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It is my pleasure in announcing a new 5 Star Gm to the fold. Venture-Lieutenant Billy Darios of Flushings, NY has joined the this illustrious group. It was my pleasure watching him run his table at ConnectiCon 2014 for the star and I was amazed with his work, and how well he interacted with his table. Congratulations Billy!
I would like to tell everyone of our newest addition to the rank of Venture-Lieutenant: Earl Gendron, a.k.a. Cpt_kirstov. He will be stepping up and helping me organize Eastern Connecticut for Society. Based out of Manchester, CT he will have a good base of operation. If anyone has questions or request about doing PFS on that side of the state please feel free to contact both Earl, at, and myself, at Congratulations Earl and thanks for helping out and stepping up.
I realized I have not pimped this yet so here we go. The First Saturday of every month the ConnectiCon Staff host a free RPG Day. The Venue: ConnectiCon Members' Shop & Tournament Center
I will be running PFS there and anyone is welcome to show. This month we will have guest GM and Venture-Captain, Art Lobdell. So come out and play some games.
Seems we forgot to put this up but, ... Starting this Friday to this Sunday, 12/3/10 to 12/5/10, is AnonyCon at the Holiday Inn Select in Stamford, CT. It will be offering a selection of PFS events, including The Year of the Shadow Lodge Special event Saturday morning. Just follow the link and see whats going on. Hope to see you there!
I wanted to post this so anyone else whom is running one of the new events can also post any errors they may find before GenCon. I suggest using spoilers and what not. Here I go:
Explosive Runes!!! 2: 2-03 The Rebel's Ransom has an error on its map reference. The Desert map is from the Flip-mat line and not from the inns map pack.
I am starting this thread for my home CotCT game. I wanted to give my players a chance to earn a little extra xp with write ups after game, and to also keep the current goals of their adventures in mind. Their first assignment will be to write their backgrounds here, as each of my players have a Paizo account. They will not be getting bonus xp but the first person to post and the best background will each get a bonus harrow point. Players will be responsible and use spoiler tags when need be. As for my title of this journal, well I'll let my players’ backgrounds fill you in on the joke. DM Will
I will be offering to run PFS adventures for those who wish to play in the CT area. I am also sure I can convince my wife, or get kristov to help me so we can do mini cons to keep up to date on adventures. So if you live in the greater New England area, and NY/NJ, drop me an email at . This way I can get a list together and send out emails to arrange these gatherings. Will Wadhams
So I have just finished reading HoA and I have to say it was a good read and filled with enough interesting content to keep the majority of my players happy. Kudos! I do have to ask how many doses does a pot Shoanti warpaint have? Most of the NPCs have the items listed with no doses, and seeing they would only use it once understandable, but what of the pots given the party or obtained later from corpses, if they get them? It just seem this little detail is gnawing in my demented mind of OCD.
I am sure this will be covered by August 1st but I wanted to inquire about alignments for PCs in the Chroncles system. I know in other Continous Cmapaigns that they restricted alignments so that everyone played more heroic characters and not a-holes or evil S.O.B.s. I am just wondering how this will be addressed if at all?
Note: I am not sure this can go here, as it can be considered a Customer Service question as well. So I am a Superscriber. Does that mean I will be getting shipped Pathfinder beta when it is released? I ask cause I will be at GenCon and thought it would save you the trouble of shipping it by having me pick it up there in Indy. Any thoughts?
So I was wondering how does one keep the AP going if all the original party members are dead? I haven't hit that point yet but I am close. (I have only two original party members left.) I've seen TPK on the Obituaries and have seen an alarming response to drop the AP when it happens. My players with the two surviving members have decided to take matters into their own hands and tell everyone what they have seen and why they need to continue the good fight, no matter what. I think they are being responsible and fatalistic at the same time, but then again the AP isn't an easy cake walk. So my question what has anyone done to keep the AP going? I hope this can get answered by any who care to answer so that those of us running have ideas to keep it going so everyone can enjoy the Runelord story arc.
So my players have just finished HMM and the body count is three dead with one of them raised. The raised Rogue is having an almost psycotic breakdown and the Priest, who thinks he is a fighter, took the Keep, and the Leadership feat. The Black Arrows, the three that are left, have all scattered. Vale to the Shoanti, Jarkardos with his step-daughter, and Kaven went to Magnimar to start his life over after realizing his mistakes. ( I am sure I spelled someones name wrong so forgive me.) Add to this mess they all need to go back to Sandpoint to bury the Sorcerer, as he was raised in town and was engaged to marry Shayliss Vinder. The Fighter was laid to rest with his People, the Shoanti, by the Druid. ( I used the ideas of American Indians and the Himilayas. The Dead are wrapped and laid out on a raised platform and Scavangers and the Elements take their course.) The poor Rogue is also wanted in Sandpoint so she is dreading returning. (Though she was asked by Hemlock to infiltrait the Scarzni and find out who is incharge of the Sandpoint family.) She also is dreading telling the Vinders of her adopted brother's death. (The Sorcerer and Rogue are both half-elf Orphans.) So in the end a few of these characters have become very depressed or even worse vengeful. Add to it the Priest was told by Magnimar he can have the Keep but he will not be collecting taxes from Turtleback Ferry, as he hasn't been given Lordship of the land. So am I being to evil or should I drive the dagger deeper in to their kidneys?
This order shows as shipped on Feb 26, 2008. I have yet to recieve it but my subsequent order, 897188, shipped yesterday and was recieved this afternoon. I would like to inquire if there is a way for either Paizo, or myself to track order 889121. As this delay is odd. This is the first minor issue I have had with ordering and hope to have it resolved. Thanks
So my group of players are now in the midst of HMM, and I have just started to wonder if anyone else tried to add some personalization for their players? I have added a search for one of my players to find thier family, that they have never known. (The player is a half-elf Sorcerer who grew up at the Academy.) I just hope to find some extra ideas that i can steal, I mean borrow. |