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Shay Snow wrote: thistledown wrote: On the note of 'adjust obvious typos or errors in a scenario' - the editing quality has gone down drastically in recent years. Please put more funding to editors and don't make GMs do the work that ought to be done in house. And when errors are found in scenarios after release, it's not like you're reprinting books - just update the PDFs.
As to formatting the text. Things that are listed in the bulleted sections (use alternate maps, fix typos) should not ALSO be listed in the header paragraph. Duplication leads to bloat and errors years down the road.
"Please keep any commentary respectful and on-topic" was the end portion of Alex's post. I'm going to be exceedingly honest here, the PFS community's insistence on insulting the abilities of our Editing team repeatedly is rude and disrespectful, and also I have yet to see proof that the editing quality has gone downhill. As someone who came from the Editing team to the OrgPlay team, I have seen not only the quality of our hardworking editors, but I have also seen the sheer quantity of corrections that they catch that people outside of Paizo would never think to even look for.
If you are someone who doesn't know how the sausage is made, updating our PDFs is not as easy as a simple edit and publish. If it were, updates would be made this way.
Please trust our expertise in our field. While the quoted comment is a little on the harsh side, no one has ever said that the editing team is incompetent; there's a big difference between "try to get them some help" (which seems to be thistledown's main gist) versus "the editing team can't find simple errors" (which appears to be how you're taking his comment). We know they're all human; no one is pooping on them about that. Even the best editor is going to miss things if they're overworked, and it definitely seems like they are.
It is slightly concerning that you are stating that you haven't noticed a change in quality over the last couple of seasons and are coming into this discussion quite hostilely; if the community is telling you they're noticing something like this, attacking them and telling them they're wrong is not a good look. As a former editor, if you can't objectively look at the content from PFS2 seasons 2 or 3 and see a difference in seasons 4, 5, and now 6... I don't know what to say. I'm an avid book reader, and I notice typos or things that aren't clear all the time... because, again, the editors are human, and people miss things all the time.
With that being said, if the workflow doesn't save the files in an editable form after layout to allow easier editing, perhaps that is something that could be investigated within the company; in that case, it would be an extraordinarily simple task to edit them and republish the PDF. That's just my $0.02.
On to the reason for this thread:
I like the new changes, and agree with the replacing of "may" to "can" or "should". Also, pedantic me would like a consistency with the use of commas; the third bullet in the "GMs must" section does not include the (proper) Oxford comma, while the first bullet in the "GMs must not" section does include the Oxford comma.
I would also like to see a little more clarification on what the team sees as an obvious typo or error. As someone mentioned up-thread, the (OGL) air mephits had a reflex save of +19 that was printed in the Bestiary, and was then reprinted in multiple PFS2 Scenarios, nor was this ever changed in any errata or FAQ. Since this is the case, the assumption would be that it is just ridiculously agile and will almost never be affected by something that requires a reflex save. The (ORC) air scamp has (what many would consider the correct) reflex save of +9. Since there were nearly 5 years of errata, FAQs, and adventures all published with the air mephit having the +19, how is a GM to know that this was supposed to be a +9?
Now, if something has a skill or saving throw value of over 100, that's obviously an error, but if the number is "+112", should we assume that it's supposed to be "+11" or "+12"? Saying that GMs should fix obvious typos or errors is a great start, but there needs to be some sort of guideline for folks to refer to.
Zot the Magnificent wrote: Question about Kobold Breath
Hey, I'm a kobold Swashbuckler. If I remaster, will I have to change my kobold breath to one of the new dragons? The kobold breath feat has not been reprinted, so I'm wondering if I can still retain my bronze dragon breath weapon or if I would need to change it to one of the newer dragons.
Remaster Rules - Dragon Section wrote: 1. Some options (such as draconic barbarians and sorcerers or the dragonblooded versatile heritage) require or allow players to pick a specific type of dragon, which affects spellcasting traditions, skill training, and similar choices. Players may use the options as listed in Player Core 2, or select a dragon from the Imperial or Primal dragon families using the Draconic Option Table below.
1. Characters which have been rebuilt using their Remaster Rebuild may not use the chromatic or metallic dragons for any of these options.[/list]
Emphasis added, information copied from the Dragons subsection of https://lorespire.paizo.com/tiki-index.php?page=pfs2guide._.Pathfinder-2e-R emaster#Specific_Rules.
Blake's Tiger wrote: Madhippy3 wrote: You misunderstand me. They keep the Legacy, but they do not keep pre-erratas. For example the cantrips that all got errated in the remaster so they got a second damage dice and no spellcasting modifier for damage. Those spells don't exist anymore. Legacy Produce Flame is 2d4. Legacy Ray of Frost same thing. Its a small example but it goes to show if they do an errata the sites which show official rules won't save what is being overwritten. I think you've chosen an unlucky example.
... It appears that Madhippy was referring to spells in particular, not feats.
For the point about Foundry, however, there is the Legacy Content module which has the contents from prior to the release of the Remaster versions.
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Ravingdork wrote: Can we use the first (and only) round of free rebuilds to rebuild our alchemist, barbarian, champion, investigator, monk, oracle, sorcerer, and swashbuckler characters that were created in between the releases of Player Core 1 and 2?
If not, this will create a lot of drama at our tables, and will likely cause a massive withdrawal from Society.
No, because those characters don't get a rebuild per the Remaster rebuild rules.
Remaster Rules wrote: 1. On November 15, 2023, all characters with at least one game reported are granted one free rebuild. This is a full rebuild; you may completely alter a character’s ancestry, class, background, and any options selected. You may not alter the adventures a character has participated in, nor may you alter a character’s Reputation earned.
5. This rebuild must be used before December 31, 2024. A second rebuild of this type will not be granted following the release of Player Core 2.
This is part of what many of the folks in this thread have been complaining about: For players who were around prior to the Remaster, sure, not allowing the rebuilds is acceptable, but telling people who started after the Player Core release that created an oracle in particular that their character is now basically unplayable is not a look that I would have expected.
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Josh M Foster wrote:
While such characters will get rebuilds just like Gorumites, not all of those deities will die when Gorum dies, and not all have been announced. As such, to give you all time after that announcement, those characters can be played until the end of 2024.
Man... I really hope that my Warpriest of Gorum doesn't make the wrong choice on 1 August.
Remaster: rebuild.
Gorum's dead: rebuild.
Chose the wrong replacement deity, and s/he's dead too: rebuild.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Alex Speidel wrote: This package has been uploaded with level 3 and 5 versions of the Player Core classes, as well as some fixes to the level 1s! Thank you all for pointing out issues, please continue to do so in this thread. While working on adding these new hotnesses to Foundry (thank you for getting these for us, Alex!), I noticed a few issues.
Ezren level 5:
- Ezren appears to have lost his Wayfinder (OH NOES!)
- Hand of the Apprentice has the wrong damage. Since his Staff of Fire has a striking rune, it should be either 2d4+4 or 2d8+4 for the damage in the ranged attack.
Lini level 5:
- The ancestry feats are showing as animal elocutionist and first world magic on the first page. The level 1 and 3 versions show gnome obsession, as does the full description of the feats and abilities; based on the description information, the ancestry feats should be gnome obsession and first world magic.
- Lini is not trained in crafting, but she has a repair toolkit, which seems awkward.
If there's any possibility of getting a clarification ruling on these for PFS, that would be awesome.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
It looks like Feiya should have the Pet feat, based on the wording for Familiars on page 212, but she doesn't have it.
Additionally, Daji is marked as small, but was previously tiny; not sure if this one is a change or error.
I am pretty sure from this post that the answer is "Yes", but there's apparently some debate about it:
If I create a character that is using a class from Player Core 2 after November 15, 2023, once Player Core 2 is released, do they get the Remaster Rebuild?
The Lorespire Remaster page seems to indicate to some that only characters created with 1 session on them prior to November 15, 2023, if you read only the Rebuilding section; my contention is that the Rebuilding section is providing explicit instructions for the rebuild mentioned in the Character Options section. If the latter is accurate, can we remove the date mentioned in the Rebuilding section to prevent further debate?
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LeftHandShake wrote: Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote: LeftHandShake wrote: ...
The new monster abilities (Grab, Knockdown, Push, etc) are available on Archive of Nethys. Now I'm extra confused. I did miss that the monster ability rules were actually published in RoE (in the Abilities Glossary, not mentioned in the Updated Rules sidebar), not merely previewed in the web pdf, but the monster abilities page on AoN still links to the original Bestiary version of Grab (etc). I've been using legacy Grab even after RoE was published; have I been running it wrong for three months?
No, the new rules take effect on Wednesday.
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Remaster Wiki wrote: Until a full list of deity sanctifications is published, any deity without published sanctification is treated as “can sanctify to holy.” Any champion may select any of the three Causes of Good from the Core Rulebook (Paladin, Liberator or Redeemer) regardless of deity. Because I know there will be people who will try to pull it, can this be changed to specify only deities who don't have an evil component in the original source?
Just to double-check, the System Traveler: Ratfolk boon will be getting the conversion to the Raise Dead ritual as well, yes?
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
ajs wrote: Hey, can someone update the image (or the text if that's the error) and also comment on the reddit post? The time for the keynote IS NOT CORRECT. The text of this post says AM. The image says PM. One has to be wrong (unless you're casting plane shift, perhaps).
I am assuming that you're not scheduling this for 1AM Eastern time ;-)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM; the image simply didn't include the "AM" portion for the start time.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Looking at the list in Section 1 of the Community Use Approved Product List (https://paizo.com/community/communityuse), the digital adventures are not listed as available for Community Use. Is this perhaps an oversight? In many ways, these are almost identical to the Society Scenarios which are covered under this policy.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
NightTrace wrote:
I would like to know how a new position was created, staffed by a (former?) employee who as far as was communicated was working for another organization entirely (OPF) and placed over the CS staff to begin with. Especially when that employee had not been in the CS chain previously?
Are the accusations of leaking the contents of a "womens support group" accurate? If so, that is extremely concerning on its own without factoring in apparent newly gained management power over others.
As far as the first part, she is employed by Paizo with the former position of Organized Play Manager; separate from that, she is the Executive Director of the Organized Play Foundation.
Just because she wasn't in the CS chain before doesn't mean that a new position can't be placed over CS.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Each time I attempt to purchase the items in my cart, when I attempt to change from "Sidecart" to ship separately, the Golem "The requested URL was not found on this server, or you do not have permission to access this area." error appears.
I have tried on Edge (Chromium) and Chrome, both in regular and incognito windows, as well as on Safari on my iPhone. I have signed out and back in on all three browsers.
Thank you for your help!
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote: Jason Rapp wrote: Is there by chance a plan to have a way to filter the Boons page anytime soon? It's on our list of next requests from tech, yes, probably in the form of collapsing sections. THANK YOU
Is there by chance a plan to have a way to filter the Boons page anytime soon? Disclosure triangles or page anchors are great things, IMO. Something like PFS2 Boons, PFS2 Chronicle Boons, PFS2 Faction Boons, SFS Boons, SFS Chronicle Boons, SFS Faction Boons, PF2PT Boons. Just something that we don't have to scroll through all of the lists to find what we're looking for.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I purchased PDFs of three pawn boxes today (PF1 Bestiary, PF1 Bestiary 3, and PF1 Bestiary 4). I was able to download the latter two, but the first box will not download. When I click the link, it goes to "Personalizing..." but never advances further. I have tried in multiple browsers, signed in and out, tried in a private window, and have clicked the "Refresh Downloads" button.
The link that I am clicking is https://paizo.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Store.woa/wa/Personalizer/downloadDigi talAsset?digitalAsset=v5748cbhjka2u&downloadPackage=v5748q6o1pofw&_ r=true.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hi Raychael -
Thanks for your help; I'm now able to access the cart again. Time to buy some pawns!
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hello -
I am unable to access my cart; whenever I try, I receive the Quote: You’ve reached this page due to an error on paizo.com. The web team has been notified and are working to fix the issue. I have been receiving this since I made my last purchase on March 18, and I think most of the items showing in my cart (with the exception of the Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn collection and Alien Archive Pawn Box PDFs) was actually in the purchase on March 18.
I have tried multiple browsers, cleared the cache, and loaded in a private/incognito browser window and am unable to access this. Could someone please remove the items from my cart with the exception of the pawns above?
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Alex Speidel wrote: avagdu wrote: Yay!
Question regarding Skitter Home (and actually Skitter Crash as well, since I just noticed the difference between Skitter Shot and the latter two): Are we allowed to use our own Skittermander characters for SFS play? Skitter Shot has language that allows this, but neither Skitter Crash nor Skitter Home do.
Thanks! Per John Compton last year, you can use your skittermanders as long as they are in the level range, which will extend to this year as well. Sometimes you just gotta all-six it, gree? Excellent; thanks, Alex.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Question regarding Skitter Home (and actually Skitter Crash as well, since I just noticed the difference between Skitter Shot and the latter two): Are we allowed to use our own Skittermander characters for SFS play? Skitter Shot has language that allows this, but neither Skitter Crash nor Skitter Home do.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I don't think that's completely accurate, as they have a partial PF1 compendium, but only sell the PF1 Bestiary and a couple APs.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I tend to use Roll20 for all of my games currently, and am still running/playing a lot of PF1. Their Compendium for PF1 appears to be pulling from D20PFSRD, and is woefully incomplete; it doesn't include a lot of data after the CRB.
Would it be possible for Paizo to work with Roll20 and AoN to use the data from AoNPRD (as the official PRD) to populate the Roll20 Compendium? If assistance would be needed with getting this done, I'm more than willing to volunteer my time.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hi Sam,
Thanks for your help!
My cart cleared out at some point in the last week, and I was able to do a smaller order 27951451 with some of the items, namely Konkrud and the 4 Skittermander bags.
If we can make the following updates to order 29180216, we should be in a good position:
https://paizo.com/products/btpy909n?Pathfinder-Battles-2013-Promotional-Fig ure-Konkrud PZOWZKPM0002
https://paizo.com/products/btq021d2?Starfinder-Skittermander-Gamer-Pouch UPI18214 (green and red)
Change quantity to 2:
https://paizo.com/products/btq01zs3?Starfinder-Skittermander-Pin KCGSFSKIT-P
https://paizo.com/products/btq01zs1?Starfinder-Skittermander-Pin KCGSFSKIT-R
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9zkv?Starfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-Acquisit ives KCGSFSACQ
Additionally, I now have some codes from PaizoCon, but if attempting to get those in would cause a further delay, I'm good with using them on other items.
Thanks again for your help!
I was going through my Starfinder Adventure Path sanctioning documents last night, and I noticed that the only chronicle for a level 1-2 character that does not have the Repeatable Tag is "Fire Starters". Is this expected, or is "Fire Starters" supposed to be repeatable?
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I know that my RVC runs it the way Bob was saying, so all of the events that are provided to him are marked as RSP/Premier in the system. If you find any reported events that you've attended in our state, Nefreet, please ask the VO for the store to reach out to the RVC about getting that fixed. If any of the public events in Sacramento (Game Kastle, Great Escape Games, or Room2Game) aren't showing as Premier for your AcP, let me, Andrew, or Kara know, and we'll get that fixed.
Thanks for clarifying that, Alex! <3
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hello -
Since Sunday evening, I have been attempting to place an order (I was trying to take advantage of the PaizoCon 2020 coupon code). I get the items into my cart, then attempt to start checkout, and I get the behavior shown in this video.
Once this starts occurring, I cannot load my cart or make purchases. If I sign out and back in, I can access my cart again, but all of the items that were in my cart are missing. I have tried this on Chrome and Safari on both macOS Catalina and iOS 13. I was thinking that it was occurring because I added a couple back-ordered items to my cart, but I am able to recreate the behavior without those two items.
Here is a list of the URLs and product identifiers I'm attempting to order:
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9ufk?Pathfinder-Collector-Pin-Goblin KCGPFPGOB
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9ufj?Pathfinder-Collector-Pin-Pathfinder-Log o KCGPFPLOGO
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9msb?Pathfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-Dark-Arc hive KCGPFSDAR
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9msf?Pathfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-Grand-Lo dge KCGPFSGRA (2)
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9msc?Pathfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-Libertys -Edge KCGPFSLIB
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9msl?Pathfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-The-Exch ange KCGPFSEXC
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9msm?Pathfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-Scarab-S ages KCGPFSSCA
https://paizo.com/products/btq021d2?Starfinder-Skittermander-Gamer-Pouch UPI18214 (2 purple, 1 red, 1 blue)
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9jga?Pathfinder-Battles-2016-Promotional-Fig ure-Kobold-Devilspeaker WZK72052-8-01-PR
https://paizo.com/products/btpy909n?Pathfinder-Battles-2013-Promotional-Fig ure-Konkrud PZOWZKPM0002
https://paizo.com/products/btpy96s6?Pathfinder-Battles-2014-Promotional-Fig ure-Goblin-Raider WZK71744
https://paizo.com/products/btq01zs4?Starfinder-Skittermander-Pin KCGSFSKIT-B (2)
https://paizo.com/products/btq01zs2?Starfinder-Skittermander-Pin KCGSFSKIT-G
https://paizo.com/products/btq01zs3?Starfinder-Skittermander-Pin KCGSFSKIT-P (2)
https://paizo.com/products/btq01zs1?Starfinder-Skittermander-Pin KCGSFSKIT-R (2)
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9zky?Starfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-ExoGuard ians KCGSFSEXO
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9zkx?Starfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-Dataphil es KCGSFSDAT
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9zkv?Starfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-Acquisit ives KCGSFSACQ (2)
https://paizo.com/products/btpy95fv?Campaign-Coins-Pack-of-10-Coins-Freepor t-Silver-Skull KCGFPSIL
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9x7d?Starfinder-Collector-Pin-Starfinder-Log o KCGSFPLOGO
https://paizo.com/products/btpy9zl0?Starfinder-Society-Faction-Pin-Wayfinde rs KCGSFSWAY
I would really like to be able to place this order, and hope that I can still use the discount code.
Thank you!
PS: If this should be in the Website feedback page, please let me know, and I'll move it over.
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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Thomas Seitz wrote: So someone said something about Warhorn....is there a link for that? It's in the blog post:
Blog post wrote: GMs can sign up at Warhorn.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
For my final project for my degree, I am creating an app that will only be used for this course, and I would like to use the official colors for items in this app. I know that I can open the Starfinder logo in GIMP and get an approximate rendering of the hex values for the colors, but I would prefer to use the colors that Paizo uses.
Would it be possible to get the following hex values?
- Dark blue
- Light blue
- Orange
- Red
I know there are gradients in use in the products, but my app will be using the base colors only.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Also, I just noticed that my Paizo Advantage wasn't applied to this order; can we adjust the order to include that as well?
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I had $60 worth of store credit on this order, yet it appears to have processed the full order amount on my credit card instead. Could we please adjust the amount charged to use the store credit?
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I am missing scenario 7-99 Through Maelstrom Rift from my digital assets. I am currently a 4 star GM for PFS, as well as being a Venture Agent. This is currently the only special that is not in my assets; I have all three of the Bonekeep specials, 6-98, 6-99, and 7-98. Could I please have 7-99 added to my assets?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scott Romanowski wrote: > At present, it is online only, but we are working on a version
> that is print to pdf. The surveys we did last fall indicated
> much of the playerbase wanted an online version. Being online
> also makes it a living document that we can update as needed,
> instead of once a year.
Please make the PDF version very soon, or just put it all on one URL so we can easily print it! The majority of places I play at don't have wifi. The current layout of spreading the document across many pages makes barely unusable. For example, if you want to search for a term, you have to do it ten times to make sure. (Are you willing to wager large sums of money that your Glossary is complete?) Speed is also an issue. It took me 30 seconds to open the page just now (wired to cable modem), so it would have been faster to look something up in a print version.
When you do update it please, please, please announce it loudly and widely. One temptation of "living documents" is to make frequent, minor tweaks, so it becomes not a just question of "which season's Guide do you have" but "which version", or "what day", or even "I have the today's 11:15AM version, which one do you have". Intentionally making an update difficult is often the only way to slow that down. I once did software development at a company where the documentation was in a Wiki, management encouraged us to not do up-front design but design and change as we wrote code, and chaos ensued.
For example, even now, after just two updates, the TOC page says the Guide is
"Current Version: 0.03
Current Version Date 8/6/2019 – 22:00"
but the individual chapters say they are
"Current Version: 0.02
Current Version Date 8/5/2019 – 18:00"
You're already getting chaos.
It appears that the versions are only changing on the pages that have changed, as well as the main page. Additionally, there is a changelog posted which says what the differences are from the previous version:
Pathfinder Society (2nd edition) Guide to Play wrote: Changelog
0.04 – Player Basics – Clarified Boon Slots Text
— Faction Boons – Updated Promo Boon text
— Volunteer Coordinators – Added Washington DC to Northeast region
0.03 – Volunteer Coordinators – updated page with correct RVC emails and location titles
Knowing Jared (he's my VC), the team he's building to help handle the OPF website and online guide will be working hard over the next few weeks to get everything ship-shape and to a version 1 state.
Amanda Plageman wrote: Jonathan Carroll wrote: Have you received the Scenarios as a VA yet? I haven't. Nope, me neither. Though they are available for purchase already- they just haven't been sent out to the VOs who kinda need them.
But hey, priorities, right? I wonder if we'll get the emails tomorrow evening. It would be nice to have them early enough to read them before we start offering them on Tuesday.
Tonya Woldridge wrote: There is a new logo, which previewed at the PaizoCon banquet. It will be community use along with the faction logos. Do we have an ETA on when the Community Use logos will be available? Our lodge uses a custom sign in sheet that includes more info than the sheets included in the scenarios, and I'd like to have it available as soon as the first PFS2 scenarios are offered.
Daeslan wrote: When PF2 starts in a week, why not just grant unlimited replays to all PF1 scenarios? Why make even MORE work for Paizo to track which replays are which?
Paizo isn't making any new PF1 scenarios. So, once you've played them all, you are forced to switch to PF2 or quit. A small amount of replays is not really going to do much except make more work and delay the inevitable forced switch over.
Is it possible to make the new scenarios in both PF1 AND PF2 format?
They answered this in this blog post. Paizo Blog wrote: Replay for Seasons 0–10
Ah, but essential as rarity may be, it's hardly captured the public discourse like replay—specifically, how replay opportunities are going to work in the current PFS campaign once August hits and we stop producing new scenarios for the first edition of the game. We've collected a lot of feedback, data, and opinions from many of you on this topic, and we've taken all of that, as well as considering what's best for the health and stability of both campaigns, and come up with a framework that we think will allow both PFS campaigns to be as strong as is feasible.
First, all of the replay options that are currently available will continue to be so. This includes GM star recharges existing convention boons that offer replay options and the current stable of replayable (evergreen) adventures. We all agreed that it was important not to take anything away from the first edition Pathfinder Society campaign; we want to build on what everyone's familiar with, not replace the working systems players and GMs already know.
Secondly, we'll be taking a snapshot of all of the recorded organized play sessions on Paizo.com in mid-July. It will be imperative to make sure all of your game sessions are recorded by this point in time, as this snapshot will be set against an activity scale that will determine the number of "free" replays that are applied to your account. Essentially, the more regularly that you have played and GM'd, the more Pathfinder first edition replays you will be granted. This will allow those who are nearing the end of their playable material to have a similar gameplay "lifespan" to players who have just recently joined the organized play campaign.
Finally, you may recall from our April blog that we will be introducing a type of digital currency called "Achievement Points" for Pathfinder's second edition organized play campaign. For the purposes of discussing replay, the main thing to note is that you will earn Achievement Points every time you play a PFS second edition game, in roughly the same amounts that you gain XP. There will be a variety of things you can redeem these Achievement Points for, such as the uncommon items mentioned above, including first edition replays. The more you play or GM for the new edition, the more potential replay opportunities you'll accrue for the first edition campaign.
They also mentioned in other blog posts that they did not feel that completely ignoring enforcement of replays for previous scenarios was a valid option. While this will allow some replayability, it will also help lead people into both Starfinder and the new version of Pathfinder.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hello -
I have some convention vouchers that I would like to use for this order, but I'm not seeing any way to do this, nor when I attempt to add something to the order via Sidecart.
Is there a way I can do this?
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I second this! All of my current PFS1 characters have been created, and I have a wonderful Catfolk race boon that I really want to make use of....
Christian Dragos wrote: Are we talking about the ID cards that show your name, PFS#, & such? These only print one to a page.
Or the sheet of cards to give to new players to register for PFS?
I was referring to both, really. Having a border around the single card makes it easier to cut out after printing it (although having your personal card in a sheet to hand out to people as a type of "business card" would be kinda cool, too), and having borders around the new player sheets will make those easier as well. I do like Bob's thought of using the business card templates as the basis, though.
Note: As this is about the Organized Play ID Card, I'm posting it in the Organized Play boards. If it should be posted elsewhere, please move it to the correct location.
The current Organized Play ID Card is beautiful in its simplicity, but needs some work, especially if you are downloading a sheet of cards for use at a convention or FLGS. Basically, there should be some sort of border around each card, so that you can easily ensure that you are cutting the cards to be the same size. I do not believe that the change would take much to implement, but would have a huge impact on making them easier to use.
I just hit my first nova, and am two tables away from my fourth star, and would love to have the borders available for when I print out my new card.
Christine Bussman wrote: ***** ANNOUNCEMENT *****
...at least one of the two is either Cosmic Captive or else not on Paizo.com...
I'm not sure what this means; could you clarify, please, Redelia?
I'm getting ready to run this for a local convention this weekend, and I want to verify something for playing the lower subtier.
Hmmmm... I'm not seeing this:
Quote: Rules for applying credit have been relaxed slightly when using pregenerated characters in adventures that require the use of such characters. Are we still only allowed to drop credit to a brand new character, or is the rule supposed to be the same as the Pathfinder Society Guild Guide, where it can be dropped to any level 1 character?
I'm not seeing any wording changes from 1.0 to 1.1 on the use of pregens and applying credit.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hi Sam -
It looks like something is still going on with the order. I'm now showing that it's going to use the remainder of my Store Credit, which is fine, but it attempted to charge the entire amount on the card, instead of just the partial amount.
Also, it looks like the First $10 shipping isn't being applied to the order.
Thanks for your help!
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
I am attempting to download Bonekeep level 1 from My Downloads. When I click the link, the asset disappears from my list. If I then reload the page, the asset appears again, but if I attempt to download it, the cycle starts over.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can download this?
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Do we have a listing of what maps will be used in this as yet?
Race Boons:
Vine Leshy
Aquatic Elf/Gillman/Merfolk
Other Boons:
Sapphire Guardian
Share the Wealth (Equipment)
Mounted Tradition
On-the-Job Training
Trophy Hunter x2
Professional Reputation
Recalled Knowledge
Seen it Once
Looking For:
Aasimar or Tiefling (to be able to use the Gillman boon above)
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