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1. Forum Name: PaleDim
2. Character Name: Ferdrin Ternyth
3. PFS #: 272301-9
4. Roll for Day Job: Profession (woodworking): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
5. Initiative: 1d20+0
6. Perception: 1d20+3
7. Faction: Dark Archive
8. Speed (Slow or standard): Standard

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@GM, The slideshow is currently set to View Only.
If you change it to 'Everyone can edit' I'll be able to add all my PC's details for you ;)
1. Forum Name: Yours is mined
2. Character Name: Zhang Chunhua, given name = Chunhua
3. PFS #: 69095-8
4. Roll for Day Job: No Day Job
5. Initiative: 1d20+2
6. Perception: 1d20+1
7. Faction: Dark Archive
8. Speed (Slow or standard): Standard

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1. Forum Name: NovelEnigma
2. Character Name: Aldar Latharian
3. PFS #: 193338-7
4. Roll for Day Job: profession librarian: 1d20 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 4 + (2) = 26
5. Initiative: 1d20+3
6. Perception: 1d20+7+1d6
7. Faction: Liberties Edge
8. Speed (Slow or standard): Standard

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My ability requirements: "Fetters rely on the magical resonance of creatures capable of casting spells (spellcasters and creatures with spell-like abilities) which saturates even their hair and clothing. Fetters cannot target a creature with no magical ability".
If our Investigator only has Alchemy and no SLAs or other spellcasting abilities, I'm unsure if it would work on them. Alchemy is a Supernatural ability; "Supernatural abilities are magical but not spell-like. Supernatural abilities are not subject to spell resistance and do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated (such as an antimagic field)."
I cannot target a creature with no "magical ability." However, a supernatural ability is magical; therefore, I believe it technically works. As a lore reason, this archetype gives up Alchemy in exchange for a Supernatural ability of "sympathetic magic."
Your call, though, GM.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For the sake of pacing, I'm going to move things along. We can always retcon if needed. Besides, there will be a little delay with setup.
Your pacing is good IMO, DM!
(I find pacing the hardest part of GMing Play-by-post)
Only 4 players might make a difference too ... I guess we'll see!

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Out of curiosity, does anyone know if there's "official" info on this map to indicate the height changes?
Not that I'm aware of.
I've always thought if it doesn't say in the scenario text it's the GM's call.

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Xiao junior nods at Chunhua and casts detect magic and looks around.
And good morning, Xiao Junior!
Hope you are having a fab Monday. I have just gotten home from work.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

[retroactively]The Sheriff takes Chunhua up on bringing the weapons over to the guest house, but takes the rest once he sets the party up and leaves.[/retroactively]
Nice touch, GM!

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Super sorry guys, very busy week at work! Will post asap.

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B&E seems a bit extreme with what little we know so far, or is it just me?

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Totally agree

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A push every now and then when the next action is unclear doesn't hurt :)

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IMO, your timing for bringing this on was fine, GM. I'm not an expert on the rules, but double-move for a swarm to move onto someone for auto damage sounds right to me.
The saucepan was an improvised weapon, so should have attracted a -4 penalty (which was not included)

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“So I think the ‘living’ shadows are some supernatural result of ordinary items being placed in positions to cast a shadow.”
“This dark magic implies the Mercyite’s more-or-less harmless cult has been infiltrated by Night Heralds or some other faction of the Dark Tapestry.”
Should this have been obvious to the rest of us? :D

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Welp, I thought a bat swarm would be large enough to take reduced damage from weapons rather than none; I guess these bats are smaller than I realized.

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I see 5 acid damage on the swarm from my attack, but usually, swarms take +50% damage from splash weapons, so it should be 7 unless they are a bit different than normal.

DM rel20 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Just when I thought this couldn't get creepier/better.
Bravo, GM!
Thanks, but I can't really take credit... just working with the tools of the scenario. Time based/investigative scenarios can be frustrating at times, especially when certain pieces aren't hit, but I hope the vibe comes through.

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Need to give this situation some more thought and I'm too tired tonight.
Will post in my morning.

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I wouldn't refuse a hint. It's unclear if anything is important in the mansion before we head out to track the bat swarm.

DM rel20 |

Ok, I'll hide these behind spoilers so that folks can choose what to do with them.

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Trying to remember which home we're even in right now.I don't recall them being #1/2/3.

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lol thank you. I don't know why it's unclear to exhaust each location. Maybe it's us :P

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On AoO and Grappling: A creature that grapples another creature also gains the Grappled condition. Part of the Grappled condition is "Grappled creatures cannot make attacks of opportunity."
Now, some creatures and players ignore this, but it applies as a general rule otherwise.

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Yeah, I figured something like this that has the grapple game plan would be immune to most of the downsides.

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GM KingofAnything is the first person I came across who had worked out Nested spoilers.
It took me a little experimentation to work out how he did it. But here is my method for anyone who might find it useful :)
Just change each “{ }” into “[ ]”
{spoiler=Perception DC 10} You don’t see it.
But if you make a Knowledge (nature) DC 10 check …
{spoiler}You do!{/spoiler}{/spoiler}
If you fail Survival DC 20
{spoiler} You’re dead, but …
{spoiler=Grand Lodge Faction}{url=http://paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderChronicles/PZO9211-Ve ntureCaptainAmbrus.jpg}VC Valsin{/url} informs your next-of-kin.{/spoiler}{/spoiler}
But if you make a Knowledge (nature) DC 10 check …
If you fail Survival DC 20

DM rel20 |

I considered something like that, but disclosing the checks can provide too much information at times. Finding magic items and listing the spellcraft checks is pretty straight forward, but listing things like "if detect magic" becomes a bit trickier, at least for my liking. If players weren't planning on doing "A", they may change their minds just because they see "B" as a possibility.

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Of course!!
1. Forum Name: noral
2. Character Name: Xiao junior
3. PFS #: 314670-16
4. Roll for Day Job: perform oratory : 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (20) + 23 = 43
7. Faction: silver crusade
8. Speed (Slow or standard): Standard

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Hello all. I'm going to be in nature and away from computers starting Friday evening (4/29, 5pm, US/Pacific time) until late Sunday 5/1. I should be able to catch up in all games that same evening. As my absence is over the weekend I hope/expect for minimal disruption to my games.

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Xiao, Ferdrin, and Zhang notice thick yellow growths that are starting to appear under the itchy areas. The scent of rotting fruit clings to your nails from scratching and to the growths themselves, which are starting to uncurl thin filaments of green inside.
Frequency 1/day, 2 saves required
Is this a poison or disease effect, GM?
Now that we're back in civilization, Chunhua would like to pay for some clerical help to overcome this problem.
Assuming I can get some healing help in Alkenstar or Katapesh, is it OK to use Chunhua’s pay or Prestige Points from The Twisted Circle to pay for her medical bills, or would she have to sell something and buy it back?