Family Lineages: Human Villagers- Free From MMG

Other RPGs

Greetings Everyone!
Hope you don't mind but I thought I would take a brief moment to announce that our humble little guildship, Mossy Mountain Gathering, has released a third product in the downloads section.... this one is another freebie and is the result of past consumer requests and comments. If you've ever wanted to create an indepth family line for your adventuring character, here's your chance to grab a free product that will allow you to do just that!

We are currently in the works of creating a few additions for elves, dwarves, and specialized family backgrounds, and would greatly welcome all manner of comments, questions, complaints, requests, reviews, and rebuttals.

If you have a moment and would like to add a few free pdfs to your shopping cart, please take a moment to check out our offerings.

Dave Woodrum
Mossy Mountain Gathering

Thank you, Dave!


Greg Wasson wrote:

Thank you, Dave!


Thanks for your interest... hope you enjoy!

Do let us know if there's anything you would like to see added, changed, etc. to future installments.

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