
snickersimba's page

Organized Play Member. 719 posts (804 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

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you know what? Im not even going to bother with the fighter

Two new houserules added:

Fighters do not exist, neither do rogues.

Slayers get sneak attack at first level that scales to level twenty.

sneak attack ignores DR

Liberty's Edge

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Seriously? No one wants to help me balance a monk using someones internal organs as a whip? I am totally aware that this might be a bad topic while eating spaghetti and meatballs.

Liberty's Edge

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Uh, neither. I wouldn't even consider that a question.

Would you rather meet taticslion in person, but he has all of his kids with him, or play pathfinder over the internet with him?

Liberty's Edge

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I blame cosmo for me being a complete pushover and my guilt making me come back to this thread to apologize to rysky for all threats and insults, I am sorry. Have a cookie on me.

Liberty's Edge

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Lets just end the arguements with this.

If the player is having fun, is not causing any issues and the character meshes well, there is nothign to be done.

A min maxed character is great and all, but a truly one of a kind, bizare character with a lot of flavorful feats and traits is going to add a lot more than just dice damage.

Its about a story after all, if your character is a cardboard cutout with a death ray strapped to it, then you might want to rethink it a bit and flesh it out.

Liberty's Edge

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*party of a hobgoblin, duergar, kolbold, wyveran and drow walk into a local bar, theres a female pirate with her back turned to the party and a foot on a gold inlaid treasure chest*

Kolbold: GEMS! GOLD! TREASURE! *begins fawning over it and drooling, wringing his hands*

Duergar: Heh, wonder if the beer is as good as the women in this town.


Hobgoblin: urgh....All I want is a nice bed and a warm meal, and something to shut these idiots up.

*the drow, being a very distracted person, walks in, pulls off his tinted glasses and drops his jaw*

Drow: DAYUM! LOOK AT DAT BOOTY! *is staring at both the pirate and the treasure chest*

Hobgoblin:easy sonny, don't you go getting raunchy with them humans, they breed like vermin. Last thing you want is kids.

Liberty's Edge

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I blame cosmo for allowing me to assassinate rysky and use trap the soul on him.

Liberty's Edge

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oracle, because then I have a reason to do stupid stuff.

Especially if I take the shattered psyche curse and the winter mystery, then I am allowed to go about and freeze people and drool all over myself.

Also, I don't have to wear pants anymore because I am technically crazy.

*demonstrates by throwing a light brown snowball at taticslions head, made from peanut butter, slobber and magic snow*

Liberty's Edge

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Redeeming an antipaladin, all it takes is asking him if he thought out his plan first. Cause, you know, killing EVERYONE is a bad plan.

Would you rather have to run a monster orphanage or wake up in bed with four different ogres?

Liberty's Edge

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I blame cosmo for my thread on allowing evil characters in the society to people who can handle not being murderhobos devolving into a debate filled thread of malice and hate.

I also blame him for letting rysky have fingers

Liberty's Edge

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Well, okay.....

I blame cosmo for being so damn awesome.

Liberty's Edge

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I don't blame cosmo for anything, I think cosmo is actually a pretty nice guy, he puts up with all of you guys making remarks at him.

I respect cosmo.

but I blame orthos for the fact he ate all the cookies without sharing.

Liberty's Edge

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18. You happen to be related to a cheliaxian lawyer.

19. if you are a native outsider or some other race touched by a magical source, you instantly gain eldritch heritage as a bonus feat, instantly matched to your race and if applicable, subrace.

Liberty's Edge

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8.You have shown such maturity at the gaming table and such skill at RP, I have chosen to allow you to play an evil character.
At my table, most of the stuff that I hand out is based on what I have seen at the table, so if I see a player preform extremely well handling nongood characters (LN,CN), they get to play an evil character.

9. All spellcasters who are related to outsiders start with an improved familiar, tied to there heritage, they cannot replace it, control it or choose it, it is linked to there heritage.
This is because I only allow ONE race from the featured section and one race from the unusual section at the table, first come first serve.

10. if you play a rogue, you get to start at level three instead of level one.

11. I don't trust you enough to not make a murderhobo,you get a randomly generated character instead. Goddamn!
(thats actually happened, I hate players who build murderhobos, they can either build a character that isn't a sociopathic murderer or they can suck it up and roll a random character)

Liberty's Edge

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Wrath, because I like demons.

Would you rather give drendle dreng a sponge bath or be zon-kuthons new plaything for an hour?

Liberty's Edge

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All of you, every member on the paizo boards. I don't get enough pathfinder in my life. Personally, I want bignorsewolf and figgy at the table, also Dungeonmaster cal. I don't know about TOZ, he seems like he would be fun. If such a situation ever happens, I will bake for all of you.

Liberty's Edge

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Mostly the amount of sheer stupid ideas, the only name I can remeber is deckers and that was all it took for me to quit reading, generally, it was way too cheesy for my tastes. Plus, my stress levels lately have been through the roof lately, these ideas and all are great, but my math is horrible. I barely can multiply and I cannot do division. I highly doubt I could convert something without screwing up horribly. Normally my players are great about making sure I don't miscaluclate, so its all good.

Liberty's Edge

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Lock them in the basement with no food or water untill they fully understand the rules. All stupid questions will be answered with napalm.
This is how you begin teaching people, humans are primates. Primal things like starvation, thirst and fire will get them to learn really quick.
Pain also works.

Liberty's Edge

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Advise from a sixteen year old with two younger sisters:
Lock away anything remotely damageable
Cover everything in waterproof plastic
Stock up on disney things
Buy a gasmask
Stock up on diapers

My two sisters do not live with me at the moment, but I practically had to raise one of them. Now I mostly only care about them before they start getting into my stuff. Get into my stuff and so help me god I don't care whos kid you are, I am sending you to the nearest orphanage by UPS truck.

Liberty's Edge

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People who cannot role play
Anime fanboys/girls
People who are occupied often

If I gave a discription for each reason, this list would be enough to fill a mirriam webster.
If I GM and you fall under any of these categories, I will tell you once in a quiet room, perist and I will torture you untill you leave by your own will.

Liberty's Edge

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You people are more patient than me, I would of been arrested for god knows how many accounts of murder. I do not, under any circumstances tolerate bad roleplay.

Liberty's Edge

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Today I spent searching, pretty much everywere for pathfinder books, not a single store had them. I live in rhode island, its not too big of a place so I figured I could easily find some, right? Dead wrong, I didn't find a single one, I searched pretty much all of the local gaming stores, I found nothing but a copy of blood for blood. I ended up finding out game on! is now stocking pathfinder books, but only the core rulebook. This is just plain dumb, why are these books so hard to find? Why aren't they more widely sold? Why is paizo being so stingy with distributing these? Im sure they like making a profit, but why limit the supply so much? Its near impossible for me to get these books unless off the internet! I just feel that I can't enjoy pathfinder as much, forget reccomending it to people.

Liberty's Edge

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All Dms are required to throw axes at players who make bad puns, then set them on fire. That is my idea.

My acessory is a guinea pig.

Liberty's Edge

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I plan on doing something like this with my new warlock, because he kinda has no idea what his powers are and the only thing he really knows is that it is linked to this bunny, leading him to curse people out when they ask him what he can do.

he only signed up to explore! No one told him that he would be in near death conditions while doing so! So hes a cranky a+&#$%&&. But also one who can shoot water.

Most of the time when asked what his powers are, the answer is I DON'T HAVE A DAMN CLUE! Why are you asking ME? Ask this damn rabbit I am stuck with! My god!

Liberty's Edge

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I have a half elf sorceress who I play like a human, one time the players made a remark about her being a woman and me being male, I just kinda shrugged and said: it fit for my idea...I have NO issue with a competent player playing a different gender

Liberty's Edge

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Listen, murdering a player character because they are freaking annoying is NOT wrong. Give the little shit a few warnings, tell him what hes doing wrong and if he continues,murder his character. I see NOTHING wrong with showing a person what happens when you piss people off repeatedly. Don't let him back into your game untill he knows the pathfinder lore,I would NEVER tolerate someone like that for more than six seconds.

Liberty's Edge

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thanks chris, and yes I was kidding, I know how much work they put into it, but I have been recently watching some episodes of the simpsons, that was the plot of one of the episodes. As I said papa, theres no real need to get extremely pissed off over this, if I wanted to be a complete and utter arsehat I could of said much worse, once or twice I have made the joke of replacing paizos coffee with decaf.

Liberty's Edge

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stock up on disney movies, take all of your pathfinder stuff, place it in a room, put four locks on the door, keep the keys with you at all times, and purchase a gasmask

Liberty's Edge

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houdini and merlin sound awesome.

off topic: I played my first game of D&D last night, I am a tiefling bard who is confused why he is breaking into a house to steal a book, but he will roll with it because hes getting paid. This results in harassment of a halfling

Liberty's Edge

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Iguanas are awesome! Cal, I would trade him in a heartbeat for every pathfinder book ever written.

Liberty's Edge

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matty, you are a badarse. No man would dare touch a chihuahua

Liberty's Edge

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I am not a fan of robots in pathfinder. Nor am I a fan of guns,samurai and ninjas. However, I can understand WHY they made these choices and are branching out. I just hope that the adventure paths and such do not turn into a scifi orgy. That would suck hard

Liberty's Edge

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This is why I can't GM. My experince on the forums would result in certain players being the target of monsters.

Liberty's Edge

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Last night was my first pathfinder meeting. Let me just say this, It was a goddamn blast! David is an amazing GM and was very cool with my slightly disruptive behavior (I was too exicted to control myself,sorry greg and micheal!) The adventure was basic but amazing, I throughly enjoyed smashing a minotaur in the buttocks with a hammer. I also threw creamed corn at the dude who gives you your first mission! Lots of fun. Everyone was nice and we all had fun.
Plus I took away ezrens cane.

I am a permenant member of the society. I loved the meeting. Just next time, I am bringing a caster. But grol seems to work fine

Liberty's Edge

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*grabs the kolbolds fist mid punch twists his arm around and breaks his wrist* No. Try harder next time.

Liberty's Edge

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I cannot own wooden dice. I have guinea pigs. Simba already chipped my D12. He can bite the paint off a metal bar. I would HATE to see what happens with a wooden die. Wonder what would happen if I just walked into the PFS meeting and pulled out a guinea pig. Then took that guinea pig and began to rub it against the VCs face. Just wondering

Liberty's Edge

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Still. Touch my dice with filthy hands and I will tear out your eyes. Or have grol do that for me. (I really really need to make aliases)

Grol is a half orc who was raised by dwarves

Liberty's Edge

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Its more of me being wary of thieves. Plus I don't want cheeto dust and all other stuff on them. Lol, Now you guys know that messing with my dice will result in all sorts of horrible things. Including me spiking the next batch of cookies with laxitives.

Liberty's Edge

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One idea:




Liberty's Edge

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Jeremiah Hatcher wrote:

...the GM is giving everyone a bowl of stew made with lentals.


Maybe not a problem for those who like lentals, but to me a lental is the inbred offspring of a pea and a bean with a peanut added into the ménage à trois to make the lental more of a freak.

If I actually was skilled enough at pathfinder (please wait five years), I would be giving out treats based on the theme of the scenario. For example: sceneario with lots of oozes=Gelatnus cubes with swords stuck in them and candy bones inside. :) Just so everyone can have a bite to eat before beginning. Or if all else fails, MCdonalds

Liberty's Edge

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I hope Nothing like this ever happens on the thirteenth. I normally try to play a healer because seeing other people lose there PCs makes me sad.
So if I need to, I will play a healer. I like playing a spellcaster as much as the next guy, I just don't want to be that guy.

You know you are in trouble when the gamemaster has an evil grin.
the party is entirely made of rogues.

Liberty's Edge

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Nefreet wrote:

There is a PFS online if you are unable to travel.

I know nothing about it other than its existence, though. I'm sure someone else will be able to fill you in on it.

I can make it! This is the best day of my life! David, You are awesome and I thank you quite a bit. I own a copy of the core rulebook but it is a PDF file on my computer. Is it still allowed? Or do I need to print it out and staple it. I promise to bring candy for you david. Baked goods are a maybe, I do happen to have some warheads though! This is not bribery in any way at this moment. I will promise one thing and one thing only: There will be bunnies! Not real ones (too much noise and people could be allergic and they poop and pee lots and chew paper) But if I have the chance to turn somone into a rabbit I will. (perferably not the other PCs) I AM THE BUNNY LORD!!!!!!

Liberty's Edge

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thank you all! I was extremely concerned I would be laughed at and yelled at by the older players. Anyways the specs on my computer are rather low and my computer has adobe reader for a PDF reader. I am more than happy to own the lite one file per chapter since it seems to be the smallest option. If eating is allowed at the tables I will make sure to bring treats for all of you amazing people. (my grandmother is an amazing baker and she can make some of the best choclate chip cookies) My computer is a desktop. But I own a stapler and a printer so that works :/ *seperates sior and matthew gives them both cookies and then sits between them* no fighting as long as I am here