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![]() I'm not trying to start a political war here (however it may). But I sent in a recommendation to www.democraticstuff.com that they should produce a "gamers for Obama button with a few recommendations, one for each table top gamers and console gamers. they are now producing them and are only $1 each Check them out. Gamers for Obama ![]()
![]() Hi all, I just finished BurntOfferings with our 4e group, not it;s time for some dark things to happen. I've been working out how to Do the haunts in Foxglove manner, But they don;t have a cleric to attempt at turn check vs any of the haunts, any sugestions to give the PCs a weapon or 2 vs the house? Soon i will have some of my stats conversions up for the monsters in this adventure. Thanks ![]()
![]() Dose Dragon (or paizo) have plans to do any DnD minitures leagel maps like the one done a while back (drow outpost)? I asked this question over in dungeon and the answer i got was told. No plans from Dungeon, is somthing like this was done it would be done throught dragon. So i thought i would ask Thanks for you time ![]()
![]() There is an issue (I think It was dragon it could have been dungeon) That had a magic weapon template for limited use magic weapons. For example you could buy a Flaming Short sword with 10 charges of flam on it it was a lot cheaper than a flaming short sword and you could pick if the flaming was used but it had a limited number of Flame charges… dose anyone know what magazine this was in ![]()
![]() I want to bring tong alter back just as you can bring back Valadure in the Last adventure, I was wondering if someone saved the feralized tounger eater the Glassjaw posted a wile back it dsoe not seem to still be on the message boards, and if you could post it for me (this way I can upgrade him some more for the party)… Thanks ![]()
![]() A Few Questions about Valandrue: I’m looking and changing valandrue around because I don’t see the terran templet as all that cool or powerful… I have a monk that is immune to poison so clowd kill is pointless and I just don’t see that template as being all that cool… so I want to try and change him around a little… id anyone has a suggestions let me know \
2: assuming he can’t fire their eye rays…. If they took one of the feats from lords of madness (LoM) that allows them to cause their ant magic come to one person can they thin fire eye rays? 3: with that feat can he keep the antimagic field on a person not matter what they do? 4: Valadure will know the parties tactics and I have a wizard who likes to use disintegrate… can he use a ring of counters spells and each time the spell is cast and deflected out of the ring can he just touch the ring again with his eye stalk of disintegrate and have the ring recharge with a new disintegrate counter spell?? 5: I’m also looking for new ways to make him more nasty: is there a beholder paragon template somewhere one line or in a book that I don’t know about? A a different template that would make him more nasty? (the beholder can have up to a +3 level adjustment) 6: if I were to add come minion to the fight what would be the best creatures to have in the fight? I was thinking 3 gauths? ![]()
![]() i should have said ice lattice sorry I was just reading threw Secret of the soul pillars and trying to work out the spell selection for the bone naga.and was trying to understand the icefane corpse spell… it says that undead are cured by cold damage (among other things) is the point behind this to have it heal it's self on the ice lattice in the room?? It also says that undead are immune to the ice lattice affects? Is that just to say that undead are immune to cold? So are they healed by the ice lattice? If they are healed by the cold I would assume they are healed by the negative energy too? Is this right? ![]()
![]() So one of my player a sorcerer\elemental sevant just got the sign of the smoking eye by thowing his familier into the flam. the way everything works out is that he would get 9th level spells at 20th level. This was before he got SSE. Now he dose not get them at all or until 21st level depending.. anyone one have any advice now how to work this out? he is bummed about the situation but i told him that he did it to himslef. ![]()
![]() Dead familiar = evil player So the party enters the final room with the mummy and kalphron attacking… the fight is going well for the party and kalphron is trying to push party member into the plasma… all of a sudden the Cleric walks into the plasma and starts to get the sign… but on that round the party sorcerer throws is snake familiar into the plasma! Now kalphron is going nuts and attacking will all of his power cone of cold fire ball and more… trying to kill off party member and not doing will also he used his blasphemy to paralyze the fighter and the paladin… the monk and kalphron was having it out. But the sorcerer threw his familiar in totally unexpected but cool I like it when they surprise me. I made the sorcerer change his alignment to NE because of this terrible act he will need to seek atonement to get his alignment back… The Paladin is going to try and convince the sorcerer to believe in heronious… and have a quest they must seek. Who would have expected the sor to throw in his snake? Please give me some feed back on this what dose everyone thing about this? ![]()
![]() Ok so as i have said before this is my first experiance being a DM and i would deffenitly do things differently next time (of witch i will need some time to be a player before that happens again) One thing i would do differently is forsadow. But i was hoping to think of some ideas of ways to bring in the Nasties that will be in the end of the AP now... my party is abotu to finish TOTSE (as in they have the fight with the rakasah and the fire giant, the lich and Kalphron left) Who or when i can bring into the players view. any ideas of sugestions? ![]()
![]() i'm going to run the enconter with the lich in TotSE the one where you are suposed to summon monsters I was looking at the choises of summoned monsters and was kinda board with them. I thought it would be fun to have a themed summon list like UA talkes about however I want to do an insect list. Here is my problem and the point of this post I can't find a good pattern between HD and CR for each summon monster spell so it's hard to subsitue creatures in the list UA says to switch with monster of app power level but I don’t know what they mean. It's not a list by CR witch is what I would think power level is all about. thanks ![]()
![]() I have a question for those of you who have run test of the smoking eye. it says that the nexs dose 4d8 negative engery to anyone who touches it no matter what the alighment. Kaurophon is not undead this has the potental of taking him down past 1\2 his HP. How did people deal with this did you just not pay attentino to it did you just do minimn dagge? because if you acctuly give him the damge this makes him a much quicker kill ![]()
![]() So the party just went threw the mirror in the Demon skar legacy. However they did not find alkalst nor did they kill all the giants or ettins in the dungon. They party just missed out on lots of stuff. and lots of XP so i'm looking into an adventure in the desert that would be good and not having kaurophon show up just yet. or mabye have him travel with them or somthing... However i'm wondering how to tie in the adventure with the Hags or somthing so that i can place aklast in the desert. all they know about it is that it was tolen by agents of evil... any ideas? ![]()
![]() How do they get back? After Test of the Smoking eye how are the PC's to get back to the marieral plan? We have a cleric that can cast
But dose this work to go back to the material plan? I know very little about the plans and this will be my first expericance with them (as a player or a DM) A little advice would be great thanks ![]()
![]() So we all know that celest will be in the new AP So and we know that Charm person dose not work on her because she is no a humanoid. So what do we think that she is? I'm assuming that she has a Nutral or evil aliament because she was working for valadure she would either need to be nuetral and paid well or evil to be in league with him. So what could she be? Mabye a Polymorphed dragon? Howabout another doppleganger? any ideas? ![]()
![]() I was readind a head and was doing some prep for test of the smoking eye. (I had some free time and I think I have everything else ready for the other adventures) But I could not figure out what to do about the map? Dose anyone have any good ideas on how to use the map of occiptus? Should I only show where they have been and the path that they are on? Should I re draw the mapa so that they see the map with out the lines from the path? I have a few weeks there are only halfway threw the kup-toan shrin in zenith trajecoty so I have a few weeks but the sooner I fiugre it out the better ![]()
![]() My party is about to enter bhal-hamatugn and several of the PC's are good. How dose the magic circle against good work in room 5? i know they must make their DC 17 will save to enter the room... but i have a few questions about that 1: dose this only affect good charaters? what about true nutral?
just thought that i would be all ready for my sunday session ![]()
![]() dose anyone else see similarities between the chisel and the freemasons? I know that my party will notice these rather quickly because we are a group of all senior DeMolays (except for the girl in the party)... I sure hope that people out there know what DeMoaly and the freemasons are. lets see Some similarities...
they are based in the stonemason district of a city (the freemasons started as stonemasons) The Freemasons intent is to help people and make the community better... however they have not shifted to selfish cause it's just interesting ![]()
![]() Life's Bazaar was almost a TPK… The Party had done several different attacks on the Fortes each trying to enter threw a different Secret door… They had cleared most of the foungeon except for 2 goblins 4 hobgoblins Kozmojen one lemer the durazden and the howler. So when they went back down the next time I had sealed the two secret doors one form an avalanche and the other by having people pile random furniture behind the door… however the cleric shattered the door unexpectedly and they entered again. They found a bunch of treasure and found the prisoners… they did not however try and get them out of the dungeon but gave them weapons and told them to stay there. They killed the hobgoblins that were in the Torcher room and freed the rouge sorcerer. They then tried to attack from across the bridge… just a the durazaden was leaving the room one of the parties rouges shot an arrow at him (witch pissed him off) they paty was all captured and put in prison. I had the storm blades go down and free the party and take them back to the surface. When the party went back down the fortress was empty. So they chased down the slavers into the under dark. Were they found them in a cave with a few more hobgoblins the total people they fought were 3 lemers, 4 hobgoblins, kozmjen, the durazden, and the howler… it was almost a TPK… with the party sorcerer escaping and two party members defeated and knocked out to become slavers… the players opted to create new players and become a new party brought together by the existing party sorcerer… I plan on brining the captured players back as NPC's that have been brainwashed and have them attack the party. ![]()
![]() ok So i'm a first time DM and i play with a group of people who have been playing for sometime now. They know the rules better than i do but they get 2.0 and 3.0 mixed up with 3.5 all the time. How i understand damage redution is that if a creature has dr 10/Silver they need a silver weapon to have all the damage afect the creature. However they said that if they have a magical weapon that they still do full damage. Could someone clear this up for me ![]()
![]() in dungeon 104 page 71 (demonskar legacy) there is a creature called Gaflon, it's a nerra varoot rog4 (medium outsider)... i don't know what this is or where i can find a pic of one... any ideas? I like to show my PC's pictures of what they have to fight insted of just descripbing it or telling them what it is... ![]()
![]() Where are the Draconic fingerlings from? They are in the temple in the flood season adventure however I wanted to try and find a pic of them so I was wondering what book they are from.. Also I wanted to see if there was any other information about them in the book other that the stat block that is in the appendix of the adventure ![]()
![]() Here is what I'm thinking I my players are working threw lifes bizarr and one of the contratcted the vanishing however they party rested for 3 days before it became overy apparent that he was dissapearing he will most likley die… but what about the skulk and the dark staker with the fanishing? Do they die too?? ![]()
![]() Ok so I'm not sure what to do one of my Players (a Gnome) wants to take over Jzadirune. He wants to make it his workshop to make Golems and things (he is taking prestige class that will help he do this he also wants to make it a temple of Garl Glittergold witch is cool the problem I have is how is the vanishing going to affect him making magic items in there (he wants to make scrolls there and live there). Should I screw him over and when he makes things there have them all have the vanishing? Or should I have some way of having the vanishing go away??? Any ideas?? ![]()
![]() Dose anyone have any maps for the adventure path that are after flood season on their computer (the ones that they have not posted on this web page) I need some digital copies of the maps because I'm working on making true player copies that I can erase a black screen I place over the map as the proceed (all using Photoshop) For that matter dose anyone have any photoshoped Maps from the campaign that they are willing to share.. Or maybe some tips on how to make them work better I'm just getting used to doing this and this is my first project with Photoshop. Thanks |