![]() It is the responsibility of the GM and/or organizer of the event to report the session. Players do not report played adventures. When the session is reported you will see it appear under the character that played it, under My Organized Play. If you have not already done so you should "create a character" so its played adventures will be visible. You don't have to fill anything out for the character, except maybe a name you can recognize it by. The important thing is the character number (-2001 for your first PFS2 character) which identifies it along with your player ID. ![]()
![]() DaJur22 wrote: Ok, 7 years later, I just did my first Pathfinder Society (2nd edition) run and I'm trying to register it. All players have an paizo account, all just pregens but I have no idea how to register that. Is there any link or post which would help me out? When using pregens, the credit for the adventure is assigned to an eligible lower-level PFS2 character belonging to the player. If none of the players have any PFS2 characters yet, their first character would be -2001, so specify this as the character number. When they later get around to creating one, the scenario will appear under that character's records of adventures played. Rules for applying pregen credit can be found in the Applying Credit section of the PFS2 Guide here. ![]()
![]() Avram Suson wrote: A player pointed out that the chronicle sheet gives a "dawnsilver full plate", but not with any of the fundamental runes found on the armor in the scenario. Checking the math, the price is correct for a non-magical dawnsilver full plate, but I feel like this is still a mistake? You could add those runes yourself (or other runes that you prefer) anyway, so it doesn't seem like a big deal that they are left off, as they aren't the Uncommon part. (The main issue on the chronicle is that the price is wrong for the sword as specified with runes.) ![]()
![]() Squark wrote: So, should the party be able to see the hazards before they're triggered? The text seems to suggest that, but I'm used to hazards being undetected before activation (or at least, seeming harmless). When I've played the scenario, there's often some confusion on the part of the players when the physical representations of the apparition are immune to damage, so I thought I'd ask The box text does describe the apparitions in a flavorful way but that does not mean the hazards start out detected (located in an exact spot on the map). Before a hazard activates (triggers), it can be detected in the usual way using Search during Exploration, or Seek in combat - i.e. Perception vs. the hazard's Stealth DC, assuming the party is in range to do so and has the required proficiency. In general, players need to learn from a knowledge check (or just guess correctly) whether a thing is a hazard as opposed to a creature, and how to disable the hazard. Many hazards can only be disabled via skill checks but some do have HP and can be disabled by doing enough damage. ![]()
![]() Monkhound wrote:
Just a mis-phrased statement or a misunderstanding by a writer unfamiliar with the timeline. (The event that happened about 200 years ago was not the crash itself but the formation of the Technic League, after the awakening of a survivor of the crash.) ![]()
![]() The main scenarios that are officially considered to be part of a metaplot generally have Metaplot in the scenario tags (in their product description page). You can search for that term here using the searchbox on paizo.com and limit the search results to Pathfinder Society under Product Category. Sort the results by Newest to see the latest scenarios at the top. This isn't exactly what you wanted, but it has the advantage that it doesn't rely on any particular external person to keep a list up-to-date and accurate. ![]()
![]() When letters are used, they are usually abbreviations of the names of the foes. Sometimes scenarios have specific positions of foes indicated rather than just a box. And sometimes they don't have any positions indicated so you just put them wherever you think reasonable. So here CA = Chelaxian Adjutant and H = Hooligan (which are only present in high tier; they are Delinquents in low tier so it should really be H/D). There are up to 5 hooligans/delinquents depending on scaling, hence the 1-5. ![]()
![]() There is no PFS-wide rule or restriction about rolling via an app or using physical dice. The usual reason why a GM will mandate physical dice at their table is to be able to see what players rolled and determine whether this matches what they say they rolled. In other words, there is, or has been, a suspicion of dice rolls being fudged by somebody using an app where the rolls could not be seen by anyone else. This doesn't necessarily mean that you specifically are suspected; it may be that they were told to apply this policy uniformly (i.e. for everyone to "roll openly"). Talk to the VO for your venue. If the reason for the mandate is the desire for open rolling, there may be reasonable alternatives that serve the same purpose, such as showing your screen. ![]()
![]() Emerald Con is the annual charity convention of Paizo Org Play games organized by the Emerald City Lodge of NW Washington state.
When: Dec 6-8, 2024
Full details on the front page of the Warhorn event here. ![]()
![]() Emerald Con is the annual charity convention of Paizo Org Play games organized by the Emerald City Lodge of NW Washington state.
When: Dec 6-8, 2024
Full details on the front page of the Warhorn event here. ![]()
![]() In general, GMs do have different ideas about how the party must deal with hazards. - Some GMs require the party to "identify" the hazard in order to know what skills can be used to disable it, others do not.
So even leaving aside unintended cases such as mistakenly having all the hazards starting as triggered, the difficulty of dealing with the hazards is going to be quite GM-dependent. ![]()
![]() While it could certainly be done, it requires quite a significant effort from the PCs to trigger more than 2 hazards at the same time since they are spaced out quite a bit and most people will naturally be hesitant to move very far from the rest of the party or get in the water. They aren't hard to disable either; savvy players will make it a priority to disable them as soon as possible, at least once they experience the hazard's routine. I'll also say you can somewhat steer people either towards or away from untriggered hazards by moving the phantom around judiciously. ![]()
![]() MithraMax wrote: On page 22, does anyone know what the correct starting number for Big Carnival Bears is in Event 2: Bears! (Levels 3-4)? The number given is “0.” That is not an error. "(0)" here means that they do not appear at the base of 8 CP but they can appear at higher CP scaling. You can also see this on page 14 where base creature loadout is stated as CARNIVAL BEARS(2). At 8 CP there are 2 carnival bears and 0 big carnival bears. At 10 CP, replace the 2 carnival bears with 2 big carnival bears, and so forth. ![]()
![]() On wanting guidance to define what an obvious error is and/or how to resolve obvious errors: I submit that this probably falls into the category of things that the OP team believes GMs should make a judgment call on. The subtext here is the trust that GMs know (or know how to find out) what an approximately plausible range of numbers is for the level of the scenario, or, perhaps more to the point, are able to correctly sense what an appropriate amount of challenge for the PCs is. Regarding Pirate Rob's question about what is expected to change at a table level, this depends a lot on the GM (judging from the responses in this thread so far, I suspect that for a significant percentage of GMs, this will change nothing at a practical level, but for some it may make them feel better about doing what they already do). At the very least, though, there should be fewer instances of those GMs who claim that their hands are tied and they have to run something in a less than enjoyable way, or even in a way that defies common sense, simply because the scenario says so. As I see it, the OP team wants:
![]() RexAliquid wrote: The DCs for the Escape through the City skill challenges are crazy high. Should they really be that high? This question has been asked elsewhere and not answered. Seeing that the Foundry patch notes forum has nothing about it and the team that creates the Foundry scenarios typically has the most information on this sort of thing, I wouldn't expect to get any clarification. Consider however that the mechanical impact of getting Awareness Points for those skill challenges is, in the grand scheme of things, pretty minimal. ![]()
![]() Emerald Con is the annual charity Con run by the Emerald City Lodge of northwest Washington state, benefitting local charity Food Lifeline. Seats at specific VIP tables(games run by VIP GMs) will require donations of $7 or $10 (depending on game length); otherwise, participation is free and donations are welcome but not required. As usual, the Con will operate in hybrid mode - concurrently online and in-person. Warhorn for the event is here. Games in all Paizo Org Play systems are welcome. IMPORTANT DATES/TIMES (all times shown are in Pacific Standard time)
(More info on the Warhorn front page.) ![]()
![]() Gary Bush wrote: How is Playtest #3, with 10th level characters, to be handled since we sent have pregens? Players must bring their own custom playtest characters. The standard procedure for playtests is in the PFS2 Guide here. The relevant table of Character Wealth for starting at higher levels can be found here using the rate 1 sp = 1 credit. ![]()
![]() Summarizing the Q&A from the Major Events Planning Server from back when this was a SUPER SEKRIT scenario premiering at GenCon. The following clarifications were provided by Shay Snow, PFS developer. Orts' Subservience ability: The imps cannot take command of the Orts. If someone ends the scenario afflicted by Putrid Plague/Zombie Rot/Corrupting Spite: Handwave the consequences. The Crushing Crowd hazard: This hazard has a HP value as all stat blocks do, but is not intended to be disabled via HP damage. If the PCs intend to attack it, GMs should warn that will result in a point of infamy. ![]()
![]() The Emerald City Lodge of northwestern Washington state will be running Organized Play games at Dragonflight GameCon in Bellevue, WA, USA from August 16-18, 2024. This is an in-person convention with no online component. We'll be offering the multitable interactive special, PFS2 3-99 Expedition into Pallid Peril, other PFS2 and SFS1 games, and SF2 demo scenarios. For information on the convention and links to (paid) badge registration, which is required for game signups, please go to dragonflight.org. ![]()
![]() Psepha wrote: But what are the difficulties? I'm not aware of environmental protections limiting things like talking to people, or have I missed something? --- I suspect the writer was imagining speech being muffled due to helmets, etc (see quote below). Core Rulebook p.196, section on Environmental Protections, wrote: Some armors do this through an environmental field (a minor force field specially attuned to pressure and temperature that does not reduce damage from attacks), while others can be closed with helmets and airtight seals.
![]() The language defining the save DC and number of resolve points is identical in both the AP and the scenario. HOWEVER: Compare AP #10: The Diaspora Strain wrote: A manifestation grants a power, known as a gift, but it also imposes a detriment, known as a stain. versus SFS1 7-03: Aucturn Asunder wrote: Each stage comes with two manifestations: a positive one (called a gift) and a negative one (called a stain). --- Given the above, the obvious conclusion is that both the things Mizinamo pointed out above appear to be editing errors in the scenario. Having replaced the term "manifestation" with "stage" and the terms "power"/"detriment" with "manifestation", the save DC in the scenario should have been specified as 10 + half your level + number of stages. Similarly, the number of resolve points needed should be 1 + number of stages. ![]()
![]() Posting a question and answer from the top-secret channel on the Conventions Planning server from back when this was a convention exclusive. ---------- Regarding the items encountered in the scenario, BretI wrote:
Alex Speidel, Paizo Org Play Coordinator wrote:
![]() Posting questions and answers from the top-secret channel on the Conventions Planning server from back when this was a convention exclusive. ---------- Question #1
GM Josh D wrote:
There was no response to this question. ---------- Question #2
Dryftwould wrote: So, what do the players need to do to qualify for the Acquisitives reputation? That doesn't seem to be covered on page 15... Alex Speidel, Paizo Organized Play Coordinator wrote: uhhh if it's not listed you get it for completing the primary objective ---------- Question #3
Philip N wrote: “a PC each turn” means “one (randomly-chosen) PC every turn”? Or “for every PC, they get hit every turn”? Alex Speidel, Paizo Organized Play Coordinator wrote: one PC ---------- Question #4
Philip N wrote: So, they take fire damage regardless of the outcome of their save, and the save is just to avoid burning? Alex Speidel, Paizo Organized Play Coordinator wrote: That appears to be what's written, yes.
![]() (1) Using replays for GM credit is not supported in the reporting site, so no. Or if you're feeling optimistic about the future of the Paizo website, not yet. (2) Note that in PFS2, Replays can be used on sanctioned content that is scenario-length or shorter, such as One-Shots, non-repeatable Quests and Free RPG Day adventures. Replays cannot be used on long-form content such as standalone modules or Adventure Path volumes.
(3) When players do not finish a Scenario, the general rule is to reward them proportionally for what they accomplished up to the point where they abandoned the adventure. However, with AP books or other non-Society Adventures which run in adventure mode, this is far more discretionary, because you as GM can essentially do anything you want. ![]()
![]() Most any PDF tool can add text to PDFs despite the protection - e.g. browsers such as Chrome or Edge, or Adobe Acrobat Reader (free version works fine). But many GMs use RPGChronicles.net, especially online, to generate Chronicles with far less manual labor. See here. ![]()
![]() The end text states that the PCs earn 1 Reputation, but this should be 2 Reputation, as for all Series 2 quests. In B2, I think the intent of "Skill Actions" is combat maneuvers, i.e. grapple/shove/trip/reposition. The vulkariki (a.k.a. squox) has no Strikes and would only be doing Acrobatics in place of Athletics to grapple/shove/etc. The existence of the tentacle Strike of the sharktopus and that being a requirement to do its faceglomph does indeed contradict the text, but whatever. If you're running B2, it would be a crime not to use that ability. ![]()
![]() TomParker wrote: This is sort of an aside but I've never seen reference to a [whatever]-born akata. Is the akata taking on the form of the buso a thing they've made up in this scenario? Or is this a standard thing for the creature? In the real world, Buso is a term for evil spirits among the Bagobo people of Mindanao, in the Philippines. "Busoborn" as used here would mean something like "demon-born". ![]()
![]() MNGwinn wrote: How did you handle PCs who are appalled with the whole concept of eating the dead who are laid to rest w/o permission? I think many of my PCs would view the entire town as doing a horrifying thing. Given that it is the nature of traditional undead to attack live people and eat them without permission, one might consider it an improvement to be only eating dead people. The scenario speaks of "partaking of the memories" of the dead through this practice and of how it builds their community to come together for this ritual feeding. It's respectfully carried out (if you can admit of such a thing being respectful) and the inhabitants of the island, having been saved from the outside world where it would be difficult for them to live peacefully, are largely grateful for the mystical happenings that allow them to be part of this. If, despite this, your PCs are horrified by the idea of undead being allowed to exist at all, then there is not a lot you can do about it. This scenario reflects the general shift towards "not all undead are bad" in the Society. Individual PCs don't have to agree with this sentiment, of course. But consider that this arc began with Marcon in PFS2 1-07 (and presumably he majority of parties playing that scenario chose to save him despite his undeadness). ![]()
![]() As to why it's showing 2 Rep for your GM character, this is either because (a) whoever did the reporting made a mistake, or (b) a tool like RPGChronicles.net was used and you had the Slow Track box checked for your character (Slow Track means you want to take half of all your rewards - XP, Rep and Treasure - so your character advances slower and you get to play it longer.) If you didn't intend to do so, then you should get the reporting corrected. As GM you should always get max rewards (regardless of whatever the players got). ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
![]() The PDF is still downloadable here. (The physical book is also still purchaseable here on paizo.com, though of course used copies can be found more cheaply elsewhere.) ![]()
![]() Swiss Army Mage wrote: How do old tiefling/aasimar feats (namely lineage feats) work in regards to the new nephilim heritage, are they available for choice for new PFS characters? PFS2 Clarification wrote: The “aiuvarin” and “half-elf” traits are considered interchangeable; half-elf characters have access to aiuvarin options and vice versa. The same applies for dromaar and half-orc characters. The nephilim trait is interchangeable with either the aasimar or tiefling trait and vice versa, but aasimar characters may not treat that trait as interchangeable with the tiefling trait (or vice versa). (As specified on the PFS2 Character Options page.) ![]()
![]() Blakeg wrote: I feel strongly that they should allow more online lodges to qualify as RSP supported locations. [...] it really feels like Paizo is picking and choosing winner Discords RSP status is not determined by Paizo. Your Regional Venture-Coordinator is the person that approves all requests for RSP in your region. Speak to your local VO if you have questions about this or other aspects of policy in your region. ![]()
![]() LeftHandShake wrote: Running away from the final encounter would still allow Anohatsa to "fill[] in missing details, willing to tell the true story following Wanikkawi’s death". I guess it's possible the party first kills Wanikkawi in the final encounter and then runs away without killing his sidekick(s), but otherwise running away wouldn't meet the condition "following Wanikkawi's death" for Anohatsa to fill in the missing details. LeftHandShake wrote: Going from needing 3 points with five PCs to 5 points with 6 PCs (to get the top tier reward) is a big jump-- almost punitive for having a sixth PC. Mission success does not require getting any top-tier rewards in the preparation activities. In practice, those rewards don't make a huge impact on the combat encounters and may be nice to have but are not at all necessary. LeftHandShake wrote: In general, is there any way to summon a PFS dev / OrgPlay leader to resolve issues like the ones discussed here, especially with regard to success thresholds? In general, there is no way to summon anyone official to clarify these sorts of things, but perhaps a dev will come into the thread after the holiday season and publicly post what has already been clarified privately about the success threshold (see above). ![]()
![]() mizinamo wrote: What if a 6-player group obtains exactly 4 Preparation points? Should the medium degree or the highest degree of success be used? Or is this a failure? EDITED TO UPDATE: I hear (secondhand, but from a reliable source) the word from the Devs is that it's 1-4 for the lesser success and 5+ for the higher success. mizinamo wrote: Where are the "five marked areas outside the firelight" intended to be on the map? It sure is annoying when references are made to marks on the map which don't exist. But, my guess is it probably matters very little in practice if GMs just put them wherever. LeftHandShake wrote: In high subtier, encounter 1C has a variant monster called enraged little man of the woods, which is marked as both [unique] and [rare]. Treating it as Rare seems the way to go, as the only thing this really affects is the DC of Recall Knowledge checks to Identify. If you don't like that, you could avoid the issue altogether by choosing a different encounter variant. LeftHandShake wrote: Anohatsa fills in missing details, willing to tell the true story following Wanikkawi’s death [...] Doesn't the first sentence mean that box B will always be checked in any non-TPK playthrough? Besides TPKing, the party could also run away. But barring those corner cases which would fail the primary objective, yes, box B will get checked. This doesn't seem to really be a problem, though. LeftHandShake wrote: As written, the PCs can be *told* that they succeed at each of the three Preparation tasks (and get rewarded!), but *actually* fail them as far as reputation is concerned. I suggest not telling the party they "succeeded" in each Preparation task but simply playing the quest-giver NPCs as merely polite or increasingly enthused, as appropriate. It does feel to me that the secondary success conditions should line up with the one of the thresholds on the Preparation tasks, but it isn't clear to me which threshold that would be. In any case, by not giving the PCs the impression of "success" even when they may have gotten the lesser reward from the NPC, we can run as written without being too misleading. ![]()
![]() Ezekieru wrote: Question: Where did you find that clarification? I'm looking all throughout the FAQ page, and I can't seem to spot it (at least, not this text with all of the examples, there is a bit in the Player Core errata that says to use the RK rules in Player Core instread of GM Core). That quote is from the Pathfinder Society FAQ, which is distinct from the Pathfinder FAQ. ![]()
![]() Until the PDF is updated, take note of the scaling corrections posted by developer Shay Snow for the encounters on pages 21 and 30. ![]()
![]() There are no disallowed organizations. However, keep in mind that the usual purpose of Secondary Initiation is not simply to be a member of some organization but to enable taking some character option (e.g. a feat) that has membership in that organization as its access condition or prerequisite. Practically speaking, it isn't the organization itself that might be disallowed, but the character option that it would enable. So, you should first identify what character option you are interested in taking that has membership in an organization as an access condition or prerequisite. Then, check its (a) rarity and (b) availability, to see whether it would be possible for you to take it. That will help inform your decision on whether to spend Secondary Initiation to become a member of that organization. Cases where organization membership via Secondary Initiation will not get you what you want: (a) RARITY - If the character option has the Rare trait, then regardless of anything else, you need a specific boon*. - If it has the Uncommon trait and there are no access conditions (i.e. organization membership is a prerequisite and not an access condition) and nothing in the book, the PFS Guide or the Character Options page grants you access, then regardless of anything else, you need a specific boon*. (b) AVAILABILITY To check availability, go to the PFS2 Character Options page, open up the section for the book that contains the option you want, and see if there are any availability restrictions on that option. (Or if you use Archives of Nethys, PFS availability is shown using symbols.) - If the option you want has Restricted or Limited availability, then regardless of anything else, you need a specific boon*. EXAMPLE
* Note that the need for a specific boon does not necessarily mean that any such boon currently exists, will ever exist or that it will be easily obtained, if/when it does exist. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
![]() In the Remaster, spellcasting class features that used to be called [Magical Tradition Name] Spellcasting in the CRB have been renamed to [Class Name] Spellcasting in Player Core. The following spellcaster pregens still use the old names from the CRB: - Ezren's Arcane Spellcasting should be Wizard Spellcasting.