The Enraged Warrior

firbolg's page

Organized Play Member. 664 posts. No reviews. No lists. 4 wishlists.


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Aaron Shanks wrote:
PMárk wrote:
Does anyone know if the april reprint of the Core Rulebook (and I assume other books) will include the pocket edition, or only the hardcover version?
Only the hardcover. It ran out first. The pocket edition reorder is in process.

Any update on the picket edition reorder?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

"This won't be the first time that thousands of Germans will have to lie low in Brazil for a while for their own safety".
Thank you, Ricky Gervais.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Been reading on various message boards today, and there's been a lot of pissing and moaning that any movie will suck, that the game is too generic to hang anything engaging off of.
In the light of yesterday's loss of Ray Harryhausen, I suggest this: the monsters need to be the stars. The human characters matter, sure, and a solid, straightforward script can deliver that, but it's the monsters that matter. Everyone remembers the skeletal children of the Hydra from JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS, everyone loved the Hulk in the AVENGERS and Darth Vader was the draw for STAR WARS. People liked Batman, but they leave the cinema talking about The Joker.

Wrath of the Titans and Red Riding Hood failed for precisely the same reasons- a lackluster, generic, overly fiddly script and rushed, ugly VFX. They both felt like half made movies that left 20 minutes on the floor- 20 minutes of unnecessary, fiddly exposition, but 20 minutes that were integral to prop up a poor script. Both also failed as monster movies because they were afraid to show off their monsters- they rushed about like blurry, shadowy messes of fur and teeth. Say what you like about Peter Jackson, but he's not afraid to show off his monsters and let the audience drink in the visuals, rather then rushing about in a CGI tornado.

Give us a Beholder or a Mindflayer villain to hang on to, or some terrifying Drow and we'll be set. No Orcs- don't try and compete with LotR- look at other Goblinoids or the Gith maybe. Give us stuff no audience has seen before, but is familiar to players- it's not like there's a shortage of ideas. Protagonists can be as broad as you like- Star Wars succeeded because of the archetypes they used- we don't need a whole lot of inner conflict and angst, but some sharp writing ala. The Princess Bride.

But like I said; nail the monsters in D&D: The Movie and it'll be a franchise that can run and run.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Just got word that Legendary stop-motion pioneer Ray Harryhausen has passed away at the age of 93.
We all owe a huge debt to him- he gave us the canvas upon which we painted our childhoods.

I'm running a night of Castle Falkenstein for my wife's birthday and I'd love to break out some paper minis for the game- any suggestions?

Please cancel all my remaining Paizo subscriptions- Order 2371884 should be my last shipment.
Thanks for the great service and fantastic games.

Can you cancel my subscription to The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
That should leave me with just the Adventure Path and Gamemastery Cards subscriptions

Please cancel the following:
Pathfinder Player Companion
Pathfinder Campaign Setting


Please cancel the following:
Pathfinder Player Companion
Pathfinder Campaign Setting


I think he means the expatriate Class Kit- available in the AD&D 2nd Ed. Paladin's Handbook.

Loved d6 Star Wars, but haven't used my WotC Saga stuff yet.
To be honest, by now I'm going to wait and see where Fantasy Flight plan to take the game next- not sure when we can expect a release date, mind.

Hey guys-
What are the chances that you'll be issuing a intermediary-sized version of the ruleset?
I'd love something as small and manageable as Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition or the digest sized handbooks done for M&M and the late d20 Conan. The Beginner's Box has been great, but I'd like something to bridge the gap to the full game while providing handy reference. My players are casual, and the expense and clutter of copies of the Core Rulebook is a real factor (not to mention the intimidation of such a weighty tome).
What do you think?

Thanks Cosmo- sterling work from Customer Service as usual!

My order was meant to ship with
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Jade Regent Poster Map Folio Print Edition
Instead I got
Pathfinder Module: The Ruby Phoenix Tournament

How many actual plastic bases will come with the set?
Will you guys be offering extra plastic bases separately? I'd love to be able to get my hands on more.

Frank Miller, maverick comics legend turned reactionary xenophobe, thinks most of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are entitled, basement-dwelling Gamers who play "Lord of Warcraft"and live with their parents.
Oh, and they're rapists too.

Isn't it nice to feel included?

Just for clarity, here are the Hobby Industry estimated sales chart, from Q2 2011

1 person marked this as a favorite.
ProfessorCirno wrote:
LilithsThrall wrote:
Snorter wrote:

You could sterilise them, so they don't breed.

I'd like to see a social service be created where the government offers $5,000 to men if they have a vasectomy and put their sperm on ice (so they can have kids later if they want). If they pay the $5,000 back, they get the sperm back.

You are advocating literally wiping out the poor and non-whites.


Agreed- that's just nutty.

Rather then some kind libertarian mass sterilization, how about a few well run Family Planning clinics and associated school programs? Time and time again, FP has been internationally shown to be the supercharger for getting people out of poverty.

ProfessorCirno wrote:
firbolg wrote:

Really? The messageboard's Culture Warriors are picking London as their new battlefield of choice?

Here's a view from the coalface that offers more then just simple soundbites.

Typical overprivileged Tory. "Oh boo hoo hoo, why won't those darn poors just pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job?" The height of hilarity is that she then accuses others of their "privilege" right after whining about how brave and hard it is to be an upperclass Tory.

Did you miss earlier when I stated that there's one job opening for every fifty four unemployed in some towns?

Oh hey, there's this.

"Go and volunteer in a primary school and sit with those who are struggling to read, go and become a school governor, go and do a bit of training to become an adult advocate so that when one of these kids goes through the judicial system and their parents can't or won't participate in the process, you can be called on to speak to and for them. "

Done that, haven't done that yet, done that.


Good grief, I knew the waters were good and chummed by this point, but jeez.

Overprivileged? The lady's a teacher- she's hardly a fat cat, and while she's not 100% on a lot of her points, she doesn't deserve such snide contempt. The fact that you've done two out of the three suggestions anyway seems to indicate you're hardly diametrically opposed to each other. I'm a pretty hard Liberal, but I've not been so blinkered that I cannot see some value in a reasoned opinion, even if I don't like all of it. It certainly beats the empty-headed "they need more guns to shoot 'em all" jingle that's been knocked out this thread

I lived in London (Lewisham) about ten years ago and it's sad to see a neighborhood I liked gut itself so harshly. That said, the tension cracks were visible in 2001- I can't imagine how much worse it got in the years since, considering what's been going on in the UK.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Really? The messageboard's Culture Warriors are picking London as their new battlefield of choice?

Here's a view from the coalface that offers more then just simple soundbites.

Megan A wrote:
firbolg wrote:

Hi folks,

When I opened my order, the cover to my copy of Mythopoeikon: The Artwork Of Patrick Woodroffe was separated from the volume. Now I realize that these are pretty old copies and that perfect binding can mean the glue perishes, but can I either get this volume replaced or get some store credit for the fact that this book was shipped in such poor condition? I can supply photos to attest to the condition of the book if required.
Thanks for your time!
If you could email pictures that would be great! It will really help us access the damage but see how it may have been damaged. As well as help us access our stock and come up with a refund or replacement option.

No problem- just sent images to customer service for your inspection.

Hi folks,
When I opened my order, the cover to my copy of Mythopoeikon: The Artwork Of Patrick Woodroffe was separated from the volume. Now I realize that these are pretty old copies and that perfect binding can mean the glue perishes, but can I either get this volume replaced or get some store credit for the fact that this book was shipped in such poor condition? I can supply photos to attest to the condition of the book if required.
Thanks for your time!

Sara Marie wrote:
firbolg wrote:

My preorder for Call of Cthulhu: 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition has gone into the sidecart to be shipped with a subsequent order- I cannot set it to ship asap.

Can you please set this order to ship as soon as it becomes available?

I've put it into its own order 1739141 and sent you a new confirmation email.

sara marie

Thanks Sara Marie- prompt and satisfactory service as always!

My preorder for Call of Cthulhu: 30th Anniversary Collector's Edition has gone into the sidecart to be shipped with a subsequent order- I cannot set it to ship asap.
Can you please set this order to ship as soon as it becomes available?

I don't know if it's too late for suggestions, but here's my two cents based on what I was reading at that age:

Ursula Le Guin- The Earthsea Books, starting with A Wizard of Earthsea- Another Magic School, but in my opinion, Le Guin kicks Rowling's ass in terms of impact per page.

Lord Dunsany- Time & The Gods, The King of Elfland's Daughter or The Charwoman's Shadow: A bit older in style, but I remember being mesmerized by them at age 14, and they lead naturally to the Dreamlands stuff by Lovecraft (which was a homage to Dunsany's stuff).
Neil Gaiman's Stardust is directly influenced by Dunsany.

Neil Gaiman- American Gods: I've not come across a teenager that didn't love anything by Gaiman.

Stephen King- The Eye of the Dragon: King's foray into fantasy, and one he wrote for his kids.

I second Dark Materials, Prydain and with the latter in mind, I might suggest Michael Scott's Irish Folk and Fairy Tales.

Kthulhu wrote:
firbolg wrote:

Cool- I just preordered and was wondering where the PDF was- clearly Paizo has me spoiled :)

Will the print book be B&W or color?

In fairness, Paizo doesn't immediately give you PDFs for something you pre-order either. In fact, unless you subscribe, you don't get the PDF for free, and then it only is made availible when the print edition ships.

From past FGG / Necromancer released, I'd imagine B&W, with a damn pretty color cover.

You're right of course, but I was thrown by the site saying I could download right after purchase. I suspect I'm going to be a very happy camper indeed.

tsathogga wrote:
PDF will be $25. It will be out soon. The Paizo store will likely have a LIMITED supply of copies. One printing only though.The pdf will be released as soon as it goes to the printer (probably 2-3 weeks). the hardcover...STITCH BOUND book will take 45 days or so to get from the printer, to me, and then to patience is required. This thing is just bloody huge.

Cool- I just preordered and was wondering where the PDF was- clearly Paizo has me spoiled :)

Will the print book be B&W or color?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bitter Thorn wrote:
The future of the American car :)

Meanwhile, In the land of the Little People...

firbolg wrote:
Drogon wrote:
firbolg wrote:
If your wife's store can hold out, I don't think Borders will be a problem for much longer. The chain is in dire financial straits, and has tried to sell itself off on numerous occasions (even B&N won't touch it with a barge pole). In the medium term, I expect it to close it's doors. It will suck for the Publishing Industry, but frankly, it's just not "too big to fail".

Once again the different voices in my head rejoice and mourn, both at the same time.

As much as I hate to see bookstores fail, the publishing industry has been undergoing drastic revisions in how they do business for some time. Borders (and, hopefully, B&N brick and mortar stores) doesn't cut the mustard. I will not be unhappy to see them leave due to the reasons Dragonsong and I have pointed out.

However, I have doubts that a company that recently opened up a brand-new flagship store in a major mall near me will fail completely. Borders, too, will be around after figuring things out, I'm sure.

Sorry Drogon, I can't agree- a new Local Flagship may be part of this restructuring, but when distributors stop flogging a dead horse and won't ship any stock to you, because you can't pay your invoices, then it amounts to little more then folding out a lounge chair on the Titanic. I expect that if Borders does make it though the next few years, it'll be a ghost of itself, probably a few regional outlets. Books-a-Million (#3) may be taking a beating, but they've been pragmatic enough to ally themselves with the B&N Nook and haven't lost the faith of distributors like Borders has managed to do.

Just an update since my last post here:

Well, Borders filed for Bankruptcy- just got back from the closeout sale at my local Store. Only 20% most of their stuff- making it comparable with Amazon, so I passed on a lot of it. The one interesting thing was the Gaming Section. It had been pretty much picked over (even the Map Packs and old heroclix were all snapped up), apart from a full shelf of new 4E and one beat up copy of Pathfinder. I hope Drogon's Wife is weathering the storm okay!

Hi guys,
I don't know if anyone has addressed this issue before (couldn't find a specific thread), but is there a way we could get PDFs of the Map Folios with a Key that can be rendered invisible in layers or something? I've been getting these Folios since the beginning, and my inability to hide this stuff from players has been a real pain, and negates the point of getting the maps at all.

2010 was the second solid year of growth in the Hobby Game Market (I suspect as a result of a "back to basics" shift in popular culture, ala. The Family Game Night campaign.
Paizo has done stellar work, solidly building on it's name for quality. By comparison, WotC feels like it's just going down the same model that blighted 3rd Edition, namely that of endless sourcebooks. While Essentials has gone a long way to rectify this (I'm sorry, but it's 4.5 in all but name),the proliferation of ephemera around the game itself feels like the company is groping towards turning D&D into a board game (something Hasbro understands), while trying to bring along the market share they didn't lose in the Edition Schism. In addition, their withdrawal from the PDF market in favor of DDI misread just how offended many people would be by the inference at they could not be trusted. I hope DDI, now it's gone to a cloud system, can regain some lost ground for D&D, but I'm not hopeful.

LazarX wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

IF Hasbro is looking at shuttering 4.x and IF they were looking to sell/license the D&D brand I think most independents wouldn't touch it with a 10' pole. White Wolf might, but that's because they're owned by that MMO company and they'd want a MMO D&D game.
Activision bought White Wolf?? When?

Not Activision, CCP, publishers of EVE Online. Unfortunately, since they're based out of Iceland, that's not looking too rosy either.

Drogon wrote:
firbolg wrote:
If your wife's store can hold out, I don't think Borders will be a problem for much longer. The chain is in dire financial straits, and has tried to sell itself off on numerous occasions (even B&N won't touch it with a barge pole). In the medium term, I expect it to close it's doors. It will suck for the Publishing Industry, but frankly, it's just not "too big to fail".

Once again the different voices in my head rejoice and mourn, both at the same time.

As much as I hate to see bookstores fail, the publishing industry has been undergoing drastic revisions in how they do business for some time. Borders (and, hopefully, B&N brick and mortar stores) doesn't cut the mustard. I will not be unhappy to see them leave due to the reasons Dragonsong and I have pointed out.

However, I have doubts that a company that recently opened up a brand-new flagship store in a major mall near me will fail completely. Borders, too, will be around after figuring things out, I'm sure.

Sorry Drogon, I can't agree- a new Local Flagship may be part of this restructuring, but when distributors stop flogging a dead horse and won't ship any stock to you, because you can't pay your invoices, then it amounts to little more then folding out a lounge chair on the Titanic. I expect that if Borders does make it though the next few years, it'll be a ghost of itself, probably a few regional outlets. Books-a-Million (#3) may be taking a beating, but they've been pragmatic enough to ally themselves with the B&N Nook and haven't lost the faith of distributors like Borders has managed to do.

Dragonsong wrote:
Kolokotroni wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Drogon wrote:

Now, why don't Borders and Barnes & Noble count? They are the definition of "Big Box" when it comes to books and games. They are an enormous player in the hobby game industry, even if their staff has no idea. I can point to numerous games that sold incredibly well in my store until one day appearing at one of those stores. At that very moment, sales on that product stopped being "automatic" and we had to start competing.

I can tell why you don't need to bother counting B&N. The company is dropping like a stone and has closed almost every one of its numerous stores in my region. They may very well be going Net-only like Amazon.
They've rolled back in my area too, but not by much- the gigantic ones in Brooklyn and Manhattan are still open.
Theres also still a large one on staten island.

The Borders here in boulder is having weekly DND Essentials new player nights. So to say that after so many years that the big books stores still arent at least trying to gain some measure of knowledge base is also not entirely true.

Why yes this and thier carrying of games like Dominion and Catan are putting serious pressure on the game store my wife manages.

If your wife's store can hold out, I don't think Borders will be a problem for much longer. The chain is in dire financial straits, and has tried to sell itself off on numerous occasions (even B&N won't touch it with a barge pole). In the medium term, I expect it to close it's doors. It will suck for the Publishing Industry, but frankly, it's just not "too big to fail".

EDIT: As further proof, Borders is shutting down one of their three national distribution centers. As of right now, the chain is being propped up by the larger publishing houses, but in the long term, the situation is pretty untenable. Don't get me wrong, I loved my local Borders, but it was far too genteel and unresponsive in this current market, so was unsurprised when I found myself at their closing down sale last January.

If you think things are bad with B&N, you've not been following what's been going on with Borders. Long and the short of it is that Diamond, who stock Borders with Graphic Novels, along with Fantasy Flight and Paizo Products, is no longer shipping stock to the chain, due to unpaid bills.

Because it's cheaper and faster in Post Production.

What wonderful news!
I shall expect my cookies delivered with every shipment now, just to keep me sweet.

Here are some great soundtracks that I've used for this kind of setting:

King Kong (both movie and VG OST)
The Ghost and The Darkness
Mysteries of Egypt (National Geographic OST)
Explorer: East Africa - Witchcraft & Ritual
Curse of the Golden Flower (good for ancient empires/ruins)

Mageye wrote:
I see a therapist for bipolar disorder and also am part of a assemblies of god church. I had a visit with my therapist today. Well I decided since I had quite a bit of a wait before my appointment to read my Pathfinder core rulebook in the waiting room since I wanted to refresh myself on the rules. Well my therapist ask if he could look at the book and I said sure he then went on to tell me that being a christian man that I shouldn't play games like pathfinder that they promote the work of the devil. I later after the appointment was thinking about this when I got a phone call from the pastor of the church I go to about something there putting on anyway I asked the Pastor about his thoughts on D&D and he said he had no comments on that subject. So I guess I'm wondering whats so bad about the game that makes these men say I shouldn't play it?

Like almost everyone else, I can only comment on what has been shared here, but it seems to me that while there may be a case for roleplaying eroding the line between fantasy and reality, to bring "Devils" into the discussion is both unprofessional and possibly dangerous.

Therapy should be a mental health practice, one that like most health services should be rigorously scientific and held to the highest ethical standards. To bring in one's own religious beliefs and more importantly, to frame the discussion in those terms is going seriously off the reservation. That said, am I right in thinking that your therapist is part of your Church? If so, that opens a whole different set of issues and you may need to consider going to a Psychiatrist that doesn't have a religious axe to grind. While the comfort of faith and a Church can be invaluable for those with bipolar disorder, a parallel course of therapy at the same time could help delineate what is spiritual support, and what is mental medicine.

NeoFax wrote:
Kahuna wrote:
Thank you guys for the warm welcome and good advice on the Core Books. I don't want to bore you guys with questions that are perhaps answered elsewhere, but I do have one I'm struggling with. I am interested in jumping right into Golarion as well but in my bit of research I am having trouble finding the Campaign Guide. It looks like it's only available in PDF and even Amazon only has it from secondary vendors for unrealistic prices. Is it already out of print?
I would wait until early 2011 to buy the Pathfinderized version of the Campaign Guide. Until then use the outstanding resource of Pathfinder Wiki. Welcome on board! I am new myself.

Yup, a revised, more region specific Setting Book is coming. In the meantime, the PDF of the setting for 3.5 Rules is really excellent. A companion "Oriental Adventures" book is coming out also in the coming Year, if I remember correctly, along with an accompanying AP.

So welcome aboard! Now, where are the cookies?

A Starfleet Academy spinoff had been in development hell since the 80's, so I'm guessing that that particular notion got it's nearest expression in the reboot.
I's all moot anyway, Paramount has apparently put a block on all Star Trek TV development for a number of years, to give the new movie Franchise a chance to take root in the public imagination.
Personally, I think a rebooted deep space exploration story for the rebooted universe -like the original story could be really great- let the movies keep the klingons and such, lets put some new wonder back into it. The stories should emphasize the isolation, that this is deep space exploration (unlike Voyager, which had all the jeopardy of being lost in a Walmart parking lot).

Oh man, that's horrible- fingers crossed for your friend.

I don't know if this was covered before, but Sword and Sorcery's Scarred Land Setting Featured a Sacred Prostitute Prestige Class- The Courtesan of Idra, specializing in seduction and the acquisition of secrets via pillow talk, as well as access to a sorority of agents and support across the campaign world.
The idea of such an individual being exceptionally skilled in the erotic arts to achieve a mission goes starts with Gilgamesh and goes up to Mata Hari and today.
MiB really needs to relax. You don't like it? Don't use it.

It's so great when folks retaliate to these nutters in such a good humored and clever way.

Welcome aboard, Senator!
This thread exemplifies everything that is great about Paizo and the community it fosters here. Pat yourselves on the backs, folks. You've done good.
Now someone needs to tell Lilith bust out that plate of cookies again...

As you can see, there's no shortage of advice about how to scare your players, but it comes down to two- make them feel vulnerable and isolated. The best resource I've come across is GURPS Horror- it's pretty much a crunch lite dissection of what is scary and how to bring those scares into a game- far superior to Heroes of Horror, imho. I've been playing CoC for years and find a number of tricks that will get your players on edge:

Play when it's dark, preferably without curtains- it's a basic one, but if you've ever tried to tell a ghost story on a sunny morning, you'll know just how it feels.

Low creepy music on random/loop. pick you poison, but it has to be the kind of thing that can be present without being invasive.

Get them uncomfortable- it doesn't have to be much, just enough to make them fidget a bit- I used to get everyone to share a couch, that way, their own tension would feed off each other and slowly make them more jumpy.

Speak low- not a whisper, but enough that everyone quiets down and strains to hear you clearly- tenses the body like you'd not imagine.

Add real jeopardy- madness, taint or just plain death/ mutilation- these mechanics, if used properly, can make a group be very very hesitant to go kicking in door willy nilly.

Don't be too quick to show the shark- remember Jaws? With horrible things like mindflayers, give the players a preview of what they can expect- hollowed out craniums, or even witnessing a feeding- play it up and use your powers of description to give the feeling that they may be well overmatched.

Mess with their safety zones- There are plenty of creatures or mechanisms to disable or negate a cocky players go-to Feats or Spells.

Look, if you like 3.5, but feel it has some quirks that need work, then I'd definitely recommend it- maybe not everything will be fixed to your satisfaction, but you'll have a clean slate to start from, while not making upgrading your older materials a chore.
The Boards here are probably the best I've ever come across, both for the staff writers and other players, and any questions or issues can be talked through here.
Plus, at $10 for the 576-page PDF, you really can just check it out yourself, go on!