stuart haffenden's page
2,279 posts (2,693 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 aliases.
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If I'm playing a Dwarf I always take Steel Soul.
Great feat.
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Yeah, buffers like Bards are a good option.
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Wall of Fire - utterly crap damage, just walk through it and a CLW pot will sort you out.
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Mike Shel wrote: Ooze licker wrote: I love the alien touch in this volume, it's just a shame Mr. Logue didn't get to write it. Man, now that would have been some scary s#!£ that's for sure! Well, whaddya gonna do? Sometimes you just have to settle for some second string hack and hope for the best. Dude, you've gone an amazing job with this, I'm loving it all.
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magnuskn wrote: I've looked through the first three books and, honestly, nothing has stood out as very interesting. But maybe I'm wrong, Shattered Star did not seem to be a very exciting AP, either, when I first skimmed the books, but after a thorough reading of the modules it has turned into one of the AP's I most look forward to GM'ing one day.
I think the most important thing for this AP is for everybody to be on board for the concept of sci-fi technology in fantasy.
Really? I found SS to be very "rinse - repeat". Too many enormous, never ending dungeons.
I also didn't like the "oh we haven't included enough wealth so have a crystal ball to make up for it".
Our group couldn't wait for it to end!
But hey, if we all liked the same thing the world would be boring!
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Some people actually role play...
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In 3.5 you had to carry a golf bag of weapons to cover all the different possibilities!
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Aboleths are nasty.
Swarms, all swarms (are bastards)
Qlippoths - the one with baleful polymorph 3/day is the worst by level.
Dread Wraiths are plain mean.
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Take Preacher, re-rolls are golden.
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I didn't actually say your build was a one trick pony but adding hexes does nothing but make you better in every way - what's not to like about that? Everyone has grasp in their pocket.
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To the Bard haters!
Play an Arcane Duelist - do it! I tell thee, just do it once!
Bards are AWESOME
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Benefit: An intensified spell increases the maximum number of damage dice by 5 levels.
Heal/harm don't have damage dice.
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He probably owns Ye Old Magic Shoppe.
He would be able to defend himself pretty well and afford to own a shop and trade.
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Thoroughly enjoying the read as my group are about to reach 8-2 (I'm a player).
Keep it coming - you have a talent for making the story interesting, funny and entertaining.
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Don't take Slumber, just don't do it. You're going to bore the pants off your DM and the other players. It's widely excepted as broken and you don't need it to be good. Slumber isn't optimization, it's a yawn-fest. One-shotting everything will get dull very quickly. You don't need anything else to wreck the whole campaign.
I've played it once, but never again - I just couldn't put anyone through that again. It's a quick way to make all the other players feel completely useless.
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Also you rate Concussive Spell as red because it only effects sonic spells but is really good if thats your bag.... You then rate Rime as blue despite it only effecting cold? You need to be consistent with your ratings.
This isn't meant to be insulting but this appears to be more of a guide to your favourite metamagic rather than an objective guide for all users.
Generally blasting is considered a sub-par choice yet you rate Elemental Spell blue? Maybe it's just a local thing but those who tend to specialize in evocation usually pick multiple blasts covering different elements and I've never seen anyone take Elemental Spell! Probably just a regional quirk.
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Tacticslion wrote: seebs wrote: Uh. Well, the good news is I'm getting the 1s out of my d20 before I make any important perception checks. Yeah, you gotta be sure to roll them all out first. :D
(I do it too. We're cool.) One of my players sets all his dice to 'one's' based on the understanding that they are less likely to be one again after rolling them...
But hey, we're way off topic here so...
They stack! They stack! They stack! They stack! They stack! They stack! They stack!
There, that's better
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I've taken that trait and use divine favour.
There are a couple of good items that grant luck bonuses...
Stone of good luck 20k for ability/skills/saves.
Jingasa of the fortunate soldier 5k for +1AC and 1/day negate a crit or sneak.
Headband of fortune's favour 7.7k for +1 to saves and adds one round to timed luck bonuses like divine favour.
Divine Favour
Crafters Fortune
Burst Bonds
Deadly Juggernaut
Unwilling Shield
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On the front cover about 10mm from the spine there is a line that runs all the way to the bottom. It's where the front page should pivot from rather than all the way to the actual edge/spine.
If you fold over the front page alone this line all the other pages will follow meaning that the book isn't ever completely opened up thus preventing strain on the glued parts.
Man I'm sure there's a better way to put that if only my English was better. It took like 3 attempts to pass my O-level English! I have 2 math A-levels but can't write for sh@t!
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I love Wood!
An Aasimar Wood Oracle can take Tree Shape and accelerate to Plant Shape I using the favoured class bonus at level 6, 2 levels earlier than a Druid can Wildshape and 3 levels faster than anyone can cast it.
Bestiary 4 has given us the Weedwhip - 3 attacks with 15ft reach all of which have Poison: Tentacle—contact; save Fort DC XX; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect nauseated 1 round; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is YOUR Constitution-based. Thats awesome.
Plus Wood Armour, Wood Bond,
Lignification. All good.
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wraithstrike wrote: stuart haffenden wrote: Antimagic Field makes them wink out. No, it doesn't. They are incorporeal but that is not a magical feature for them. That is just a trait they have in the same sense that someone can be a native outsider, and it is (EX). Damn it, my players pull a fast one on me!
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Obvious option is Ranger/Rogue or a roguey type ranger archetype.
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So I'm a constrictor snake and I bite you. Because I have grab I get a free attempt to grapple you, let's say I roll high enough.
So do I get to add constrict damage at the same time? Yes/no why?
In my next turn, can I bite you? Or do I have to maintain the grapple, and if successful, then just do constrict damage again?
Can I maintain the grapple and bite someone else?
Is it better to let go and start over so I can get bite and constrict damage again?
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Arcane Duelist Bard.
Arcane Concordance, Shadow Bard, gr. Invisibility and the amazing Cloak of Dreams.
Pump UMD and go to town casting all those spells on the Wizards list that make little sense to a Wizard or that are higher level than you can normally cast, for example Form of the Dragon III or Mind Blank, or even Time Stop if you don't mind paying for them.
Bards can get away with spending less on gear than most classes with defensive spell like mirror image and multiple Bardic Performances running for buffs.
Bards have an awesome spell list, can fight, defend themselves, buff the Universe and laugh at skill check DC's all at the same time as being a roleplayers dream for backstory versatility.
I really like Bards. When I first started d&d I hated even the concept of Bards but now see that they really are great fun to play.
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Do you need a great sword? Take a long spear and play a reach inquisitor?
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Not so cool build and a not so lame DM.
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The two hours bit was a joke, I'm not aware that there are times zones on golarion!
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Two hours ahead of Taldor.
My question. When I looked up the giant weasel stats, it only has 9 hit points?
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Jiggy wrote:
I'm having trouble seeing exactly what valid data can be drawn from this particular playtest.
Luckily that's not your job.
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Yeah, cha needs to be integral to the class working somehow otherwise it's too powerful for a one stat class.
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Great stuff, thanks for the entertainment, err, I mean playtest!
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How about gaining the 6 levels of spells at the full caster rate rather than waiting forever to get 6th level spells.
Losing 7-9th is a big loss, why make it even more painful.?
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Yeah that does seem low. I've just stopped playing a barbarian level 12, his damage was 3d8+34/15+*2
Each round he averages 200 and another 200 in out of turn cagm AoO's..
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Now that is a playtest. Others take note, please!
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That's great 'an all but where is the playtestttttttttttttt.
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You're playing Freddie Mercury?
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Jumping ahead is a quick way to... meet something that will eat you.
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I'm making a 13th level Arcane Duelist Bard for a current game and have the follwing spells, have I missed anything good, or selected anything bad?
1st: cure light wounds, grease, feather step, silent image, vanish, windy escape
2nd: allegro, cacophonus call, mirror image, resist energy, pilfering hand
3rd: arcane concordance, confusion, exquisite accompaniment, dispell magic, good hope
4th: dimension door, greater invisibility, shout, virtuoso performance
5th: colak of dreams, shadowbard.
My CHA is 26 [+8]. I picked Shout to have 1 AoE spell.
I'll use 2 performances [virtuoso performance or shadowbard] to get inspire courage and bladethirst running [with aasimar favoured class boosts] to give everyone +4/+4 and me an additional +4 to my weapon [+1 keen courageous]. Then into combat while greater invisible with either a cloak of dreams/coup de grace combo or just damage.
Any comments welcome.
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We have a deaf oracle that continues to have conversation about tactics while in combat... it annoys the hell out of me. What's worse is that they consider themselves to be a good roleplayer.
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rat_ bastard wrote: Sure so long as you're cool with lowering strength bonuses to damage by a third, using 3.5's power attack and using a incredibly byzantine set of rules to dictate if you can or cannot add precision damage. Well not really. Who is saying martials are overpowered? Not many.
Your reaction is odd. Imbalance tends to mean one side is in need of a nerf, or a boost, not both.
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They trivialize many encounters so I personally have banned them. YMMV.
I don't see any reason why the rod of reach tactic shouldn't work however.
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Tengu with fiend totem at level 2 - this will give you 4 attacks at full bab and full strength damage... brutal!
Eldritch Claws feat deals with magic, 4 good attacks punch through the rest.
Use the Amulet of Mighty Fists to increase damage via the Holy ability.
EDIT: Start saving up for Hamatula Hide (have a look here) - it's sick!
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Before you go any further, regardless of RAW, talk to your DM! It's a weird one and he might not allow it.
I hope he does allow it because it's just funny!
DM: The Orc attacks your mount.
PC: It deflects the attack with its hoof!
DM: *face palm* Did I really hear that?
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Well if you can find a DM stupid enough to allow any player all that stuff, not to mention the cost Of buying it good luck.
Moreover why? If a demon lord has 700 hit points and you can one shot him why are you playing this game?
It's like a pissing contest, have you forgotten it's a roleplaying game!