![]() Well, rogues are kind of useless, everything they can do a slayer does a hundredfold. I just combined the slayer and the rogue. Also, summoners now only get up to fourth level casting. greater rejuvinate eidolon is now a fourth level spell. So is evolution surge mass. Because atleast now they have limited casting and summon spells being reduced to level twenty is much more balanced. ![]()
![]() what do you think of an elf who has spent his entire life in a library and has no clue that things like living in the wilderness and near death are still very much a thing? Because thats my witch, he joined the society under that idea. Hes used to clean clothes, warm food prepared in a kitchen and a soft bed each night. He has never even seen bloodshed before. Lets see how long it takes for him to freak out. ![]()
![]() I actually modified the hydra. it is now immune to acid damage. Pyrohydras are immune to fire and acid, requiring cold or elecricity to burn the stumps. Reverse for cryohydras. They are immune to cold and acid. hydras have a a horribly corrosive spit, dealing 3D8+the hydras con modifer+the number of heads and sickened reflex for half damage,negate the damage over time and sickened. Take 2D4+the above modifiers each round for 1D4 rounds Also, attacking them with a piercing or slashing weapon causes a cone of acidic blood to spray out. this deals damage to the weapon, the attacker if not using a reach weapon and anything in a five foot cone. damage is 1D4+the amount of damage done. Killing a hydras head with bludgeoning damage does not allow it to regenerate ![]()
![]() I meant the mutants and masterminds. theres nothing hard and fast that allows me to make sure its all working. No, the players aren't employees of this company, becuase employees live in a massive spaceship and never are allowed to leave. You work until you die, there is no retirement. your children are automatically considered employees. employees who are unsatisfied with work will become test subjects, food or targets. Its more or less this group is so powerful, with so much influence, theres nothing a planetary goverment can do to stop them. ![]()
![]() Erm, its a bit rules light for my tastes. Rules light is not something I enjoy, because I am a strange person and I can't wrap my head around that stuff. Pretty much, there is one big brother organization that is pulling all the strings and making sure nothing interferes with humanity growing, but have no qualms about forcing alien parents to hand over babies so they can experiment on them and develop new weapons. They use a mixture of cloned supersoliders and robotic death machines for martial tasks. I am using occult adventures, the nanite bloodline, androids, kathasa, lashauntas, triaxians and d20 futures classes. Humans are common, there is no magic outside of the few occult classes, using the sanity system and a bunch of other stuff. Its less complex than it seems ![]()
![]() I have a dungeon just like this, but way more evil. The reward is one major artefact for each player. the entire dungeon is magic, filled with horrid beasts of the highest CR possible. The rooms change and shift and there is constant scrying. For example, say your party is a fighter, a wizard, a cleric and a rogue. wizard does some magical hjinks to get past a difficult room, the next thing they know, the next room prevents all arcane spells from being cast. eventually, the party WILL have to split up and one of them most likely will die. Free ressurections from the dungeon are handed out, but only when it feels like it (when the player gets irritated, annoyed or bored) The entire thing is more or less: How much torture can one inflict on some players before they quit? Yes, the monsters have mythic ranks, the PCs do not.
![]() I have been using a homebrewed mix of D20future/modern/PFmodern and original pathfinder tech and races in one entire game. I need an actual system for this. Any ideas? The requirements are: Must be completely sourced online, without any downloads. must be modern or near future must have some fantasty/scifi elements Help and advice is needed. ![]()
![]() I have recently added a new character, named karkus. He is an elf, who has a bearded dragon, named munch I apologize for irritating you. Please accept this awesome hat. *places a hat on meris head* Also, why is seoni wearing so little? Doesn't she get cold? Isn't that actually a REALLY bad idea to wear so little especially in combat? Same for setyiel and alahzara. Amiri doesn't count, because she scares the living daylights out of me. *hugs meri* Karkus says hi, hes still got no clue that adventuring means more than just reading books and looking at old runes. He didn't even pack more than one quarrel of crossbow bolts.
![]() If you prove to me that you can keep your anime out of my D&D, you can make a character using a non core race. Players who have played and done really well with a nongood character are allowed an antipaladin Players who are reasonable and fair are allowed to make there own classes with approval. If you pick a rogue, you get to start at level three You cannot pick a fighter if you cannot convince me you won't be a total waste of space for non combat roles. I expect higher charisma characters to do the main stuff, but I perfer everyone to have a fair shot. Needing ideas to make fighters not suck at non combat stuff. If you attempt to play a murderhobo, you will be forced to use the archives of nethys for your character. if you bring any form of anime into my game, I will have a restraining order filed against you and your grandchildrens grandchildren. ![]()
![]() I don't even get to regularly attend the pathfinder society, let alone a convention. my state sucks ass and should die in a fire, they have ONE store that sells pathfinder books. I have a bunch of hand knitted blankets. We can all make a fort *places freshly bathed guinea pig on mizake, places guinea pig who has sharp claws and is afraid of stuff on freehold* ![]()
![]() As a still very much new player, I will be happy to not see classes that are in books I don't own. I own two books, the core rulebook and the advanced players guide. Also, I think that bringing a lot of books will be bad for your back. Might just want to bring something else, like a fuzzy kitten or a puppy. ![]()
![]() These are all helpful links, I will be sure to go to the library and place them on my flashdrive. Because my computer is old and crappy. Also, I didn't exactly know so the rudeness was not exactly helpful. I was merely trying to figure out why the heck they didn't throw it on a site and let people look at things and then make up there mind ![]()
![]() Wow.... Wizards of the coast aren't very good at making people interested in D&D. At all. That sucks. Thanks mate, but they really screwed themselves out of more players by not doing what paizo does. The only reason I got into pathfinder was the PRD, I liked looking at it and reading the classes and the spells. ![]()
![]() I don't have kids, but I am a teenager, I do have my moments with my three year old cousin. Mostly threats of duct taping her mouth shut. I also have made it my duty to remove the batteries of any toy she gets so I can concentrate on my stuff. So I have a desk drawer full of batteries and broken toys she has given me. Im a terrible person, I know. ![]()
![]() Uhm, I can totally agree with PC built casters not being fun. Mostly because my party of a hobgoblin brawler, a drow alchemist, a duergar shaman and a wyveran warpriest pissed one of them off. The drow chose to smack the rump of an elven librarian who was collecting a book for them. she has the sage bloodline and I had statted her up on the fly. VERY NEARLY did she TPK the entire party. The survivor was the drow, he had barely managed to stablize before dying. I thought that he would of learned after he almost got gutted by a pirate queen. ![]()
![]() James, could you atleast give me a link to a list of all non straight pathfinder characters? Its an issue that if it isn't resolved, my players won't stop grumbling over it. Could you yell at gozreh and the irrisen winter witches for me? We have around sixty billion tons of snow smashing our state and we have a named blizzard hitting us at the same time. ![]()
![]() Also, you completely missed the archon style, you fool! and the kolbold style, the jabbing style, the grabbing style and the earth child style. The feat would be more or less, you pick a RELATED combat style. So say you pick two weapon fighting, you could pick sword and shield, because they share a feat. Stuff like that. ![]()
![]() Since crossbow mastery is on the archery list, what would be a better feat to replace it. Also, I have added the skirmisher archetype to my half orc ranger grol. He will not have an animal companion either. He would just eat it. Also, why hasn't paizo made a feat that gives you a second ranger style? What is your opinion on the monk styles? ![]()
![]() Well, theres also the question of what is your LEAST favorite race? my least favorite race is the strix. They have such awkward stats that it makes them difficult to set in any one role. What do you think of someone signing up to the pathfinder society without knowing that they will be required to fight people and will almost die nearly constantly? ![]()
![]() Well, I would, but I am more interested in making friends in the society.
Also would you like a link to a youtube video of a baby wolf with hiccups? I have some red velvet cupcakes for valentines day, I was handing them out to the females at my school, there are a few left, would you like some? ![]()
![]() I want to try second ed, I think it could be fun.
Would you rather be forced to spend an entire session trying to play while adorable animals of all different kinds attempt to disrupt the game or deal with a bunch of irritating grammar nazis that explode into blind rages if you mispronounce one word? |