
hallucitor's page

Organized Play Member. 317 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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First... a quick apology for not being around lately on the boards and not contributing anything more in regards to Mossy Mountain Gathering... my new job has kinda seperated me from my fellow MMG guild members sadly and taken up most of my time. Okay, enough said on that.

I was able to take a break from things to give the pdf a quick glance and a bit of a scratch development of a cavalier character... granted, I'm very much point of entry into this and I must say that I have very strong, yet slightly mixed, feelings about the oaths.... most of my outlook is extremely positive, but I have a minor worry or two.
For the most part, I love them! I particularly found the Oath of Greed to be the best "grow on you" aspect I've seen in a long time... I went from my first reaction of "That's stupid! What were they thinking!" to two minutes later being "You know, if they can pull it off that is the most genious thing I've ever seen in my life! I love it! It actually rewards you for playing a pompous a$$$*$~%!"... basically it adds a huge chunk of actual role playing (over rule playing) potential into the game....

However, my big concern is that some people might find some of the oaths a bit too easy or too unbalanced... personally, I don't see them as such because in some ways they are not much more of a bonus boost than other core classes (particularly some of the latter core classes we saw for 3.5) have already... for free... no oath to follow. Granted, it would be usually easy to meet some of the requirements unless the GM decided to get nasty about it.... (aka creative with the story). There could definitely be a few more possible oaths thrown in, although the potential for player and GM agreed oaths not featured are endless... and could naturally supply an opening for a few 3rd party products down the road if open for expansion... I could easily see alot of strong support of new oaths, particularly in the small product pdf format (actually if I can ever get back to the needs of MMG it would be something I would even consider myself).

On to orders... I'm still reading these but very delighted by the idea... this is what I've been wanting to see for "knight" characters for a long time and also what I always wanted to see for monks (rather than the abilities pre-determined... I always thought a "house" or "order" should have determined those instead). Again, these open up a wide range of 3rd party support potential should Paizo decide to make this open product as well.

Or... okay, here's a possible ad hoc rule....
beyond the normal animals available in the game, which already have a set value, the general rule of thumb for pets is this....

Common Animal Pet: The basic cost for a common animal pet is 2sp per 1lb of body weight. Common pets include cats, toads, local lizards, everyday birds, rats, rabbits, garden varieties of snakes, etc. These animals are considered domestic enough to be tame but otherwise untrained. Handle animal costs should be figured in seperately in addition to basic cost.

Uncommon Animal Pet: The basic cost for an uncommon animal pet is 1gp per 1lb of body weight. Uncommon pets include animals that are fairly common to the native region but not typically found in the most common of pet offerings. For example, such temperate forest locale creatures would include raccoons, squirrels, woodchucks, young deer, skunks, etc. Tropical locale creatures could include small monkeys, parrots/parakeets, common sand sharks, etc. These animals are considered domestic enough to be tame but otherwise untrained. Handle animal costs should be figured in seperately in addition to basic cost.

Rare Animal Pet: The basic cost for an uncommon animal pet is 10gp per 1lb of body weight. Rare animal pets are either imported from another area live or are particularly hard to train even by handlers of their own local region. Tigers, bobcats, jackals, cobras, wolverines, etc. are just a few of such possible creatures. These animals are considered domestic enough to be tame but otherwise untrained. Handle animal costs should be figured in seperately in addition to basic cost.

Hope this maybe helps....

3000gp... straight up. You want trained, pet tiger, lovely tiger? Then hand over 3000gp... I get it to you by nightfall... her name Sing Sing, she sit pretty, roll over, and kill orc.
You want white tiger? oh, that's 4000gp, and only partial guarantee on the training....
White tiger with no blemishes? 5000gp and up. 7000gp and I'll get you one exactly like the one the prince has.

(No, I'm not basing this value on anything.... but it sounds about right to me)

Sadly, Tulip is neither!!!!

Hey, I admitted I was a hussy.... grin!

Gaming project or are you getting an ultra cool boat?

Ed... I don't have much of anything myself in that regards (knowledgewise anyways), but I'll check around for you.

musician (when I remember her actually)/anime-spokesperson-something Apollo Smile?
(Would she even count at this point? I was sorta joking about Edith Massey earlier... I hope! I think... oh goodness, do I have problems....)

tulip wrote:
hallucitor wrote:

Sadly, as much as a whore that I was in my younger years... and would probably still be if I wasn't so happily married... I can't say that I've slept with anyone that works at Paizo... I think....

Wait, who's working in the warehouse again?

ummmm...Dave? You're still a whore.

I know! I try... honestly, I try.... but then there's all that smashing apparel in the back of the closet that I just have to skank around in behind the Chevron near the dumpsters....

I'm a horrid, wicked person.

CourtFool wrote:
marriage = evil

I'm up waaay too late...I thought for a second that your post said mango=evil.

Damn, evil tropical fruit!

Edith Massey... for her role in John Waters' Desperate Living (which featured a fairy tale style land... thus making it sorta fantasy)

Go Edith... Woooo hoo!

I thought of something... could we name the flumph product Flumphjammer?

Pathfinder Adventures In Flumph Space...

Daigle wrote:
I thought xvarts rode flail snails.

Well, we could have xvarts work as stablehands for the flumph... now this is the flumph's glory party, and we must focus on the flumph.

That's a good t-shirt:


seekerofshadowlight wrote:

But, But ...they are time honored dice bags! That or wine sleeves. I say leave it up, I don't see it as a big deal I think it was more of a gamer thing then anything else. Everyone I know uses the crown royal baggy until they get to many dice

I don't see how this is any worse then having a coke or mountain dew in the background of a pic, which has happened many times

I still use both... crown royal bags and dice sleeves.....

small plastic miniatures that are semi-random and come 5 or so in a box for a whopping $14....
okay, seriously...

the profit thing. I really think that Paizo does well with what they make now and that's a fine track to keep on. I've wanted someone to make a snap together block (like a lego but not having to be compat with legos) that is more stony in appearance (yet able to snap together in a uniform fashion) and very basic... you could get dozens of them in a flat gray or so for little cost...
for those of us that do not need 100000% realism on the mini board but would like something to make custom wall sections that can be reused and rebuilt over and over again. But that's probably not Paizo's bag... maybe a dice company might look at that....

...and the flail snail could also serve as a living weapon for the flumph... especially useful when dealing with rust monsters.

EATERoftheDEAD wrote:

I humbly offer my support to all things idiotic in D&D. The flumph being the spokesmonster for the crusade, of course.

Flail Snails anyone?

Oh, definitely! Flail snails could be equipped with exotic saddles for the flumph to ride... or rather since the flumph floats, maybe it is the snail that somewhat rides the flumph rather... by allowing the flumph to carry the flail snail about through the air via the attachment of the flail snail's exotic saddle (see, we already have flumph equipment... a saddle and a flail snail reverse mount).... reverse mounts! That's it! A flail snail is a reverse mount of the flumph... and why would the flumph want/need to carry the flail snail about? Because they are friends, that's why!

yellowdingo wrote:
hallucitor wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
17. Avid Reader - frequently takes pages from books into outhouse.
On an off note, any way I could interest you in grabbing a free copy of one of Mossy Mountain Gathering's products in the downloads section (of this site) and perhaps giving us a review... good or bad? I would offer you something for free in exchange but seeing how all of our pdfs so far are free its kinda hard for me to make that offer any more tempting than it already is...

"Family Lineages-Human Villagers Though restrictive in its field of coverage being oriented toward a generic 'western' culture, it is a genuine (though inexperienced) attempt at developing a guide to generating Family trees (in this case human) in a Roleplaying Game that is dependent on Creative Participants." - yellowdingo

Thanks for the feedback! :)

Actually I'm in the process of creating floating jellyfish.... but they are much more evil, lack eyestalks, and are not nearly as nice as the wonderful flumph.....

The flumph should have its own product, complete with notes on playing a flumph as a pc character, notable flumph npc heroes, detailed cities and villages of the flumph, flumph special equipment, flumph related magical items, flumph related spells, flumph related commodities...

49. Social Radical- Always willing to take up the sword for the causes of the socially downtrodden (or those that are seen correctly (or incorrectly) as being the socially downtrodden). Sometimes a bit overly hyper about one's devotion to a particular cause or another.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

46. Cynical- Refuses to look at the good side of things or see anything as particularly surprising. Always ready to make a rebuttal disregarding the silver lining of any situation.

47. Sarcastic/Smart Alec- Always has a rude remark, arrogant in a subtle (or not so subtle way).

48. Fashion Slave- A victim of the latest fashion trends in the realms. Always on the look out for what's making its way through the noble courts and the nicer marketplaces in regards to silks, velvets, and splendid attire. Will cling on to almost any worthy amount of jewelry, no matter how much the character needs to invest in gear. Will often complain about ruining their best doublet in the course of battle.

That young suckling pig that the party snatched from the barn and roasted over the fire the....

oh, you mean women!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

40. Timid Romantic- Though bold and brave in combat, the character becomes extremely nervous and timid around members of potential romantic interest.

41. Minstrel Hobbyist- The character has some rudimentary ability in singing and/or playing an instrument. The individual cherishes this hobby and often wishes to play and/or sing in front of others but is not quite as talented as most bards and profession minstrels.

42. Vegetarian- The character has sworn off meat. It is likewise possible that the character does not eat milk or egg products either.

43. Nail Biter- The character has a bad habit of biting their nails, particularly if nervous.

44. Rabid Furniture Collector- The character has a heavy interest in furniture and accessories. When raiding old manors, towers, and such, it is likely that the character will come across a particular chair, tapestry, rug, canopy style bed frame, etc. that they "Simply Must Have!" It doesn't matter how heavy the item is, worth in valuable coinage to the party, or difficult to cart back to home...or even if the character has a home to keep such an item in.... the character simply must have it. And if its in weathered shape then that's something else to spend gold on... the local woodworker can be paid to have it restored (or the character might actually want to delay the next track into the dungeons so they can restore the item their own selves).

...had to quickly re-edit.... just noticed you added a few (yellow dingo)

23. Carries Dice Constantly- Carries dice in one's pocket constantly. If asked about this curious habit the character merely states that if one can keep random in their pocket then one can maintain some personal control over the random chaos of life.

24. Paranoid Of Fortune Tellers- Paranoid about any sort of fortune reading. Fears what may become and is nervous even when someone else's fortune is being read.

25. Shrewd With Coins- Will not let so much as a single copper leave one's possession without good reason.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

20. All Around Filthy- Unkempt and uncouth. Words out of one's mouth are as dirty as the character's unwashed tunic. Foul mouth and horrid body odor.

21. Intentionally Hateful- Has some mysterious chip on their shoulder and out to be enemies with the world. Hateful in behavior for no real given reason.

22. Picks Nose- Picks nose constantly. Also digs in ear, picks teeth, scratches bottom, and tends to use the same hand to do all of the above.

yellowdingo wrote:
17. Avid Reader - frequently takes pages from books into outhouse.

On an off note, any way I could interest you in grabbing a free copy of one of Mossy Mountain Gathering's products in the downloads section (of this site) and perhaps giving us a review... good or bad? I would offer you something for free in exchange but seeing how all of our pdfs so far are free its kinda hard for me to make that offer any more tempting than it already is...

Me Grimlock wrote:

Me Grimlock not wear "loin cloth"!

Me Grimlock fierce king of Dinobots! Me no NEED puny cloth!

Now that's the Grimlock spirit!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

18. Relentless Comic- Will place a chamberpot on one's head, even a half full one, if it generates a laugh.

19. No Sense Of Tact- Has no sense of proper social behavior. Been known to use the fur of the wizard's feline familiar to wipe dirty hands on and has no qualms about pinching the bottoms of passing attractive nobles if the thought hits them.

fray wrote:
So wrong


Unbelivable LOL!

15. Idiot's Curiosity- Often leans a bit too far over wells wondering just how far down it is and curious to know what it would be like to be stuck at the bottom of the well. Sometimes walks into fields of cows to see if a bull will become aggressive. Has been known to toss a mug of brew at an exceptionally muscle bound stranger's head in a bar just to see if they are sober enough still figure out who threw the drink... also curious to see if the stranger is sober enough to fight. Stands in front of a mirror and repeats forbidden phrases just to see what might actually happen....

16. Monstrous Diplomacy- Has a certain diplomatic liking for the most unlikely of creatures... manticores, otyughs, etc. Will try to befriend them and offer them a cozy lair once the character establishes a stronghold.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

14. Paranoid About Rocks- Was picked on as a child and had rocks and pebbles thrown at them by bullies frequently. One such rock hit the individual in the forehead, causing a serious wound and leaving a nasty scare. As a result of the experience, the individual feels uncomfortable and paranoid whenever anyone picks up a rock or pebble for any given reason. If attacked with a rock the individual becomes particularly aggressive and determined in their defense/response to the rock weilding/hurling attacker.

David Fryer wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
hallucitor wrote:

(Can't help myself... on a roll)

If Billy Mays was still around he could have advertised the Pathfinder RPG....
(Sales Pitch)
Billy Mays here... Does 4th edition fail to keep your attention? Do you want to restore that brand new, showroom shine of 3.5? Feel embarrassed about how your gaming guests comment on the dull, dog eared around the edges feeling your role playing games have? Well do I have a product for you... Pathfinder RPG! Its got all the retro style that you love and crave in a shiny new hardback book! But wait, that's not all! You also get updated, upgraded, and over the top rules that really add the luster back to your gaming table's surface..... (etc.)

Billy Mays was going to do an ad campaign for Taco Bell. That is best left up to the imagination.
It was the lava sauce that did him in.
That stuff really is nasty. I normally like Taco Bell, but I had a Volcano Taco and I haent been beck in almost two months.

Yeah, truly! I don't understand how they think that loading a shell with red dye makes the taco more worthwhile to eat....

First... how did you get a peanut stuck in your foot?

Second- Scary bit about the woman having the thing for knives.

Now.. for mine...
probably the 1 inch scar on my upper left forearm... now its small, faded, and insignificant, but I remember when it first appeared... raised up, very smooth and purplish red...

and I had no recollection of how it got there... and this had nothing to do with me being drunk or abusing any substance...
prior to mental health and game design I worked in a mining fabrications plant... alot of heavy steel and alot of fire (welding, torching, etc.)... you kinda dull out to the sensation of pain from burns, cuts, and all... I remember seeing it the next day... it was weird... almost like the results of a forgotten alien abduction... however, due to the appearance and nature I figure a piece of a hot cutting torch rod must have broken off and landed on my forearm, causing a raised burn. Don't remember it happening though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

12. Annoying Laughter/Giggle- Has an extremely annoying laughter or giggling sound... which wouldn't be so much of a problem except for the fact that the individual laughs at nearly everything, including things that aren't really funny.

13. Vain Around Mirrors- Has an obsession with checking out one's hair, face, smile, and/or general appearance whenever the individual comes into immediate contact with a mirror or suitable reflective surface (such as a body of water).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

9. Boorish- The kind that has to build their selves up and rattle on and on in an attempt to impress. Desperate yet in an arrogant sort of way. A gentlemen (or lady) loser that is rather full of their own selves.

10. Chain Pipe Smoker- Has burn marks on their fingers and a discolored pipe from allowing the vessel to get too hot from frequent, repeated smoking. Will smoke the cheapest weed or blend available to keep habit going.Goes through a new pipe in a matter of a few weeks where most might make such a smoking vessel last for several months, if not years.

11. Herbal Tea Fanatic- Always steeping and brewing something found by the trail sides. Most herbal shops fear the character's arrival as the individual has been known to browse (and if allowed, sample) for hours on end before making a purchase. Has poisoned their self accidently before while brewing up the leaves, flowerheads, and/or berries of an incorrectly identified plant.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

5. Grandiose- Believes that they are destined for greatness, through some self-created/imagined/delusional theory that draws a bit on the divine, a smidgeon on some questionable distant bloodline to royalty, and some half baked connection to a fallen hero.

6. Posessive- Takes a liking to another party member or reoccuring NPC and becomes quite the jealous type. May or may not have an actual romantic relationship with this individual.

7. Raw Tastes- Has a particular fondness for very undercooked to raw meat, particularly one category or variety of meat (such as raw steak or most all red meats). Gets a craving for this often, despite having become sick from consumption on more than one ocassion.

yellowdingo wrote:

1. Likes Cats - Often seen wearing a Live cat as a hat tied down with twine.

2. Avid lover of Milk - Often seen licking the whitewash off walls of buildings.
3. Bathes frequently - often seen in the Water trough.
4. Suspicious - Doesnt drink Alcoholic beverages of any kind.

Oh, why certainly! I love this sort of thing, have written this sort of thing in the past... and will add to it!

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:

I think I big part of why atheists are so disliked and thought as morally corrupt is because the ones that are famous tend to be wel.... jerks. For example Richard Dawkins one of the most outspoken and widely known atheists and real spokesperson for atheists is well a bit tactless when dealing with religious individuals. I have seen him in many public lectures and when faced with a religious individual he sometimes humiliates them publicly without being provoked. I remember one example when a man got up and gave a very passionate speech about Jesus being his personal savior and has deeply affected his life, I could see the passion and I could respect the view even while disagreeing with it. Dawkins response to this man was simply " Well all i can tell you is from a psychological perspective is that man is quite effective at deluding themselves. That such a belief is exactlt like that of a childs imaginery friend of course it's not real but a comfortable though to the individual."

Now I found that response callous and at the debate despite being threatened with eternal torment I had hoped to win some people with kindness. However I had said my piece, and then was accused of being offensive to religious persons with that one quote.

Very true. The same happens with your everyday Muslims and Islamics. I was friends with a Muslim that a local business and we would talk some about things in general. He was very open, honest, and non-biased and admitted that the United States cannot be judged by one particular person or even place because after living in New York for awhile and then living here in Appalachian, Southwestern Virginia, the differences in various parts of the country are obvious. (Ironically, I think he preferred Southwest Virginia) He said that in Eygpt, where he was from, that the radical terrorists were viewed as scum... they were their rednecks, as he put it, and represented a very tiny fraction of their society... however, their fanatical ways and access to weapons and so forth kept the people in fear (and in rough translation, he described their leaders being able to manipulate government in much the same way we see a corrupted good ol' boy network in the south). My Muslim friend went on to explain that despite this being the scum of society, the vision of the terrorist becomes the example that other Muslims are associated with.

Both replies thus far are very correct.

On the note of fanatic... I would like to add an incident that I myself witnessed one time... two self proclaimed Christians (I'm not attacking Christianity here... that's why I added the "self proclaimed" bit) were discussing Christian music. One liked the modern, pop sort of variety while the other argued that it wasn't true Christian music (or "Godly". The second individual stated that the old time gospel was true Christian music because it moved the spirit in him and he didn't have the spirit move in him with the pop Christian music. In reality, I think it had to do more with preference of musical style...but also, his view was if it is not exactly for me and I can't be moved by it then no one else can truly be moved by it.

I tried my best to keep from shaking my head and laughing....

Interesting replys... at least half a dozen I would have never thought of

Mikaze wrote:
hallucitor wrote:
Gamer Girrl wrote:
hallucitor wrote:

(Can't help myself... on a roll)

If Billy Mays was still around he could have advertised the Pathfinder RPG....
(Sales Pitch)
Billy Mays here...
::sniffle:: Having gotten hooked on Pitchmen, I can just hear his voice in the way you typed that. Good job :)


I was only able to catch a part of the tribute show today. I really hope they re-air it soon. Losing him really hit me, especially since I'm a Garry's Mod player. He's pretty much one of the Memetic Badass saints in that community.

Snicker! Actually, my wife's was fairly close... "Has your hardwood lost its luster?"

I was organizing my home office earlier and going through my miniatures and noticed my Grimloks....
Why, if these brutes are blind, do they were clothing over their private parts?

Scrabble!?! That's all it would have taken!?! Scrabble!?!

You mean I could have gotten out of all my failing relationships in the past quickly and easily without dragging it on only if I had played Scrabble!????


Sadly, as much as a whore that I was in my younger years... and would probably still be if I wasn't so happily married... I can't say that I've slept with anyone that works at Paizo... I think....

Wait, who's working in the warehouse again?

...last note, ironically, I hated Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and all of that stuff previously... until I needed some nicer clothes for work and thought "what the heck, it's brand new with tags still and the thrift store wants $1 for it" I've become a bit of a clothes snob. It's hard to buy a $10 Faded Glory shirt at Walmart when I know if I hold off and keep checking the thrift store each week then something comparable but better will probably hit the racks by the end of the month.

(final word on that... I've found independent thrift stores (usually a front end fundraiser for a non-profit charity), church yard sales, and general yard sales to be much cheaper than the Goodwill stores... sometimes Goodwill is decent on their prices, other times I can actually buy the item new if I look around in a department or "dollar" store)

PS- Always, always hot wash anything you buy... consider dry cleaning expenses before buying an item that requires such care.

The cooking at home is a definite... and a garden if you are careful with how you go about it and plan ahead.

Try shopping at thrift stores... honestly, my casual clothes were 5 to 10 times more expensive (literally) than my dressier stuff... and I'm talking jeans and a t-shirt compared to Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, and Doc Marten brown oxfords (virtually brand new, the lady at the shop said a $1 a pair for shoes and I made her take all my loose change in addition to the $1... they had been worn maybe once or twice at best and were $89 shoes new). I'm not joking, I can buy name brand dress clothes... usually with tags still attached, right off the rack for $1 or $2 per item... granted, selection is hit or miss and I hot wash everything before wearing (or sanitize in the case of shoes)... but you get the point. We've got a lot of wasteful rich people in town I guess.

Pasta is cheap... and better for you than hot dogs.

On the note of hot dogs, what happened to the day when you could buy two hot dogs for $1 when out in town? The ones at the grocery store are now nearly $3 for two... I will not pay that for hot dogs. If I'm out and hungry I'll usually snag a cheap loaf of italian bread and eat on that while I'm driving.

Azhagal wrote:

to put it friends suckon many levels but I can't seem to tell them this, to add insult to injury I am holding a GINORMOUS secret for one of them, that could f*** up their future for the next 5 or so years, and regardless of how s****y he is (and believe me this guy is an unfathomly horrible friend and person in general) I care about him enough not to do this, rgardless of whether he is deserving of my friendship or not. and it kills to know this.

but, I have noidea how to just say **** off! and get on with my life.
I know I am one of the best friends you could ask for, but I am just wasting my time trying to help people who are too stupid and immature to realize what a great friend they have and it is driving me insane.

what am I going to do?!?!?!?!?!???!

If the friend has a severe personality disorder then there's not much you can do to help them, and they will pull you and anyone else along their downward spiral... for some such behavioral disorders, 10 years of consistent outpatient counseling and therapy usually does the trick.

I say distance yourself via other engagements... community work, overtime, etc. Eventually you drift away and engage with other friends.

Gamer Girrl wrote:
hallucitor wrote:

(Can't help myself... on a roll)

If Billy Mays was still around he could have advertised the Pathfinder RPG....
(Sales Pitch)
Billy Mays here... Does 4th edition fail to keep your attention? Do you want to restore that brand new, showroom shine of 3.5? Feel embarrassed about how your gaming guests comment on the dull, dog eared around the edges feeling your role playing games have? Well do I have a product for you... Pathfinder RPG! Its got all the retro style that you love and crave in a shiny new hardback book! But wait, that's not all! You also get updated, upgraded, and over the top rules that really add the luster back to your gaming table's surface..... (etc.)
::sniffle:: Having gotten hooked on Pitchmen, I can just hear his voice in the way you typed that. Good job :)

My wife got me started... we were resting off a day's work at the mental hospital (yes, we both work at the mental hospital... actually how we met, but that's another story)... and were being bombarded with a combination of Billy Mays products and the various male enhancement product of the month ads... and then I mentioned how funny it would be if Billy Mays advertised the male enhancement products in the same fashion that he does everything else...

and my wife immediately went into a sales pitch that I cannot repeat for respect of the boards... but if you want the general idea think of it along the same lines as furniture polish... We still laugh about that one (but then we both work at a mental hospital so we've been known to start laughing at most anything out of the blue).

Greg Wasson wrote:

Thank you, Dave!


Thanks for your interest... hope you enjoy!

Do let us know if there's anything you would like to see added, changed, etc. to future installments.

The new Mossy Mountain Gathering product is now up... Family Lineages: Human Villagers! For all of you that wanted a re-usable, random roll chart format that still kept some of the flavor, and had some extra blank family trees... you asked and we provided!

This one is a freebie as well! So feel free to download the pdf and enjoy!

From your friends in the humble little guild known as Mossy Mountain Gathering.

Ed Healy wrote:
This be me --> ed.healy

I think you are the only one I'm linked with in this thread at the moment.

I am Dave Woodrum