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Organized Play Member. 124 posts (927 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 8 aliases.
Hooray for Vince! May he run many more games, and continue to let my characters live.
Mr. Jonny Cage wrote: I am playing in a game and I will be playing a Lv 8 Slayer (ACG).
So anyway my party is not the best. we have a useless Oracle, a gunslinger and a armored hulk barb.
Sounds like a balanced party, although a bit low on magic. And I don't believe the statement about the Oracle. Maybe you don't like the player ?
Why was the Silver Crusade left out as the only faction that doesn't get any attention in this module ?
The death effect from coup de grace does not work, as it requires a fortitude save, which constructs are immune to.
MMCJawa wrote: In general...it's easier to buff a class than nerf it. Since any nerf you do, no matter how valid, will incite rage in some proportion of players. Any buffing of a class will do the same.
Aasimar witch. She is a memebr of the silver Crusade AND an aspiring Hellknight.
Do you want to ruin all the fun for the other player as well as the other players and the GM ? Then, by all means play as kikid advised. But don't be surprised when the DM rips up your sheet or throws you from the group.
If you seriously want to make it work, consider how Paladins and LE people work together in the Hellknights, and go from that. See also the relationship between the iconic Paladin and the iconic LE magus.
Rawrsong wrote: Okay, let's use the Murder Hobo Logic. I challenge you to name one good god of Golarian who would sanctify the theft of another's ki energy. All of them, as it's a form of self-sacrifice. You do something you (really) don't like in order to gain more power to defeat evil.
Detect alignment spells give you some notion of a person's strength if he/she is a cleric or paladin.
Same for detect magic and magic aura's. Or Spellcraft and visible magic items.
If you want to know how strong a PC is, just ask ;).
E. Quint wrote: ScrollMasterRob wrote: There seem to be a few season 5 mods where the writers are trying to TPK the players in the first round. "Elven Entanglement" certainly rises to the top of the septic tank. ** spoiler omitted **
Of course, by that level your characters will have suitable countermeasures. If not, the DM will know, having read the adventure, that they should get these countermeasures, or forestall the game until the party has leveled enough.
It's like Paizo WANTS the dm's to read adventures carefully. ;)
'Realistically', putting a large flag on a longspear would make it more difficult to wield.
Pupsocket wrote: blahpers wrote: Ignore them unless they affect you. Play your character and let others play theirs. I agree with Blahpers on this. And I never agree with Blahpers on anything!.
Saying "I don't think the party Paladin, my fellow player, is Lawful Good enough. Not any specific infractions as such, but not up to MY standards" makes you sound...I don't know, try to parse your own post again, and tell me if you sound like the hero or the villain.
You sound Small-Town Puritan to me, with all that implies. If somebody "cheats" by picking a class, but ignoring the class restrictions, that is irritating. The advice in the CRB does not mean "ignore alignment and ethics alltogether".
There are different solutions however. The GM can loosen up the alignment restrictions for the paladin class up to NG and LN, for example.
Aelryinth wrote: Then POST YOUR NUMBERS.
JUSTIFY why the Rogue gets Buffs the Bard is giving HIMSELF, and that are NOT coming from the party. Because you are blatantly favoring the ROGue in your 'the rogue gets everything the bard does' buff suite.
Because none of us are believing your case. It has so many gaping holes we're flying dragons through it.
Gargantuan-sized dragons.
Jaelithe wrote: Are there specific ones or even entire sections that you simply dispense with because you find them ponderous, convoluted, detrimental to flow, nonsensical, irritating or just effin' stupid? Do you rewrite, hand-wave, rule ad hoc, or ignore?
Please don't attack others' comments. Simply list those YOU dislike and why.
There's a nonsensical and absurd rule in PFS. Evil characters are supposedly not allowed, but a lot of players have evil characters, and most DM's ignore or even promote evil acts at the table.
The second absurd rule is that PvP is not allowed, so there is not much a character can do to stop a party member's homicidal or cruel behaviour
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...You are playing a 7-11 with a pregen. (This is why all my characters have golembane scarabs and cold iron weapons to loan to pregens).
Human Teacher
If you don't mind me, I'll dot this. Makes following the campaign easier.
The Seldon Plan wrote: Latrecis wrote:
Its more that the character is actively antagonistic toward being helpful.
The player is fine, just sits at the table and crochets and if a bomb can't solve the problem, she isn't interested.
A player actually hurting the party instead of ever helping is a big problem in an AP. Players usually have to work together to survive such a long journey. I'd have a pric=vate talk with the player and tell her to change her act.
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shadowlodgemember wrote: The book seems somewhat ambiguous about morality in Golarion. What's to stop a 15th level Paladin from rolling into some small LE town and killing all the corrupt local officials, effectively forcing his morality on them through force? Spend 1000 gold, buy that phylactery of faithfulness that warns you when you're about to do something that changes your alignment. End of all problems.
Two figures enter the room. One is a jovial half-elf, muscled and heavily armored. Two white wings extend through gaps in his full-plate armor.
"May I introduce myself as Damien, the Alchemist ? And what's that I hear about angels ?
The second man is a slender human with gray eyes. Although he looks young, his hair is also gray. "Dimitrius, Sorcerer". Both wear the holy symbol of Pharasma around their neck.
There's a few Dex options that don't have the feat tax. But mainly, they are based on using ranged touch- guns nd ray spells. And there's the fact tat dex stays useful at high levels, and str less so. (except for skills).
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xavier c wrote: should third and fourth trimester abortions be legal If they aren't woman will try dangerous things themselves, or go to a country whre such a abortion IS legal. Lateral thinking demands that forbiding abortion is not the answer, but psychological screening for mothers is.
And if a mother doesn't want a baby, and it's born, how will the future look like ? It's not like mothers of unwanted children magically change their mind the moment the baby is born.
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Use the Fate system (the game) if you want bandits to gain "Rep". Good characters become famous, evil guys infamous. And will likely attract more and more powerful Good guys looking to stop them.
If it's interesting, I'll keep reading. But I admit Berserk, Shingeki no Kyonin, and Gantz are the only long-ish mangas that I have liked so far.
Sealbreaker wrote:
The problem we had is that there was no party cohesion mostly due to how optimised our characters were. And you will just run into the same problem again. Seems like Soupturtle is the only one who really read OP's opening post. Play a non-caster or ranger if you really intend not to "break the game" again.
Dotting. I'll submit two characters shortly.
Maklak wrote: He didn't say, 150d6 damage in one go, he said it was 10d6 each round for about 15 consecutive rounds (one round is 6 seconds).
IIRC there is another rule, that water blocks AoE spells or something of the sort. If the book was submerged most of the time, it only took a hit from the first lightning and was inside a backpack at the time, which greatly increases the chance it survived.
As for water damage, well, wet paper wraps when drying and ink dissolves when wet, so it can be a problem.
I also wonder how would mending and make whole affect something half-burnt and smudged. I believe the rules say that if something is destroyed, it can't be magically fixed, but if it is only partially broken, then it can.
Seems pretty unlikely to me that water blocks electricity AoE spells. Unless you're talking about line of sight or something, which might be distorted.
Chris Mullican wrote: Do we seriously need to have this discussion again? There was way to much emphasis on being a member of a faction when there should be more emphasis on being a member of the Pathfinder Society in previous seasons. That's a matter of opinion. I liked the emphasis on factions as it increases the opportunities for roleplaying and physiscal intrigue.
It allows you to live the mindset of soldiers that were more loyal to their generals than to the ruler of their land.
Human Teacher
I'll just drop by to say I'm enjoying the story(telling) Caches the mood of life in the guard very well.
Detect Magic wrote: Kolokotroni wrote: Default martial characters (like fighters) shouldn't be bending or breaking the laws governing the universe (or multiverse, I suppose, since this is Pathfinder we're talking about). Obviously, hybrids like paladins and rangers are going to be spellcasting, and monks will be doing all sorts of supernatural things, but when I think of martial, I think fighter. Fighters should be able to do incredible things, but they should be limited by what's physically possible; no jumping seven miles, flying, or otherwise playing wizard. Leave wizarding to the wizard-folk. Only if you have a binary distinction between casters and non-casters. Anyone intelligent/wise/charismatic enough can learn spells.
It makes sense for martials to at least learn cantrips like mending, create water, and spark. It makes sense for martials to receive training in using magic items. And the martial classes should reflect that, by having UMD as a class skill, and a bonus to it.

Andrei Buters wrote: In recent scenarios, there have been a fair few missions where the expectation is that a number of the Pathfinders recruited have numerous knowledge skills that they can use to solve riddles, understand obscure texts and recognise noble sigils on sight.
However, as we all know, not every Pathfinder is as skilled as someone like, say, Varian Jeggare. There are a number of classes that grant only 2 skill points per level. Even worse is playing these classes with the view to enter a prestige class that requires 5 skill ranks spent in an esoteric skill. Often you will end up with a PC with barely any expendable skills. When everyone is done spending points in perception and diplomacy, it is quite common to find teams of Pathfinders with barely any knowledge skills whatsoever.
There are many ways around this.
-You need only one skilled member in the party to acoount for most skills
-A trait can give you a bonus
-If your class is not MAD, you can drop a few points into int.
-Perception is covered at later levels by a cheap item (Eyes of the Eagle)
-There are races, templates, archetypes who give bonuses to skills.
Prestige classes often have a high cost for a low return. If you want a prestige class, you'll just have to wait a little longer to take it.
And if you make a party without any effort to have your bases covered, you have yourself to blame.
DM Beckett wrote:
"Deleted some posts for getting off topic. Stay on topic or thread will be closed. Please revisit the Forum Rules."
But what's "on topic" ? That's very subjective. The comparison about the oh-so overpowered Lore Wareden and Brawler was also lebeled as "off-topic", which is strange. A discussion about a new hybrid class will invariably be about the two classes it merges and the question whether the devs took the opportunity to solve problems or clear things up (as is the case with the brass knuckles.
Since you also allow alignments up to NE, what is your stance on paladins in the party ?
Orelius Lionpaw wrote: Well yeah, no one cares about monks. A strange thing to say. Take a look at the boards, and see how many players play monks.
Dotting, will submit aHellknight/Paladin soon.
Jacob Saltband wrote: Its interesting how people only use part of a discription to make their point.
Intelligence determines how well your character Learns and Reasons.
But of course only the learn part has a game mechanic to support it.
I'd say WIS accounts for the second part.
Dotting. I'll be submitting an Anthrosophical Anthropologist, related tu the Wentworths. I'll need the period in which we are playing to see if he's a forefather, family member or descendant. Will be an aristocrat
You'd be best off not TWFíng unless you are a Barbarian,Bloodrager, or some kind of shifter. The benefits do not outweigh the cost. Human is also preferable 'cause you'll be starved for feats.
Chief Cook and Bottlewasher wrote:
It's quite a feat for a single author to give equal weight to 4 PC's I thought Queen of Thorns did that pretty well. And let's not forget
Gaunt's Ghosts, Game of Thrones. While the latter two do not focus on a single party, they do show how easy it is to make more than two characters PC's
I know James Sutter commented that specific requests are more difficult to implement, but I do have specific preferences.
Paladins that are native to Cheliax (and maybe even proud of their country.
Paladins of Abadar and Shelyn
Holy Gun and Divine Archer (Paladin archetypes)
Arcane casters in service to a church
Empyreal/Celestial sorcerers
Crusaders (Cleric Archetype)
Oracles, preferably dual-cursed.
LN followers of an evil faith: how do they do it ?
Cavaliers of the Order of the Star
Noyte Ruo wrote: By command performance I present.... Noyte Ruo Nice character. First Ditge Bard i've seen. The Archetype and Pharasma go very well together.
dotting for interest. Sacred Servant incoming.
Here's my list.
1. Trust no-one, no matter how nice they are to you.
2. Don't think that everybody respects hard work.
3. Learn to keep your emotions in check, especially during an argument.
4. Learning to depend on yourself is very useful, for instance First Aid, foreign languages, and self defense.
As a child, listen to music, go to an international school (aka learn different languages.
And then you have actually smart's evil brothers, trivia smart and condescending smart. The first knows a lot of useless facts, the other makes himslef seem smart by always putting down others.
If you are willing to spend 11000 for that Phylactery, you get a little bit more oomph. But I don't know if that is worth the money.
When you are getting swarmed by mooks it is a viable tactic, but apart from that it's usabilty is indeed limited. Thers also seems to be an option to have a dazing channel, if I remember correctly.
If snow counts as water, I have a Undine Witch-Hunter coming up for you
If snow counts as water, I have a Undine With-Hunter coming up for you
As for you, I don't know if we both make the cut, but I woould like to have my backstory tie into yours. How about a famility tie or shared education ?
Give me an hour or so and I'll have an elf magus for you.
You can also start with two groups and later merge those who are still playing into one