
Zurrus Silk-String's page

64 posts. Alias of BooleanBear.


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CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Zurrus hums a peppy tune to get everyone ready and kick up Drockhar’s tempo.

◆◆ 3rd level Haste on Drockhar
◆ Inspire Courage (won’t stack with Drockhar’s Heroism but should help everyone else)

Initiative (Perception): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Performance (M) vs DC 37: 1d20 + 27 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 27 + 1 = 33 Fail :/

Zurrus is too busy coming up with melodies for the upcoming battle to really pay attention to the negotiation.

Don’t think this is something to hero point since we’ll still get our pick of the remaining options. I’m good with Cirri and Drockhar’s decisions in Discussion; I think the map on slide 5 works best for “hilly.”

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Sorry for the delay. Back and ready to continue.

”Hey, no need to be such a downer… at least until you lose!” Zurrus returns the barbs but tries to keep it more light-hearted. ”OH! Tell ya what- if you battle us, I’ll write a song about it! And you can keep the rights. Could go something like this…” She plucks an experimental melody.

Round 1 Performance (M) vs DC 37: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (16) + 27 = 43
Round 2 Performance (M) vs DC 37: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (19) + 27 = 46
Looks like 2 Successes

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

I'll be at a con for the rest of this week so my posting might be a bit limited. Feel free to bot.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Any thoughts about my spell usage? I'm trying to find a good balance between using my impactful spells and saving them for other encounters in the day. Totally fine using compositions and slinging cantrips if I run out but I figured I'd ask how fast I should use them.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Resources Used:

Focus Points: 1 (Lingering Composition)
1 2nd-level spell (Blur, on top of the one used to sustain Lucky Number)
1 3rd-level spell (Roaring Applause)
1 4th-level spell (Chromatic Ray)
1 5th-level spell (Synesthesia)

HP: Full thanks to Rijana and Drockhar.
Updated my info bar.

Zurrus tunes her harp strings to center herself (10 mins refocus) while her allies and Rijana dress her wounds. "Great fight! Sorry for all the taunting, just kinda happens when I get excited. You were both amazing!" She turn to Drockhar. "And you standing against them was incredible, too. I would've fallen before you even broke a sweat!"

Zurrus jumps to her feet and starts pacing, waiting for everyone to be ready to set out. She's impatient but I'm fine waiting for Ferocity to be back :) That was quite a nice advantage for us.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

”Looks painful.” Zurrus doesn’t seem too concerned about it. She pulls out her harp and switches her performance to one more upbeat.

◆ Draw Maestro’s Instrument
Inspire Competence to Aid any First Aid / Medicine checks that happen.

Aid Check:

Performance: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (17) + 27 = 44

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Assuming Max knocked Manyala out

Zurrus keeps up her ◆ Dirge of Doom, but otherwise waits to see how Rijana will react to her sister falling.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

"EEP!" Probably shouldn't antagonize her too much... Not the first time Zurrus's big mouth has gotten her into trouble. Best to end this quickly. She keeps up her menacing dirge and fires a lance of 1d4 ⇒ 4 green light towards Manyala.

Spell attack vs Manyala AC: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (16) + 21 = 37 Lesser cover from Drockhar?
25 poison damage; DC31 Fort save or Enfeebled 1 for 1 minute (enfeebeled 2 on crit fail)

◆ Dirge of Doom
◆◆ 4th-level Chromatic Ray

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Emboldened, Zurrus creeps closer and switches to a sinister, off-putting melody. She breaks just long enough to throw a taunt at her foe. ”You call that a trip? I’ve seen better from children in the fighting guild!”

◆ Stride
◆ Cast Dirge of Doom, enemies within 30ft are Frightened 1
Bon Mot on Manyala Diplomacy vs Will DC: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (20) + 21 = 41

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)


Whoops, sorry about that. AoN was acting up at the time of posting and I was deciding between a few options. Correct link: Synesthesia

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

”Oh no…” Zurrus claps a hand over her mouth with worry as Drockhar’s charred body falls. She relaxes slightly as she notices Cirri approach with her staff, and channels her worry into rage. ”Whats the big idea, huh? You trying to kill us on purpose!?” Zurrus directs her fury into a blast of colors, sounds, and smells that slams into Manyala.

◆ Reach Spell
◆◆ Cast 5th-level Synesthesia on Manyala

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Zurrus grits her teeth against the flames licking across her fur and slowly picks her way across the island towards the action, humming an uncertain melody.

◆◆ Stride
Lingering Composition Performance: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (11) + 23 = 34
◆ Inspire Courage

Zurrus will use ↺ Elemental Bulwark the first time she is hit with an element each round for the remainder of the combat.

Persistent Fire: 4d8 ⇒ (2, 8, 3, 6) = 19
Flat Check DC15: 1d20 ⇒ 18

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

DC5 Flat check to target spell: 1d20 ⇒ 19 Passed!

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Reflex (E) vs DC33: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40 Success for 19 bludgeoning damage

"Agh! I just got dry!" Zurrus pushes down the feeling of panic caused by wet fur clinging to her and rides the wave, gracefully somersaulting in the water and landing gently on her feet as the water subsides. "Applause, please!" She imbues her voice with an enchanting cadence and projects it across the field towards Manyala.

◆ Reach Spell for 90ft range
◆◆ 3rd-level Roaring Applause on Manyala

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

"Ugh... wasn't planning on getting my fur wet today..." Zurrus grimaces, but begrudgingly swims over and takes a moment to shake dry.

When the preparation starts, she places a paw on Max's shoulder, sending waves of sound that obscure his visage. Feeling a bit self-conscious without her harp in hand, she hums a quick melody to get everyone's spirits up.

◆◆ Cast Blur on Max
Inspire Courage

Perception Init: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20

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CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Diplomacy (E) to Negotiate, DC 25, +2 circ: 1d20 + 21 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 21 + 2 = 41 Crit success!

”Alright!! You’re getting me fired up for this!” Zurrus’ tail starts lashing back and forth excitedly. ”How does this sound: two feathers, six seconds to get ready, and 60 feet to start.” She bares her sharp teeth in a lighthearted sneer. ”May the best team win!”

Based on the discussion thread, went with 2 feathers, one round prep, 60 feet starting distance.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Two is fine, I've been a bit busy recently and wouldn't want to hold anything up. I'll Scout if we do any individual actions and I don't get a chance to specify what I'm doing, if that's okay.

If Cirri Surveys Wildlife does that prevent us from Reconnoitering since it's a group activity? I think Surveying is useful but we might need to Reconnoiter if the thing in the hex isn't wildlife; kinda seems like the kind of thing she could do as "part" of our group reconnaissance.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

I think F8 is north east, since the map is sideways. Fine with checking it out though.

"Find with me! I've seen enough bugs after those spiders..." Zurrus shivers.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

I am having fun with the adventure! You give us plenty of information to make decisions and I appreciate how you keep the game moving forward. The player expectations were very helpful coming in, especially since this is my first PbP experience on these forums. I will say that pointing out what a player does wrong if you happen to already know might help keep things from stalling, but I understand that's more work for you and it's completely reasonable to expect us to actually read the rules :P Plus you keep things moving quickly enough that it makes up for any stalls.

But yeah, so far you've made my PbP experience here very fun!

As for daily prep:

Realized my purchased Stalwart's Ring is also uncommon, so swapping it for Boots of Elvenkind and 15 GP.

Since I had a lucky Nat 1 on the casting of Lucky Number, Zurrus will spend a 2nd-level spell slot to extend the spell's duration, per the rules on Long Durations. Since the spell is extended and not re-cast I should be able to keep that number, if I'm reading it correctly.

Long Durations wrote:
If a spell’s duration says it lasts until your next daily preparations, on the next day you can refrain from preparing a new spell in that spell’s slot. (If you are a spontaneous caster, you can instead expend a spell slot during your preparations.) Doing so extends the spell’s duration until your next daily preparations. This effectively Sustains the Spell over a long period of time.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Using my two rarity boons on Catfolk ancestry and Suli heritage.

Zurrus asks the Steps of the Sun about their favorite offensive dances.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

"I've been wanting to adjust a few of my songs; some time to relax and work on my compositions will be wonderful!"
Zurrus leans back against one of the statues and plucks at her harp strings, occasionally shaking her head and trying out new tunes.

Retraining Haste into Time Jump, I think it's thematically similar :). Third level spell, so DC 20 Occultism to retrain? Normally takes a week, so 7 retraining points.

Occultism (E): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24 Success, 1 RP, Total 1
Occultism (E): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27 Success, 1 RP, Total 2
Occultism (E): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31 Crit Success, 2 RP, Total 4
Occultism (E): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 Crit Success, 2 RP, Total 6
Occultism (E): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18 Crit Fail, -1 RP, Total 5
Occultism (E): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 Crit Success, 2 RP, Total 7

After a few hours, Zurrus has her song exactly where she wants it! She gathers everyone for a quick impromptu performance, to their admiration and/or annoyance.

6 Hex turns used, 10 left.

Which Team?: 2d8 ⇒ (7, 6) = 13 The Name Takers
Intimidation (T) DC25: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35 Crit Success!
"The Name Takers, huh? Don't suppose I could take your names?" Zurrus smiles a bit too wide, showing rows of sharp teeth. "Any of you have any fun spells? I'm always looking to expand my repertoire."

Which Team?: 2d8 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10 Steps of the Sun
Performance (M) DC25: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (10) + 26 = 36 If I'm allowed to count the bonuses from using my harp it's a Crit Success. Otherwise regular success.
"You guys look fun! Can we trade songs? Please?? OH! Let's put on a performance for each other!" Zurrus is practically giddy to be around other performers, and particularly another catfolk. She asks of the dancers: "Those fancy dances aren't just for show, huh? Got any secret moves up your sleeve?"

8 hex turns spent scouting other teams.

Zurrus spends the remaining two hex turns putting on performances for change, using her trusty harp.
Performance (M): 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (20) + 26 = 46
Critical success, if we're still at level 11 during this downtime (and it's a level 11 task), that's 20 gp.

The strings are more magical than usual tonight. She stays up late, plucking a soft tune that rises into the sky above the temple.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Class Feat: Dirge of Doom
Skill Feat: Discreet Inquiry

Will need to use both Rarity Boons on Suli and Catfolk.


11: +2 resilient leather armor
10: Explorer's Yurt
10: Maestro's Instrument (Moderate)
9: Sleeve's of Storage (Greater)
8: Hat of Disguise (7th level item)
8: Invisibilty Armor Rune

Adventurer's Pack
Stalwart's Ring
Greater Slick Rune
Moderate Healing Potion

Left over: 38 GP, 5 SP


+1 armor -> +2 armor
restful tent -> explorer's yurt

Gained armor runes, lost Cloak of Repute

Edit: Also a new 6th-level spell that I have yet to choose.
Edit edit: Choosing Scintillating Safeguard as my new 6th-level spell, and swapping out Vibrant Pattern (signature) for 6th-level Haste (signature) as my free swap for the level up. Will need to retrain 3rd-level Haste into a new 3rd-level spell.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Botting for Seishine.

◆ Elf Step (step twice)
◆ Quick Alchemy to make a Moderate Frost Vial
◆ Strike with Frost Vial, splash only on target

Attack: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (10) + 20 = 30
Cold damage: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6+7 splash

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Seeing the black statue weakened, Zurrus goes for a lucky shot with a chunk of rubble.

◆ Inspire Courage
◆◆ Telekinetic Projectile at Black

Attack: 1d20 + 20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 20 + 1 = 30
Bludgeoning Damage: 6d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 3) = 15

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Yeah, looks like I was skipped last round. But I didn't get a chance to check in until now anyways, so up to GM if that's a delay or not.

"Oh no!!" Zurrus starts to panic as Max and Ryushi fall, but calms a bit when she sees Cirri stop the bleeding. "You'll pay for that you chunks of rock! Take this!"

◆ Keep Inspire Courage up
◆◆ Cast Chromatic Ray on Black

Spell attack roll: 1d20 + 20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 20 + 1 = 34

Zurrus strums a chord on her harp, and the sound coalesces into a cascade of colors that fight for dominance before resolving into a 1d4 ⇒ 1 red ray of fire that streaks towards the black statue. 30 fire damage.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Zurrus hisses at the white statue, raising her fur on end.

Performance to Demoralize: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (4) + 22 = 26
(Fancy Moves and Elemental Embellish)

Then she cuts to half tempo, weaving resonances that thicken the air around the statues.

◆ Demoralize White
◆◆ Cast 6th-level Slow on both statues, DC30 fortitude save.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

"Umm, not sure what these things are... just keep hitting them!" Zurrus keeps up the music, this time adding a flourish to help it linger in the air. At the same time, she weaves a countermelody that kicks it into double time.

Lingering Composition (Performance): 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (3) + 26 = 29

Lingering Composition
◆ Inspire Courage
◆◆ Haste on Max!

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

”I knew it! Never trust a statue-EEP!” Zurrus jumps back as the statue behind her moves, her tail fluffed in fear. She starts up her favorite song to calm herself and wracks her brain for any stories about statues like this.

◆ Stride
◆ Inspire Courage, +1 status on everyone’s attack and damage rolls and saves vs fear
◆ Recall Knowledge on the statues using Arcana. Untrained, but using Untrained Improvisation

Recall Knowledge:

Arcana: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Botting Seishine’s initiative roll.

Perception Init: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

”Sparring arena, huh? Should be a good place to train!” Zurrus throws a few punches at the air that are clearly unpracticed. ”Let’s give it a quick check for spiders; I’ll be glad to rest once we know everywhere is safe.”

Perception Init: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 17 + 2 = 38

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

”Perfect timing, new friends! You really saved our fur. Welcome to the winning team!” Zurrus flashes a smile as she grooms the remaining pollen out of her fur. ”I know a tune that’ll sharpen our minds a bit… just gotta remember it…”

DC7 to cast Restoration: 1d20 ⇒ 16

1 minute casting 2nd-level Restoration on herself to reduce Stupefied by 2, removing it.
She then uses a 2nd and 3rd level slot (signature spell) to cast it twice more, on Max and Seishine. The three of us can’t benefit from Restoration for the rest of the day.

”Ahhh… now I can think straight! Don’t worry about me, I can patch myself up.” She plucks a soothing melody.

6th-level Soothe: 6d10 + 24 ⇒ (3, 7, 1, 9, 10, 10) + 24 = 64

10 minutes tuning her harp to Refocus. Plus the 3 minutes for Restoration is 13 minutes total so far.
At 121/140 HP.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Zurrus tries to kick the tempo up.

DC7 to cast Haste: 1d20 ⇒ 12

”See what you can do with this, Ryushi!” she shouts as her fingers fly across the strings.

◆ Reach Spell to increase range by 30ft, total of 60ft
◆◆ Cast 3rd-level Haste on Ryushi. Quickened, can use extra action to stride or strike.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

I believe this is for your reaction to try to Escape again, if you want to do that. From the spell I cast on my turn.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

”Hang on, friend! We’ll get you out of there!” Zurrus desperately tries to remember the notes for her spells, thinking back to the long lessons with her grandmother.

DC 7 to cast Liberating Command: 1d20 ⇒ 15
DC 7 to cast Inspire Courage: 1d20 ⇒ 14

The memories come clear as day. ”You don’t practice until you get it right. You practice until you can’t get it wrong. Again.” She doesn’t get it wrong.

◆ Cast Liberating Command on Guillias, he can use a reaction to attempt to Escape.
◆ Cast Inspire Courage, +1 status to attack rolls, damage, and saves vs fear within 60ft
◆ Stride a bit closer

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

I have Restoration as a signature spell, so I have plenty of slots to use on it. Just have to actually beat the flat check to cast it on my stupefied self.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Zurrus tries to fight through her brain fog to spur Cirri with a peppy tune.

DC 7 Flat check to cast: 1d20 ⇒ 5 Fail.

She can’t remember the notes…

DC 7 for inspire courage: 1d20 ⇒ 3 Fail >.<

◆◆ 5th level Soothe on Ciri and ◆ Inspire Courage, both spells fail.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

”because…. Its…… killing…… me….” Zurrus squeaks out. She desperately reaches around the tendrils for her harp strings.

Both Grabbed and Stupified call for a flat check on a somatic spell, flat check rules say to roll once against the highest DC.

DC 7: 1d20 ⇒ 8 Success!

Her fingers reach the strings! She plucks a low, rumbling note that shakes and loosens the vines squeezing her.

◆◆ Cast Symphony of the Unfettered Heart on herself. Allows a Performance check against the Escape DC to counteract the grabbed condition. Counteract level 6.

Performance to Counteract: 1d20 + 26 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 26 - 2 = 38
Assuming that’s a success, it should counteract up to creature level 14.

Successful Counteract:

Zurrus slips out of the vines and retreats!
◆ Stride away.

Failed Counteract:

Zurrus struggles against the vines as they tighten.
I’ll move my token back to its previous location.
◆ Attempt to Escape

Acrobatics to Escape: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (6) + 19 = 25

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Zurrus is immune!

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Fortitude vs DC 33: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (5) + 20 = 25
Fail, 23 damage. 117/140.

Will +4 vs DC 33: 1d20 + 18 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (20) + 18 + 4 - 2 = 40
Crit Success! Immune (but still Stupefied 2)

Zurrus shakes the fog from her head and surveys the battlefield for the first time in a while. ”Oh! New friends! Hang on Max, this might help.” She pulls back and restarts her melody, trying to concentrate through the lingering pollen to break Max’s stupor.

Flat Check DC 7 to cast Soothe while Stupefied 2: 1d20 ⇒ 6 bah.

Her fingers slip off the strings!

◆ Step
◆◆ 2nd-level Soothe on Max, but the spell fails.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Yeah, it seems like running isn’t an option unless we leave someone behind. If I manage to save against the pollen I have some stuff that can help with being grappled, and I can spam my slots on Soothe to at least keep us in the fight.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Will vs DC 33: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26
Hero Point: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22
Critical Fail, Stupified 2

”EEP! Let me go let me go let… me…..” Zurrus succumbs to the pollen once again and stops struggling, hanging limply in the vine’s grasp.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Just remembered I have Resolve so that success becomes a critical success and I’m immune, not sickened >.<

I’m at a con until next week so I might be a bit slow with updates, feel free to bot!

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Success, sorry. Sickened 1, shouldn’t affect my previous performance roll due to nat 20.

Zurrus’ tail starts waving along with the music as the wind picks up slightly. Her eyes flash blue and sparks of electricity zap between her bracelets, getting dangerously close to the vine.

◆ Demoralize the vine with Elemental Embellish so there’s no language penalty, using Fancy Moves to roll Performance instead of Intimidation.
Performance: 1d20 + 22 - 1 ⇒ (2) + 22 - 1 = 23, I assume I don’t get the bonuses from my harp since Elemental Embellish is a visual thing.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Will vs DC 33: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33

”prrrrrrrrr- KHAK!” Zurrus coughs up a cloud of pollen. “Huh, Cirri, wha…” She shakes the fog from her mind and takes stock of the situation, pulling away from the vines. ”Keep trying, Ryushi!” she shouts, strumming an energizing chord.

◆ Stride
Lingering Composition Performance: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (20) + 26 = 46
◆ Inspire Courage, +1 status on attack rolls, damage, and saves vs fear
Liberating Command, Ryushi can use his reaction to try to Escape again.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Will vs DC 33: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27 Fail.

”Achoo!!!” Zurrus sneezes as the pollen infiltrates her nose and sticks to her fur.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Zurrus has a Maestro's Instrument, so it takes up both of her hands.

Zurrus steps up next to Cirri to peer into the well. "Well, we've got plenty of rope if we need it. I'm not keen on getting my fur wet fishing for the bucket, though! I'll just lower my waterskin down if I'm thirsty."

Perception Initiative: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 17 + 2 = 24

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

Full HP 140/140, used a focus point and one 4th, one 5th level spell.

"Hmmmm... a bit off key I think." Zurrus tunes up her harp. "I can help if anyone was hurt by those nasty things, but it will stretch me a bit thin."

Soothe is a signature spell so I can use any of my slots for it if someone needs it and can't get Treat Wounds, just roll the healing and I'll mark it. 1d10+4 per spell level.

10 minutes to Refocus while Cirri treats wounds.
If we take another 10 minutes I'll cast Lucky Number.

Lucky Number:
1d20 ⇒ 1

"Just a few areas left to explore and make sure it's safe! I vote for 1d2 ⇒ 1 the area up north."

Ready to go when everyone else is.

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

”Cirri no!! Hang on!” Zurrus directs her healing melody towards her fallen ally.

◆ ◆ Soothe @ 4th level
◆ Inspire Courage to keep the +1 attack/damage up

Healing for Cirri: 4d10 + 16 ⇒ (9, 10, 3, 9) + 16 = 47

CG Suli Catfolk Attention Addict Bard (Maestro) / Gladiator 12 | ◆◇↺□☑ ♥️152/152 | AC 31| Resistances: ↺Elemental Bulwark| Fortitude (**) +21 (w/ Well-Groomed, +1 vs disease) | Reflex (**) +21 | Will (***) +19 (w/ Resolve) | Perception (***) +18 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 30ft Conditions: none | Hero (☑□□□) | Focus: (□□□) | Spell Slots @ 6th (□□□), 5th (☑□□), 4th (☑□□), 3rd (☑□□), 2nd (☑☑□), 1st (□□□) @ DC 31 | Cat's Luck: □; Lucky Number: 1 | Explore: Scout (+2 w/ Incredible Scout)

"You got it, friend! Show those spiders what you're made of!" Zurrus plucks a calming tune on her harp, washing away Ryushi's aches and worries. She tentatively steps closer to the fight so everyone can hear her music over the sounds of battle.

◆◆ Soothe @ 5th level
◆ Stride a bit closer to the group

Healing for Ryushi: 5d10 + 20 ⇒ (6, 4, 4, 5, 9) + 20 = 48
Ryushi gets +2 status against mental effects for 1 minute

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