GM Rednal |
Deus Machina – The Last Grimoire
An old tome rests on the table before you, tattered and worn. Markings in an unknown language cover the surface, and even as you look at it, the cover of the book seems to shift in front of your eyes. Nevertheless, the book feels… incomplete. Something is missing from it. You don’t know who sent the book to you – all you do know is that it was delivered to you by a courier whose face you never saw, and you were told to keep it safe. You’d almost forgotten about it, but this morning, you received a note – you’ve been asked to bring the book and arrive for a dinner at the Miskatonic University Library with Professor Freeborn, head of the Anthropology department. It’s Sunday, and tomorrow will be the first day of classes, so you haven’t actually met him yet. You don’t know what any of this is about… but you do know that if you want answers, you’ll have to attend the dinner and find them.
Character Creation Rules:
- I’ll probably pick 4-6 characters.
- Your character should be a student attending a modern, Earth-like University. If you wish to play a character below 18 years old, they should have a particularly high Intelligence score to explain why they’re there. Of course, older people can become students as well…
- 20 point buy (No obvious dump stats – 9 is the minimum for any stat, except for Intelligence, which cannot go below 10. Your characters should be reasonably competent overall. Exception: Playing a Young character, in which case you should apply the ability modifications from that template normally.)
- Level: 1
- Accepted Classes: Aristocrat/Commoner/Expert (No Multi-classing them)
- Human Only
- No special magic/powers. (Including items and powers granted through Feats)
- Two traits (Three if you add a drawback - reflavor the text as necessary)
- Alignment: Any Good/Neutral.
- Religion: Any real-world religion (or lack thereof; Atheists are also acceptable)
- Other: The best characters for this campaign will have at least some degree of curiosity about the supernatural, but do keep in mind that they are essentially normal humans… Class-wise, Aristocrats are from rich, wealthy families, Commoners are average folks, and Experts are geniuses, people with lots of real-world experience, and similar characters.
- All characters will obtain the ability to use magic.
- Magic is not normal within this world. All magic carries within it a special trait – those who don’t have an understanding of it will always disbelieve and rationalize anything magic-related shortly after they see it, assuming it to be some sort of trick, hallucination, delusion, or similar matter.
- Spells are not gained in the normal way. Rather than being innate or learned, Spells are cast solely through a Grimoire – a very special book capable of tapping into magic and mystery far beyond human understanding. Grimoires grow in power by obtaining Pages that contain knowledge of individual spells, and once the spells are known, they can be cast through the book at any time. These books also hide another secret, one that only those who attend the dinner will be able to uncover…
- Recharge Magic rules will be in effect (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/magic/rechargeMagic.htm) (For the purposes of these rules, and especially General Recharge Times, all PCs will be considered Sorcerers)
- All characters gain “Eschew Materials” as a Bonus Feat when they get their Grimoire. You are free to add this feat (and the spells of your Grimoire) to your character sheet when you make your character, but keep in mind that you cannot access any of that until you get your Grimoire in the story.
- Your Character Level will be your Caster Level.
- All Grimoires know the following spells in addition to whatever Pages they gain:
0th Level: Arcane Mark, Detect Charm, Detect Magic, Dim, Light, Mage Hand, Read Magic
1st Level: Magic Missile
- This is primarily a roleplay, not a rollplay – and combat will exist, but there won’t be nearly as much as there is in some other types of campaigns. Also, keep in mind that you’re playing a character who is, essentially, a normal person to start with.
- Regular posting would be much appreciated. Every 24 hours is ideal, and I enjoy literacy, so don’t be afraid to roleplay well and write proper paragraphs. Profiles with significant spelling and grammar errors in the history/personality part will not be considered.
- No EXP. You will advance in level at set points within the story.
- Use of maps will be kept to a minimum. Use your imaginations instead!
- Don’t worry, there will be plenty of things beyond NPC classes… though you’ll have to play this campaign in order to find out what they are!
- Also, while there will be freedom of choice in how things are done, please keep in mind that this is very much a story-based campaign. By opting to play, you agree to follow along with the overarching part of the plot and require a minimal amount of railroading in order to get where you need to be – if you’re looking for a greater degree of freedom and the ability to go wherever you want and do whatever you want, you may wish to search for a different campaign instead. That said, I don’t want you to be an NPC that rolls dice for me, and I will strive to give as much flexibility as possible within the framework of the story. This game is about cooperative storytelling, after all, and you deserve the chance to tell your part.
- I like flavorful characters. Interesting ones are much more likely to be accepted than very bland, normal people. Don’t go too crazy, though…
Note: It will be a little while before the campaign begins; I’m waiting on a new computer that will be much more reliable than this one. If I don’t respond for several days during the course of recruitment, don’t panic – the problem is on my end and already being worked on. Also, this will be my first time GM’ing, though I’ve been roleplaying by post for quite a few years. XD Let’s see how this goes!

GM Rednal |
@Sai Ling: All standard Knowledge skills are available, though some of them may be less useful than usual. For example, you shouldn't expect to be crawling through too many dungeons, and knowledge of nobility isn't terribly relevant for most people's lives (considering the general lack of nobles - even Aristocrats are just families with Old Money, not true nobles). If you do study them and put points in, though, I'll make sure you get at least some use out of your studies. ^^

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Hey, I'd be interested in this game. I was thinking of a commoner who would call himself a buddhist or atheist (depending on his mood that day) if asked but was fascinated with pagan religions, particularly the idea that gods can manifestations of aspects of nature and types of weather. I'm thinking of a non-traditional charismatic character, think less car salesman more well spoken but reserved. As far as knowledge goes, he is that guy you had playing a trivia game with but his knowledge on any given subject probably wouldn't translate into a full rank trained in any subject with the exception of religion because I see him as the convert type, he lost his faith that he was raised and has been hopping through religions ever since.

GM Rednal |
And what would your character be studying in school? ^^ Since that is the primary setting, at least for now - knowledge will be fairly helpful to have. Thinking about that is probably a good plan for this setting.
Characters with religious issues could be fairly fun to have, too - particularly in regards to how their faith deals with their acquisition and use of magic. ^^ I try to be very open to character ideas within the set parameters, so you're certainly welcome to submit a profile sheet for consideration.

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Would the character need to have a major? If so, could we get a little more info about this college? Is it a generic college setting where you could find anything to study (such as more vocational type majors that lead more directly to a career) or more of a university with a specific focus (the kind of place where you might find a lot of liberal arts and history major and people working on doctorates)? Is this a prestigious school?
As far a specific knowledge goes, I think it would be fun if we could work out a mechanic where the character would have a chance to very general knowledge about subject but not in depth info on a knowledge check but if that is too complicated then I suppose it could be just roleplayed. I'll start thinking about where I would put ranks in.
I have some interesting ideas as far as religion goes and I can send you a message about what I'm thinking, if you would like.

GM Rednal |
Having a major probably wouldn't hurt, though your studies won't be the focus of the campaign. ^^ Think of it more as... deep background, I guess? To help you know who your character is and what they want to do.
The University covers a wide variety of subjects, including History, Physics, Zoology, Geology, Chemistry, Anthropology, Archaeology, Engineering, Political Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Math, and English. The university is very research-heavy; practical things are done on a regular basis to test the research, but studies really are the main focus for most of the staff. No Computer Science, though. More looking back than looking forward.
Most fields of study will involve at least some of the more esoteric bits of knowledge - unusual mathematics, abnormal psychology, bizarre architecture... imagine an entire school with a reputation of "Brilliant but Eccentric" and you're on the right track for what it's like.
The school itself is sustained primarily through selling its research and wealthy donors, which means that they have very little interest in what others think or in conforming to the expected norms of a scholarly institution. They are fairly good at producing results, though. It also means they're quite capable of extending scholarships to students that interest them, and this is an acceptable part of the backstory for any character.
As for the rest of the setting, it's effectively modern-day. The University is old, though, and hasn't refitted itself with very much modern technology - the computers are slow, the phones are wired, and so on. ^^ Not a good place for somebody who'd want to be plugged in every moment of the day, but excellent for people happy to throw themselves into hours of studying and comparing research papers.

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Okay that really helped. I was worried for a second because I was kind of thinking of a character who came from a poor family so he would be studying to get a job rather than studying for the sake of studying but I actually have a better idea that ties in with what I thinking of as far of backstory.
Basically, my character (who I still need to come up with a name for) would be there to study noetic science. It's a kind of pseudoscience that suggests that ancient religions contain a lot of practical knowledge that we have lost through either translation or the fall of the civilizations. It attempts to combine spirituality with science to bring about real-world effects. In this setting, I could see it being less pseudoscience, at least the school.
I see him, in his search for a better religion, finding these little nuggets of knowledge and he wrote a grand essay on his ideas about this a college entrance essay and every school told him to write something new or get rejected except the school the game is set in. It might even be fun if he didn't actually apply to this school but I think that would probably be at your discretion.
I'll go start working up a character sheet and trying to think of a name.

GM Rednal |
Noetic Science would be... Lemme do some quick research... Totally okay at this school. XD It has a lot of archives filled with little-known histories and the like, so it might actually be a very good place for anyone studying that sort of thing to go.
*Stamp of approval*
As for applications, Miskatonic is quite willing to seek out people they think would be good students (and often offer them those scholarships) - that, too, would be perfectly acceptable as a backstory if it's something you'd like to go for. ^^ It'll mesh well with the main storyline, too.

GM Rednal |
PCs will have no magical powers of any kind outside of what their Grimoires provide, so any Feats or Traits that grant those can be ignored. ^^ Magical Crafting is out, but modifications (like Metamagic) are okay as long as you keep in mind that you'll still need access to whatever you're modifying.
Feat-wise, you may want to start with things that improve Saves or Initiative. It's pretty hard to go wrong with those anyway, and I'll probably give the opportunity to re-train feats every few levels, so don't feel too stressed about making an irreversible choice. ^^ You'll have the chance to correct it if you don't like it.
As for Traits... just pick something that matches your background, I guess? ^^ Same basic rules apply - nothing should grant magical powers on its own, only modify what you'll already have, but it's true that there are a lot of traits to choose from. You're also welcome to re-flavor any trait you're going for to make it match a modern setting (if you were thinking of choosing a setting-specific one).
History of Heresy might be a fun place to start, considering your ideas about looking for other faiths. Aside from that, perhaps one that helps to codify your character's goals in studying? It's a place to start looking, anyway.

GM Rednal |
@Jelani: Massachusetts. Do note that we won't be using real-world maps or locations (except perhaps as references), though, since they won't be a major focus. ^^
@Caquix: Pantheist is... a racial religious trait, isn't it? ^^ Still, it works for the setting, and I think it'll be fine.
As for the number of feats, you should take two, since humans get a Bonus Feat at Level 1 (unless you take an Alternate Racial Trait that would remove it).

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Ok, so here's more cohesive backstory that should help to explain some choices.
Aiden was born in heavily religious town (the specific religion isn't but think major: catholic, protestant, jewish something like that would work) to parents who are leaders in the religious community. His parents' work in the religion took them away often but when he was younger they would just take him out of school and bring him along if they were gone for more than a week or two.
When he was getting close to high school, he managed to get a scholarship into a good private school outside of the religious town. His parents were hesitant but they saw his intelligence as a gift from God that he could use to help the community so they allowed him to go. The school would not allow for him to pulled out like he had been when he was younger so his parents left him alone and began taking longer and longer trips (missions, what have you).
The private school was nearby but had some dorms for out of area students and allowed him to stay there when his parents were away and eventually he was basically living at the school full-time. When he was in the dorms, one of the many friends of his parents would come and pick him up to go to church. As time went on and the workload at school began piling up, Aiden missed a few days of church. As this was happening, his studies also lead into areas that directly contradicted what he was taught by his religion and he began to question his beliefs.
One day on a break from school, Aiden headed to church with his parents who were home as well. His parents stayed after the services and Aiden left by himself. As he walked out he got dirty looks and heard mumblings of hateful things directed at him and his parents from the congregation. After this Aiden stopped attending church altogether. He acclimated to the workload at school and found himself with free time when he would normally attend church. He began exploring the woods around the school.
Aiden still mostly believed in his parents’ religion but he had some qualms with it. He finally gave up on it when his parents were forced to disown him or be exiled from the church. He never bothered to find out what his parents actually chose to do, he never returned home. After a time he began to feel a hole in his life without and began investigating other religions.
Aiden is 23 and has been working at the private school since graduation. He works as an assistant to teachers when they need help grading or doing research for lesson plans. When he isn’t doing that, he works as groundskeeper and leads students on hikes through the woods.
Aiden has falling in and out of at least 6 religions for several months at a time and others for shorter periods. He often knows as much, if not more, than the priest-equivalent when he first attends a meeting or service. Islam, Wicca, Taoism, Hinduism; you name, he’s probably been a member for a time. Usually, he ends up leaving when he can no longer resolve his logical side with his desire for religious practice. In all this, he has formed his own ideology from various bits.
Also, he began noticing patterns between various religions and finding interesting bits that most people just read as metaphor that he believes are actual literal information. He also develops an idea that some religious healers might be doing science can’t yet explain rather than a strong placebo effect or stage tricks as is the commonly accepted explanation.
Imagine something like a religious text reading “man is made of two spiral staircases.” Most people would assume some kind of metaphor about the duality of man, Aiden would see it as a reference to the DNA double helix. Not a real example, as far as I know, but something to give you an idea of what Aiden is getting at.
Despite the school loving his help and seeing as him strong role model to the younger students, they encourage him to start looking into attending college. Aiden decides he wants to more formally study the odd things he has noticed in religions and writes a college entrance essay codifying his current findings and indicating a desire to start a course designed towards studying this in depth. Every school he applies to rejects him and he is frustrated and dismayed until a letter from Miskatonic arrives, despite him never applying.

GrinningJest3r |

Alright so the idea right now is as follows: Walter Carter was a resident of Miskatonic, MA and is the eldest of four children - he has two younger sisters and a younger brother. His family has been very militarily oriented for the past several generations and he followed that trend enthusiastically, though his more studious mind practically forced him into an intelligence-based MOS. While enlisted, he continued his own studies on the side, initially planning on going through with a degree in Mathematics, though deployments preempted any attempts at seriously pursuing a degree.
Friends of his family were a major influence regarding his outlook regarding religion and the supernatural and he is a Wiccan by belief even though he has never taken part in the ritualistic portions of the religion. After finishing his term of service, he returned to his hometown and applied to Miskatonic University, where he is majoring in Theoretical Physics and minoring in Mathematics. During his off-time, he enjoyed applying theoretical principles to the established curriculum, convinced that his thoughts regarding Non-Euclidean Calculus would bring out a massive change in the world.
Edit: I can expound on this whole thing if you'd like, but this is just a basic rundown of his life.
So basic rundown:
Walter Carter
(NPC template) Expert
Home Port (Miskatonic) +2 Diplomacy to gather information at home
World Traveler (Sense Motive) +1 to Sense Motive and it is a class skill
Alertness +2 Perception and Sense Motive checks
Endurance +4 on Swim to avoid nonlethal damage from exhaustion, Con to continue running, Con to avoid nonlethal damage from forced march, Con to hold breath, Con to avoid nonlethal from starvation and thirst, Fort to avoid nonlethal damage from hot and cold weather , Fort to resist damage from suffocation; can sleep in light and medium armor without becoming fatigued
For Expert these skills are class skills:
Sense Motive

GrinningJest3r |

Oops! History, Religion, Engineering. I've also got a point in Arcana and Planes even though they're not class skills. This is definitely the type of guy that would never discount the possibilitty that a D&D/Pathfinder type multiverse exists, which would give him the point in Planes, and those family friends all being Wiccan would give him a look into rituals and other "magic".
I did have a question, too. My int score allows me some other languages. What other languages will be available for a campaign like this?

GrinningJest3r |

I just realized... That list is comprised of the ten class skills I get for being an Expert, but because I get Sense Motive anyway from World Traveler, I'm going to add Know(Arcana) to the list due to his Wiccan upbringing.
(I wouldn't have double posted, but I can't edit the original five hours after the fact.)

GrinningJest3r |

Alright so English as his base language, Latin, Slavic, Norse, and Hieroglyphics as his bonus. He's only ever taken Latin as a course of study, but during his travels, it has always been a minor curiosity to find the origins of other languages. They also go well with his propensity for studying world and culture history.
I'd be willing to trade Latin for Math if it would be more appropriate as a "language" hahaha.

GM Rednal |
That aside, for those who've mostly or totally finished their character sheets, I'm thinking about running an introduction to the setting in the Discussion thread. ^^ Something like a tour of the school to help you get a better idea of the setting and what your characters are like before the main plot gets into gear. Anyone interested?

GM Rednal |
One per category is preferred, yes. Keep in mind that you're welcome to look at 3PP traits, too, not just official Paizo ones, so you should be able to find something that works for you. ^^
(Also, my computer's acting up worse than usual, and the new one still isn't in, though I'll try to keep posting as often as I can)

GM Rednal |
As mentioned above, you can assume it's more-or-less the modern day, with whatever edits are necessary to make the story work. ^^ Real events will have little or no impact on the story itself, but there IS a world outside of the school.
Actually, Arkham as a whole is a fairly isolated area. o.O Old buildings, not too much traffic, but somehow gets along in its own quiet little part of the world. Decent sized place, though, since it does support a University with a relatively high level of income.

Mahorfeus |

Still working on the backstory, but here's what I have for the mechanics so far.
Human aristocrat 1
N Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +6
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (Dex +1)
hp (1d8+1)
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will +7
Speed 30 ft.
Melee N/A
Ranged N/A
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 10;
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Skills Bluff +4 (+7 to tell a lie), Diplomacy +4 (+7 to persuade), Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6
Languages English, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Sumerian
Traits Inspired, Student of Philosophy

Jerry the Farmer |

Sounds really interesting. I originally rolled Jerry as an "Ordinary Hero" concept. I can adapt him easily for this (and will at home tonight!)
I'm thinking a farm-kid who wants to escape the routine of pig-farming but doesn't want the 'traditional' college experience. He is interested in psychology, especially experimental behavioral modification and a bit of developmental psych, but also has a background in natural sciences (because he's a farmer, after all!) He did well in high school but never really applied himself.
Jerry played Dungeons and Dragons in middle and high school - fully diving in to the role-playing experience to escape the boredom of life in a small farming town in Pennsylvania. He enjoys reading sci-fi and fantasy and likes to look for alternate explanations for the unusual occurances in the news. He's not a conspiracy-theorist, but he has a deeper understanding that not all things are as they sometimes appear.

Rednal |

Submissions will last a bit through when I get my new PC, so a few more days (at minimum). Quality of submissions is also a factor. Unfortunately, I can't make very long replies right now. >.<
@Jerry: I'm not sure that there's a huge deal of farming in the area, so he probably wouldn't be local. That said, admission without a scholarship is fairly expensive, so try to add in details that the school would like if you want to have a better shot. ^^ MU is definitely not a traditional school, so there is that!

Jerry the Farmer |

Male Human Commoner 1
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +x; Perception +x
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 10 (d6 +3 Con +1 favored class per level)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Melee: ?: Attack +3, Damage 1d?+3 (crit: x?)
Ranged: ? (? ft): Attack +1, Damage 1d? (crit: x?)
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Languages: English
Class Skills: 2 ranks per level
Climb (+3) {+3 ability -0 AC +0 rank +0 class }
Craft (-) {+0 ability +0 rank +0 class}
Handle animal (+4) {+0 ability +1 rank +3 class }
Knowledge (nature) (+4) {+0 ability +1 trait +1 rank +3 class }
Perception (+1) {+1 ability +0 rank +0 class}
Profession (-) {+1 ability +0 rank +0 class }
Ride (+1) {+1 ability -0 AC +0 rank +0 class }
Swim (+3) {+3 ability -0 AC +0 rank +0 class }
Deft Dodger: Growing up in a dangerous farm environment has honed your senses. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.
Savanna Child (plains): You were born and raised among rolling plains or savannas. You spent much of your youth exploring these vast reaches and know many of the savanna's secrets. Pick one of the following skills: Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), or Ride. You gain a +1 trait bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
Dodge: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to your AC.
Improved Unarmed Strike: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed—you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.
Special Abilities
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The commoner is proficient with one simple weapon. They are not proficient with any other weapons, nor are they proficient with any type of armor or shield.
Jerry played Dungeons and Dragons in middle and high school - fully diving in to the role-playing experience to escape the boredom of life in a small farming town. He enjoys reading sci-fi and fantasy and likes to look for alternate explanations for the unusual occurrences in the news. He's not a conspiracy-theorist, but he has a deeper understanding that not all things are as they sometimes appear. He was in the gaming club at school, and his teacher, Mrs Peregrine, acknowledged that Jerry was a bit different from the other students. He had a way of seeing and understanding things about others that sometimes freaked his friends out. She recognized his talents, and recommended he apply to Miskatonic University. There he could study psychology, especially behavioral modification and social psych, but also natural sciences (because he's a farmer, after all!)
On his graduation, Mrs Peregrine gave Jerry a strange, old book. Its cover was tattered and worn with strange and arcane-looking markings that seemed to slither around and change when he wasn’t looking at it straight on. She said he would be able to discover its secrets at Miskatonic, where she had studied decades earlier. In fact, it was her letter of recommendation that earned him the scholarship to the University.

Jerry the Farmer |

Thinking it over, I'm changing Dodge to Improved Grapple. That fits better with Jerry's story =) Here's the updated crunch:
Male Human Commoner 1
NG Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Perception +1
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 9 (d6 +3 Con)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14 (+2 grapple)
Melee: Unarmed: Attack +3, Damage 1d3+3 (crit: x2)
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Languages: English
Class Skills: 2 ranks per level
Climb (+3) {+3 ability -0 AC +0 rank +0 class }
Craft (-) {+0 ability +0 rank +0 class}
Handle animal (+4) {+0 ability +1 rank +3 class }
Knowledge (nature) (+4) {+0 ability +1 trait +1 rank +3 class }
Perception (+1) {+1 ability +0 rank +0 class}
Profession (-) {+1 ability +0 rank +0 class }
Ride (+1) {+1 ability -0 AC +0 rank +0 class }
Swim (+3) {+3 ability -0 AC +0 rank +0 class }
Deft Dodger: Growing up in a dangerous farm environment has honed your senses. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.
Savanna Child (plains): You were born and raised among rolling plains or savannas. You spent much of your youth exploring these vast reaches and know many of the savanna's secrets. Pick one of the following skills: Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), or Ride. You gain a +1 trait bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.
Improved Grapple: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a grapple combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to grapple you.
Improved Unarmed Strike: You are considered to be armed even when unarmed—you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you attack foes while unarmed. Your unarmed strikes can deal lethal or nonlethal damage, at your choice.
Special Abilities
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The commoner is proficient with one simple weapon. They are not proficient with any other weapons, nor are they proficient with any type of armor or shield.