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Organized Play Member. 3,012 posts. 10 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Recently discovered this show (which is on Disney+), and have been binge-watching it.

Series one and two were great, three was ok, and after watching some of four, have given up on it (unless someone tells me it's worth finishing).

Overall, the first three series are definitely worth a watch. (Four) is just not the same without Abi. I understand that the original showrunners/writers left after the second series.

Question for anyone who has Netflix or the Amazon equivalent (Prime?). Is it possible, as with Disney+, to just get it for a month to watch say Stranger Things.

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Quark Blast wrote:

Oh, just this:
Eternals Pitch Meeting

Thanks for sharing this, QB. Certainly provided some laughs!

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I'm interested to know if anyone from Paizo is planning to attend the UK Games Expo in Birmingham this June (3-5th).

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I was just looking at the (UK) Games Expo website for this year, and one of the bits of news is that Ian Livingstone (of Games Workshop and Lara Croft fame) was knighted this year for services to gaming. Good for him!

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Thanks Thomas!

Looking forward to seeing What If and Shang-Chi (and The Eternals later in the month).

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Seen about half of it now (2 of 4 episodes). Lots of familiar faces!

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Sorry to hear that, AZ! I hope you are remembering to save more now!

(Also that you can change difficulty levels when you wish, if you need it.)

Also hope that you are enjoying it more since your post. :)

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Just finished the game! :)

I did the ending where you forgive the BBEG first, then backtracked an hour and did the ending where you ally with the BBEG, allowing you to do The Cursed King part.

Overall, I estimate that I played it for about 200 hours. Of those, 16 hours were wasted when I realised that I had to redo Varnhold's Lot with extra healing (a paladin main character), and 24 hours when I didn't get on with defeating Pitax and also wandered into the Thousand Screams area, thus also triggering The Fog problem, with no way to resolve it. The 24 hours part was the last save I had that allowed me to correct that track.

It's a great game, although with a few bugs. Sometimes the game crashed when I used AoE spells in areas with too many monsters, most especially the two zombie areas in you-know-where (for those who've played through it).

I appreciate the extra effort the Owlcat people went to to really bring the BBEG's story into the game, so that they are not some random villain at the end.

Gosh, it has a steep learning curve! I think perhaps that I should make some notes about the best approach to take if or when I replay it. Certainly, it makes sense to follow the main quest as soon as possible, to reduce the effect of repeat problems. Well done all round!

I wish that the superstition rage power was an available choice for barbarians! ;)

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I did a Youtube search for the relevant sections.

To redo the Varnhold DLC, I created three new PCs (melee paladin, archer ranger and healer/fire cleric), and brought along the existing melee ranger, rogue and wizard. I also made much better decisions for the characters. It's gone much more smoothly for me in the DLC. :)

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Hi. Is it possible to rest somewhere in the Lostlarn dungeon? If not, I'll have to restart the Varnhold DLC... :(

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Thanks, AZ!

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Thanks for your reply, AZ.

I have a paladin as my PC. Haven't worked out how to increase the number of advisors or how to change a location from a village to a town (yet), and only worked out how to establish other villages yesterday.

I like Ekun too. Great damage dealer, especially with the Destroyer of Metal bow (which I think I picked up from Hargulka).

Currently in the other world part of the Lamashtu area.

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I purchased this game last weekend, with the three add-ons.

Really enjoying it, but it does have a steep learning curve with the kingdom stuff.

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My dad sent me this link earlier. Kind of touches on the topic, and thought it was interesting!


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Starts this Friday the 19th!

Thought I'd create a thread so that people can discuss it!

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Apparently, episodes 3-9 will be released one per week each Friday, with the last episode releasing on March 5th, if anyone wants to wait and binge the whole lot in one go.

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To the OP, thanks for creating this thread! It helped to explain why I couldn't sign in.

I managed to sign in earlier today. :)

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That's very kind of you!

Adventurer's Guide please.

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It's Kingmaker.

To expand on that, the conversion is for PF2, but a 5e bestiary will be available.

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Xenocrat wrote:
ericthecleric wrote:
Presumably, they want to focus on the launch of PF2 this time.
No, they screwed up. AA3 and Dawn of Flame 6 got bumped at the same time the PF2 Lost Omens book got bumped.

Ah, OK. Thanks!

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Strachan, well done. I hope you didn't have to pay too much for the collection!

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If you're creating a PC and you know your GM likes to use brown mold, ray of frost is a must! ;)

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Aurelio 90 wrote:
I already exposed my theories about Mengkare and Promise years ago...

Interesting ideas! Personally, I prefer the idea that the dragon has become a victim of that council (and is still Lawful Good), and can thus be saved, than that there is a non-LG gold dragon.

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For those who aren't aware, the mega-mod Fallout New California should be releasing tomorrow (the 23rd)! Not sure what time exactly yet, though.

It's being released on nexusmods and moddb (or whatever the latter is called, if it is something else).

Here's a link to the Facebook page about it.

If you've not heard about the mod before, it is set 20 years before Fallout New Vegas begins and is set in California. It's mostly been worked on by two people for years, and it'll be free! :)

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OK. Thanks for explaining.

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The big wide footer is at the bottom of the page. YAY!

Thanks for fixing that!

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To the OP: Over the years, I have occasionally seen posts by people saying that they left 4e or 5e for Pathfinder because they found those games too limiting.

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It has to be done. The Prodigy's Firestarter

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Wandering Wastrel wrote:
You go with your biggest customer base, and hope that the others come with you. Some will, some won't.

There's a maxim that 80% of the purchases of a business come from 20% of the customers; let’s call them Group A. The remaining 20% of the purchases of a business come from 80% of the customers; let’s call them Group B.

Applying that to Paizo, that probably means that the AP subscribers, whether or not they occasionally buy other Pathfinder books from Paizo or elsewhere, are their Group A. Obviously, the number of Group A people has shrunk over the last decade. Maybe they started with around 15,000-20,000 subscribers initially, and are now possibly at between 8,000-12,000 subscribers. Even if those numbers are wrong- and they probably are- the point is that Group A people have each spent thousands of dollars at Paizo, or proportionally, for those who became customers in the last few years. Some people from groups A and B will be regular PFS players, and some not. Group B might be the bigger customer base, but really, Group A is the most important sector to Paizo, IMO.

A decade ago, WotC did not cater to their Group A; they had a production-led product, ie. the game they wanted to sell, and made several other mis-steps. Naturally, WotC’s Group A declined, and Paizo gained from it when they launched the Pathfinder RPG.

These playtest documents were also production-led IMO, and while they may or may not be willing to listen and change a little or a lot, if 30%-80% of their current Group A is unhappy after next summer, we will see what happens then. Presumably, they will sell a lot of initial core rulebooks, monster books, new AP books, and so on in the short term, just as happened with initial 4e and Starfinder sales. (Although Starfinder is doing nicely enough for them that the game has a small staff.) Are Paizo also making mis-steps? Yes.

I think it would be good if Paizo could take more account of the Group A’s with their surveys, as long as it is verifiable, since anyone could lie and say how much they’ve spent, or might spend in the future with them.

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Thanks, Captain!

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I'm being forgetful. What is a group of tigers called? (This isn't a joke, btw!)

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It's almost like you are saying that the answer to life, the universe, and everything is "42".

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Thanks for making this thread, GreyWolfLord! It's helpful.

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Chris, the playtest info isn't available until August (the same day as Gen Con starts). Those who preordered the material have preordered a hard copy. Those who didn't can access the same PDFs for free.

I hope that helps!

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This is the link that takes you to the forums, if you want to favourite it!

I hope that helps. :)

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140) Did Barney Stinson invent legendary proficiency? If so, better him than Ron Swanson!

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I so wanted to find the Blackadder the Third clip about how "Real men duel with cannons!". Can't find it on Youtube though. Ah well. ;)

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In a post Vic Wertz made on the 28th, he said (amongst other things):

Vic Wertz wrote:

If you've been reading playtest feedback—or even if you haven't, but you just know a bunch of gamers—you will know that there's a spectrum of desire here. On one end, there are players want no changes whatsoever; on the other, there are players who want changes to anything and everything to be considered. Most people are somewhere in between.

Paizo has staked out a spot on that spectrum. Playtest feedback might move us one way or the other a little bit, but as far as broad strokes go, the playtest will show you where we stand. (In our opinion, it's not all that far from 1st Edition.)

I hope that helps!

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Linsolv, there is a thread you might find helpful: What makes the game Pathfinder for you. I hope that helps!

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Release Roderick!


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While I made a serious post above, a more silly speculation: Aroden has been fighting the main goblin god. As a result of the fight, Aroden and that god merge, he returns, but 1/8th of Golarion's CRB races' populations become goblins, hence, they are all "civilised" goblins (or as civilised as they'd ever be!).

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Perhaps the reason that resonance is tied to Charisma is as follows:
Friendship Is Magic! So the more likeable you are, the more friends you have, and the more magic you can use!


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Matthias W wrote:
A small change but a welcome one. This and the increased cost of maintaining sustained effects definitely helped 5e address (if certainly not eliminate) LFQW issues.

What does "LFQW" mean?

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18. Cast gate to call a balor to do chores around the house.

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Does a proclaimer have to walk 500 miles then walk 500 more?

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That's no moon...

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The black album (aka the Spinal Tap-type cover) was their last great album. ;-)

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For a druid, Clint Eastwood's "I talk to the trees." What else!? ;)

For a gunslinger, the theme from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".

For a rogue, "Backstabbers" by the O'Jays, or "You've got to pick a pocket or two" from Oliver!

For a monk, Carl Douglas's "Kung Fu Fighting". (Damn, Bluenose beat me!)

For an earth kineticist, AC/DC's "Let there be rock".

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Eric, the description says that it has 36 pages, hence the lower price. The normal Legendary Heroes books have more pages, hence the higher price. I hope that helps.

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In relation to this thread, this is what I saw yesterday! Oo-er!