I can say I have had the pleasure to to GM for him, have him GM for me and to have played our characters together at the same table. He brought enjoyment to every table he sat at, and I considered him both a fine game and friend. I will miss him and send my condolences to his family and all his friends, near and far, whom he touched with his actions and deeds on both sides of the screen.
It is my pleasure in announcing a new 5 Star Gm to the fold. Venture-Lieutenant Billy Darios of Flushings, NY has joined the this illustrious group. It was my pleasure watching him run his table at ConnectiCon 2014 for the star and I was amazed with his work, and how well he interacted with his table. Congratulations Billy!
Sean, I read you blog post and all I can say is: I wish you and Jodi the very best. Your work both here and WotC has always strengthened my understanding of the game, and even when I had questions you reasonably answered them. Safe journeys, good luck, and always kill your players and make them want to come back for more.
Also their is Modern Myths. You may want to check them out and see what they are up to as well.
I would like to tell everyone of our newest addition to the rank of Venture-Lieutenant: Earl Gendron, a.k.a. Cpt_kirstov. He will be stepping up and helping me organize Eastern Connecticut for Society. Based out of Manchester, CT he will have a good base of operation. If anyone has questions or request about doing PFS on that side of the state please feel free to contact both Earl, at ct.pfs.kirstov@gmail.com, and myself, at pfsctguru@gmail.com. Congratulations Earl and thanks for helping out and stepping up.
I am running this currently for my gaming group and all i have to say is that I am loving the story so far and I sense my players are feeling the same. My wife takes pride in beating a Greg A. Vaughan adventure. Ever since she dropped Karzoug back in RotRL. I know she will not have an easy time this go around though. This Ap has brought my faith back on strong story with great game mechanics back it up. Kudos to all around as I think this will be the AP to beat.
Reynard wrote:
Reynard, I am the new Venture-Lieutenant occupying the CT region. If you need help or have any questions please contact me at: pfsctguru@gmail.com. I know of a number of people out in your neck of the woods who would be interested in a closer game. Right now I run a monthly gathering in Newington, CT and you are more than welcome to come check it out.
Sorry to see so many take a step back, but I totally understand how real life can jump down on one's back. I wish all the retired VC's the best in luck with what ever endeavors they follow. I also would like to welcome all the new Venture Lts. may your troops not frag you while you sleep. Mike I too would like to ask what is the VL's duties?
I realized I have not pimped this yet so here we go. The First Saturday of every month the ConnectiCon Staff host a free RPG Day. The Venue: ConnectiCon Members' Shop & Tournament Center
I will be running PFS there and anyone is welcome to show. This month we will have guest GM and Venture-Captain, Art Lobdell. So come out and play some games.
Lets see I am actually two of the tour stop GM. Being #24 in '09 and 2-03 in '10. All I can say is good things about these three players. I am honored to have them at my table and would gladly shiv someone to have them again. Torath, I would love to have one of those T-shirts. My e-mail is in my profile just let me know the cost. I sense my monk will have new thread for his Eye's of the Ten run.
San-Chez wrote: Wow I am so glad my fighter had silence cast on him and he followed her on the back of the griffon wondrous figurine all over the board. We did just to prevent her from sending her minions after us. I had no idea she was that powerful. Wrong encounter. The guy at the end is what they are talking about.
Seems we forgot to put this up but, ... Starting this Friday to this Sunday, 12/3/10 to 12/5/10, is AnonyCon at the Holiday Inn Select in Stamford, CT. It will be offering a selection of PFS events, including The Year of the Shadow Lodge Special event Saturday morning. Just follow the link and see whats going on. Hope to see you there!
Cpt_kirstov wrote:
When did I become Donboy? Seriously?
ubertripp wrote:
Well if you are interested I am doing PFS on 11/20/2010. This will also help you meet others. My email is in my profile.
Toofy wrote: I'm looking for a group for regular play, sometimes it feels like connecticut is a barren place for RPGs The sad thing is it isn't at all, we are just an insular lot for some reason. I would also try Pen and Paper Games or if you live in the Greater Hartford area join the Hartford Area Geek Meetup Group.
I do it because I am a glutton for punishment. j/k In reality I am an old veteran of RPGA Living Campaigns. More as a player than GM, but I knew the basic ins and outs of the idea. When PFS was announced, the misses and I were planning to go to GenCon and we had nothing really planned in what we were going to play. So we both signed up for PFS and I volunteered to GM for PFS. I was in love from the start and have met a large number of great people over the seasons. I just can not wait to see what happens next. Will
Mark Moreland wrote:
I am not sure if anyone from the Boston Area applied or not. I know I didn't as my state does not qualify as a region as of yet. Thanks for the vote of confidence, though, Mark.
Doug Doug wrote:
I'd be the one you are looking for. Thanks Doug Doug for the help.
Gendail wrote:
Got it and replied. Welcome to the fold!
tburke0 wrote: Necromancing this thread with new enthusiasm from GenCon! I'm in Fairfield county near Westport. My day job is split between sites in Stamford and Trumbull. Deathboy, you've got mail... I got the email and replied. Welcome to the Fold! So reviving the thread even more I will put this out now: I am slowly expanding my player base for PFS and even going as far as getting another site to run two separate days. So if you're in the CT area and you want more PFS please contact me, my email is in my profile. Thanks,