![]() Leedwashere wrote:
Yeah I am fine with the scorched hand being there, its just that Nebta-Kufre on top seems a bit too much coincidence. I think I let him steal the artefact as soon as the necropolis opens. ![]()
![]() So I am preparing to start this AP soon and wondered if anyone had players question the fact that after thousand of years 3 parties enter the same tomb at exact the same time. I think it is a bit strange that Nebta-Khufre enters the tomb at the same day as the scorched hand and the players do. Did anyone had this problem? Could there be an easy explanation, something I am missing? ![]()
![]() The whole "a spell is evil" thing is really a bad concept, as only the intent can be evil or a part of casting the spell requires an actual evil act, like a sacrifice or a certain spell component. I get why there are good/evil descriptors in the game, but they should never affect alignment imho. If you cast infernal healing on a dying child, is it an evil act? Do it again for his also dying parents and your soul is doomed. ![]()
![]() I gm a group who meets once a month for about 8-10 hours each session. We started way back in 2011. We are currently in part 4 of carrion crown, about halfway trough. My group is pretty RP heavy and I added lot of exra content like carrion hill, but still it takes a long time to finish an AP if you play once a month. But it is a lot of fun and we all are eager to finish the campaign, no matter how long it takes. ![]()
![]() Starbuck_II wrote: I'm ging to assume it isn't broken since you give no reasons. It is fine to be against something without any logic. People can have fear of trees and balloons in real life. These are phobias, you seem to have one with Summoners. There are plenty of reasons. Why did paizo change how polymorph works again? Why did they alter the druids ability to shift? Right. But obviously it is okay if the Synthesist Summoner don't need to use this new rules. Now for the Summoner base class, I have to ask, why do we get a class that has six spell levels, but gets a lot of spells earlier? The summoner get the ability to summon monsters faster, better and more often then any other class. And we all know how powerful summon monster is. That would be okay, but not on top of that spell list and a eidolon. Anyway, this discussion is moot and I don't think anything can be achieved here. And in 4-5 weeks another thread will pop up, from another frustrated DM, but he probably is lazy to read the rules or his party isn't optimised well enough. ![]()
![]() notabot wrote: While I can sympathize with the narrator wanting to have control of his world, I can't help but think that the story grinds to a halt without the player. Telling a story through PF is a collaboration. If my player wants to play a summoner, I will make room for it. And any DM who isn't willing to do everything his players want is bad? I think not. notabot wrote: Now if the summoner was actually overpowered (hint, its not) I might consider banning it. I certainly wouldn't invent out of "its my world and it doesn't fit" excuses for not playing with on in the party. There we go again. "hint, its not" - well, "hint, it is". Let's argue like 5 year old kids, shall we? And accuse other people to invent excuses. I like it. ![]()
![]() The black raven wrote:
Yes. This is absolutely in the GMs right. If you don't like it, play elsewhere. I'm not doing hours of prep time, investing money in miniatures etc. and offer a place to play where everyone can enjoy a good time to justify my reasons for banning an obviously imbalanced and broken class. Get over it. ![]()
![]() The Wizard argument is another thing I do not understand. If the Wizard is better, then why do you want to play a summoner in the first place? A conjurer can summon and improved familiar gives you a companion, so the only real difference fluff wise is that a summoner can customize his companion. So why do we need a summoner? ![]()
![]() Seranov wrote:
First, calling me lazy if I don't want to read the rules of a class that is in the APG is inappropriate. If I were lazy I wouldn't GM. I also never said I haven't read the class. I know how it works, I (personally) don't like the flavour and I told my players that I don't like the class and why I don't like it. I still don't like people called lazy if they don't want the additional work all those splatbooks bring. It's optional for a reason, and players are not entitled to anything ever written by paizo. I just ignore the rest of your post, because I think you didn't want to sound like a jerk. And if I'm wrong, I honestly don't care about your opinion. ![]()
![]() @Dark Immortal In my opinion and experience as Gamemaster you have to tailor your encounters around the abilities of your party. Now, I sure didn't want to imply that a single Eidolon can beat a whole encounter, but the usual answer I see, whenever the imbalance of Eidolons/Summoners comes up, is that you can add this or that to your encounter, which largely defines how an encounter plays out and how much the other party members can contribute. Per example, the AMF tactic suggested by Artanthos might shut the Eidolon down, but it will also affect your whole encounter and this might lead to players not having fun. This problem exists not only in this context, every overly optimized character can lead to a frustrated party, even more so when said party isn't nearly as optimized. However, I have less problems justifying specific encounter design to even the field if I have one such player, then if I have to do it because a pet is causing this issue and then the player of said pet has his own actions as well, which may further lead to frustration at the table, because frankly, the summoner is a very solid class even without his Eidolon. Now I understand that this isn't a problem at tables where every player is properly optimized. But I guess that at the majority of tables this isn't the case, and this class is like a jackpot for your powergamer/optimizer. It's a candystore where he can pick the best abilities for his pet and gets some of the best spells as icing on the cake. As I said, there wouldn't be so many threads about this if the class where without issues. And I totally agree with the rest of your post by the way. The good thing is, every group can decide for themselves what they want and what they don't want. I'm just hoping that paizo is a bit more careful in the future with class design. ![]()
![]() Yeah but that can be said about every character in a group. Also, if you dedicate all resources just to counter the PET of a still useful caster, then a group already has won. Eidolon dies? Summon Monster/Summon Eidolon. And if you build your eidolon intelligently and not only for maximum DPR, it has so many uses even outside of combat that it can easily replace a party member. I think paizo did a very poor job in the APG, especially with the summoner. ![]()
![]() @Dark Immortal: Again, when the fighter is better 25% of the time and the Eidolon is better the other 75% of the time, rocks the fighter out of combat and ALSO has a caster attached with some good spells and the ability to summon monsters en masse if the eidolon dies/gets banished - then I ask again, how is this class not totally overpowered? ![]()
![]() The numbers say otherwise. Eidolons hit more then a fighter because they have so many attacks and a huge strength bonus and pounce. And what can fighter do that makes them more versatile then an Eidolon with evolution surge and a caster behind it? The Summoner is, in my opinion, a badly designed and badly balanced class. It starts with the spell casting that gives a lot of great spells at an earlier level and ends with the mess the Eidolon is. And that every 4-6 weeks another thread about them pops up tells me I am not alone with this opinion. ![]()
![]() Dazzling display is a full round action and has a range of 30 feet. This makes it rather easy to stop him. Also, he gets a -4 penalty for each size category his opponent is larger then him. Anyway, scare only works on 6hd or less. And if he spends 2 rounds of action to send one enemy fleeing, let him do that. Most other classes would kill an enemy in two rounds worth of action. ![]()
![]() Icyshadow wrote:
Not sure how optimized your party is, but Carrion Crown is indeed a rather hard AP so I would strongly advice against a Mystic Theurge. I don't recommend a Witch either, because there are many enemies that are immune to mind affecting and a Witch also lacks defensive spells. If your choice to play a cleric is not set in stone, I would recommend an Alchemist. You could tank pretty well, dish out good damage with the feral discovery, throw bombs to cover swarms and other nasty stuff and with Infusion you can brew restoration extracts for your party. You also get a lot of skills and the class fits really well in the AP. I'm GM Carrion Crown right now, and the Alchemist in my party really shines. If you want to stay Cleric, I'd go with the Evangelist Archetype and summons. Bardsong would be awesome for a Gunslinger and a Zen Archer, and your summons can do some tanking. ![]()
![]() srd wrote: A ballista is essentially a Huge heavy crossbow fixed in place. Its size makes it hard for most creatures to aim it. Thus, a Medium creature takes a –4 penalty on attack rolls when using a ballista, and a Small creature takes a –6 penalty. It takes a creature smaller than Large two full-round actions to reload the ballista after firing. So, if you have a large creature reloading it, it will only take 1 full round. With rapid reload, it would be a move action. Enlarging yourself should allow you to shot the Ballista each round if you take rapid reload. You could take the Eldritch Knight prestige class and Vital Strike for some more damage, or maybe the Myrmidarch Magus to use spellstrike with the ballista. ![]()
![]() I did read your previous post and had some ideas, but my English is pretty poor so I have a hard time to express my thoughts about it: I had the same feeling as you when I first read the entry about the Crooked Kin and I plan to either skip them altogether or drastically change them. Your thoughts inspired some Ideas tough and now I really want to implement them in a memorable way and I probably steal some of your ideas. When I get the time I try to write up my version of the Crooked Kin. ![]()
![]() d20pfsrd.com wrote:
You're right. I should have reported that, but I was lazy. Will sacrifice some players in my next game to atone for my sin, sorry :(
About matt_the_dmOut of the game |