Mage Sniper

umopapisdnupsidedown's page

Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch 23 posts. 18 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 14 Organized Play characters.

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MrVauxs wrote:

The Compatibility License would allow more or less 2/3rds of these things. But if it had any options you could select, it wouldn't be able to include stuff that involved Golarion IP. It would have to be edited or removed.

Tldr; Pathbuilder.

Yeah, it seems as though some clarification would be extremely useful (especially after the OGL kerfuffle), in terms of who can use what and who can do what with which assets.

I'm not a content creator or database maintainer at the moment but I feel very bad for them having to keep up with changes of this sort.

...And, for example, where does it leave virtual tabletop support for legacy/OGL options in addition to ORC options?

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DawidIzydor wrote:
With published adventures, a GM can not only save a lot of time in preparing for a game or a campaign, but also find inspiration in them or learn how adventures are written, both of which help a GM get better at their craft
I completely agree! And with Foundry modules the time saved is even greater, thanks Paizo!

Yes, I unfortunately do not have the capacity right now to create a home brew campaign or adventures. I tell people, "I run pre-written content for a reason!"

And I am so grateful for it, as well as the premium online content (because otherwise creating tables to my satisfaction becomes the limiting factor in the online games I can run). I can say with certainty, without published adventures I would not be able to GM, and...I do love GMing!

And just a note on the business of it, though it's not my area of expertise: I would imagine that more people actually playing the games means more players buying stuff...So yeah, seems smart to me...

*** Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

Kringress, I'm going to tell you the same thing I told my VAs. Don't worry about getting everything perfect on day one of the Remaster. We've had a whole bunch of pages of errata that dropped on Day 1. No one is going to get it all perfect. If you make a mistake, fix it the next time.

Don't feel you have to audit all the characters. Take this in baby steps. The old characters do not have to retrain. Start with the simple stuff: the recall knowledge, the changes to cantrips, focus points, etc. The good news is that there is now errata that you can print out and bring to the table if you need it.

We're all going to make mistakes during this transition, and it is okay. We all can learn the new rules together as we go.


I'd like to underscore the above. There's no point to let the remaster changes get in the way of playing or enjoying the game. I just got my PDFs the other day, haven't really had a chance to read them or even look at them very much. Haven't really worked them into my characters, or into games I'm GMing.

Am I going to give it a good go and do my best? Yes, absolutely. But probably 95%+ of the game has not changed. Is there a risk of missing a few details? Yes. But that happened routinely pre-remaster anyway, in games I've played and in games I've run. There's no expectation of perfection, nor would such a thing even be possible.

*** Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch

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Here's a boon idea that might have legs:

Say I want to make an elf fighter from Kyonin that uses an elven curve blade. Unfortunately, to get access to that weapon in PFS, I have to take a feat. There's no reason for my fighter to take the feat, other than PFS access to a couple of elf weapons. A bit silly.

So how about an AcP boon for access to a single uncommon ancestral weapon of the character's ancestry? For the same AcP cost as say, an Avid Collector boon.

*** Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch

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The two that I would personally like to see are access to Revenant background, and access to the knapsack of Halfling kind (not the Greater version that allows teleportation, for Reasons).

The former is just another way to get negative healing and interesting character concepts (I have one in particular I'm keen to try), and the latter just because I think it's cool. I think the knapsack in particular is a good candidate for a specific boon because the boon could grant access to only the lower-level version rather than the Greater version as Avid Collector would.

*** Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch

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CaptainRelyk wrote:

Alright, maybe

But I still feel forced to play PFS instead of coming to PFS with genuine interest

Forced to deal with ACP instead of being allowed to play an uncommon ancestry in a non-PFS game or even allowed to use that battlezoo dragons book that is supposedly popular yet I can’t find a place to use it, since a lot of people only recruit for non-PFS games in PFS as others have said

How can we fix this?

You can GM your own games and do whatever you want in them. That's what it comes down to. If you're looking to play in others' games that they are offering, well, their house, their rules.

I don't recommend going to someone else's house and dictating to them what they will cook for you to eat.

*** Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch

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CaptainRelyk wrote:

How much do you allow RP in your games? Would you allow us to have detailed character introductions or other things?

Like there’s this GM in RFC called Sebastian (who made me feel a little better about doing PFS, even though I still feel forced into PFS and not feeling completely sure about it yet) and according to their words they are a “ huge proponent of spending some more time introductions, after players have started, I tend to ask deeper probing questions, to encourage them to go a bit deeper and explore their characters, things like:
- "The Grand Lodge has files on your character, please give me 2 positives and 1 negative entry Old Muttonchops was written in your file"
- "What's your ideal mission, the one you never seem to get, yet always want. Do you want to be sent to a fancy dress party, into the unclaimed wilderness or to other mysterious places?"
- "Your character has been in the Society for quite a bit, how have their experiences shaped them, are they happy with their recent missions? What accomplishment are they most proud of?"
...there are others, but my main approach is to motivate players to think about aspects of their character that they have not been considering.“

While I’m sure you don’t do anything like Sebastian, I’m wondering if for games I play in with you, you could have room for detailed introductions or general role play outside of combat and things?

As long as everyone is having fun and the pace isn't bothering anyone, I just let it take its course. The game I recently started has been going for around 3 days maybe, and while we did get off to a slow start for RL reasons, we are only just starting to get out of the introductory RP. I've been enjoying their conversations.

So the answer is, yes. I'm relatively new to it but I find that PbP/PbD is very conducive to RP. I recently played a PFS scenario with a central influence encounter via PbD, and it was awesome. Others who played in that game also said that influence encounters are really enjoyable via PbD. We had a great time.

I "allow" as much RP as the players want in my games, but it's a bit of a delicate balance because I'm new to it so I'm still trying to figure out pacing. I also don't yet know most of the players so I don't yet know their styles or what they enjoy.

*** Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch

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CaptainRelyk wrote:
umopapisdnupsidedown wrote:
You're welcome to join if you want. I just started running another one but I'm happy to run one just for you, if you want to give it a try.
I’m temporarily banned from Cayden and other discord PFS places due to what I’ve said in these forums about PFS

Oh. Well in that case I guess I can't offer a PbD game for you then, until you get un-banned. You're welcome to join a game though, once that gets cleared up. I wouldn't want to force you to play PFS if you don't want to, but if you do, great.

For my part, I like both playing and GMing PFS, so that's what I do. I don't get paid to GM, it's a volunteer gig, so I offer what I want to offer. And of course I want players to enjoy the game I offer, just as I want to enjoy the experience (the GM is a player too).

So I'll just be over here enjoying the game if anyone needs me.

*** Venture-Lieutenant, New Zealand—Christchurch

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CaptainRelyk wrote:
Lesrek wrote:

You keep saying this and venture officers keep telling you that you are mistaken with how inflexible you perceive society play to be. At some point you need to realize that it isn't society that is the problem, but how you view it. And again, you keep making these grand assumptions without ever having played a society game. Please, I am asking you to stop commenting on society play and what it is like until you actually have some experience with it.

Edit: Also, are you actually interested in society play? Just today another beginner game was posted on RfC and yet again, you did not sign up for it. The vibe I am getting is that you don't actually want to play society, you just want to use it as an excuse to complain about something. That has been your most consistent interaction with society as a program.

I was actually wanting to join that game but I didn’t have a character ready

If you're interested in playing, I've started running PbD games on Cayden's Keg Discord and was thinking of giving Bounty #8 another go. It's not my favorite bounty but it's probably my second favorite. And Bounties are a low-stakes introduction.

You're welcome to join if you want. I just started running another one but I'm happy to run one just for you, if you want to give it a try.

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Baarogue wrote:

Giving a whole list of extra signature spells seems a bit much. I'd go with the latter. If you want to cast a heightened spell from your shadow reservoir it needs to be present in the reservoir at that level and only spell slots of that level can be expended to cast it

I'd say retraining is also doable, just like repertoires, since it doesn't say anything about daily preparations

resertoire... repervoir... nah neither of those work for a portmanteau

also I like your username

"Repervoir" has a bit of a ring to it, to be fair.

Nice, thanks all for your responses. The sorcerer-esque interpretation was my initial one, but then I thought, "Wait a second..." I agree with your commentary, it makes a lot of sense and is internally consistent with other parts of the game, so I'll go with it.

Re: username, the board keeps telling me I can change my username until I make ten posts. I keep telling the board, "I'm squatting on this username until I die."