Your Benevolent Dictator |

If you're lucky you can find a few late-blooming blackberries. It's late summer/early Autumn right now, so it's still warm enough for them to grow. Luckily, strawberries are at their peak right now, so there's an ample supply of red ink for you. ;-)
EDIT: I am susceptible to bribes... Pizza is nice...

Oladon |
Here you are, boss. I'd prefer to wait to set up an alias for her until your decision is public; if that's a problem, let me know and I can put one together. Here's what will be in it:
Eva Baldursdóttir
Female Human Monk 1
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Age: 31, 6'7", 205lbs
Init: +1, Perception: +6
AC 14, Tch 14, FF 12
(10 + 1dex + 2wis)
CMD 16 (+2 vs grapple)
HP 10/10
DR1/cold iron
Cold resistance: 2 (non-stacking)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4
BAB +0, CMB +3 (+2 for grappling)
Melee: temple sword, +3 (1d8+4, 19-20/x2, S, monk/trip)
sword flurry of blows, +2/+2 (1d8+3/1d8+3, 19-20/x2, S, monk/trip)
unarmed strike, +3 (1d6+3, x2, B)
fist flurry of blows +2/+2 (1d6+3/1d6+3, x2, B)
UNAVAILABLE: Ranged: light crossbow, +1 (1d8, 19-20/x2, P, 80ft)
Speed: 30ft
Languages: Common, Hallit, Sylvan
Dex: 12
Con: 13
Int: 13
Wis: 15
Cha: 10
(Includes flexible human adjustment(s): Str+2)
Northern Ancestry (RoW campaign trait): +1 to Fortitude saves, 2 cold resistance
Chillblight Emissary: DR 1/cold iron but become sickened for 1 round if damaged by a cold iron weapon
Alternate Racial Traits: None
Class Archetypes: Ki Mystic, Monk of the Four Winds, Monk of the Sacred Mountain, Qinggong Monk
Appraise: +1
Bluff: +0
Climb: +3
Craft (Alchemy) (I): +5
Diplomacy: +0
Disable Device: —
Disguise: +0
Esc. Art.: +1
Handle Animal: —
Heal: +2
Intimidate (I): +4
Know. Arcana*: —
Know. Dung.*: —
Know. Eng.*: —
Know. Geo.*: —
Know. Hist.* (I): +5
Know. Loc.* (I): +2
Know. Nat.*: —
Know. Nob.*: —
Know. Planes*: —
Know. Rel.*: —
Linguistics (I): +2
Perception (I): +6
Ride: +1
Sense Motive: +2
Spellcraft: —
Stealth: +1
Survival: +2
Swim: +3
*footnote not yet applicable
(6 ranks; no ACP)
AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD.
Elemental Fist (Su, +1d6, 1/day): At 1st level, a monk of the four winds gains Elemental Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, the monk increases the damage of his Elemental Fist by 1d6 (2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 10th level, and so on).
Weapons and Armor:
temple sword (3lbs)
explorer's outfit (8lbs)
backpack (2lbs)
fishing kit (3lbs)
grooming kit (2lbs)
inkpen (—)
chalk x2 (—)
parchment x1 (—)
paper, rice x2 (—)
charcoal x1 (—) (pending DM bribery)
rope (50', hemp) (10lbs)
torch x3 (3lbs)
Cash: 5cp
When Eva was not spending time with the fey or being taught by her mother, she enjoyed watching the caravan guards at their martial practice. She admired their toughness, and the way they seemed to shake off scrapes, bruises, and other injuries. For hours at a time, Eva would watch the guards at practice, and then would sneak off into the forest and cajole the fey into "practicing" with her as she tried to copy the movements she had seen. The fey thought it was great fun, though in their enthusiasm they sometimes punched too hard or twisted a joint-lock too far. In those cases, Eva would try to ignore the pain and instead playfully return the favor, careful not to do any lasting harm.
In the summer of her seventeenth year, while her father's caravan was visiting the empire of Taldor, a young man captured Eva's heart. Bidding her parents and the caravan farewell, she married and settled down in Heldren, wife of a farmer. With her breadth of experience, she began to teach the children of the village, at first unofficially, and later as the official village schoolmistress. Her austere presence evoked respect and fear from the children, even as her playfulness and love of life caused them to adore her.

Erika Darou |

Sorry for the delay, it's been a LONG Sunday. Here is Erika's Background/Personality.

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Hello, I've almost finished my character, Bors, and his dog Gustavus, but I've run into two questions about my animal companion.
First, I'm reflavoring a wolf into a large dog, specifically an akita, because for some reason, by RAW, riding dogs are not acceptable as animal companions. The difference in stats between the two are as follows: riding dogs get 15 Str rather than 13, they only have 40 base movement rather than 50, they only have 1 natural armor rather than 2, and they get a +4 to acrobatics checks to jump. I'm fine using the reflavored wolf, but if you're ok with it, I'd rather use the riding dog stats, since that's what Gustavus is.
Second, I'm taking the alternate racial trait Eye for Talent from the Advanced Race Guide (I give up my bonus feat for a +2 to sense motive and a +2 to a stat of my choice for my animal companion). I'm putting this +2 into Int. By RAW, Gustavus gets no extra tricks for having 4 int, however in the Intelligent Animal FAQ Jason Buhlman says:
... I think a GM could safely assume that an animal can learn 3 extra tricks for each point of Int above 2 (following the pattern).
Also in the FAQ, he says that this is still up to the GM. I will be giving Gustavus a +2 to int whether or not he gets the extra tricks, as it's an important part of the character's concept and backstory. I'd greatly appreciate knowledge of your stance on these two issues so I can finish and turn in the character.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

I'd prefer you simply reflavor the wolf as it'll be easier for me to adjudicate - especially when it comes time to advance him.
As for the INT increase stuff, I'll have to think on that. That's a huge gray area there, and the Paizo Blog/FAQ is vague. I see INT 3 as basically sentient aka Koko the Gorilla, so that in and of itself raises a big can of worms regarding Handle Animal vs. Diplomacy vs. no tricks needed. INT 4 is something I've never even heard of in an Animal Companion Let me see the build/backstory/reason for that choice, and I'll figure something out, but it'll probably be a couple days.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

I'm heading off to bed but wanted to post a quick update. Here's the current submission list. I'll try to make this my last post each night until recruitment closes. Let me know if I missed you.
Submission List
1) Blik – Halfling Druid (bat shaman)
2) Hassan al’Akbar – Keleshite Inquisitor (witch hunter)
3) Hobbes Bitterleaf – Halfling Ranger (trapper)
4) Erika “Darou” – Human Time Thief
5) Jamben Darkeye – Taldan Wizard (conjuration)
6) Maldrek Kasidra – Tiefling Time Thief
7) Ingvarr Gunnarsson – Ulfen Barbarian (invulnerable rager)
8) Sigrun Jagrsdottir – Ulfen Barbarian (invulnerable rager)
9) Enzo Brooks – Varisian Rogue (thug)
10) Eva Baldursdottir – Ulfen Monk (quinggong/ki mystic/four winds/sacred mountain)
The recruitment period lasts until Saturday, January 18, so there's still plenty of time to apply. :-)

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I'll get the backstory posted ASAP, I'm really just looking at a dog that's as intelligent as say, Lassie, and the implications of the mechanics are getting in the way. I'm not looking to have a truly sentient animal and I still want to use Handle Animal. I just want Gustavus to be more than just a block of combat statistics, and extra tricks from having a high int would solve that problem nicely. The FAQ I posted in my earlier comment does point out that the animal still requires the use of handle animal and tricks, even with higher intelligence (unless one uses the spell 'Awakening').
Basically the whole trick thing comes down to whether I get the bare basics required to run the animal in combat (Attack, Attack Any Target, Down, Heel, Stay, Flank (from animal archive), and Track) or I get some extra flavorful tricks, mostly from animal archive (Hunt (it can aid me in survival checks to hunt), Defend, Exclusive (takes orders only from me), Seek (searches an area for living creatures), Sneak (Attemps to use stealth until told otherwise), and Watch (watches an area and alerts me if it notices anything).

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Aeron Stillwaters |

@Ingvarr: you're good to go. If you're interested in playing up the giant heritage aspect, you may want to look into the Jotunkin Archetype. :-)
That archetype looks super fun, but I'm not sure that the Jotunkin's size bonus is worth giving up the invulnerable rager's endure elements (unfortunately, they don't stack). I'll have to think about it. I guess it all depends on how big a roll cold weather plays in the AP.

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The backstory is pretty long, sorry. Here you go.
Much of Bors' childhood was spent playing with his siblings, exploring the hills and forests around Tremenius, hunting with and training hawks and hounds, and learning all the things which a young lord in training must know, such as fighting, local customs, laws, and the management of the family lands and business. Bors also learned the Sylvan tongue used by both the gnomes and fey in the Verduran Forest. House Tremenius' business was primarily the raising and export of cattle; the training of horses, hunting dogs, and hawks; and a small copper mine in the north of the manor. The family also regularly traded with the gnomes in the nearby forest. Most of the House's wealth was concentrated in these things, aside from a smallish manor house in Oppara.
When Bors was nine years old, a land dispute between House Valerius and the much larger House Gentrian escalated into full scale raids from Gentrian. Iacobus entered the conflict at his wife's urging, attempting to mediate the dispute, but the only response from Gentrian was to begin raiding Tremenius holdings as well. Within a few months House Gentrian siezed the lands of House Tremenius, leaving Bors and his family to flee to their other home in Oppara. House Valerius fell soon after. After nearly a year of attempting to have his lands reinstated , Iacobus became fed up with with the Taldan government and sold his remaining holdings and booked passage on a ship, called the Boisterous Kirin, for his family to Amanandar, the Taldan nation in Tian Xia.
Bors spent most of the long voyage trying to be alone. He mourned the loss of the hills and forests he knew so well. The melancholy changed him from a bright outgoing little boy into a brooding ten year old. There were no dogs or hawks on the ship, just sailors, passengers, cargo, and a few rats. His only comfort during this time was his little sister, Valandia. She was the only one who could get him to smile and laugh.
Eventually the journey ended and things got a bit better for Bors. His father bought a small estate near New Oppara, and the family resumed the training of Hounds, Hawks, and Horses. The dogs of this region were very different than those of his home, but they trained the same. Still broody, Bors was somewhat happier than he had been on the ship.
Years passed, and Bors learned Tien, the language of the non-Taldane locals. He was a young man now, and large for his age, he began to learn the way of the warrior in earnest. On his 16th birthday, his father gave him the gift of first choice at the year's litter of pups. Bors grew up around animals, dogs in particular, and had a natural eye for their strengths and weaknesses. He saw something in the runt of the litter. It was smaller than the rest, but it had a keen look in its eyes, and as he observed the pups at play, time and again the runt would gain the upper hand on it's bigger brethren through cunning. As weaning came closer, the little runt only improved in the eyes of Bors, and when it came time to choose, he chose the runt and named it Gustavus.
Bors and Gustavus were inseperable. The young man taught the hound to hunt and track, to search for prey, to stand watch, to be quiet and hide on command, and all the necessities of obedience. As they moved on to combat training, Bors had the idea to teach Gustavus all of his commands in Sylvan, a language few potential enemies would understand. Bors began to train to fight almost exclusively with his faithful hound. He taught Gustavus to circle around an enemy and catch them offguard, how to take an enemy down to the ground, and finally honed the hound's obedience to attack anything that he indicated, and to break off the attack at a single word. Once Gustavus grew to his full size Bors procured a suit of leather barding for the hound and got him used to fighting in it.
The two roamed the plains and forests around their manor and explored all the nooks and crannies of the area, often leaving for days or a week at a time. Bors grew distant from most people, except his little sister. He spent ever more time time in the wilds, hunting and living off the land.
Bors returned after one extended to trip to find that bandits had attacked his family's manor. The bandits had stolen much of the livestock and killed a number of people, including Valandia. Bors seethed and raged. He wanted the blood of the scum who did this. He could somehow feel Gustavus' own anger at whatever had caused this rage in his master. A connection was forged. Bors borrowed his father's great axe and the two set off immediately, tracking the men who had killed Valandia. Two days later they found the bandits' lair. Together Bors and Gustavus killed nine of the men, one at a time, stalking them, and bringing them down with tooth, sling, and axe. Eventually the two were attacked by a number of the bandits, and Bors was stricken unconcious near the end of the fight, though only a few bandits remained.
He awoke some time later, under a large bush, with a worried looking Gustavus nearby. The faithful hound had saved his life, dragging him hundreds of yards away from the bandits' lair, and even bringing Bors' father's axe. He rested for a until dawn, and in the morning Bors returned home, but he could no longer stay there, not with Valandia dead. He said his farewells and traveled back to the town where he'd first set foot on Tian Xia. He went down to the docks and bargained his labor for passage back to Avistan. Coincidentally it was the Boisterous Kirin, on which he had traveled to Tian Xia, seven years before. The voyage went smoothly until the ship was attacked by a Katapeshi slaver galley a few days before they were due to dock in Absolom.
The battle was brief but intense, the sailors on the Kirin were free men and had faced many a slave ship in their time. Bors killed one of the slavers, and injured a few others, and Gustavus brough down another two. The slaver ship withdrew as they realized this ship was more trouble than it was worth, and the Boisterous Kirin made its way to Absolom. As a reward for his valorous fighting, the Kirin's captain gave Bors one of his personal boarding axes.
Bors lived off the land on the Isle of Kortos for a time, but his gear needed repairs and he had no money to pay for such things. He found a line of work that he and his hound's skill set was particularly useful for, bounty hunting. Bors soon found need of a less lethal way to bring his bounties in, so after getting his gear repaired he bought a sap. After making a bit of a name for himself in Absolom, he found he was too comfortable with the big city. He wanted to get back to nature, so he booked passage to Taldor and continued hunting bounties in the wilds there.
One bounty brought him close to his childhood home, and so he went to what was once Tremenius Manor, finding only the scorched ruins of what was once his home. Eventually learning that it had been burned down in another petty land dispute, Bors felt sickened by the country that had been his birthplace. After completing his hunt, he booked passage to Andoran. Bors, now 21, has ever since traveled the coast of Avistan, plying his trade as a bounty hunter, with his best friend and most faithful companion Gustavus by his side.

Apollo Randasian |

I know that you've stated 3rd party Classes are allowed with GM approval, so I have a question.
I'm really thinking of submitting an Aasimar Rogue. Gender is currently undecided, but I wanted to go with the Azata Blooded 3rd party Aasimar Variant.
Then instead of the standard Celestial Resistances, she (I've decided now) would have the alternate Racial Trait; Deathless Spirit.
I'd also like to swap Lillend's Harp for something more appropriate to a Rogue, as effectively that's only good for a Bard.
Is this something you'd allow?
Thank you.
P.s. I would have submitted something sooner but the forums haven't been working properly for me for a few days, so I wanted to ask that before I went ahead with anything.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

Animals can grow to have an Int higher than 2 through a variety of means, but they should not, as a general rule, be created that way.
which I take to mean that Animal Companions shouldn't be starting out with even INT 3. After all, they're already pretty powerful as is. In terms of tricks, an INT 4 Companions would know just under half of the 31 tricks in existance at Level One. In fact, Gustavus would know double the normal number of starting tricks - a very significant power jump in my book. Basically, you'd be treading very close to the line of having a rather dumb cohort - a privilege reserved for the Summoner (who I've banned from this campaign). Just letting you know where I stand.

Apollo Randasian |

As a kid - Having grown up with her parents in the North, (unnamed) had a decent upbringing. Often while waiting for dinner, she'd go outside and play in the snow, making snow-angels, snowmen and having snowball fights with her imaginary friends. As such, she feels at home in the snow. To her it's calm and comforting, seeing the still, peaceful white scenery all around her.
Aside from this, it turned out that her imaginary friends were actually fey and gnome's alike, who often turned invisible if anyone other than (unnamed) or their own kind approached them. This was how (unnamed) learned how to speak Sylvan.
One particularly cold morning, something caught the corner of her eye, and as she looked around, she saw what she believed to have been the back of a haggard old witch. No sooner did she see it however, the figure disappeared, leaving (unnamed) to question whether it was really there in the first place. Oddly enough though, that image stayed with her all her life, and even today she often finds herself daydreaming about that moment. Whatever the case, in the midst of playing with the fey, something eerie happened that cold and mysterious morning, and it's left its mark on the girl. That happened over 60 years ago, when she still had the appearance of a 5 year old. She's now 89 with the appearance of a 22 year old human female, and takes pleasure in looking nice, socialising with others and acting with good manners and dignity, whilst staying true to her upbeat and happy self.
Later in life - Having visited Sandpoint during the time of the Swallowtail Festival 7 years ago, (unnamed) was familiar enough with the celebration to know what it was all about. Sadly though, her time spent in Sandpoint was a time she wanted to forget. You see a little town like that didn't much approve of the more unusual races and mistook (unnamed) for none other than Nualia herself. The abuse left a mark on her and has made her slightly more cautious of those around her than she was before, but where Nualia lost her will and turned evil, (unnamed) who blames Nualia (following newspapers that stated the events of the Rise of the Runelords campaign) for her races tarnished reputation aims to show to the world that like any other species, Aasimar can do good as well as bad, and hopes that if she ever finds herself visiting Sandpoint once more, that she'll get a little more respect, enabling her to enjoy herself and appreciate the warmth and friendliness of the locals.
Much like Nualia from Rise of the Runelords, except more compassionate, friendly and genuinely kind hearted. Where Nualia was strong willed and fought for evil however, (unnamed) is strong willed and seeks the thrill of adventure. Not having been in any real fights of her own though, she currently lacks combat experience having only trained enough to protect herself in dire circumstances. She's not yet confident in her ability to fight, but will surely one day become a strong willed, able fighter, capable of intimidating foes much akin to the woman she was mistaken for, only on the side of all things good instead.
I will be expanding on this A LOT, and giving her a name that isn't "(unnamed)" tomorrow, but for now I just wanted your opinion on where I was going with this, and more importantly your approval! :)
Class: Female Fighter 1
Favoured Class: Rogue
Race: Aasimar (Outsider)
Alignment: CG
Hair: Ice blue
Eyes: Dark Blue
Age: 89 (22 in Human years)
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Languages: Common, Celestial, Sylvan
HP: 11
AC: 17, Touch: 13, Flat-Footed: 14
Speed: 30ft, Initiative: 3
Str: 15
Dex: 16
Con: 13
Wis: 10
Int: 13
Cha: 14
BAB: 1
CMB: 3
CMD: 16
Fort: 4 (+5 in Snow/Cold areas, +2 - see Deathless Spirit racial ability)
Ref: 3
Will: 0 (+2 - see Deathless Spirit racial ability)
1. Northern Ancestry (Campaign) - +1 Fort, 2 Cold Resistance.
2. Hard to Kill - When you are attempting a Constitution check to stabilize when dying, the penalty on the check is only half your negative hit point total instead of your full negative hit point total.
Racial Abilities:
Spell Like Ability - Musetouched gain glitterdust as a spell-like ability once per day (flavoured as icy silver dust, not gold).
Bralani's Step - May move an extra 5ft once per day.
Deathless Spirit - These Aasimar's gain resistance 5 against negative energy damage. They do not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school. This racial trait replaces celestial resistance.
+3, 1d8+3, 19-20x3
Power Attack:
+2, 1d8+6, 19-20x3
Diplomacy: 5 (1 rank, 2 cha, 2 race)
Perception: 3 (1 rank, 2 race)
Stealth: 4 (1 rank, 3 dex)
1. Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Falcata
1b. Power Attack
Gear: Chain shirt (100gp, 4AC, -2 acp), Falcata (18gp, 1d8, 19-20x3, 1 handed, 4lb's), locked gauntlet (8gp, 5lb's), Cold Weather Outfit (8gp, 7lb's - Re-flavoured as furs on actual outfit, with a duck down hood, boot cuffs, a lined coat and a Shawl made from Winter Wolf fur), Sewing Needle (5sp), Rations x 5 (2gp, 5sp, 5lb's), Waterskin (1gp, 4lb's), Flint and Steel (1gp).
GP: 36gp
From reading books and seeing local militia and City Guard training (and sometimes in real combat), she taught herself how to fight by watching and equipping herself with the protective gear she needs to wear to survive out of the City and on her own.
Her parents were human and both died when she was about 56 (14 in human years) and so she's had to try and grow up fast, and after travelling (mainly with merchants for safe passage) a large part of Varisia in search of a home, found herself in Oppara where she was eager to work as it meant being able to live and do her own thing while she dealt with the loss of both her parents.
Now a freelance artist known mostly to her small group of loyal customers, she has some cash to spare, and with news of the Swallowtail Festival creeping up on her once more, she headed off to Heldren, for want of a change of scenery from her home of Taldor's Capital City. Something simpler but welcoming was what she desired, and with the amount of work she'd recently put into her art projects, she figured she deserved the break.

Your Benevolent Dictator |

@Kenji: sounds like a plan. Keep me posted. :-)
@Apollo: build and backstory look good, so once you figure out a name, head on over to the discussion tavern. :-)
Submission List
1. Blik – Halfling Druid (bat shaman)
2. Hassan al’Akbar – Keleshite Inquisitor (witch hunter)
3. Hobbes Bitterleaf – Halfling Ranger (trapper)
4. Erika “Darou” – Human Time Thief
5. Jamben Darkeye – Taldan Wizard (conjuration)
6. Maldrek Kasidra – Tiefling Time Thief
7. Ingvarr Gunnarsson – Ulfen Barbarian (invulnerable rager)
8. Sigrun Jagrsdottir – Ulfen Barbarian (invulnerable rager)
9. Enzo Brooks – Varisian Rogue (thug)
10. Eva Baldursdottir – Ulfen Monk (quinggong/ki mystic/four winds/sacred mountain)
11. Thorn Silvertip – Half-Elf Ranger (spirit ranger/trapper)
12. Vashti Amela – Varisian Cleric (healing/repose domains)
13. Delweir – Chelaxian Wizard (infernal binder)
Heading to bed now. Five more days, so plenty of time to submit. :-)

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Okay, here we go:
Lyosha Neverhome
Barbarian (Hateful Rager) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (Human, Orc); Favored Class Barbarian (+1HP)
Init +2; Senses Perception +6
AC 16 touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
HP 16
Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 40ft.
Melee; Greatsword +3 (2d6+3)
Ranged; Harpoon +3 (1d10+2)
Str 15 (7), Dex 14 (5), Con 15 (7), Int 7 (-4), Wis 14 (5), Cha 10 (0)
Base Attack +1; CMB +2; CMD 14
Skills Perception +6 Survival +6
FEATS: Pass for Human
Langauges Common, Orc, Erutaki
Fast Movement (Ex)
A barbarian's land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian's speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian's land speed.
Rage (Ex)
A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.
Ability Score Racial Traits: Half-orc characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Type: Half-orcs are Humanoid creatures with both the human and orc subtypes.
Size: Half-orcs are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Half-orcs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Chain Fighter Some half-orcs have escaped from slavery and reforged the chains of their imprisonment into deadly weapons. Half-orcs with this racial trait are proficient with flails and heavy flails, and treat dire flails and spiked chains as martial weapons. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
Sacred Tattoo Many half-orcs decorate themselves with tattoos, piercings, and ritual scarification, which they consider sacred markings. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus on all saving throws. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity.
Scavenger Some half-orcs eke out a leaving picking over the garbage heaps of society, and must learn to separate rare finds from the inevitable dross. Half-orcs with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks and on Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors), determine whether food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.
Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Child of Two Peoples (half-elf, half-orc, or human):
Your parents come from two visibly different cultures that maintain distinct identities regardless of their physical proximity (such as Tians and Ulfen). The tug of conflicting expectations has strengthened your sense of individuality and given you a gift for languages. You receive a +2 trait bonus on Will saves against charm and compulsion effects,
and you automatically know the racial or ethnic languages of both your parents.
Northern Ancestry:
One of your parents came from the North, and the tales of the frozen lands at the top of the world that you grew up listening to excited your imagination. Or maybe one of your ancestors had the blood of some frost-rimed creature. You feel most alive during the chill of winter, and as a child, you spent hours playing in the snow. You rarely feel the cold, and you've always had a restless longing to travel north. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves, as well as cold resistance 2; this resistance does not stack with cold resistance gained from any other source.
Harpoon 4 gp 1d8x3 10 ft. 6 lbs.(without rope) P x2
Greatsword 50 gp 2d6 19–20/×2 8 lbs. S
Hide shirt wArmored Kilt 40 gp+4+4-1
Trap, bear 2 gp 10 lbs.
Outfit, Cold-Weather 8 gp*7 lbs.
Rations, Wandermeal (per serving) 1 cp 1/2 lb. x 20
Flask 3 cp 1-1/2 lbs.
Age 16 years
Height 6'10"
Weight 215lbs
Description: A body lithe but still muscular with sharp features and piercing gold predatory eyes further enhanced by heavy dark circles is at odds with how this person dresses himself. His loose gray and black hair is complemented by the raggedy black furs he cloaks his pale ashen gray skin in. Appearing at once someone who wishes to disappear and someone hard to forget.
Born in the far reaches of Irrisen to a Jadwiga witch generations cut off from any semblance of nobility or prestige her blood would afford her, the baby soon found himself in a harsh uncaring world. Before he was six years of age he had courted Death countless times, due to the neglect and general uncaring attitude of his birth mother. His troubles only increased in his seventh year, as his mother sent him to work in the local mines with the other peasants, in doing so she hoped he would finally be of some use, or be worked to death.
Neither would turn out true, for as soon as the other workers saw a child so young forced in with them caused nearly a hive minded plan of action. Yelling for the Overseer that a large vein of silver had finally been discovered the workers waited till he and his immediate guards traveled down into the mine to inspect, at which point the workers used whatever they had at hand; tools, explosives, and even the faintest of magic to attack the supports of the mine walls itself, ensuring the death of the Overseer and large number of guards but also claiming a large number of the workers as well. The remaining workers grabbed up those injured or too weak to run and fled from the mine, overpowering what remaining guards there were.
While most of the freed workers spread to the four winds a small number banded together to travel to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. This group would grow to be Lyosha's family, an actual family, for almost ten years.
Never settling in one spot for too long the group grew from its simple beginnings of freed slaves to a guerrilla force operating in and around the Irriseni border, striking at the White Witches in whatever way they could. Picking up more and more like minded people one day a small group of Erutaki joined the band of fighters, one of them a girl of about Lyosha's age who would end up not only being his first and longest lasting friend, the person who would give him not only his name, but also be the love of his life, Alma. Life is short in the frozen north so when Lyosha turned fifteen he asked for hand, and she joyfully agreed.
Not having enough money for the best of supplies, let alone jewelry, the two settled on getting a dark band tattooed around their ring fingers, and for once, the entire band of fighters, refugees, and fugitives knew happiness for awhile.
Soon after Lyosha turned sixteen however his whole world was once again turned upside down, shattered, and cast into the Abyss. Returning from an unsuccessful hunt Lyosha found the makeshift campsite in the throes of destruction. The groups actions against the winter witches had not gone unnoticed, and now it had caught up with them. Everyone he knew, everyone he cared for was under relentless slaughter by a group made of Winter Wolves and Giants. Rushing to aide in the futile battle he was charged by Winter Wolf, sending them both into the running river nearby.
Freezing cold piercing and breaking his body made the struggle with wolf seem to last an eternity. Finally choking the wolf into unconsciousness he released it to the river's uncaring waters to finish the beast before pulling himself from the freezing rapids. Despite the biting cold of the air, the numbing cold of the ground, and the stabbing cold of the waters, Lyosha for the first time in his life felt warmth. The warmth of pure hatred burning in his heart. With this hatred he carried himself back to the campsite, past his wounds and exhaustion, his hatred wouldn't allow his body to fall just yet.
And yet when he made it to what was left of the camp he found neither friend nor foe, merely strangers. Strangers wearing black feathers and cleaning the fresh gore from the wolves and giants from their weapons. Anger quickly turned fear as he ran about the campsite, looking for any sign of his family. Eventually he found them, but none were among the living, and by now the black feathered soldiers were long gone. Crumpling over into a heap of tears and anger and sadness and rage and spite his mind was soon consumed by darkness. First he had been denied a life, and now his family. He was even denied his own vengeance.
Lyosha doesn't recall much what occurred after he collapsed, only that he spent untold hours burring what was left of the dead. Maybe this was his mind trying to protect itself as he finally laid Alma to rest he set from forth Irrisen, from the north all together. He didn't truly come back to the land of the living till days of hunger started to overtake him, and for once he noticed there was nothing white in sight. He found himself in a strange land of greens and reds and browns and darker skinned people wearing all manner of colorful clothing. Not knowing what to do with himself, he merely looked for the nearest road not going north and set his feet to it, hoping to never return to Irrisen again. Or maybe he did yearn to return to his wintery homeland, and burn it to the ground. Whatever the case may be, the somber figure of Lyosha Neverhome traveled the next couple of months throughout the southern warm states, eventually winding to the country of Taldor. And there he chanced upon a tavern...
Lyosha tends to speak only when necessary, though he will get vocal on the subjects of slavery, nobility and peasants, as well as oppressive laws.
When in doubt or unsure he will unknowingly rub the tattoo on his ring finger.
He becomes nervous and at unease when in (non-violent) physical contact with other people, especially women.
Often falls into aloof snarking at very serious or deadly situations.
Having never met an Orc, he considers that side of him the good one.
While he may not be the smartest weapon in the armory he has just as much fear as he does hatred for Irrisen.
In combat he will disregard himself, focusing only on protecting his allies or taking down the opponent, more so the latter if Giants, Winter Wolves, or Winter Witches are involved.

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And here is my Submission,
NF Medium humanoid (catfolk)
Init +5; Senses Perception +0
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (armor +3,Shield +0,Dex +3)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Battleaxe+2 (1d8+1 / 20x3)
Ranged Composite Longbow(1d8/20x3) arrows (40)
Secondary weapons:
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int12, Wis 10, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +2 ; CMD 16
Feats: Point Blank shot, Precise Shot
Skills(trained) Handle Animal+5,Proffesion:trapper +4,Survival+4
Traits: Restless Wayfarer(campaign)+1 to knw:Geography,local. knw Geography is now always class skill. +1 language as well. trait: Adopted(Half Elf) may take racial trait - Elven reflexes - +2 to initiative
Languages Common, skald, hallit
Combat Gear: Composite Longbow (40 arrows) Battleaxe, Light shield, Studded leather
Other Gear Backpack, Bedroll,winter blanketx2, flint+steel,trail rations (3days),whetstone,waterskin,Cold weather outfit,
Assets 9 gp, 3 sp, 2cp
The background is a half dry run, working on making it a bit more fluffy. While he is built to be a ranged sort, i have thoughts to dip into probably sorceror or maybe rogue a bit. But thats not guarenteed either. I can post 2 to 3 times a day if need by, I work nights so the normal 9 to 5 day is my normal rest time, im still up at noon most days though.Thanks for your time

Enchanter Tim |

I think this could be fun. Vesna is an Oracle, but her remaining levels will be in Sorceror. Likely, Elemental/Boreal crossblooded. It doesn't get any more Winter Mage.
GM, there is one thing I would like permission to change though for some cool flavor, I think. Instead of her tongues curse making her speak Celestial, would you allow it to make her speak Skald only? Part of her Northern heritage taking over.
Vesna Kania
Human (Jadwiga) Oracle 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2
Resist oracle's curses (tongues [celestial]), cold 2
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20/×2) and
. . spear +0 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks revelations (freezing spells [1 rd])
Oracle Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5):
1st (4/day)—protection from evil, bless, cure light wounds
0 (at will)—detect magic, create water, read magic, light
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Elemental Focus, Toughness
Traits magical knack, northern ancestry
Skills Diplomacy +8, Knowledge (arcana) +2, Knowledge (nature) +5, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +5, Survival +4
Languages Celestial, Common, Skald
SQ mysteries (winter)
Other Gear Studded leather armor, Dagger, Spear, Backpack (empty), Bedroll, Belt pouch (empty), Blanket, winter, Cold weather outfit, Flint and steel, Scroll case (empty), Torch (3), Waterproof bag (empty), Waterskin, 60 GP, 8 SP, 7 CP
Special Abilities
Cold weather outfit +5 Fort save vs. cold weather.
Elemental Focus (Cold) +1 DC to spells that deal damage of the chosen energy.
Energy Resistance, Cold (2) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Freezing Spells (1 rd) (Su) Creatures who fail to save against your cold spells are slowed.
Magical Knack (Sorceror) +2 CL for a specific class, to a max of your HD.
Tongues (Celestial) You can only understand and speak one language in combat.
Vesna’s early years were life on the road. She didn’t remember much of the early days except that whenever they moved, they moved South. South, her father told her, was safer. Her father, Nikolai Kania, was a sorceror, one who could manipulate water. Some people feared them, but mostly Nikolai tried to help people when he could, bringing water to crops and clean water for drinking. Sometimes they would stay in a town for months, her father trying to figure out a new spell, but then it time to move again. Vesna knew not to complain when they had to go, besides she would just make new friends. Friends were easy for Vesna. She owned rooms when she walked into them and it wasn’t a week in a new town where she didn’t have a following of others. Girls usually, but as she grew older the boys came too. With her pale blonde hair and powder white skin, she was cute at first, then grew to become stunningly beautiful. The only flaw in her skin was several lines of scars the left side of her neck, chin, and cheek. But those only made her exotic and fueled endless speculation.
Vesna knew exactly where those scars came from, though she never told others. Her father had never hidden her past from her. The scars were the last gift from her mother, a Jadwiga of Irrisen. Nikolai had fallen in love with Klaudia years before when living on the northern edge of Varisia. Klaudia would come and go, spending weeks in Nikolai’s arms before departing back to Irrisen. One day she came back swollen with child. She stayed then, trying to live a normal life with Nikolai. The baby was born and they named her...Anastasia. That was Vesna’s original name. She was beautiful even as a baby. Motherhood and a normal life wore on Klaudia, though. She could feel the pull of her grandmother back to Irrisen. Klaudia had always been cold, but caring for Anastasia made her bitter too. One night, Nikolai woke to find her clutching little Anastasia by the neck, claws digging into the baby’s flesh. She would end the baby and then be free to leave. Nikolai ripped the baby from her grasp, causing the claws to rake the girl’s neck and cheek. He threw Klaudia back with a spell and the Jadwiga fled in rage. Nikolai knew then it wasn’t safe for them to stay in the North. He fled to the south with his baby girl, and renamed her Vesna to spite her Winter Witch mother. Vesna means Spring.
When Vesna was 13, they had crossed into Taldor. Here, her father said, they would stop and build a life. Vesna wasn’t certain it was so much about safety as it was about Nikolai finding love again. Elizabeth was special though. She had visions. She saw things in their future and helped Nikolai ease his fears. Her stepmother was the steadying force they had never had for years. She also taught Vesna how to see and trust the good in people with a warm and loving heart. Before Elizabeth, Nikolai had watched his daughter become harder and colder. She had realized she could use her beauty and charm to get her way. People saw her only as an object of worship, and she began to treat them like it. Elizabeth showed her that goodness was worth respect, and weakness was to be protected by the powerful.
One day, Elizabeth woke up screaming. When they calmed her down, Vesna heard the words that made her heart stop. ”Your mother wants you back.” Nikolai wanted to move again, but Elizabeth assured him that would not stop it. Worse, if he or she interfered, they would all die. Vesna had to go alone. She was 18 now, and that age meant something to the Witches. But where? All the way back to Irrisen? And how was she to fight against the Witches’ power? That’s when it happened. Elizabeth touched Vesna’s arm and divine power raced through the girl. She woke with a distinct dream of butterflies. Heldren Butterflies. Moreover, she woke with a lock of auburn now in her blonde hair. If anything it only made her more striking. But Elizabeth’s words rung true. ”Now you’re my daughter too. Your mother’s blood is strong. You’re a child of the North. But you’re also your father’s daughter. Your blood sings with magic. You know the spells; you can tame it. Now you have my blessing as well. You can do this. Heldren will need you. You’ll find your future there.”

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I'd prefer you to stick with Celestial, as Skald will be showing up everywhere, and the Oracle Curse is supposed to be a bit of a hindrance. Build/backstory-wise, everything looks fine at the moment, so head on over to the discussion tavern. :-)
Lyosha has Erutaki as a language, will that be a problem?

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I would like to humbly submit Aedan Caladbolg, Level 1 Human Paladin and not a Lawful Stupid character, despite being a Paladin raised in a monastery!
Aedan Caladbolg
Male Human Paladin 1, LG
Age: 22, 6'2", 220lbs
Init: +3, Perception: +1
Aeden grew up as an orphan in a monastery of Iomedae in the land of Taldor. His family, merchants by trade, had been slain on the high road by bandits when he was a baby. He had been rescued and brought back by Lord Grigoire, a Knight and Paladin from the city. A hero whose righteous fury was ever in the service of Iomedae.
One of the first questions he had asked the clerics who cared for him when he had grown old enough was how he had got there. Brought in by an armored, holy protector. One who had saved his life, had punished the murderers instantly, with unquestionable moral authority. Taken vengeance for Aeden, who had grown up with no mother or father, before he could neither walk nor talk.
From that moment onward Aeden knew exactly what kind of man he wanted to be. As he grew up, his strength and martial talent grew too. As did his faith in Iomedae, who in his eyes, had spared his life for a purpose. Eventually becoming a Paladin himself, Aeden was partnered with a senior member of their order, Farron Ashe. The two of them fought savage monsters, dark creatures, and foul heretics together for years as student and teacher. Now, Aeden is sent by the church to Riverwatch to investigate a growing situation. For the first time in his life, standing alone and making his own way in the world.
AC: 16
Touch: 11
Flat-Footed: 15
HP: 13
Fort: 4
Reflex: 1
Will: 2
Initiative: 3
Base Spd: 30ft
Spd: 20 ft
Melee Attack Bonus: +5
Ranged Attack Bonus: +2
Melee: Greatsword (2d6+6, 20/x2)
Ranged: Shortbow (1d6, 20/x3)
BaB: 1
CMB: 5
CMD: 16
Favored Class: Paladin (+Hit Point)
Bonus Feat
Ability Bonus
Power Attack
Weapon Focus: Greatsword
Class Abilities
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Bluff: +1
Diplomacy: +5
Intimidate: +1
Perception: +1
Sense Motive: +4
Reactionary: +2 Initiative
Divine Warrior: +1 melee weapon damage when you cast a divine spell that affects weapons.
Oath of Vengeance
Detect Evil
Smite Evil
Currency: 24.35 g
Combat Gear:
Greatsword 8 lbs
Scale Mail 30 lbs
Shortbow 2 lbs
Arrows (20) 1 lbs
Other Gear:
Backpack 2 lbs
Belt Pouch
Hemp Rope 50 ft 10 lbs
Travelers Outfit 8 lbs
Waterskin 4 lbs
Bedroll 5 lbs
Blanket 1 lb
Flint and Steel
Rations 5 lbs
Grappling Hook 5 lbs
Load: 100 lbs (Light)
Light: 100 lbs
Medium: 200 lbs
Heavy: 300 lbs
GP: 2 gp