
avari3's page

Goblin Squad Member. 967 posts (1,852 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 aliases.

Half Elven. How do I build it? Thanks.

Goblin Squad Member

Seems to be bugged, how is it supposed to work and how much of it is working?

- Can you only use secondary abilities of each weapon?

- Will extra attacks from 2wf be implemented as manuevers?

- Are there any penalties accrued now or later?

- Is there a feat line for it? Will there be?

Goblin Squad Member

And no crying in baseball. Who's up for a pre EE launch RP event? I'm thinking the last day of alpha at the Thirsty Ogre in Thornkeep. Remember that when that cold start comes we might be too busy for about a month. Goblinworks crew is invited of course.

Goblin Squad Member

Will they be available on day 1 and what do they give? I'd love to buy a couple but I don't want my character to outlevel the benefits before they are in.

Goblin Squad Member

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Chartered Company: Stardelvers Union
Alignment: TN
Affiliation: Phaeros
Theme: Meteorite Mining Specialists
Roles: Miners/Haulers/Merchants/Guards (PvP)/Sweepers (PvE).
Patron Gods: Abadar, Desna

Roleplaying: Stardelvers Union is a sponsored company dedicated to mining meteorite or Skymetal hexes. We mine, we haul, we fight monsters and we protect our interests against other factions. We are big damn heroes and blue collar miners with friends in high places to negotiate trading our raw and processed goods to crafting cities. The Union provides many benefits to members including danger pay, computer sickness leave and funeral expenses (if necessary).

What’s in the Stars: Stardelvers Union will provide Skymetal and other resources in those hexes to the city of Phaeros and other cities in the Southeast nations. We aim to rent out our services to groups abroad looking for the most efficient Skymetal miners. We can get in, get out and mine the living s~@%e out of contested hexes. We will be claiming a tower in the name of Phaeros for the Tower Capture phase of Early Enrollment and our future goals include setting up multiple POI's to aid us on our hauls.

Who can join: If you are a chartered company or individual looking for high adventure, wants to get stinking rich and play with a great community brimming with opportunities, please contact Lhan or Avari3 or apply to The Seventh Veil. Be sure to mention in your application that you'd like to be a member of Stardelvers Union.

Goblin Squad Member

Ok this is my attempt to make sense of it all. I've taken a pretty nice poll among many of the groups and everyone seems to agree that the Reputation v.s Alignment system is not going the way we want it. The player base wants to play Chaotic and Evil as a roleplay/faction decision without having it inherently mean that you are low on the reputation scale and your DI has to suck.

The answer seems so simple though if alignment is treated as a faction wheel, INDEPENDENT of the reputation system even if there are CERTAIN activities that can affect you on both.

So here goes my idea on how to implement our beloved alignment system in PFO:

1. Nations and Settlements cannot be NN. The only NN settlements in the game are the NPC run cities for new characters. Players however can be.

2. The 1-step policy for Settlements and Nations pertains to the right and left of the wheel. Examples. LN can Have LN-LE-LG; CG can have CG-CN-NG; LG can have LG-NG-LN. A LG Nation can have LG-NG-LN settlements, meaning all together they span 5 alignments of characters. This is similar to the faction wheel on Fallen Earth. Allying yourself with somebody not in your nation costs influence, preventing LE and CG from working together for too long.

3. Each of the 8 settlement alignments has an NPC faction (LE-Hellknights) and an appropriate aligned NPC God to grind their alignment. Each alignment also has a flag to carry with buffs (bandit-CN/defender-LG/vigilante-CG etc.).

4. The chaos/evil/lawful/good axis all have in game pros and cons. Training classes like paladins v.s Barbarian v.s Necromancer for example. As per the last blog, chaos means bad at taxes but you can rob, evil means inefficient NPC's but they can buy slaves and raise undead, etc. THESE PROS AND CONS SHOULD BE BALANCED.

5. NN characters can join ANY settlement, but don't get the buffs the or advantages of their settlement. It's the mercenary or half way house alignment.

6. The actual Development Index (DI) of a settlement has nothing to do with the alignment, it is determined by the REPUTATION of the settlement which is determined by the REPUTATION of the characters that comprise it. The reputation system is the system meant to foment some types of PvP and punish other types of PvP.

Now this is something that actually could work using all of the systems PFo says they want to use without having it all collide into a complete clusterbomb.

Have at it boys.

Goblin Squad Member

Am I the only one who sometimes feels actual physical pain from the wait for this game?

Goblin Squad Member

Because it's never too early. Q3 has just begun. We are a year away my friends (and future enemies).

Goblin Squad Member

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Remember their hair has to have glitter/glow options! Something akin to GW2 Sylvari.

Please put that in. That is all.

Goblin Squad Member

I really wanted to hold out as long as possible to start this thread, afraid it's too far out to make an impact but anyways...

The inspiration for this is the movie Red Cliff. It's a fantasy war strategy movie and in it they pull off all kinds of fantastical battle formations (the turtle is particularly funny) both on land and sea. I point this out because if PFO is going to use battle formations it's important that they don't be traditional formations that we know in modern or even historical warfare because A.) it's boring and B.) those formations would not actually work or be ideal with the capabilities of 20th level magic users and arcane archers.

So this thread is designed for a brainstorming on the formations and tactics that would actually work in an MMO large scale battle using the talents of the D&D classes. Some will be robbed from games like Warhammer, some will be based on the tragically bad siege tactics of games like AoC.

Time's yours.

Goblin Squad Member

The Pathfinder books give us a pretty good feel of what the Characters are going to look like, but they don't give that great an idea what the world will look like. If there has been any info on this so far I have missed it, but do we have even the remotest idea what the general look of the game will be?

I'm looking for adjectives that describe the conceptual artwork.

Goblin Squad Member

Since economy and trading is such a big part of the game, I think a barter system would really help capture the flavor of a fantasy medieval society. In a futuristic game having everything traded on "credits" adds to the Corporocracy setting, but bartering makes more sense for blacksmiths and pelt hunters.

The system should work something like Player A puts up an item for sale. Player B puts a counter offer with X item or a combination of items and gold. Player A accepts or declines. This system could work parallel with the global trade market or maybe a separate system just for settlements/nations.