thegreenteagamer's page
Organized Play Member. 4,562 posts (8,594 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 51 aliases.
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Hey Friends!
I just want to let you all know I'm doing great. The job has been going strong for a few months, my meds are stable, and I'm working so damn many hours I can't hold a regularly scheduled game...
But the divorce is going nice and clean (and amicable), I actually have a new girlfriend (who plays tabletop and is a genuinely bigger geek than me [but less of a nerd]), and we're going to be holding a Roll20
"whenever we can all get online" game with a few of her friends out of state, some of my friends, and my brother, who lives too far to play in person soon, so that's nice.
Just so you know, this will be my last post here. I figure everyone who knows me is on this thread, so, yeah. I'm dropping the TGTG alias - it's an old one from before I even got married, and I sort of retired that alias everywhere else a while ago.
I'll be around as The Vagrant Erudite, an account I made recently with a different email.
Your kindness throughout the years has always been a blessing. I'll pop in occasionally with the new suit to say hi.
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I watch TeamFourStar a lot - I'm a huge fan of DBZ Abridged. I also enjoy Honest Trailers by Screen Junkies, VSauce (science-y stuff), and HISHE.
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Nope. I'd give it a shot after I finish all the other shows I need to catch up on, though.
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Honestly? The attention. I don't have to go digging through a bunch of threads to have people to talk to about stuff. I've gotten way too lazy of late...
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Not so far, no. My route is mostly retirement communities.
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SweetTeaGamer wrote: Hey: I got to axe you a question: have you ever enjoyed tea while watching Futurama? Dude, 'course. I mean, Futurama is awesome (though I haven't finished the very last season yet...) and one of my favorite shows.
I'm not allowed to open the mail, cap. It's a federal offense.
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Fair enough. I noticed that recently, but it's been like...a hundred pages or so. Anything major?
I don't chat around these parts as often as I want to anymore. Job's been keeping me busy.
Did I mention that I'm a mailman now? (That's the government job I got!) I lost 20lbs already!
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Hi guys.
What did I miss?
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I would like to play L5R again. I believe it was the most fun I've had as a player in...well, years, really.
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Tacticslion wrote: lisamarlene wrote: (I'm not actually going to do this. But it's tempting.) I don't see why not... Probably because people who keep their kids on leashes are almost (but not quite) as bad as people who put their dogs in strollers.
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I'm confused as to why you refer to your father as your neighbor first.
Like...my thought would be - "I borrow the WiFi from my dad - he lives next door," - as if the priority of the relationship would be the blood, and not the proximity.
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I used to want kids, until I worked 4 years in the education industry.
Used to.
"But it's different if they're yours."
You're right. You can't walk away, then.
Yes, genetics and environment are in your favor that they'll likely be more tolerable if you raise them and they are similar to you in DNA, but you do still roll the dice. I have a friend with two kids, only a year apart, same parents, same raising pattern, everything - one is an amazing child, one is a horrible little s#. Sometimes you roll a natural one.
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Tacticslion wrote: thegreenteagamer wrote: Happy Necromancy Day! Happy Easter!
(True Resurrection - and all the "raise the dead" spells - should totally be classified as "Necromancy"...) Since he did it to himself, wouldn't it be a Contingency spell?
Or maybe, since he got a new glorified body, it was a Clone spell?
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Tpk last game...As I predicted.
Vampires and their dominate ability just wreck a party, even if there's five of them and an NPC, all at 7th level with a mythic rank for each PC, the Shade template on the NPC, and that's one CR8 baddie...
The rogue failed will save, sneak stabbed the barbarian before he could rage, won initiative and full attacked for more sneak attack (barbarian had an archetype without uncanny dodge), and the vampire went greater invisible and dropped fireballs. The rogue passed every reflex save and proceeded to stab to death the bard, while the vampire wrecked everyone else.
The NPC naturally ran away after hasting the party. She figured if the barbarian was dead, what chance did she have? Also, she was evil and leading them through the Shadow Plane for money and had no loyalty to anyone.
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The D&D spoof Borderlands 2 DLC is pure gold.
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Irish Breakfast tea for the mega caffeination this morning.
I got in a small fender bender and was up past 1am waiting for cops to do police report. So...Yeah I'm tired. (Car is okay, just a ding, but we had to file cause other guy was a company car...)
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She will be well, TL. Don't doubt it. I don't. :-D
Side note...I miss you guys! Been busy.
Me and another player in my group are working on a game design we will be Kickstarter-ing hopefully this year.
I'm GMing PF once a week AND Savage Worlds Fallout (my conversion) twice a month and designing an interactive RPG world with five other GMs where all our teams will affect the universe and is system neutral once a month.
I got a government job I start Monday! It pays more than any job I've ever had by almost 50%!
My meds are well adjusted.
My mom is getting married.
My wife is still sexy (possibly most important of all)!
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I want to play a Siege Gunner/Wyrm Sniper combo Gunslinger. I would take pragmatic activator so I can UMD decently, then grab a scroll of shrink item and permanency ASAP, and keep a wand of unseen servants in a spring loaded sheath. Why?
So, much like a cartoon character, I can pull a giant gun out of hammer space and suddenly blast someone in the face (vital striking like nobody's business of course).
Then I can run around with my dragon pistol while the invisible crew loads up.
I rarely cross gender RP except as GM with NPCs, but I would for this game, because of Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. As Alucard said "Get that b&*#~ a cannon. B&%%~es love cannons!"
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Party rogue was captured by a female orc and was going to be...Snu Snu'd, for best description...By her.
"I slight of hand my wand of grease. I'm going to need it."
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I find physics fascinating and wish my disdain of math hadn't kept me from pursuing it as a major.
If I could remember the name of my Algebra 2 teacher who gave a ton of homework because she felt block scheduling warranted it, thus just burning me out from repetition (I always aced tests but got a C in the class because I skipped homework), I would send her a letter hoping to make her feel guilty that he possibly doomed me to obscurity single handedly. Sadly, social sciences are a dead end, but it was all I could do without heavy math.
Seriously, I used to like math. Now I have a Pavlovian hatred. I get it. I just hate it so much. Like...Michael Scott's hatred of Toby. It's irrational and visceral and pure.
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Seriously, it's far more feasible to terraform Mars and Venus, and even that would take roughly 20-50 thousand years of work, depending on process.
I mean a Wall-E style generational colony ship could make it in several millennia, but really they would have an entirely different culture and language sets by the time they make it, and communication would be impossible because an Ansible is pure fiction.
Eventually you'd question if we were still the same species as the one that separates. I mean, genetically we could breed offspring, but so could Neanderthal and Cro Magnon.
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Probably because they're so many light years away that nobody we know will know anyone who will know anyone who will ever travel there, so it's moot?
You can't beat C, and can't even match it if you have mass. There are places we just won't reach, because Physics.
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We're yelling random blade types, right?
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Hope your kid is okay Tac.
I have wet socks and don't get off work fork five hours.
I hate wet socks.
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I will be GMing soon. The party pointedly asked me to not go easy on them at all.
Melee druid with barely enough wisdom to cast buffs, bolt ace gunslinger, unchained rogue, barbarian, and monk.
Five hammers.
It's like they asked for a TPK.
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Tolkien's wizards choosing their colors:
"Okay, I call white."
"Dangit Sauromon, I wanted white. Okay, I call Grey."
"I want Brown."
"Nice Radagast, nice."
"Okay Pallando, how about you?"
"Fair enough. Alatar?"
"Pallando has blue. You can't both be blue."
"Well I called it first. There are other colors. He can pick another."
"GDI guys, there are other colors. Orange, yellow, green, pink, black..."
"But I like blue."
"Me too."
"F--+ you guys. You're out of the book."
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Syrus Terrigan wrote: Quick, random question: do any of you ever do any freelance editing? If so, what's your going rate?
I ask because a friend of mine has asked me to edit his novel prior to submission, and I'm not exactly sure what to quote him.
I'm not sure of a good rate but I think pros charge per word. Check upwork.com for examples of freelancers.
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I'll say this for Gearbox and 2K: Borderlands and Borderlands 2 Co-Op mode are doing more to strengthen my marriage than any romantic movie ever could.
We just killed part 1 and all the DLC as Roland (her) and Mordecai (me). Now onto part 2 as Mechromancer (her) and Commando (me). First game she ever beat. First co-op that we really enjoyed together (Fable 2&3 was okay together but co-op kinda sucks and makes your partner a weak reflection of you...)
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I think it goes without saying I missed a LOT on here...
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captain yesterday wrote: I hope Thegreenteagamer is doing alright, haven't seen him around for awhile. Freehold DM wrote: I will keep him in my thoughts. Hmm wrote: I too hope Green Tea is okay. Sharoth wrote: Has anyone heard from TheGreenTeaGamer lately? I know that life has gotten "busy" for him. Hopefully he is doing ok. I am. Thanks. I've been...up and down. A lot on the proverbial plate, as it were. Just...couldn't check in as often as I'd like, and...well...
Tacticslion wrote: I've been missing him, too!
I hope that he comes back soon - I've not actually had the chance to chat with him since he more or less "left" - I know that he was having an emotionally rough time (as he does), and had to step down from GMing, and, from very personal experience, I know how intimidating it can be to "come back" after things like that, especially when you really want to re-gear yourself up to play those games again, but struggle to find the energy and positivity to do so.
^this is a lot of it. Not all, but a lot.
Long story short, my wife and I had a really, really rough patch that was wrecking me emotionally. We're good now, but my disorders are pretty stressful for a spouse to deal with, so...yeah.
I have been in-person gaming with some really nice people of late. It's the same group I was doing L5R with before. (We jumped through many systems throughout the months - most recently we're on FATE doing the Dresden Files RPG) This is actually the first group I've ever been in where everyone is of the same religious beliefs as me (except one player) and a similar political bend. It's quite weird. On the other hand I'm actual friends with 4/5 of the other players, so that's nice. It helps.
It's nice to know you guys cared. Seriously. I was going to just...keep lurking for a while, because I can't summon up the creativity to post for my PbP games (despite getting decent insurance and proper medication, I'm "stable" but it really hurts my energy level - seroquel is a hell of a drug).
I feel kinda cruddy about that. I flaked. ...and you know how I feel about flakes.
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Male Something similar to human, but one can never be sure without a DNA test Multiclass Slacker/Gamer...I'm trying to get into Eldrich Napper
Hey guys, sorry but I'm having some major issues keeping me from the internet lately. I'm going to be MIA for an indefinite amount of time.
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Male Something similar to human, but one can never be sure without a DNA test Multiclass Slacker/Gamer...I'm trying to get into Eldrich Napper
Hey guys, sorry but I'm having some major issues keeping me from the internet lately. I'm going to be MIA for an indefinite amount of time.
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Male Something similar to human, but one can never be sure without a DNA test Multiclass Slacker/Gamer...I'm trying to get into Eldrich Napper
Yeah, sorry KC - I'm having some major issues going on keeping me away from the internet for a while. Just checked in to say you should replace me, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
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captain yesterday wrote: Damn it! Now I have to research some minute aspect of Final Fantasy so I can attempt to half ass a final fantasy meet the Backstreet Boys alias. How about Sephiroth Timberlake? It's N'Sync, but he was the only boy band member I could remember because he's the only one who still has a career.
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Male Something similar to human, but one can never be sure without a DNA test Multiclass Slacker/Gamer...I'm trying to get into Eldrich Napper
Sorry about the delays lately guys. I'll try to be up on it today or at worse tomorrow.
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Direct marketing companies should be forced by law to advertise their job positions as the sales jobs they are.
Hint - if you have to trick someone into taking a sales job, they're probably a s&!~ty salesman and you're wasting your time and theirs.
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Male Something similar to human, but one can never be sure without a DNA test Multiclass Slacker/Gamer...I'm trying to get into Eldrich Napper
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The eager kobold grins at your positive affirmation, but then grows wary at Lio's "friendship offer" and clenches his teeth and backs away. "Um...you...uh...that...wait, what?" He pauses and raises a brow ridge. "So, you're...saying you're friends with..." He pauses, nods to himself, and then picks up moving down the mine's shaft. "I understand now. Anyway, come this way." He begins to skitter down the tunnels away from you - quite a bit faster than he was before Lio's "friendship offer" - and at the first tunnel branch, starts to head to the right, waving you on.
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I closed out the day making just over minimum wage. :-/ It was soooo slow. When I did get work, the tips were great, but man...so slow...
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On the minimalist plus side I'm getting paid (extremely little) to play on my phone.
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I'm now working a part time job for less than minimum wage plus tips, because stress broke me at my last job with panic attacks. It's so slow I'm not getting any work right now so...yeah...
Kind of hate my life right now. And myself for being pathetic enough to fall to this.
How's the rest of you?
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Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote: Wisconsin grocery shopping, when you pick up a pound of cheese just because you're not sure if the kids have already gotten into the second pound of cheese in the fridge (also known as the emergency cheese) and everyone knows you need at least a pound of cheese for taco night. Sounds about right to me.
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When you get down into the darkness of the mines itself, there are no more guards. It seems the threat of staying "in the dark" is the main way they keep people cooperating down there.
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Male Something similar to human, but one can never be sure without a DNA test Multiclass Slacker/Gamer...I'm trying to get into Eldrich Napper
Kobold Cleaver wrote: I have a new favorite PbP to read! You guys have some delightful dynamics going.
I'm rooting for Greeter, of course.
I'm not saying I based him on you, but I'm not saying I didn't...
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When you get to the cave you realize it's as Volnar said - there are a pile of torches on the way in, and some flint and steel to light them. Greeter scurries up to you all, since it's your first day actually in the mines, and begins to explain it to you. "They don't usually accompany us down there, and we're not allowed to take the torches or picks out. If don't bring back enough ore on way out, they don't let you out at the end of the day. Based on size of digger. Day without food, water, light...few have gone mad down there. Can show you where the untapped lines are, if you want. Always helpful, Greeter."
He smiles, and waves a hand friendly-like.
Bluff: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
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The morning bells start ringing in the camp towers, and you see various individuals around you start pulling themselves towards their feet and heading down to the mines, stopping to pick up picks and the like on the way. Eventually the humans start sweeping the tents looking for stragglers. A few are met with kicks, and those who don't wake up are inevitably dragged to the incinerator. Corrin peeks his head in your tent, and the goblinoid raises an eyebrow ridge. "Is all ready?"
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Male Something similar to human, but one can never be sure without a DNA test Multiclass Slacker/Gamer...I'm trying to get into Eldrich Napper
Just assume he was at -1 before healing. Sorry about lack of updates. Holiday weekend and all.
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Captain Yesterday Smurf wrote: Great! Now I have to look for The Lost Boys this weekend.
Thanks Thegreenlightmeansgogamer!
I already marathoned Hellsing Ultimate Abridged the minute I decided on playing a vampire. (Only) six episodes of amazingness.
"Get the police girl a cannon. B&&@%es love cannons."
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...my group is going to be doing World of Darkness next. With the GM that ran our Vaguely Asian Game of Thrones Legend of the Five Rings game.
It's a cavalcade of supernaturals working together (along with some mortals) investigating paranormal stuff. We've got a hunter, a vampire, a mage, a werewolf, and probably a changeling. Guess who's the vampire?
Now, if you paid attention to my recaps of L5R, I think you know what direction I have a feeling this will be going.
Best part? Takes place in Detroit, which is already a terrifying place to live if you're not taking any supernatural stuff into account.