------------------------ Spells ------------------------------ 0th (at will) Detect Magic Light Mage Hand Message Prestidigitation Read Magic 1st (4/day)
2nd (2/day)
------------------------------ GEAR/POSSESSIONS ------------------------------ Carrying Capacity Light 0-86 lb. Medium 87-173 lb. Heavy 174-260 lb. Current Load Carried 85 lb. Money 20 GP 0 SP 0 CP
Two decades ago a human woman came to the Sky Plateau, a sorceress named Ethiria. A stunning woman even by human standards. She took a great interest in Kjarl and wormed herself behind his throne. Her presence unnerved many of the tribe, as she seemed to be able to influence Kjarl's decisions. She became pregnant shortly after arriving, and her influence only seemed to grow. But as soon as the child was born, Ethiria vanished in the middle of the night, never to be seen again.
Zordt was the child born of Kjarl and Ethiria. Unlike his dozens of siblings, Kjarl and the tribe elders paid close attention to him as he grew up. He grew as strong as his orc brethren, but was much faster, and developed a sharp mind and force of personality that was reminiscent of his mother. Kjarl was both optimistic and cautious; this offspring showed incredible promise as a strong and capable asset to his rule, but he worried that Zordt may be too competent, and thus overthrow him. He kept Zordt directly under his wing, both to groom him and to control him. Zordt was far from blind to the situation he was born into. He took cautious steps to be useful without seeming a threat, always playing a balancing act with his life. It was a stressful existence; he rarely slept, and could never relax. Training and learning and advancing publicly to show his potential, while privately pushing himself ever further should things take a turn for the worse. But his world was rocked to a halt when he came of age, and the spark of magic flew from his fingertips. He knew he could not hide it. It was either roll over and accept his fate, embrace his power and size the throne to ensure his own safety, or flee. Remembering the stress, the sleepless nights, and the constant looking over his shoulder that comes from all the politics, he knew his decision. Mirroring his own mother, he vanished in the dead of night, and never looked back. Appearance and Personality:
Unfinished |