Mage Sniper

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Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch 23 posts. 18 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 14 Organized Play characters.

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Enjoyed the story, the characters, and the fights


I've now run this two or three times and played it as well. I was very much looking forward to running it for my regulars, and the game did not disappoint. They had played the season 3 mini-arc that is a prelude to this scenario, so I was happy to finally run it for them. It did take a full five hours, so the game ran a bit longer than I had hoped, but it was worth it.

There are a few harrowing parts of the scenario, but the heroes can have some help from a friend, which might ease the more difficult bits. I encouraged my players to avoid asking for help unless they felt like they really needed it. I agree with other reviewers that some of the DCs are higher than expected, but not unreasonable.

Also of note, the final encounter can be a pretty difficult fight, but it's not super impossible, just satisfying.

Add Maze $8.99

Pretty solid and fun, don't love the chase


This scenario has an interesting structure, giving players the opportunity to pick their preferred tasks. Each group feels interesting to run it for and play it with. My one major issue is the required chase. It's also interesting, since there are some forks in the path. But when each obstacle requires chase points equal to the number of players, it pretty much inevitably bogs down into a death march of just begging the dice for decent rolls. (A player pointed out that with a party of 6, the chase requires a whopping 48 successes. There's really no way for that to not become a quagmire.) I would prefer more dynamic chases with fewer chase points per obstacle. It's also worth noting that this scenario "feels" better doing only three of the tasks rather than four. Four tasks plus all the required bits and pieces seems to drag a little bit.

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Not the first one I'd run for a new player


This scenario is grim and cinematic (it really takes off with a literal bang at a certain point), and I love those parts of it! It's on my list of scenarios for a new player, to set the scene for the year 3 metaplot arcs, but it's not the first one I'd run for them. I also don't agree that repeatables need variable content—I'm happy with a good story, and this scenario has that!

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A "classic" by now


At first I did not love this scenario. But now I've run it a number of times and played it at least once, and I have to say—it's earned its spot on my "must play" list for new players. It's a simple but solid introductory scenario with some skill checks, some fights, and fun characters. Anyone who does any of the year 4 metaplot mini-arcs will appreciate playing this one first (and maybe replaying it later to catch little details you missed). Also, this scenario can run fast, and that's a good thing.

Our Price: $19.99

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Great story, just no diversity in tasks


Loved the premise of this one. Loved the story. Love it for the potential it has!

Combat, combat, combat, combat, combat. A few skill checks sprinkled here and there, a diplomatic encounter or two (if you're lucky!) Mostly just combat though. And some interesting ones, but the repetitiveness wears one down a bit.

Still, five stars for the idea and the creativity behind the story, just would love to see a greater diversity of tasks and roleplay.

Our Price: $19.99

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Solid, I suppose


This was the first special I ever ran, and it's okay. I'd like to go back and give it another try, to see if it picks up a bit. It's solid, not really remarkable but not bad either. My players enjoyed it. I do wish there was more diversity of tasks and roleplay—areas where the newer special shines.

Our Price: $19.99

Will be available

My favorite of all the specials so far!


I've run this one about five times so far, and played it once, and I have to say—I don't really get tired of it. It has the epic feel of King in Thorns but with some great innovations and polish. To me, this is a great special. There are a few well known issues with it (missing bits and pieces) that might never get officially updated, or they might. But overall this special combines great characters with an evolved structure and mechanics, and I hope it will be a template for specials moving forward.

Our Price: $8.99

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Genuinely moving


The story of this one is genuinely moving and sweet. That's what sticks in my mind, both as a player and as a GM: this one made me feel the feelings. I also think it's an interesting and novel structure for a PFS2 scenario.

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Practically mandatory for new players


This scenario is on my "must play" list for players new to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. As another reviewer wrote, whatever it once was, is not what this scenario is today.

The scenario encourages creativity and critical thinking, has some good roleplaying elements, and has some decent and interesting fights, too. It's a good introduction to the Master of Scrolls, Spells, and Sandwiches...Err, Swords, as well.

I agree that it can tend to run long, especially with the encore. I used to encourage the encore, now I am more ambivalent about it because it can turn into too much of a good thing.

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Just one thing bothers me...


What more needs to be said about this "classic" scenario? I agree with the comments that it can be a bit challenging to run in places, but it's not insurmountable with adequate preparation. A great early effort for a PFS2 repeatable scenario. To me, anyway, it evokes the feeling of a particular Studio Ghibli film (you probably know the one I'm referring to).

There's just one thing that really bugs me about this scenario: the antagonist's(?) name is one syllable from the word for "criminal" in Japanese. However, for the most part, the antagonist is NOT a criminal (and I never choose to run the variation where they are, because it's the least interesting one). So I confess that I change their name when I run this. I also pick different names for the village.

Add Firelight $8.99

Possibly the best repeatable so far?


Arcadia is a great place for adventure, and this is a lovely little scenario. I enjoy #1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road, but it has its issues that make it a little challenging to run. Protecting the Firelight feels like a great evolution of the repeatable. In some ways it feels like what Lost on the Spirit Road was trying for, but with some nice innovations and a bit more polish.

I particularly love seeing the return of familiar faces, and the chance to make new friends. The skill challenges are fun, with plenty of nice roleplaying opportunities. The fights are nicely done, with the final battle especially being suitably epic, challenging, fun, and rewarding. I hope we see lots more of the characters and the setting!

Add Wall $8.99

Glad I had been warned it would run long!


You like fights? This scenario has fights. Lots of fights. A couple of satisfying and intriguing ones, even.

Before I ran it, I heard it would run long, and I can confirm that it ran pretty long (if memory serves, I think I was at around five hours, with five players at the higher end of low tier).

There was an interesting combat in the middle, both in terms of the layout and the enemies' abilities. The final combat was satisfyingly challenging with some novel elements. I enjoyed that final battle both when I played the scenario and when I ran it.

I suppose I wouldn't have minded dropping one or both of the other fights (though I enjoyed the first one) and having more of a chance to explore the setting. Overall a good effort, and a scenario I can see myself enjoying again.

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The Year of the Unfettered Chase System


This adventure is a lighthearted little jaunt that, for the most part, is decent fun. I loved the colorful characters in this scenario, and the "flavor" of the setting (literally, it turns out). Goblins, kobolds, chicken, what's not to love?

The Chase subsystem, actually. Don't love it. For me it pretty much just turns into rolling until we get enough chase points. Occasionally something interesting pops up but that's the exception rather than the rule. I would love some more dynamic, less monotonous chases. There have been a couple of decent chases in season 5, but the one in this scenario was probably my least favorite. Colorful, just not my cup of tea.

Other than that, a solid scenario and I hope we see more of the characters.

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Fun scenario, requires a bit of care and feeding


I enjoyed this one as a player, but a few things required some consideration and care when I ran it. For one thing, I told my players to pay special attention to the influence section because they might not have many chances to influence people. I also told them to "remember your mission(s)" when deciding who to influence.

When I played it, we didn't really have a problem with the final encounter. But when I ran it, my players were not as fortunate and it dragged a bit. They eventually got through it though!

One thing my players noticed was that the most natural way of handling one part of the final encounter didn't really have the damage output to actually get the job done. They still managed, just not in that way.

All in all, a scenario with interesting characters and a few cool innovations. I hope we see at least a couple of the characters turn up in the future.

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Fun scenario, runs long


I enjoyed both playing and running this scenario. It was nice to return to the Blackwood Swamp and check in on some old friends. There are also some new characters with nice potential, I hope we see more of them! Just be aware: it runs long, because there's a lot of material to get through. My run clocked in at 5 hours 30 minutes, a full 60-90 minutes longer than usual. But it's a solid scenario, so no regrets.

Our Price: $5.99

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An enjoyable opportunity to roleplay, plenty here for adults


I won't spoil exactly what the dollhouse is in my review, but once I sorted that out, it made playing the whole thing deeper and more meaningful (especially if one is familiar with some of the lore and politics of Irrisen). I enjoyed the opportunities to roleplay with interesting and compelling characters, and I especially appreciated the opportunity for non-combat resolutions. This Quest is indeed appropriate for all ages, but I find there's plenty in here for adults, as well.

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Enjoyed the characters


This is a lighthearted adventure intended to introduce some new characters and catch up with old friends. It accomplishes those goals, at least for me. My local players like some of the characters we've met before, so of course I'm happy for them to have a chance to meet again. I recommend running some season 3-4 stuff so your group will be familiar with some of the NPCs, before running this one. It definitely increased my enjoyment.

Add Crisis $8.99

Loved the diversity of tasks and roleplaying opportunities


I can imagine there will be those who won't like this scenario. I'm not one of them. I for one found it refreshing, fresh, fun, and interesting. I also enjoyed the obvious tie-in to previous works. This scenario highlights diverse mechanics and provides plenty of opportunities for strategy, creativity, and roleplaying. If you're looking for "just kill it" this is not that.

Definitely some nice creative use of the Influence subsystem, it really shines in this scenario.