Phantom Fungus

logsig's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber. *****Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle 270 posts (503 including aliases). 22 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 36 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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DaJur22 wrote:
Ok, 7 years later, I just did my first Pathfinder Society (2nd edition) run and I'm trying to register it. All players have an paizo account, all just pregens but I have no idea how to register that. Is there any link or post which would help me out?

When using pregens, the credit for the adventure is assigned to an eligible lower-level PFS2 character belonging to the player. If none of the players have any PFS2 characters yet, their first character would be -2001, so specify this as the character number. When they later get around to creating one, the scenario will appear under that character's records of adventures played.

Rules for applying pregen credit can be found in the Applying Credit section of the PFS2 Guide here.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Kishmo wrote:


From the sign-up form, it looks like the answer is "no," but, just to ask the question: will there be any SF2 Playtest stuff on offer at PaizoCon?

If you are passionate about running SF2 playtest please add your requested scenarios to the notes in the signup form.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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There is no PFS-wide rule or restriction about rolling via an app or using physical dice.

The usual reason why a GM will mandate physical dice at their table is to be able to see what players rolled and determine whether this matches what they say they rolled. In other words, there is, or has been, a suspicion of dice rolls being fudged by somebody using an app where the rolls could not be seen by anyone else. This doesn't necessarily mean that you specifically are suspected; it may be that they were told to apply this policy uniformly (i.e. for everyone to "roll openly").

Talk to the VO for your venue. If the reason for the mandate is the desire for open rolling, there may be reasonable alternatives that serve the same purpose, such as showing your screen.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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On wanting guidance to define what an obvious error is and/or how to resolve obvious errors: I submit that this probably falls into the category of things that the OP team believes GMs should make a judgment call on. The subtext here is the trust that GMs know (or know how to find out) what an approximately plausible range of numbers is for the level of the scenario, or, perhaps more to the point, are able to correctly sense what an appropriate amount of challenge for the PCs is.

Regarding Pirate Rob's question about what is expected to change at a table level, this depends a lot on the GM (judging from the responses in this thread so far, I suspect that for a significant percentage of GMs, this will change nothing at a practical level, but for some it may make them feel better about doing what they already do). At the very least, though, there should be fewer instances of those GMs who claim that their hands are tied and they have to run something in a less than enjoyable way, or even in a way that defies common sense, simply because the scenario says so.

As I see it, the OP team wants:
(1) to not be badgered for clarifications or fixes to scenarios,
(2) for GMs to accept that they have the power to make adventures fun for their players and that they should fearlessly exercise this power to the fullest in that service,
(3) to make some progress towards ridding Org Play of its reputation for sacrificing creative play on the altar of mythical table uniformity.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Emerald Con is the annual charity Con run by the Emerald City Lodge of northwest Washington state, benefitting local charity Food Lifeline.

Seats at specific VIP tables(games run by VIP GMs) will require donations of $7 or $10 (depending on game length); otherwise, participation is free and donations are welcome but not required.

As usual, the Con will operate in hybrid mode - concurrently online and in-person.

Warhorn for the event is here. Games in all Paizo Org Play systems are welcome.

IMPORTANT DATES/TIMES (all times shown are in Pacific Standard time)
- NOW - Call for GMs - please signup on Warhorn here or ping me @logsig on Discord to add games that aren't listed.
- Friday, October 4, 2024 6:30 PM: Local player signups and player signups for GMs
- Friday, October 11, 2024 6:30 PM: General player signup opens

(More info on the Warhorn front page.)

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Please see this blog post regarding the impact of his death on Pathfinder Society.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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They do exist, and all venture officers have access to them (the link is in the #important-links channel of the VO Discord server).

If you don't have any venture officer at hand, you might email the organized play coordinator: organizedplay [at]

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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The language defining the save DC and number of resolve points is identical in both the AP and the scenario. HOWEVER:


AP #10: The Diaspora Strain wrote:
A manifestation grants a power, known as a gift, but it also imposes a detriment, known as a stain.


SFS1 7-03: Aucturn Asunder wrote:
Each stage comes with two manifestations: a positive one (called a gift) and a negative one (called a stain).


Given the above, the obvious conclusion is that both the things Mizinamo pointed out above appear to be editing errors in the scenario. Having replaced the term "manifestation" with "stage" and the terms "power"/"detriment" with "manifestation", the save DC in the scenario should have been specified as 10 + half your level + number of stages. Similarly, the number of resolve points needed should be 1 + number of stages.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Posting questions and answers from the top-secret channel on the Conventions Planning server from back when this was a convention exclusive.


Question #1
Regarding the Draconic Justice Seasonal Alignment ability,

GM Josh D wrote:

it says

Summer: The draconic justice gains immunity to fire and
weakness to cold, and its breath weapon deals cold damage.
Winter: The draconic justice gains immunity to cold and
weakness to fire, and its breath weapon deals fire damage.
is that right or are those breath weapons reversed from what they should be?

There was no response to this question.


Question #2
Regarding scenario rewards,

Dryftwould wrote:
So, what do the players need to do to qualify for the Acquisitives reputation? That doesn't seem to be covered on page 15...
Alex Speidel, Paizo Organized Play Coordinator wrote:
uhhh if it's not listed you get it for completing the primary objective


Question #3
For Arbitration by Assault,

Philip N wrote:
“a PC each turn” means “one (randomly-chosen) PC every turn”? Or “for every PC, they get hit every turn”?
Alex Speidel, Paizo Organized Play Coordinator wrote:
one PC


Question #4
For Signify This,

Philip N wrote:
So, they take fire damage regardless of the outcome of their save, and the save is just to avoid burning?
Alex Speidel, Paizo Organized Play Coordinator wrote:
That appears to be what's written, yes.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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MNGwinn wrote:
How did you handle PCs who are appalled with the whole concept of eating the dead who are laid to rest w/o permission? I think many of my PCs would view the entire town as doing a horrifying thing.

Given that it is the nature of traditional undead to attack live people and eat them without permission, one might consider it an improvement to be only eating dead people.

The scenario speaks of "partaking of the memories" of the dead through this practice and of how it builds their community to come together for this ritual feeding. It's respectfully carried out (if you can admit of such a thing being respectful) and the inhabitants of the island, having been saved from the outside world where it would be difficult for them to live peacefully, are largely grateful for the mystical happenings that allow them to be part of this.

If, despite this, your PCs are horrified by the idea of undead being allowed to exist at all, then there is not a lot you can do about it. This scenario reflects the general shift towards "not all undead are bad" in the Society. Individual PCs don't have to agree with this sentiment, of course. But consider that this arc began with Marcon in PFS2 1-07 (and presumably he majority of parties playing that scenario chose to save him despite his undeadness).

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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As to why it's showing 2 Rep for your GM character, this is either because (a) whoever did the reporting made a mistake, or (b) a tool like was used and you had the Slow Track box checked for your character (Slow Track means you want to take half of all your rewards - XP, Rep and Treasure - so your character advances slower and you get to play it longer.)

If you didn't intend to do so, then you should get the reporting corrected. As GM you should always get max rewards (regardless of whatever the players got).

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

The PDF is still downloadable here.

(The physical book is also still purchaseable here on, though of course used copies can be found more cheaply elsewhere.)

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Swiss Army Mage wrote:
How do old tiefling/aasimar feats (namely lineage feats) work in regards to the new nephilim heritage, are they available for choice for new PFS characters?
PFS2 Clarification wrote:
The “aiuvarin” and “half-elf” traits are considered interchangeable; half-elf characters have access to aiuvarin options and vice versa. The same applies for dromaar and half-orc characters. The nephilim trait is interchangeable with either the aasimar or tiefling trait and vice versa, but aasimar characters may not treat that trait as interchangeable with the tiefling trait (or vice versa).

(As specified on the PFS2 Character Options page.)

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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If you know that the games were run under a particular lodge you may be able to get help from the Venture-Officers there.

Otherwise, email with your info and copies of the chronicles that were issued to you.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Until the PDF is updated, take note of the scaling corrections posted by developer Shay Snow for the encounters on pages 21 and 30.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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There are no disallowed organizations.

However, keep in mind that the usual purpose of Secondary Initiation is not simply to be a member of some organization but to enable taking some character option (e.g. a feat) that has membership in that organization as its access condition or prerequisite. Practically speaking, it isn't the organization itself that might be disallowed, but the character option that it would enable.

So, you should first identify what character option you are interested in taking that has membership in an organization as an access condition or prerequisite. Then, check its (a) rarity and (b) availability, to see whether it would be possible for you to take it. That will help inform your decision on whether to spend Secondary Initiation to become a member of that organization.

Cases where organization membership via Secondary Initiation will not get you what you want:


- If the character option has the Rare trait, then regardless of anything else, you need a specific boon*.

- If it has the Uncommon trait and there are no access conditions (i.e. organization membership is a prerequisite and not an access condition) and nothing in the book, the PFS Guide or the Character Options page grants you access, then regardless of anything else, you need a specific boon*.


To check availability, go to the PFS2 Character Options page, open up the section for the book that contains the option you want, and see if there are any availability restrictions on that option. (Or if you use Archives of Nethys, PFS availability is shown using symbols.)

- If the option you want has Restricted or Limited availability, then regardless of anything else, you need a specific boon*.

The Uncommon feat Eye of the Arclords (from World Guide) has the access condition "You are a member of the Arclords of Nex". However, we see that this feat is of Limited availability. That being the case, there would be no mechanical benefit in spending Secondary Initiation to become a member of the Arclords of Nex, as you would not be able to take that feat without a specific boon for it*.

* Note that the need for a specific boon does not necessarily mean that any such boon currently exists, will ever exist or that it will be easily obtained, if/when it does exist.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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dcalcoda wrote:
Will Earn Income for these quests be different than Series 1 with more XP, i.e. 4 days downtime rather than 2?

Yes, they follow this general rule from the PFS2 Guide.

PFS2 Guide wrote:
Scenarios and Quests grant two days of downtime per XP earned.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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The text of the missing Inspired Defense condition was posted in the OPF Major Cons Planning server on July 17. No doubt the PDF will be updated at some point, but here it is:

Inspired Defense condition wrote:
The next time an opponent would critically hit a PC with an attack roll, they instead get a regular hit against the PC.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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The Emerald City Lodge of northwestern Washington state will be running Organized Play games at Dragonflight GameCon in Bellevue, WA, USA from August 18-20, 2023. This is an in-person convention with no online component.

We'll be offering the multitable interactive special, PFS2 2-00 The King in Thorns, as well as other PFS2 and SFS games.

For information on the convention and links to (paid) badge registration, which is required for game signups, please go to

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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I've contacted the Southwest Regional Venture Coordinator (RVC) and also the Utah Venture-Captain (VC) to get in touch with you. It sounds like you would like to become a volunteer serving your area and these are the people you need to connect with.

Your local venture officer corps will be able to provide support, answer your questions and tell you about any practices specific to your area. There is an administrative procedure to become a VO in charge of organizing at a location, to get access to VO resources, and specific responsibilities to uphold, that your VC should discuss with you.

To address your questions so far:

Advertising: In addition to what you mention, depending on your local practices there will usually be a site that the upcoming game schedule for various stores in the area is posted by the VO(s) and players can sign up in advance (couple of examples on Wasach Front Pathfinder Society or Lehi Roleplaying).

Reporting: Each session played is reported on under the appropriate Event. Each Event has a unique Event Code that is recorded on the Chronicles issued after each game. While it is physically possible to create a separate Event on for every single game run, that is excessive and unnecessary. Typically, an Event will consist of all the regular weekly games run at a certain store or local area over a certain period of time, or it may consist of all the games run at a certain convention. A VO is usually the person doing this for games run at their store. At conventions, the sessions are reported by the VO(s) organizing the Org Play presence at the Con.

Org Play IDs: A player who does not have an Org Play ID should be given one (there are new IDs that can be downloaded in batches of 10 to hand out, from on the My Organized Play > Event Coordinator tab) or they can be guided to create an account and OP ID on on the spot, if that's practical. If a player is absolutely adamant about not wanting to get an OP ID, then they do not get included in the reporting, do not get a Chronicle, and therefore do not get OP credit.

Conventions: There are special procedures around Cons involving obtaining Paizo support for the Con and getting increased ACP rewards for participants. Again, your local VO hierarchy can help you with this.

Do remember that everyone involved in OP is a volunteer doing this out of passion so give a little grace if things sometimes do not move as fast as you would like. I'm sure your local officers will be delighted to get you involved in Org Play and to assist you in your service to the community.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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The trap has been officially modified to be less of a problem. For easy reference here are the original and updated stats. (Effective June 9, 2023)

ORIGINALLY Perception DC 24, Engineering DC 19, Reflex DC 14, Damage 6d6 E&F
UPDATED to Perception DC 20, Engineering DC 16, Reflex DC 12, Damage 2d6 E&F

ORIGINALLY Perception DC 27, Engineering DC 22, Reflex DC 15, Damage 4d12+4 E&F
UPDATED to Perception DC 23, Engineering DC 19, Reflex DC 14, Damage 4d6 E&F

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Copying discussion here from the PaizoCon planning Discord server back from when this scenario was still SUPER SEKRIT.


First, the obligatory stat block complaints, about which there is really nothing to be done, but should obviate the need for any other GM to point them out.

Hedron wrote:

Suncatcher Blooms (p. 18 & 23). The Stealth DC of the low tier version is 21. The Stealth DC of the high tier version is 17...

I have been noticing more more curious things like this lately... but the low-tier version of Suhko has a +10 Perception, and the High Tier version has a +8 Perception. Having worked on the stats further... the high tier verison of Suhko inexplicably loses the Arcana skill... and gains Deception and Stealth. She also loses a point in Intimidation for going up two levels... Her attack bonus with her living hair decreases (which, granted, shouldn't be her go to anyway...) And her armor class remains... the same in both versions.

The Meddlesome Scrit from low tier and the Troublesome Scrit from high tier have the exact same stat blocks with the exception that one is marked as Level -1 and the the other Level 1. Same hp, ac, spell dcs, same attack, same damage...
Oh... actually the higher level one has a spell DC one lower than the 'weaker' one.
I have looked the scrits over a bit, trying to figure out what the intention was for them. I am guessing that the low level version (given its level) is suppose to be a 'weak' adjusted scrit... but as a zero level monster that shouldn't reduce it's hp... so that makes no sense. The higher level one is clearly just wrong. (being identical with the exception of the higher level one having lower DCs...)

AndeGM wrote:
the damage on the Weak Air Mephit is applied correctly to its Breath Weapon. however, the damage on the Elite Burrowing Viper Rat is not applied correctly to its Burrowing Viper Rat Poison


Regarding the Blue Bison Jerky and the text mentioning that it should be given as a gift to either the gunsmith or the mayor.

Hedron wrote:
Blue Bison Jerky: Given to the PCs with instructions to use as a gift, there is no mention of what (mechanically) this does anywhere in the adventure. My plan is to leave it in, for flavor reasons, but to remove any mention of it being a useful gift in negotiations.
Alex Speidel (OPC) wrote:
It doesn't look like the benefit is explicitly called out, no. I leave it to the GM to determine an appropriate boon for presenting the jerky to either of the individuals.
Saphireking wrote:
I think a +2 circumstance bonus to an Impression check is a good mechanical bonus for Whiirii, and for the Mayor, a bonus on the Request check (since the other things reduce the DC instead)


Regarding the starting positions for the final combat

Hedron wrote:

Final Encounter Placement: There is some inconsistency with the flavor text, listed strategy of the foes, and the map markers on where everyone should be in the final encounter. I plan to put Suhko right next to the travelers, the rest of the monsters where they are marked on the map, and the PCs in-between them.

Getting the Travelers to Flee: It isn't completely clear what happens when the PCs get the travelers to 'snap out of it' and flee. For ease, if they succeed I will simply immediately remove them from battle and have Suhko turn her attention fully to the PCs.


Regarding the lore referenced in the scenario

Hedron wrote:

For any GMs running this scenario who enjoy injecting a bit of lore, I would highly recommend reading over p.206-207 of Guns and Gears which covers the aforementioned Crowned Regents and the Star Code.

Short(er) version: The Crowned Regents were "a gaunt, isolationist people who inhabited monasteries high in the Mildanesi Mountains. Imposing and mute, with stone crowns protruding from their long heads, these recluses gave no name for themselves but became known as the Crowned Regents." Who vanished long, long ago... around -5111 AR.

The Star Code is a sort of chivalric-like code of the ancient hero-warriors of Arcadia: "to never attack an unarmed opponent, to give parley to the weak who request it, to eschew deceit, to honor the terms of a duel, to respect one’s star gun, and many more rules that vary in the retelling."


Regarding the combat difficulty

Eric Nielsen wrote:

The encounters for this scenario all feel significantly under tuned. Both high and low tiers I ran were cake walks for the parties. Felt like everyone had fun though. Low tier, I would especially advise against weak templates on level 1 creatures. I think it's not yielding a level 0 as desired, but something weaker than a -1.

(advice for editors/authors, obviously not something gms can change)

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Copying discussion here from the PaizoCon planning Discord server back from when this scenario was still SUPER SEKRIT.


Saphireking wrote:

To disable the Adagio/Allegro trap, it says it takes Crafting, Acrobatics or Performance (2 successes), or a single attack, yet in the Challenge adjustments it says "Disabling the trap with Acrobatics, Crafting, or Performance requires three successful checks."

Does this mean it makes Crafting go from one success to three? Or should it just be one additional check, which is what I think they meant to say.

Actual text of the Disable entry wrote:
DC 26 Crafting (trained) to create beautiful flying objects to complement the paper birds; DC 28 Acrobatics or DC 25 (21 if using a flute) Performance (trained) to perform along with the flute and paper birds (requires two successes); or one successful attack roll against the invisible Mehryar (AC 25, DC 25 Perception to determine Mehryar’s location)


My personal opinion after reading the CP scaling sidebar is that, despite the unfortunate placement of the semicolon in the hazard's stat block, the number of successes is intended to encompass all the Disable skill checks, in total. In other words: without CP scaling, the party needs 2 successes and at certain CP the scaling increases this to 3 successes, but the successes can come from rolling any of {Crafting, Acrobatics, Performance} and do not all have to be in the same skill.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Darrell Impey UK wrote:

Are PCs meant to know the Influence thresholds of the council members or are they meant to be secret?

I ran it as letting them know when they had reached maximum influence on a particular NPC; but that resulted in them continuing to gain points with Tekawenda even when they had already gained her backing rather than moving on to other NPCs, and missing out on a unanimous decision and a treasure bundle.

I personally would let them know when an NPC is fully "on their side".

The influence subsystem is known for having certain pitfalls and ambiguity that lead to significant table variation.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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It sounds like you're playing Big Trouble in Little Absalom. This is a sanctioned adventure that is run in Adventure mode for PFS2 credit. The death of your kobold in that adventure would not affect your actual PFS2 character.

When playing in Adventure mode and applying the credit to a PFS2 character, nothing that happens to the character playing the adventure affects the PFS2 character receiving credit (unless the sanctioning document specifically says there is some effect). This is different from what happens in Society mode (the mode in which PFS2 Scenarios are run), where unresolved negative conditions on a pregen do carry over to the character receiving credit.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

As GM, I find SF much more relaxing than PF2, though overall I've run more total sessions of PF2 than SF.

Currently I run more SF than PF2, but that's mostly because there are even fewer SF GMs than PF2 GMs and I want to support SF.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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andreww wrote:
It is also worth noting that at high tier the Tormentors know Banishment which could lead to all sorts of complications as the PCs have no way to get back to the Castle if ejected.

My assumption is that the Urdefhan High Tormenters are also not on their home plane (they typically are found in the Darklands on the Material Plane) so they would not attempt to cast banishment, knowing that it would fail.

Banishment wrote:
This spell fails if you aren't on your home plane when you cast it. (link)

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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For players that don't yet have any Society characters, you can use 2001 or 701, unless for some reason the player already has some other plan for that number and wants you to use (say) 2002 or 709 instead.

For sanctioned adventures whose credit must apply to a higher-level character, the player may hold it and apply it later when the assigned character reaches that level, or they may choose to apply the chronicle instantly to a level 1 character with treasure bundles reduced to level 1. (If reducing to level 1, note that characters do not benefit from any boons or item unlocks until the character reaches the minimum chronicle level and downtime applies as to the 1st level character the chronicle is applied to.) These are the only 2 choices: hold till the chronicle level, or reduce rewards to level 1 and apply to a level 1 character.

The decision of which character number gets the chronicle for sanctioned adventures has to be made at the time of the GM issuing the chronicle to the player (and reporting the game).

The default factions are Horizon Hunters for PFS2 and Wayfinders for SFS. Players who don't care about factions or don't have a preference right now should be assigned these. Since you can switch which faction you represent for every adventure you play, this is not a choice a PC has to live with forever, so you don't have to worry about it too much.

If some players of a sanctioned adventure don't care about or want Society credit, you don't have to give those people a chronicle or include them in the reporting. You can report the table with just the ones who care about Society credit.

Link to the Org Play guides for reference -

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:
Minimum table size (GM not included) of minimum level 5 and below is probably 1. Though, I would avoid that as much as possible. Personally, I'd minimum 2 at least.

1 player + GM is not legal.

PFS2 Guide wrote:
Adventures with a Minimum level of 5 or lower. For these adventures, the GM can run a table of two or three players, and can add additional appropriately leveled pregenerated iconic characters in order to meet the minimum table size of four PCs.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Yes, the follow-up to 1-20 is the special 2-00 which is the culmination of the "Pact of the Open Road" storyline and involves (amidst the beating up of fey) finding the last, lost member of the Pact.

- Scenarios that contain some lore tidbits related to the 2-00 metaplot: 1-00, 1-08, 1-11
- Scenarios that actually have the metaplot tag: 1-16, 1-17, 1-20.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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The faction transition (from PFS1 to PFS2) is discussed in in-game terms in the book Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide, but to summarize:

After the losses to the Whispering Tyrant in 4719 AR (i.e. the Tyrants' Grasp AP), the Decemvirate decided to rid the factions of "external influences" and return to the "core ideals" of the founders; this resulted in the dissolution of the PFS1 factions and creation of the major PFS2 factions reflecting the 4 pillars of exploration, knowledge, fellowship, and protection. (The 2 minor factions were then recognized after petitioning the Decemvirate.)

As for the former faction leaders of the Exchange:

- Aaqir al'Hakam continues his activities in Absalom, helping to manage the Society's investments and acting as "a liaison between agents focused on elevating their social and financial status through their exploits with the Society". He has an appearance in PFS2 #1-01.

- Guaril Karela is extending his criminal network in New Thassilon. He has an appearance in PFS2 #1-12.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Every product, such as an adventure or rulebook, has its own page on the website.

To find it, you can search for the product name directly in the search bar.

You can also find a specific product by knowing what kind of product it is and navigating through the categories in the menu. For example, a standalone (one-book) PF2 adventure would be found under Pathfinder > Adventures > Standalone Adventures > Pathfinder Adventures.

Sanctioning documents for adventures:

The Org Play sanctioning document for an adventure, if any, is always linked on the product page for that adventure.

Adventure Paths (which consist of multiple books) have a "whole AP" product page referring to the entire AP. That page contains "Learn More" links to all the individual product pages for each book in the AP. The OP sanctioning document for the AP is linked in both the product page for the AP and in the product pages for each book of the AP.

Players guides for adventures:

Typically, only Adventure Paths have a players guide. Players guides are linked on the "whole AP" product page, not on the product pages for each individual book of the AP.

Some standalone (one-book) adventures may have a few recommendations (e.g., about the suggested motivation of PCs) in the text of the adventure itself, and the GM can provide this info, if they feel it is helpful, to the players.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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The first thing to try if anything looks wonky is to hit the "Refresh Points" button on the GM/Event Coordinator tab.

If this doesn't fix the problem and something is still wrong, then email with the details.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Yes, there is an active VC in Malaysia. I will get them to contact you via PM here on the site.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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The first thing to try if anything looks wonky is to hit the "Refresh Points" button on the GM/Event Coordinator tab.

If this doesn't fix the problem and something is still wrong, then email with the details.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

If the language was "a Crafting check instead of a Medicine check" (i.e. the pre-errata language) then bonuses to Medicine would not apply and bonuses to Crafting would.

But now, as the post-errata language says the check is still a Medicine check, bonuses to Medicine do apply (e.g. Risky Surgery) and bonuses to Crafting checks do not (e.g. Crafter's Eyepiece).

Having said that, I don't think it would break the game to allow the item bonus of Crafter's Eyepiece to additionally apply here; but even so, it wouldn't stack with any existing item bonuses to the Medicine check (e.g. Expanded Healer's Tools).

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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If he has an office (in the sense of a room in a building), he has to date not been depicted in it.

When he operates out of a tent (as opposed to sending his orders by letter) it's not just any old tent but "a large pavilion, easily identified by its pennants as belonging to Eando Kline" (#4-04).

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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The Emerald City Lodge of northwest Washington state will be fielding a small team of GMs to run Paizo Organized Play games at Emerald City Comic Con at the (new) Seattle Convention Center from March 2-5, 2023 (Thu-Sun).

In-advance signups are on Warhorn here. Walk-ups are accepted and expected; new players are welcome.

Entry to the venue requires a convention badge. For info on the convention, please go to the Con's website.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

In the place where you select the class, instead of setting the class as Gunslinger, you need to slide over to the Class Archetypes tab there and select the archetype Gunslinger (Spellshot).

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Samuel Cabot wrote:
He did, but I'm not wanting to do an event. I'm just wanting to run a single game. Is there no way of doing that?

There is a feature request in the Warhorn roadmap to add what are called "Personal Games", which will do what I think you want (sessions without an event), but this feature isn't available yet.

My opinion is that if you're going to be a Society organizer for a store on an ongoing basis, you will find it convenient to have all past and future games listed under a single Event, but you should talk to your Venture Captain and follow the standard operating procedure established in your area.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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An Event is a container which contains games.

Examples of what an Event might be:
- The Event represents a convention run on certain fixed dates.
- The Event represents all of a particular Lodge's games as an ongoing concern, and there could be different Venues for each different game store in that Lodge's geographical area of influence.
- The Event represents a single game store's games as an ongoing concern and so there is a single Venue.

The schedule for an Event is organized by Slots. A Slot is a specific date/time interval associated with a Venue. For example, a Slot could be "4-8 pm on Sunday October 23, 2023 at Bob's Game Store".

One or more concurrent game Sessions may be scheduled in the same Slot. In its simplest form, a Session is a single table playing a particular Scenario.

You can also ask your questions on the Discord channel for Warhorn. There is a #help channel there for this purpose.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Emerald Con is an annual charity convention of Paizo Org Play games organized by the Emerald City Lodge of NW Washington state.
All proceeds benefit Food LifeLine .
Everyone is welcome!
Open now for player signups.

When: Dec 2 - 4, 2022
Where: Online and in-person in Bellevue, WA, USA.
Cost: Free. (There will be some clearly-marked charity tables for which a donation is required.)
Specials: The interactive multitable specials PFS2 3-98 and SFS 4-99 (including an author-run table) will be offered. There will also be a charity auction and raffle.

Full details on the front page of the Warhorn event here.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Emerald Con is an annual charity convention of Paizo Org Play games organized by the Emerald City Lodge of NW Washington state.
All proceeds benefit Food LifeLine .
Everyone is welcome!
Open now for player signups.

When: Dec 2 - 4, 2022
Where: Online and in-person in Bellevue, WA, USA.
Cost: Free. (There will be some clearly-marked charity tables for which a donation is required.)
Specials: The interactive multitable specials PFS2 3-98 and SFS 4-99 (including an author-run table) will be offered. There will also be a charity auction and raffle.

Full details on the front page of the Warhorn event here.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Hello prospective PaizoCon (physical) attendees!

The Emerald City Lodge invites you to visit one of our premier gaming locations, Mox Boardinghouse in Bellevue, WA, if you will be in town for the Con and have time to kill around midday on the Monday after (i.e. May 30th, Memorial Day). (Note that the in-person portion of the Con ends on Sunday.)

Mox is a game store/restaurant with a large free-play area and board games are available on loan. Our regular PFS game nights there are Monday evenings but that is likely too late for out-of-town folks who want to get home so we're hosting a little informal lunchtime get-together (from 11 am) if you want to come down and check it out, unwind and just hang out with the locals (Org Play gaming not required).

Store website: -- do take note, this location is about 20 miles from the Con.

If you want to propose an actual game or activity, or just have questions, please reach us on the EC Lodge discord -

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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As a PFS2 GM and VO, I would like to offer a different view.

I remind GMs to be nice to new players (and experienced players to be nice to new GMs), because early impressions really matter. There are certainly challenging encounters in some low-level scenarios, I don't deny this. Personally, however, I feel there is still an enormous amount of flexibility, even within the strict rules of Society play, for GMs to control the difficulty level of encounters for the PCs that show up at the table.

For context, as a GM I have had zero PC kills in over 170 PFS2 tables run. Maybe that's just the luck of my dice rolls, but by my observation, PFS2 PC kills are rare in my local lodge generally. Catastrophic scenario failures are equally rare. Yes, low-level PCs are definitely prone to be fragile and there are undeniably some very close shaves. And yes, different players have different thresholds for what qualifies as a butt-kicking and how much of 'having the dying condition' they can stomach. But high scenario difficulty on the whole isn't a general complaint that I've observed.

Obviously, to the other posters above, this isn't everyone's experience, and I in no way dispute the validity of yours, but I wanted to offer my own.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Anyone who's run Junker's Delight in-person or on VTT, what was your approximate run time (please also include # of PCs you ran for and if they were new or experienced players)?

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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In the section for Pathfinder Training consumables, the link to Archives of Nethys for the Potion of Tongues (should be ID=194) goes to Potion of Quickness (ID=191).

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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Yes, the mimic is a major problem for parties with no AOE.

Players, realizing they had no way to kill it, wanted to lure the creature into a room with doors and trap it in there; I allowed that.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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As written, the SFS guide (or at least the version available right now) says "if you’re running the lower subtier, cross out all of the items listed for the higher subtier" (p. 16, Step 7 of Filling Out a Chronicle Sheet).

It doesn't say cross out the lower subtier items if you're running the higher subtier.

5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Washington—Seattle

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This is a summary of the things that were said on the discussion channel for PFS2 #2-00 on the GenCon Discord (where it was discussed before general public release of the scenario), preserved for posterity.

Note on Special logistics: For those who may not be aware, when running specials online the House GM (formerly known as the Overseer) typically uses a Twitch channel and everyone (players and GMs) are assumed to have it open so they can listen for announcements while they play. The current global situation is displayed in a graphic on the Twitch stream as well. 0In smaller cons, the House GM typically monitors a Discord text channel where Table GMs report successes but for GenCon there was a special-purpose reporting site where Table GMs could push buttons to report their table successes.

Regarding how to pronounce Qxal -

James Case via Alex Speidel wrote:
Qxal is pronounced kicks-all, as in "they'll kicks-all you apart, and then kick that other dude apart, then kick that mountain apart, then kick that castle apart, then kick you apart again just for the fun of it"

Regarding level ranges for characters -

Characters cannot play at a table where they are not in-tier i.e. you cannot seat a L3 player at a Tier 1-2 table.

Regarding challenge point table in the 3-6 tier -

Alex Speidel wrote:
Tier 3-6: The Challenge Points table in the appendix is incorrect; you should use the standard Challenge Points table (Level 5 PCs should be worth 4 CP, and Level 6 should be worth 6 CP.

Regarding players who may have played PFS2 1-16, 1-17 or 1-20 with a pregen and applied the credit from those higher-level scenarios to a L1 character-

Any boons from those scenarios are not active until the character reaches the level played at; however, the text does in 2 cases refer to having "played" those scenarios rather than having a boon.

Regarding order of missions in Part 1 -

PCs can do any of the 6 (scenario says 5 encounters but there are 6) missions, in any order.

Regarding healing between missions -

Scenario, Part 1 wrote:
"These encounters all take place on the same day, and the PCs can take time to Treat Wounds, Refocus, or Repair equipment in between encounters."
Kate Baker, co-author of scenario wrote:
5 hours after every encounter might be a lot, but they could take a few hours after one particularly bad encounter and less time after others
Kate Baker wrote:
So the general intention was that Part 2 would have more of a pressing, urgent feel, hence only ten minutes in between the encounters, but that Part 1 should be a little bit more relaxed.
Alex Speidel wrote:

* In Part 1, GM discretion is advised. PCs will not have time for a full 8-hour rest, but definitely have time for a ten-minute rest between missions. Feel free to encourage PCs along if they take too long resting, either by reminding them of the urgency of the missions or having a Venture Captain appear to move them along to another mission

* Between Part 1 and Part 2, all Pathfinders may take an overnight rest and are magically healed of afflictions as called out in the scenario
* In Part 2, PCs can take 10 minutes to rest between missions, but no longer.
* In Part 3, PCs can take 10 minutes to rest after an encounter, but no longer.

Regarding the Survey Map support item given by VC Bjersig Torrsen -

See Core Rulebook page 291, or

Regarding the Throw Rock ability of the Korred in Tier 3-6 -

See Bestiary page 344 or

Regarding number of successes needed in Tier 1-2 for Mushroom Ring -

Alex Speidel wrote:
3 successes for Tier 1-2 before [CP] adjustment.

Note that Disable generally takes 2 actions (unless otherwise stated).

Regarding GM credit -

You can GM for character credit once in each replay tier (1-2, 3-6, 7-8). GMs can hold credit to apply later if they don't have a character in-tier.

There is an open question regarding whether characters that died in Part 1 are revived by the medics that heal everyone and remove lingering conditions (at the overnight rest preceding Part 2).

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