TITAN-ic (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

Basic moves

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Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |

What do you most miss being able to do?
Sorrel tells folks, with a wink and a smile, that he misses regular pants.

Truthfully, he misses going to TunnelBus for meatball sandwiches with his friends. Week by week, seventh grade took that away from him. His girlfriend stopped coming, his friends left one by one, then his stomachs started rejecting meat.

team stuff
So we didn't trust eachother, came together to save someone, impressed a hero and angered a villain. Afterward we've been inseparable...

Did we save another legacy/protege? Were we pulled together last-minute to rescue a "real" junior team?

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

I could be into that. Maybe the "bad kids" like the young heroes in Kingdom Come.

I move that our outing impressed Omniragutan, robot ape leader of Phoen-x.

Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |

Oh, I missed relationships!

Solmira comforted me when I was at my lowest.
Things get dark when everyone else goes home and the weirdos get packed away in the dormitories. Solmira's first day was nearly Sorrel's last until she asked him for directions. He's never told her what he almost did that night.

Jae Lin knew me before I changed.
He and Sorrel even landed in Dr. Coolidge's lab around the same time. They... weren't exactly friends growing up.

Also: Two unstable poisoners, an AWOL alien, a loose cannon mimic, and the laughing stock of TITAN's legacy crew? Yeah, we're the C team.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

I mean I don't know if I'd say laughing stock...

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Female Outsider | Danger 0 | Freak 0 | Saviour 2 | Superior 0 | Mundane 1 | Afraid, Guilty | ○●Potential●○ --- ●○○○○ | 2 Advancements | Current Advice: Trust and depend on others, and let them know about me

Michael Crofton:
Rebound? Turnabout? Feedback? Backlash? Backfire?
You've got Power Mimicry, Impossible Fighting Skills, and a fiery temper. That screams to me that you deserve a name all about returning punishment tenfold.

I would have suggested Secret Identities, as a way to reflect what people expect to see and allow you to gather info, set things up and get where you need to be under the radar, but I feel like Mirror's pretty obvious when they're on the scene.
Surveillance equipment seems like the way to go. For a cautious, defensive hero, having surveillance equipment would allow for gathering information under the radar from a safe locale, from which you could then formulate plans and strategies or determine what your target is planning. A hero that prefers a more careful approach would probably value information significantly, I'd think.

Jae-Lin Park/Bane:
If you want to play up the way the media targets you, Vermin control, Impossible Mobility and Substance Mimicry all work well.
Vermin control allows for proxies and will have the media in a frenzy whenever they spot a bug or a rodent about, depending on which of the two you picked.
Substance mimicry means you could be anywhere, hiding in plain sight, and have them picking apart every glitch in the footage or oddly shaped object.
Impossible mobility covers the same ground as Substance Mimicry in a different manner - many entrances other people would never be able to consider are open to you, and you can get away just as easily, making you brutally effective with hit and run tactics, and making it nigh impossible to catch you.

Who, besides the team and staff, is nice to you?:
The only one she could name is Terawing, the hero that brought her to the Institute. He's a notorious softy, and she gets the impression he's still worried about her.
Otherwise...not many people. Between playing up her alien heritage and acting like she was actually someone important at home in an attempted to be seen as distinct, and actually believing she knows better than most of her peers due to coming from a vastly more advanced planet, she can be pretty insufferable. Her insecurities, her background, and even her old name are locked down to anyone not already aware behind a storm of condescension, arrogance and misdirection that just serves to make her seem inhuman and push people away.

We didn’t trust each other at first, but that changed. How? Why?:
Well, let's see what I can think of for reasons.
Solmira acts way too full of herself for someone who randomly falls unconscious. Probably seen as a really annoying liability.
Bane's the media punching bag, well known as that one guy who poisons people. It's only natural he'd be looked at funny.
Sorrel's the hallucinogenic plant centaur that elicits screaming and violence from the average passerby. Elaborating would only compound the issue.
Best I can guess for Kid Quickman is mainly us focusing on all the ways he's not the beloved Quickman. It makes him seem...disappointing.
Michael's not easy either, but I'm thinking an aggressive hothead who just throws back anything you chuck at him is someone you'd want to steer clear of.
I'm thinking along the lines of 'trial by fire' for how we came to trust each other, but I'm having a hard time with the scenario. A little help?

I’ve been learning about Earth by spending time with Jae-Lin.
Honestly, Jae-Lin's one of the few people that impress Lios. Maintaining multiple identities, his commitment to learning to handle his toxins, and just how assured and secure he seems - Bane seems to practically embody Lios's goals, and she makes a point of spending time with him to learn as much as possible all at once.

I have a crush on Sorrel, but I keep it under wraps.
As far as Lios is concerned, Sorrel's probably one of the most unique people on Earth, and a nice person to be around besides. It just infuriates her that he can't just own what he is, because she'd kill to be so distinct in people's minds as he is.

We do have quite the interesting team, don't we?

Kid Quickman wrote:
I mean I don't know if I'd say laughing stock...

Doesn't matter whether you say it, it matters whether everyone else says it.

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Alright, decisions made. I'll grab insect control and to better fit thematically, I am Bane no longer. Call me Tox.

Not sure about relaitonships or important figure we saved. I'm leaning towards refusing to tell Kid Quickman my identity, since he views the legacy as someone who could be pressured to revealing him to higher heroes. I was thinking Sorrel for knowing me in my civilian life first, but his relationship names me as the same (before he was transformed) so its a bit redundant.

As for figures... I dunno, political figures are classic though done repeatedly. I'm favoring an instructor at Titan? I'm not sure we have anyone in common that could be declared as important to the the entire team, so I'm leaning towards the city importance.

===Updated Character sheet===

Real Name: Jae-Lin Park
Hero Name: Tox
Playbook: The Janus

Man, Asian, Elegant Clothing, Concealing Costume, featureless mask
Elegance. That one word sums up the world's view of Jae-Lin. His long black hair almost reaches his slim waist, and almost no on can claim to ever see him without a polite smile on his face. His fingers are long and deft, and he is usually seen with perfect posture.

His costume is simple enough. He wears a generic, grey sweatshirt and jeans. The only thing separating the masses from himself, it the white full face mask he dons, with two thin slits for his eyes and the gas mask-like attachment the mouth.

Venom (Essentially poison as Venom is poison that creatures produce)
[not sure...]

The Mask [Danger]
I am what you see
Dangerous Web

Secret Identity
Job: Host (plays up his "perfect person" identity)
Home: Paying Bills (lives alone, on the condition that he maintain his parent's standards and meet all payments)
Social: Best Friend (Co-worker at his Host job, helped patch him up after the incident)

[unsure] knew you from your civilian life first.
You refused to tell [unsure] your secret identity when they asked.

When our team first came together...
We saved the life of someone important, either to the city or to us. Who was it? Why are they important?

When did you first put on the mask? Why?
I discovered my powers after being jumped in an alley on my way home from work. I was coughing blood by the time they were done with me, but imagine my surprise when they started to stumble and fell unconscious. I did the right thing of course, kicked them a few times and then called 911. I found out later that they had somehow been poisoned, something lowering their blood oxygen level to the point they were passing out.

A week later, I began to experiment and put on this *taps mask* ever since.

Why do you keep a secret identity?
I started to do the whole vigilante thing. It helps that I can take care of most small fry by flicking a bit of paralysis toxin on them. After half-a-year? I've made a lot of enemies. And the police and media aren't exactly keen on a hero that uses poison as a method of dealing with bad guys.

Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity?
Well....don't laugh. Honestly, it's the janitor at my workplace. I sneak in with my key, and having been stabbed with a knife I'm bleeding toxin everywhere (I think it was something to skyrocket blood pressure this time around) and the janitor is just standing there, staring at me. He helped patch me up and even gave me a few tips to wash away any of the toxins that accidentally spilt during a fight. DNA isn't too much of concern as my body fluid turn into pure poison after a while, but wouldn't want some random dog to lick that up.

Who thinks the worst of your masked identity?
The media. Hands down, the media. It's like they got handed five years worth of tinder material and their field day is going to last for years. I've been brought in as an example of the dangers of masks, and everytime someone dies of natural consequences, they always break down the events and see if they can pin it on me as if I was some sort of hitman.

Why do you care about the team?
They don't treat me contaminated refuse. There's something....about people who know you can do them harm but welcome you openly, even trying to help.

Why do you spend time at the Taylor Institute?
I heard they might be able to help me control doses. I've had a few close calls before, almost overdosing targets with toxins, but if I can get the control right, then I can start getting creative.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

I could be the person you knew from civilian life, which is why I shared a secret with you about my legacy.

Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |

You say redundant, I say reinforced. I haven't read anything that says what relationships do mechanically, but the parallels between our powers make for a nice rivalry. I'd honestly planned from the start to stick Sorrel between the Janus and the Outsider as another parallel to his internal dichotomy.

I'll have the full rules Friday.

Maybe the B-team has a gestalt form? Like, they're such a great team that they count as a Paragon when they join together with the magic word kablam?

So, B-team gets sent out, gets captured by Pestilence, Paragons are no less occupied with Cataclysm, everyone capable is tied up, captured, or dying, except Omnirangutan, who's stuck interfacing with Jeeves, and he sends us.

We basically hate each other, but hot damn do we work well together. No training, no oversight, and we come back with the B-buddies. Yeah, it was probably not by the book, but it got done. First rule of C-team: nobody hears from us what we did to Pestilence. It was an accident, okay, and it was nobody's fault.

Yea? Nae? Alterations welcome and encouraged.

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Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Also, some NPCs from the Taylor Institute, for reference and use in the campaign

Kendra Harrington, (Archangel), {Photokinesis, flight}:
a powerful photokinetic, Kendra is a little older than most of the people at the Taylor institute. She fights crime is a suit of hard-light armour, weilding an aresenal of hard-light weaponry

As it is, she is an active cape, and on track to fame.

Roy Lyons, (Slam) {Gravity manipulation}:
Eternally cheery, Roy's only here because he wants to recruit people for his "Super-team".

Lacy Yumi (Hyla) {Hyperagility, wall-clinging}:
Lacy is afflicted with unpleasant mutations, leading to constantly hyperextended fingers, disproportionate limbs, and discoloured,
mucus-covered skin. this has left Lacy pretty jaded, and desperate for a cure

Genevieve Drake (No alias) {Clairevoyance, telepathy}:
Genevieve a thin, pale, and sickly girl, who attends group therapy sessions 4 times a week. She doesn't talk much, and has a bad habit of lashing out at people who try to drag her out of her shell, using her powers to identify peoples insecurities.

Samuel Morgan (No alias) {Disappears for days at a time, doesn't talk about his powers}:
Sam is jumpy, always looking over his shulder, spends most of his time iin the common areas. he eats a lot, but is scrawny as hell. He's always been nice when you've spoken to him, but something is off about him

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

Sorrel, I like your idea.

Toxin, I'm happy with either background for us to share.

Btw: I give influence to everyone

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Female Outsider | Danger 0 | Freak 0 | Saviour 2 | Superior 0 | Mundane 1 | Afraid, Guilty | ○●Potential●○ --- ●○○○○ | 2 Advancements | Current Advice: Trust and depend on others, and let them know about me

As far as I'm aware, Relationships have no written mechanical effect. I'd imagine they help inform when someone gains Influence over you - though that's still at the discretion of the player giving Influence a lot of the time.

Story looks good, anyway.

Sorrel wrote:
First rule of C-team: nobody hears from us what we did to Pestilence. It was an accident, okay, and it was nobody's fault.

"DON'T bring that thing up again. I didn't even know that was possible."

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Protege 2.2 | Danger -1, Freak +2, Savior +1, Superior +1, Mundane +0 | guilty, insecure | +1 ongoing to getting team in shape

Resources: "Surveillance gear" makes a lot of sense. Thanks!
Name: Turnabout - that's perfect.

Demeanor/Influence: missed that part. I'll go with Playful, meaning I'm handing out influence to Quickman and Tox. (Michael is volatile and impulsive, but not a jerk. Well, not always. And sometimes feels bad about it afterwards.)

The villains of your generation have just started coming into their own, and gaining notoriety. which two villains most worry Guardian Mirror?

Well, there's the Burrower. Six months ago, he got caught by local cops trying to dig his way out of a TunnelBus with their cash register. Since then, he's gotten better, fast. Last week, he cleaned out a research lab with noone realizing anything was wrong until well after he was gone - but the guard showed clear signs of memory modification. He's getting help, from someone or something - at least, Mirror thinks so.

She's also worried about Snowflake. She was a promising winter mage when she finished her training at TITAN a few years ago, but she fell off the radar after failing to join any of the big teams. And there were those freak snowstorms last week...

You and ____________________ teamed up a few times before the rest of you came together.
Your mentor is cautious; they asked you to keep an eye on __________________.

Mirror asked me to keep an eye on Solmira; something about her backstory just doesn't add up.
Quickman and I teamed up a few times before the rest of you came together. I'm initially thinking someone tried to get the two of us in trouble somehow, and we worked together to clear our names?

We stuck together after all was said and done. Why? How’d we keep in contact?

"How" was pretty easy; Mirror showed me how to set up a secure subchannel on TITANic's net. For the Why, I'm generally onboard with Sorrel's outline - we worked together well enough that we almost have to.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

I love it! Who framed us?

Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |
Michael Crofton, the Chameleon wrote:
"How" was pretty easy; Mirror showed me how to set up a secure subchannel on TITANic's net. For the Why, I'm generally onboard with Sorrel's outline - we worked together well enough that we almost have to.

Right. We worked so well. Nothing else keeping us together or giving us a reason to create a secure subchannel the admins can't crack. ;)

Should Archangel be the leader of B-squad, or the person we saved?

I forgot to synonym-ify Pestilence. Plague? Part of a four-man team (Plague, Strife, Drought, and Demise) of lesser villains who are constantly trying to revive Cataclysm.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

Can Arcangel be both? We rescued the B squad, Arangel included.

Female Outsider | Danger 0 | Freak 0 | Saviour 2 | Superior 0 | Mundane 1 | Afraid, Guilty | ○●Potential●○ --- ●○○○○ | 2 Advancements | Current Advice: Trust and depend on others, and let them know about me

Don't see why Archangel couldn't be both.

Michael Crofton, the Chameleon wrote:
Mirror asked me to keep an eye on Solmira; something about her backstory just doesn't add up.

That's ridiculous. What's so odd about being a student from another planet? It might be uncommon, but is that really all you're working on?

(...they shall find out nothing. I'm not going back.)

Mirror probably has footage of Solmira's arrival. That'd definitely make the public story look a little sketchy.

Also - wow, it seems like I'm a person of interest. Tox is the only one without a relationship with me.
Though speaking of Tox, they're just as popular right now. Turnabout is the odd one out, in this case.
And Turnabout's currently the only one who doesn't have a relationship pointed toward him. Have to see if that changes once Tox is done.

Since it seems we're talking Influence and Demeanour, I've gone with Haughty - which means I think I'm better than the lot of you primitives and nobody gets influence on me.
To start with.
You'll probably get some influence over me soon enough.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

Since Turnabout has no relationships pointed his way, and since Tox doesn't trust Kid Quickman, it's unlikely that Kid Quickman would trust Tox. I'll change my choice so I'm telling Turnabout my secret (probably on one of our team-ups)

Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |

I only give one other ally influence. I think since Sorrel is so stuck in the past, that would be Tox.

Female Outsider | Danger 0 | Freak 0 | Saviour 2 | Superior 0 | Mundane 1 | Afraid, Guilty | ○●Potential●○ --- ●○○○○ | 2 Advancements | Current Advice: Trust and depend on others, and let them know about me

We're so close!

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Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

For the record, if Kendra is leading the B-Team. The B-Team is called the Choir.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

Sounds good to me!

Protege 2.2 | Danger -1, Freak +2, Savior +1, Superior +1, Mundane +0 | guilty, insecure | +1 ongoing to getting team in shape

Quickman - two immediate thoughts: one option would be Lucy (though that's stretching "adversarial but cordial" rather far). Another option might be a group of mundanes - either as payback for something we might've done as an early-training run, or maybe they were trying to get us kicked out so they could try to recruit us? Just thinking it might be interesting to see how a group of normals compete in a world of supers.

Solmira - I like that. Nice and plausible way for my hyper prepared mentor to know just enough for a bit of paranoia to set in.

Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○

Lost my post, sigh.

Updated character sheet with relationships. Didn't trust Kid Quickman with my identity, knew Sorrel from my past.

I gave inflence to both Kid Quickman and Turnabout, as they seem to have the most solid foundations At least, it appears that way to Tox

As for person we had to save, is that the B-team gestalt thing mentioned earlier?

Female Outsider | Danger 0 | Freak 0 | Saviour 2 | Superior 0 | Mundane 1 | Afraid, Guilty | ○●Potential●○ --- ●○○○○ | 2 Advancements | Current Advice: Trust and depend on others, and let them know about me

Yeah, think so. A shame we couldn't get The Choir singing our praises after we saved their asses.

Are.we good to go? Because I hope we're good to go.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

Turnabout, it could be Lucy only if the stakes were really low: framed for cheating on a test or stealing from Turnabout's crush or something. I prefer the flatscans option, especially as consequence for something we did earlier.

Tox: Yeah, we saved Arcangel's team, the Choir.

I think we're done with homework and ready to start, no?

Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |

Who has the most influence? They should probably be the leader.

I think I just have influence over Kid Quickman.

Edit: I gave influence to Tox.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

Let's all call out our outgoing influence and total it up:

I give influence to everyone

Female Outsider | Danger 0 | Freak 0 | Saviour 2 | Superior 0 | Mundane 1 | Afraid, Guilty | ○●Potential●○ --- ●○○○○ | 2 Advancements | Current Advice: Trust and depend on others, and let them know about me

I give influence to nobody.
Jae-Lin gave Influence to Kid Quickman and Turnabout.
And Turnabout gave influence to Kid Quickman and Tox.

So -
I only have influence over KQ, same for Sorrel.
Turnabout has influence over KQ and Jae-Lin.
KQ has influence over Jae-Lin and Turnabout.
And Tox has influence over KQ, Sorrel, and Turnabout.

So if we're going by who has the most influence, Tox is leader.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

If Tox wants leadership it's his. If not, I think Turnabout would make a good leader, as he has moves that benefit leadership. KQ would be an awful leader, so I'm sitting this one out.

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Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |

I don't think leadership is permanent, but I also think Turnabout is the likelier choice of an assigned leader. Tox isn't really trusted by the establishment.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

I think we're ready to begin.

I'll put up a gameplay thread now, and have the first prompt up by 8 pm.

Female Outsider | Danger 0 | Freak 0 | Saviour 2 | Superior 0 | Mundane 1 | Afraid, Guilty | ○●Potential●○ --- ●○○○○ | 2 Advancements | Current Advice: Trust and depend on others, and let them know about me

Time zone?

Relatively speaking, I've no idea when 8pm is.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

8 pm?!? But I want to play nooooooow.

I mean, uh, yay. Can't wait

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

East coast, North America

Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○

From my understanding leadership is pretty fluid, different heroes can take leads to pending on what kind of conflict or mission it is

Protege 2.2 | Danger -1, Freak +2, Savior +1, Superior +1, Mundane +0 | guilty, insecure | +1 ongoing to getting team in shape


Also, I hadn't necessarily planned on being the leader, but I can roll with that.

Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○

Now that I think about it, with access to spider silk, Jae-Lin could have a pretty resistant spider silk costume, something untraceable since he didn't buy it.

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Protege 2.2 | Danger -1, Freak +2, Savior +1, Superior +1, Mundane +0 | guilty, insecure | +1 ongoing to getting team in shape

I did, in fact, originally have "station wagon" in the "why aren't we getting a cool car?!" complaint before it occurred to me that a centaur probably wouldn't fit in one :p

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Less than two days to 51 posts... s~*! man, that's gotta be a f#+&in' record.

Protege 2.2 | Danger -1, Freak +2, Savior +1, Superior +1, Mundane +0 | guilty, insecure | +1 ongoing to getting team in shape

So, question. If I wanted to try and read his moves, and basically cause him to jump physically into me (thereby triggering my ability to mimic), I could see several possible ways to do so mechanically:

Directly Engage a Threat, with a "Take something from them" option?
Unleash (impossible fighting skill) Powers?
Provoke (into making an attack when/where I want him to)?

Elsine/the group, which of those seems like it'd be the best way to handle that?

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Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○

IMO, it'd definitely be provoke "They err and you gain a critical opportunity."

Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |

A few questions:

TK means TeleKinetic?
Is a TK punch to the face a "physical" attack? (Per the move More Than My Body)
Can fungi count as plants for Sorrel?
Is it reasonable to assume most abilities (TK or otherwise) require/recommend line of sight?

Also... Aren't imaginary numbers taken to any even power negative?

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Yes, TK means telekinetic
Yes, TK attacks are physical (it's not the power, it's hitting the wall/furniture/similar)
That's fair (though.... taxonomy would like a word with you)
Yes, but you can chuck furniture around corners, if you don't mind flying blind

and, if the power is odd, it has an imaginary component. if it is even, and not (evenly) divisible by 4, it is negative. if it is divisible by 4, the number is even. (just don't ask me to do trig with them, or integrate anything with a real and imaginary component, and we'll be fine)

Transformed □□■■■|●●●●○ | Danger:±0 | Freak:+1 | Savior:+1 | Superior:-1 | Mundane:+2 |

I just couldn't think of a plant-based smokescreen. It's just a stalling tactic.

Mace maybe, but that's a plant byproduct, and not a natural result of growth.

And yes, Solmira, Sorrel is basically Pele, just like the Winter Herald is literally Anastasia. :P

Male Janus| Danger +2 | Freak -2 | Saviour 0 | Superior 0 | Mundane +3 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●○○

Just a heads up, will be on a short family get-away. Should be back Monday to reliably post.

Female Outsider | Danger 0 | Freak 0 | Saviour 2 | Superior 0 | Mundane 1 | Afraid, Guilty | ○●Potential●○ --- ●○○○○ | 2 Advancements | Current Advice: Trust and depend on others, and let them know about me

No influence for me? Awww...
Who am I kidding, I EARNED that.

I don't remember seeing a bio for Lucy/Slipstream. Kendra's bio didn't exactly say what she's like, either. Would we have that info?

So glad the site's behaving right now. I wasn't able to access it on my wifi even before it went down.

Male Legacy |Dan: -2|Fre: 1|Sav: 3|Sup: 1|Mun: 1| Angry, Insecure, Hopeless | Potential: 1/5 1 advancement

I was DYING without the site. So sad

Slipstream (or as Quentin likes to call her "Kid Lady Quickman") is KQ's twin sister. She got the speed, he got the fine molecular control.

Protege 2.2 | Danger -1, Freak +2, Savior +1, Superior +1, Mundane +0 | guilty, insecure | +1 ongoing to getting team in shape

It might be helpful to have a reference sheet of NPCs, given that most of them will have 2-3 names :p any chance you could put something like that on the Campaign Info tab? Just name/cape name, maybe team name and a link to their first appearance?

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

I'll get on that Tonight/Tommorow

Yeah, Archangel is kinda supposed to be the most serious cape in Taylor Institute. She's the stereotypical "Big sister" type personality... and she really won the power lottery, with photokinesis, with a focus on "Hard Light" and flight.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Is that good?

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