
rashiakas's page

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So, this gives the alchemist 3 primary natural attacks on level 2? On top of the mutagen bonuses and possibly sneak attack from vivisectionist?

Or did I read the ability wrong?

So, I've decided to sell my soul and the ruler of Hell granted me an Imp. I hope it was a good deal and a quick look at my options seems promising:

"An imp with this ability may choose one additional Tiny, Small, or Medium animal form as if using beast shape II"

Now, beast shape II says tiny or large creature, while beast shape II has the medium option (that was used for the spider in the base statistic box). Do I get beast shape II with medium animals, or I pick a tiny or large animal, or do I use beast shape III to actually pick a medium magical beast like the spider?

Aside from that question, witch animal would you choose, and why? I know the best use of my Imp friend would be a Wand wielder, but I think that might be a bit to much optimizing for my group. If it matters, the master of the Imp is a Evoker Wizard witch the crossblooded dip for the additional damage, I also want to summon later on.

So I've read this haunt over and over and I just don't see how it can be fun for the affected player. I also don't like to split up my group so I am looking for alternatives to this. What was your experience with this encounter? How have you run it? I would like to keep it subtle, since it would not fit Father Charlatan if he were just another ghost to kill. Any ideas would be appreciated.